Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 469 Moving to a New House

After attending the Norwegian royal family's wedding, return with presents.

An Feng saw that he had brought back a lot of presents, as well as Norwegian national costumes, which were a bit like a cook's long skirt for women. Even Joanna's figure looked a bit... like an aunt. Joanna was quite happy. She said that giving each other gifts is a manifestation of friendship.

After the trip to Norway, they went to France and England, both for her private parties.

Of course, Joanna's circle of friends also exists, but it's not as extensive as An Feng's. She mostly has a circle of close girlfriends, both in Europe and North America. An Feng has also accompanied her to many parties, just like a man showing off his girlfriend. Occasionally show affection.

This time one is the birthday of my friend Isabella, and the other is the class reunion.

It also made An Feng remember that next year will be his twentieth year after graduating from university, time flies so fast.

Back home, the two children are on summer vacation. In order to increase their knowledge, they organized a family tour around the island to take a closer look at the country and experience the local customs. Joanna has been in charge of Sardinia for nearly two years, and she dare not say that she must be familiar with every place.

An Feng drove out of the convertible car and set off with his family of four and Alice's pet dog.

During the journey around the island, I will also visit friends from all over the world. They all responded to the call and bought real estate in the country one after another.

Matthew was the first to spend more than 20 million yuan to buy a mansion on the coast of Olbia. It was built on the edge of a cliff, with swimming pools, badminton courts and gardens. Below the mountain is the rushing waves, and there are marinas for yachts around. Very high end. In addition, he also donated 10 million to build roads.

Rich people like Andrew who like cleanliness and independent style directly buy the housing land and hire people to build the civil engineering; there are also people like Roger who choose to find a house on the top of a hill near a lively scenic spot, where they can clearly see the city and the distance of the vast ocean.

There are also those who like rural elegance. An Feng's brother-in-law bought 60 acres of land in the vineyard area of ​​Olbia. It is not too big, but the surrounding scenery is very beautiful, quiet and elegant rural scenery, and occasionally stay for a week or two , It is definitely a life memory with endless aftertaste.


After returning from vacation, the Royal Palace of Moncalieri is also about to be completed.

An Feng saw a lot of mansions along the way, and now that it was his turn, he was looking forward to it.

I have admired it before, but there is no furniture yet, only the walls are empty. Now all kinds of furniture are complete, and the layout has been started since April. There are special designers to give full play to their creativity. It takes four months to decorate a large number of bedrooms in different styles.

In the morning, organize personal belongings and prepare for the family to move.

Alice ran and cheered across the lawn, with two bob-tailed corgis chasing after her.

Alice doesn't like the environment of the hotel, because there is no pony for her to ride, no place for Xiao Hei Xiao Bai to run, it is not as comfortable as at home before.

"How's it like at Daddy's place? Can you ride a pony and drive a car?" Alice asked after running around.

"You need to unwrap the gift yourself, and you will be surprised to find it." An Feng touched her head and turned to Fred: "What do you want to say?"

"Dad." He paused. "I want to ride a pony, too."

"Yes." An Feng said.

"But my sister said it was only her pony," said Fred, while Alice grinned.

"Sister lied to you, my mother and I will buy you a new pony at that time!" An Feng said, the child's mind is simple, and he cares about playing.

"Thank you dad." He said happily.

"Pack up your things, and then we'll get in the car and move to a new house!"


The definition of moving to An Feng is to take people away.

Don't worry about anything else, the steward, assistant, and attendant will take care of everything. He drove his family to the main entrance of the palace, and the surrounding scenery was completely new, adding a lot of greenery. An Feng drove in through the main entrance and drove towards this billion-dollar mansion.

The high cost is due to the high cost of building 3D printing. There are few suppliers in this area, and the procurement cost is also slightly high. They also pursue all kinds of speed, working day and night, not to mention the flow of resources, and other projects that are spent on money for speed are not simple.

Finally, there are antique calligraphy and paintings for decoration, etc. In the news room on the first floor, there must be something that can be displayed on the table, otherwise it will be frequently on TV in the future. When the queen receives foreign heads of state, the country and the royal family will be too poor. face. There has been a lot of turnover in antique auctions recently.

"Let's choose a room!" After getting off the car, Alice and Lafred ran into the house.

"The bedrooms are all on the second floor." An Feng said to the confused two children.

"Oh, follow me!" Alice went up the stairs on the left, followed by the two pet dogs, "Fred, you go up the stairs on the right."

Tangled with Fred behind her sister.

An Feng was helpless: "You can go wherever you want, don't listen to your sister."

Alice's crisp laughter came from upstairs: "You are behind, Fred!"

Fred turned around and followed, An Feng reminded: "Slow down."

The stairs on the left and right sides turn a corner and merge into a large staircase, stepping on the carpet to the second floor. The layout of the building is a bit like the original Santa Barbara home. The two children searched around with ease, and she stepped in to open the door of each room, and walked in and out again.

An Feng also enjoyed with Joanna and the children.

Due to the increase in the total number of rooms, the size of the bedroom has also decreased accordingly, but in An Feng's opinion, it is just right. The room in the previous house was too large. It is more appropriate to call it a house rather than a room. The size of the room is too large. Yes, it feels like living in a suite in an apartment building.

It fits right now and the room really has the feel of a bedroom.

There are roughly two types of rooms. The first one is the main room. The two doors are opposite and the area is relatively wide. A front hall will be reserved for the sofa and coffee table, and the bed is at the back. The second type is a single door with a moderate area. But all are uniform with spacious bathrooms.

An Feng didn't want the tragedy of the Palace of Versailles to be staged here. The French were so funny that there was no toilet in such a big palace. Even if there are them, they don't need it. It is said that the king doesn't take a bath for a year, so he uses perfume to cover it up, so he feels good about himself.

Both children chose a small room, about 20 square meters, and Alice chose warm colors, pink and milky white as the theme, which fit the warm boudoir style of the girl's home. Fred chose the blue one, which is relatively monotonous, and it is said to be the embodiment of a rational boy.

The rest is decided by Joanna. Of course they are large rooms, the nearest ones are on the left and right sides, and they all have cloakrooms. Given Joanna’s clothes and jewelry, a multi-level, automatically allocated and spacious cloakroom is a must. There is simply not enough stuff to hold her belongings.

After choosing their respective rooms, people came downstairs.

The family went downstairs, and the trucks carried their luggage here. It was relatively easy. Most of them were clothes, and the rest were jewelry. Especially important documents have been kept by An Feng, mainly contract documents, and they have a special safe.

When carrying it, Brandon asked how to deal with the Queen's sword: "Should it be kept or placed in the reception hall?"

"Just hang it there," Joanna said.

There are three carts of luggage, followed by twenty-eight royal attendants, the number of men and women is the same, and the usual work is the same as that of Santa Barbara. It is easy, there is no heavy physical work, and the salary is high. The only thing is to have high demands on oneself, to be as rigorous as a waiter in a five-star hotel.

Steward Brandon has trained and selected them for two years, selected these elites from more than 200 people, and appointed Ms. Cleaver as the queen's servant. She is from England, speaks three languages, is well versed in the rules of high society, and has a delicate mind.

Ms. Cleaver can also serve as the housekeeper, but the housekeeper is not casual. Like Brandon, who is familiar with astronomy and geography, and has been accumulating knowledge all his life, he deserves the title of noble teacher. If Brandon cannot find a suitable candidate, Ms. Cleaver will have to fill in.

After all, Brandon was old, in his eighties, and wanted to retire very early, but following Joanna's coronation as the queen, he insisted on finishing the last housekeeping job in his career. He was one last step away from perfection—choosing a qualified butler for the royal family.

The servants were carrying all kinds of luggage in an orderly manner, and arranged every place according to Ms. Cleaver's arrangement. She has taken relevant art and design courses, and like the almighty Brandon, she is an encyclopedia when it comes to home management.

Brandon stays outside with them, talking about things.

"In addition to the twenty-eight servants, there will also be two cooks and four helpers stationed permanently. The security force of the palace will maintain around 15 people. The guards outside the palace are managed by the army. There are many mobile personnel. A list will be provided later, ma'am?"

Joanna nodded: "Please, Mr. Brandon."

An Feng also said: "I can't imagine what kind of chaos our place would be without your help."

Brandon said flatly: "This is my duty."

The decorated house was handled by a special person, and the children continued to visit according to their wishes. The second floor has been seen, and now it is the first floor. But the definition of completion is to be able to live and use, not to be perfect. In some places, such as the ceiling of the concert hall, the huge oil painting has not yet been completed.

Some other details have to be carefully improved, but it does not affect the use.

After touring the house, take a buggy around for a drive. The 350-acre land area is large enough, and the layout tends to be grand and beautiful, and you feel small when you are in it. When you look down from the air, the layout of the garden is spectacular enough, with a wide avenue in the middle running through the beginning and end.

There are three artificial lakes, one is a rectangular pool on a straight avenue, and the left and right sides are lakes, surrounded by green trees, surrounded by gardens and vast grasslands, and there are passages on both sides connecting to the patterned gardens closest to the building , a natural equestrian venue.

The atmosphere is enough, but the disadvantage is also because it is too large and appears empty. Fortunately, it is now a royal palace, and there are enough private service teams. Occasionally, foreign guests will visit or hold some public events. As a part of administrative land, it is also in line with its essence.

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