MMORPG: The Leveling Specialist

Volume 2 Scarlet Monastery Chapter 186 The Source of Magic Power

The gryphon rider fell into a state of terror. The mechanical gargoyle's ice ring technique frozen the Griffin Knight in place. And the mechanical gargoyle accelerated and rushed towards the Griffin Knight.

Shadow Bolt!

Xiao Ling cast an attack spell on the Griffin Knight, and the Griffin Knight's HP reached 56%. The attributes of the equipment on him are good. Xiao Ling's damage to him was extremely limited. It is different from other melee classes. The magic defense of knights is the highest among all professions, otherwise, legal professional players will not be restrained by knight professional players.

God Yuzuo!

The Griffon Knight radiates white light all over his body. After dispelling the fear magic on his body, just as he was about to drive the griffin to fly into the sky, a black shadow rushed towards him.

The claws of the mechanical gargoyle fell towards the Griffin Knight. Constantly attacking the Griffin Rider. A series of injuries appeared on the body of the Griffin Knight. Even the knight's armor was scratched leaving deep marks.

The Griffin Knight kept waving the knight gun in his hand, trying to block the mechanical gargoyle that was close to him, but the knight gun in his hand was too long, and the mechanical gargoyle was thin and flexible. It is impossible for the Griffin Knight to use the knight gun to get rid of the attack of the mechanical gargoyle.

Take advantage of yourself. Attack each other's weaknesses. Xiao Ling knew it well. The knight is good at long-range impact, because the knight holds a long weapon such as the knight gun in his hand. It is only when it is on the attack that it can exert its powerful power, but it is the weakness of the knight in hand-to-hand combat like now. A powerful knight is not even as good as a dwarven swordsman in melee on the ground.

The Griffin Knight commanded the Griffin to thump up and down non-stop. Wanting to get rid of the entanglement of the mechanical gargoyle, the mechanical gargoyle is like a maggot attached to the bone. Attacking next to the knight, scratching twice from time to time, the Griffin Knight kept blocking with his arms. But how can flesh and blood resist the attack of the mechanical gargoyle?

Xiao Ling cast a spell on the Griffin Knight. The Griffin Knight's blood volume kept dropping. Only about 17% remained. The Griffon Knight felt that Xiao Ling would definitely grind him to death if he continued like this, so he flew to an altitude of hundreds of yards again, letting the mechanical gargoyle attack. Then he swooped down, raised his knight spear and rushed towards Xiao Ling, trying to kill Xiao Ling in one fell swoop. Victory is here!

Since he was already in an advantageous position, Xiao Ling would not be so stupid as to fight the Griffin Knight for life and death. It's a fool's move! The Gryphon Rider swooped down. This time the attack was more violent than the last one.

The mechanical gargoyle was still entangled with the Griffin Rider on the Griffin's back.

Xiao Ling stared closely at the property interface of the Mechanical Gargoyle, and saw that the cooling time of the ice ring technique was slowly decreasing. He looked up at the Griffin Knight, who had rushed to a position twenty yards from the ground. With the impact of Griffon Rider. It is impossible to stop!

Xiao Ling smiled slightly.

Ice Ring!

The mechanical gargoyle frost covered the Gryphon Rider. The Griffin Knight suddenly realized that his whole body was stiff and he couldn't move at all. The griffin was also affected by the ice ring technique, and it was very stiff when flying.

It's over, the last thought flashed through the Griffin Rider's mind, there is a price to pay for speeding.

Xiao Ling avoided them from afar. Gryphon Rider and his mount crashed to the ground. This is the most tragic death since the pic game, and it also achieved the most heroic death method on the pi Yang - falling to death.

Accelerate down from such a high altitude. The impact force produced was so terrifying that after being affected by the ice ring technique, the Griffon Knight had no time to react at all. rushed directly to the ground. Even with tens of thousands of blood, it can't withstand such a shock! The Griffon Knight and his mount were all killed. Fortunately, the mount can be re-summoned. Although there will be a long period of weakness, if the crown griffin dies. The Griffin Knight had to find Xiao Ling desperately.

The mechanical gargoyle broke away from them halfway, floating in the air. He flapped his wings. Then he flew towards Xiao Ling and landed on Xiao Ling's shoulder.

Surprising ending. Thunderous applause erupted from the pk field. This is a wonderful duel. Although the process of fighting is a bit unbelievable. But Xiao Ling won after all, and he won by strength, even though he played a lot of tricks. But aren't these small skills part of strength? This is the first player to win a bonus since the start of the PK tournament. Of course, these applause are not for Xiao Ling alone, but for his team. They deserved it.

In the attic, the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes sighed. The recent profits have all been wasted, and the few pieces of good equipment that I have worked so hard to accumulate as a lottery have also disappeared, and the one million gold coins have been earned back through the news of the sale. However, the legendary and epic equipments were gone. For the host of Pi Yang, these pieces of equipment were even more important than a million gold coins. With good equipment. You can even win back a few million dollars. But willing to bet admit defeat. If he wants to continue the pk field, this reward must be issued.

The middle-aged man in Chinese clothes walked down the attic and walked towards the pk field. Embarked on P Yang. He came to Xiao Ling's side. Stretching out his right hand, he said, "Hello. I am the person in charge of P Yang. My name is Qian Tong."

Won the highest reward. Naturally, a significant figure would come out, "Money barrel?" Xiao Ling was stunned, the middle-aged man in fine clothes didn't know what dialect he was speaking. Xiao Ling couldn't hear clearly. "Good name." Xiao Ling said. Even he himself wanted to laugh after he finished speaking.

The middle-aged people in Chinese clothes are happy. He smiled and said: "It's a master, a businessman, and you can use a vulgar name to attract wealth and treasure. Use the idiom of the game. Congratulations on clearing the level. We will issue rewards soon, please wait a moment."

Xiao Ling didn't mind waiting for a while as long as the other party didn't deny it.

Qian Tong said loudly to the players: "Since the opening of my pk game, no less than dozens of players have been accepted every day. Presumably many players present have played a few games in this pk field, and today someone can win pk I am very happy to be the laurels of the field. P is indeed a pleasure. I am excited to see these few battles. I am very happy. The skills of Brother Xiao are really impressive. I hope more players will come to the game in the future Here. Show off your pk skills. Win generous bonuses. In the next three days, each round of pk matches will be reduced to 5,000 gold coins. "

Xiao Ling was overjoyed after hearing Qian Tong's words. If many people win the prize. His business need not be done.

"First of all, one million gold coins, and the certification certificate of our pk field. Our pk field has close ties with many big guilds, including Temple Fire, Dragon Flame, Dark Demon, Dragon Teng, etc. Even It also has a very close cooperative relationship with the strongest team in the entire Angel League - the Kuanglong team. With our certification certificate, you can enter any of the above guilds. You can even directly enter the affiliated team of the Kuanglong team with your certification certificate. If you perform well in the affiliated team, you can also become an official member of the Kuanglong team." Qian Tong traded one million gold coins and the certification certificate of gut to Xiao Ling. .

All the players in the pk field were excited, one million gold coins. How much equipment can be bought? That is unimaginable! And that certificate, if what Qian Tong said is true. What a great honor it would be to be able to enter the Mad Dragon team! If you can enter the Mad Dragon team, the future is limitless, and it is the strongest team in the All Angels League!

Xiao Ling was slightly taken aback. As expected of a businessman, Qian Tong used these rewards to show off on the spot, but since he has won such a generous reward from the other party, it doesn't matter to let the other party make a show. At least some resentment could be eliminated, Xiao Ling suddenly remembered the terms of the pk venue, the organizer has the right to show the players the attributes of the rewarded equipment. Another burst of depression, it seems that the attributes of the three legendary and one epic equipment can't be kept secret, but this also has an advantage, don't worry about Qian Tong fooling people with ordinary legendary and epic items with poor attributes .

"The following rewards are three pieces of legendary equipment. These three pieces of legendary equipment are the three items of Warfare Pasture, Smond Helmet, Plate Armor, and Legendary Equipment. Defense 130_210. Constitution Ten 100. Vision Ten 10. The resistance to fire magic is 7%, and the resistance to ice magic is 6%. The required occupation is a melee occupation." Qian Tong said.

The property is not bad. The high-defense area, of course, must be Wuyan, and Xiao Ling accepted Qian Tongfa's reward.

Resenkad's Fire Scepter: Legendary equipment. Attack 200_210. Spirit Ten 100. Ice magic resistance ten 1096. Fire magic attack ten 3096.

Morion's Bright Headgear: Legendary equipment, light magic attack ten 1096. Healing magic effect ten 1096, spirit ten 100, dark magic resistance ten 2096.

They are all very good legendary equipment. Qian Tong released the attributes of the next two pieces of equipment. Each attribute is read. It must cause a burst of exclamation from the players. All the players off the pk field are envious.

"Next is the last reward. Epic-level equipment, the treasure that all legal professional players dream of, it makes the person who wears it become an immortal existence among legal professional players." Qian Tong said with a mysterious smile.

With such a loud tone, the curiosity of the players was aroused, wanting to see if what Qian Tong said was true to its name. The audience was silent, all staring at Qian Tong.

Qian Tong took out a small blue ball that could be held in a fist from the package. Then he spread out his palms, and the blue ball lay quietly in Qian Tong's palms. Wave after wave of magical elements lingered on it. Said: "Many players must have recognized it."

"The source of magic power, my God, it's actually the source of magic power." Many players exclaimed, but there were also many players who were at a loss.

Qian Tong smiled slightly. Slowly told its history, said: "The source of magic power is not the only epic item. It is divided into three hundred and sixty-five pieces in total. It is said that Harmondale in the kingdom of elves was once destroyed by the undead empire Diya. Strike. At the critical moment, Erasia sent sixteen holy dragon knights and three hundred and sixty-five holy magic guides to lead the powerful griffin army to support Harmondale. The undead were expelled from Hammond Er. When the undead exited Harmondale, a tree of life suddenly grew in the moonwell worshiping the goddess of the moon. Sixteen fountains of life and three hundred and sixty-five fountains of magic power emerged from it. The elves These things were given to the sixteen holy dragon knights and three hundred and sixty-five holy wizards to express their gratitude. So far, the source of magic power has been handed down. The source of magic power is different from ordinary equipment. Just use it Put it in the package. It will be effective. The attributes of this source of magic power are. The total amount of mana is increased by 20}6. The speed of mana recovery is increased. It is six hours, but it has restrictions on occupations, and the source of magic power has no effect on priests."

magical value. The second life of legal professional players. Losing mana points is basically equivalent to pronouncing the death of a legal professional player and having more mana points. Legal professions can get longer battery life. In many cases, it can determine the outcome of a battle. And the source of magic power can take effect as long as it is placed in the package. As expected of an epic item, Xiao Ling thought.

Every player understands the value of the source of magic power. This is a very useful thing. Things like the source of magic power are only circulated in npc, so how could they appear in the hands of players. Make them very puzzled. They are even more puzzled. Qian Tong actually sent out the source of magic power.

Qian Tong is also suffering and can't tell. He only has two pieces of epic equipment in total. It is for the players under him to get the land when they do the task of Omodo Holy Magician. He is an Ice and Lightning Dual Ability. The mission obtained two epic equipment, one is the Omodo Ice and Thunder Robe, which makes one of his players become an Ice and Thunder Dual Ability, and the other is the source of magic power. Although the source of magic power is very important. But after comparing the Ice Thunder Robe. Qian Tong decided to keep the ice thunder robe. .

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