MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 774: Convinced orally.

For an archer like crispy skin, an assassin with a high explosive output is definitely a hit ...

In the face of other professional archers leaning on kites, there is still room for maneuver, but the assassin will never give the archer a chance to fight back. Even if the assassin does not kill the archer in a single blow, the assassin who is also agile and has stealth will definitely not Will be kited.

At this point the two assassins are dead, will the others be far behind?

Yang Na glanced at the crowds besieging herself, speeding forward and rushing to the right of the shield battle.

Seeing the shield battle, he lifted the shield and smashed it.

After losing the shield, the crispy career behind the shield battle was exposed.

Yang Na's footsteps turned again, avoiding the shield strike lightly, and raised her hand to shoot the mage that exposed the target.


The archer next to the mage saw that the bow was about to fight back. Yang Na took a step forward and grabbed the archer's head and pulled it behind her. At this time, the shield battle also turned around, and the shield was just blocked by Yang Na. Archer.

Yang Na pressed the archer on the shield, the other hand thrust the crossbow into the archer's mouth, pulled the trigger, and the white light rose.


Seeing that Yang Na was so fierce, the players of the Red Flame team all collapsed, all looking at the rolling Mali: "Damn, isn't it okay not to mess with that martial artist? Why is this girl so fierce?"

The tumbling Mario burst into tears and said, "I'm so desperate!"

Common sense, female players are always weaker than male players, even if they have the same attributes in the game, female players are usually weaker than male players because of psychological and reaction factors. In professional competitions, female competitive players are even weaker. Rarely, so many players instinctively think that female players are synonymous with weakness.

So for Yang Na, a girl who has always been very low-key in Quanzhen religion, the tumbling Mario lacks an objective vision, thinking that only the girls are limited, even if they are even more powerful.

As everyone knows, Yang Na is also a man of martial arts. In addition to Wang Yu in Quanzhen teaching, Yang Na's ability is definitely ranked first ...

The audience outside the court saw Yang Na raising his hand to kill four, and was already speechless. Nearly 10,000 people in the whole game field were surprisingly quiet.

"This ... I'm right, is it going to be reversed? Wouldn't it have been rehearsed already."

After being surprised, the audience could not help saying.

As the saying goes, life is like acting all by acting, the actors in the arena are more than in reality, the hype of players relying on acting has emerged endlessly, and Yang Na ’s counterattack is too sudden. The scene in front of you makes people think of "acting" two. word.

"I don't know ... The team of Chi Yan is not weak. There is no need to practice yourself like this."

"Look at that girl's chest!" Suddenly, a player cried out.

"I depend, can't you be so insignificant to watch the game!"

Players around have heard contempt and cast their eyes on contempt.

The player explained: "No, look at the guild badge on her chest!"

Everyone puzzled his eyes on Yang Na's chest. Upon closer inspection, he saw a black and white yin and yang fish, looming with Yang Na's actions.

"Yinyang fish? I rely on! This is the team of Quanzhenjiao !!"

Quanzhen Religion, it is definitely a household name in Afterglow City, even in Lincheng Thorns City, it is also very familiar, a dozen people in this generation, playing invincible in the world, overwhelming the old guild such as Scarlet League Dare to call the boss, such a record is unique in the history of the game.

After learning that Yang Na was a Quanzhen teacher, the audience's doubts vanished.

People who teach Quanzheng are all one-hundred-hundred people, and it is not normal for a dozen to fight ten. It is not normal for others. It is too normal to put it on the people who teach Quanzheng.

In this stunned effort, Yang Na shot the other two archers of the Chi Yan team remotely, and at this time there were only two shield fights and three rolling Mario.

All three have big and short legs, and they haven't had any offensive power. It is only a matter of time before Yang Na is killed.

The tumbling Mario burst into tears. The kid originally planned to sneak attack on the two Quanzhen people first, and then hide it and wait for the game to end. I never expected that Quanzhen people would be so cruel ...

Looking at Yang Na pointing at her crossbow, Mario tumbling behind the shield shouted wretchedly: "Women have something to say, we are so familiar, there is no need to do this."

"Don't be afraid, there's no pain in the game!" As he said, Yang Na walked forward quickly and walked around behind the shield battle, taking Mario who was rolling.

Mario, who was rolling, raised Yang's staff and was about to shake Yang Na's head.

Poor tumbling Mario, no matter how masculine a man is, it's just an intellectual profession. Yang Na is also a physical attack profession. The power is of course much greater than that of Mario.

And it is also a long-distance profession. Yang Na not only has great strength, but also knows kung fu. She dances in front of Yang Na. Isn't this death?

I saw Yang Na's left hand back, and lost the balance of Mario La's tumbling, and then kicked under Mario's belly.

The man under the lower abdomen is a man's point. Although there is no pain, the rolling Mario also instinctively screamed and hugged his stomach and lay on the ground.

At the same time, the two shield battles flew over, and Yang Na was about to cast a mockery. Yang Na raised her hands and fired two crossbows, one stunned and one knocked back, holding the two shield battles under control.

Then Yang Na stepped on Mario's chest and rolled a crossbow against Mario's face ...

The tumbling Mario ghost had many ideas, and the operation and Wuji were much worse than that. She had no chance of being invincible, and she was shot alive by Yang Na.

The two shields saw Mario's tumbling away, and looked at each other, sighed and abstained from the battlefield.

Mo Xiaobei on the other plane saw his teammates being killed one after another, completely ignorant, staring at the true people's eyes more and more fierce.

The killing intention in Mo Xiaobei's eyes went up ~ ~ Was suddenly felt by Wang Yu, Wang Yu pointed to the bush of thorns and shouted, "There seems to be someone over there!"

"I'm going to kill him!" Speaking proudly, he tried to grab the head when he walked over. He hadn't ran a few steps, only heard a chant from behind: "Heaven and Earth!"

The bush of thorns was instantly covered by spells.

The system prompts: "The team of Chi Yan is destroyed, the U-He team wins this game ..."

"I'm **** Nima Li Mingdu!" Under the scream of arrogance, all the real people were transferred to the off-site seat by the system.

The crowds of Chiyan Team were sent out early. When they saw Quanzhen's return, Qi Qi turned his eyes to Yang Na, and the panic on her face was obvious.

But Yang Na was indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

Only Mo Xiaobei was so confused that he was angry with his teammates: "I rely on, how did you do it? Nine of them beat each other and were destroyed by the regiment? Was she cheating?"

Everyone in the Chi Yan team shook their heads: "No ... we lost our heart and convinced."

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