Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 677 Suo Zhi’s Dementia

"Brother, wake up... wow!"

As soon as his sister lifted the quilt off, Ren Suo was so frightened by his sister's voice that he sat up in his sleep from exhaustion and looked at her beside the bed with a confused look on his face: "What's wrong, there are cockroaches!?"

The younger sister covered her eyes with her fingers, but exposed the gaps between her fingers that could be used to stuff eggs, "You, on your body..."

"There are cockroaches on me!?" Ren Suo was startled and stood up with a splash. It happened that my mother was passing by with some clothes to dry. Seeing this, she threw the clothes in, took her sister away and closed the door immediately, leaving behind a voice that made Ren Suo feel ashamed: "Xingmei, you are still looking at me, you gave me a look." Picking a needle (stye)..."

Ren Suo took the clothes awkwardly, looked down at his naked self, then looked at the pajamas he took off next to him, and then turned to look at the black cat who was sleeping on the pillow. His chaotic thoughts gradually sank into the abyss, and in his heart The possibility of a beast emerging.

No way……

I'm not that beastly...

I remember my arms were numbed by Luna, and then I fell asleep...

But I don’t remember anything now, and I don’t have any sense of my first experience. It’s such a loss...

Although Ren Suo tried his best to find objective reasons for himself, such as the bed quilt was not dirty, Luna must have transformed back long ago, and he had no memory... But he vaguely remembered the dream he had last night.

He remembered that in the dream, he seemed to be wearing only an apron, but nothing underneath.

He remembered that in the dream, he worked very hard and was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

Although he didn't remember the specific content of the work, when he recalled it, he felt that although the work was tiring and there was a lot of repetitive work, he would get sweet rewards in the end, and the rewards were getting sweeter and sweeter.


Ren Suo got dressed in silence, sat down and meditated. At this time, the black cat opened its mouth and let out a meowing wake-up call. Its tail swung back and forth, and it waved its paws towards Ren Suo to indicate that it was hungry.

Ren Suo went over to pick her up and asked seriously: "Do you feel pain anywhere? Is there any discomfort?"

"Meow~?" Black Cat looked at him doubtfully.

"Well, that's it... By the way, did I do anything weird to you after I fell asleep?" Ren Suo asked cautiously.

Black Cat tilted his head and thought for a moment, then nodded heavily.

Ren Suo was stunned. He held the black cat in his arms with a confused look on his face, picked up a comb and smoothed her hair: "I, I will be responsible... Do you really not feel any discomfort?"

"Meow~meow~" The black cat rubbed his left front leg against Ren Suo's clothes, jumped out of his arms, gracefully opened the tablet button, and continued watching the video.

However, Ren Suo was stunned for a moment, and quickly took her back and asked, "Did I just drool a little while I was sleeping and flow on your arm?"


"No other weird things happened?"

"Meow." The black cat thought for a while and then said: "Meow, meow, meow, meow."

Ren Suo blinked: "So... after you turned into a cat, you saw me suddenly taking off my clothes?"

After getting the affirmative answer, Ren Suo breathed a sigh of relief, happily helped Luna open the tablet and put it on the shelf for her to see, then walked to brush his teeth and wash his face - it turned out that I was just undressing in my dream, which scared me to death.

Although I suddenly had the stinky problem of taking off my clothes in my dreams, it was easy to solve.

Put on two sets of clothes for yourself before going to bed, wear one and keep another, perfect.

It may be hotter when sleeping in the summer.

But in the summer, I will definitely have returned to the academy. Then I will adjust the housework time so that the clone can watch me sleep, and order him to hold my hands down if he finds that I want to take off my clothes.

This was a small thing, and Ren Suo didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he was more concerned about the quality of his sleep in the past few days: Although nothing happened after waking up, why did he feel like he had a long and tiring dream every day when he slept? I don't remember anything after I wake up...

This feeling, how should I put it, is like being prostituted without paying for it, or like finishing my winter vacation homework in one night, with nothing gained except being exhausted.

During lunch, Ren's mother coughed and said, "Er, when you go to bed, remember to lock your door."

"Just don't come into my room casually." Ren Suo picked up a piece of scrambled eggs with crab sticks and replied casually - the New Year's dishes were finally used up, and there were finally fresh dishes to eat.

"Your request is very unreasonable. Could it be that if you saw a sow climbing a tree on the street, wouldn't you take a second look?" Ren's mother said righteously, and then turned to Dad Ren: "Hey, you can do something good. You don’t have a camera, teach me how to take pictures later, and you have to take pictures silently with the flash and shutter sound turned off.”

"What you call stealing!" Faced with his mother's blatant threat, Ren Suo twitched his lips and said, "I am your son, does that matter?"

"Speaking of which, if I had a circle of friends at that time, I might have taken a photo of your baby when you were out of the bath and posted it... I see them posting photos of their baby, and I really want to show off." Ren Mom sighed.

Ren Suo chuckled and said, "Fortunately you didn't."

Ren's mother curled her lips: "Nothing, but the shooting technique at that time was not good, and the photo resolution was very low. If I took it again, it would be blurry, so I didn't bother to send it out."

Ren Xingmei's eyes lit up: "Is there really such a photo!?"

"What!?" Ren Suo was stunned, shook his head and said, "Impossible, there is no such photo in the album!"

"Of course not. Before you had any shame when you were rebellious in junior high school, I put all your black photos in another hidden photo album. I occasionally take them out to remember your dad." Ren's mother chuckled and said, "What if If you find out, you will definitely hide it secretly. So before you find out, I will hide it."

It's true that a dragon begets a dragon, and a phoenix begets a phoenix. The mouse knows that his son can dig holes, Ren's father thought to himself as he ate silently.

Ren Suo twitched the corner of his mouth, "Okay, I will definitely lock the door before going to bed in the future, even if I don't sleep!"

Ren Xingmei asked curiously: "Are there any black photos of me when I was a child?"

Ren's mother blinked, hesitated, and said, "Of course not. Xingmei was the cutest when she was a child. How could there be black photos? When your brother leaves, I will show you the hidden photo album."

"What, you just take black photos of me?" Ren Suo complained and gave Ren Xingmei a "you know" look. Ren Xingmei nodded and said, "Mom, you can now scan the photos into the computer, absolutely lossless. Save it forever.”

Ren Suo was speechless and choked, thinking that he couldn't stay in this house anymore. He happened to have some ideas in mind, so he called the cat in the afternoon, then stuffed the black cat into his schoolbag, let it play with the tablet in the schoolbag, and took it out with him. .

On the way, Ren Suo took out his mobile phone and continued the strategy of "Traitor of Light and Darkness".

As soon as he played, Ren Suo felt a little regretful——

On a 6.5-inch mobile phone screen, it is impossible to show the splendor of the Royal Court of Luoyan City!

Los followed the Divine Guards and escorted Ys Dafa into the Royal Court area, a part of Luoyan City. The glazed door separated the inside and outside. After receiving permission, a green six-pointed star grid appeared on the door, which quickly dissipated and separated, and then reappeared after they all entered.

At the same time, the sky where the sun and silver moon were together began to fall apart. The canopy of light goes vertically down, illuminating countless square-inch crystal towers. All the houses are cold-colored buildings with more than six corners. The tallest building is the tower palace in the center. The ground is completely flat and one-piece crystal. There are also countless energy barriers inside the royal court to isolate it. Surprisingly, there is a ring inside one ring.

"You have been temporarily given the qualification to enter and exit the royal court," Master Sony turned his head and looked at the divine guards, and said leisurely: "Lanaya, take someone to escort Master Yisu to his room. Remember not to be rude and leave the last Leave the largest and safest room to him in case other accidents happen... Ys Dafa, now your other followers may still be Dragonborn Los. For your safety, we cannot risk letting you and your men share the same room. ,Please excuse me."

Dafa Yisu sneered, still did not speak, just put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Master Ysu, please don't misunderstand. The Royal Court has no intention of house arrest." Sony said: "His Majesty Sithis is about to embark on the Road of Armor and open the door of annihilation. The sixteen Great Masters will enter the Royal Court to garrison. Share Annihilation opens the glory.”

"That's right," Fengzi Dafa said: "The moment the Gate of Annihilation opens, the Royal Court will be able to welcome the energy storm and the time and space storm immediately. At that time, you and I in the Royal Court will be able to accept the baptism from the Silver Space and Time. By then we might be able to go one step further and evolve again... If anything happens, we can wait until the plane war is over to resolve it."

Dafa Yisu glanced at Sony and nodded, obviously wanting to settle the score with Qiu Hou. Sony didn't seem to be afraid at all. He waved his hand, and the three-star divine descendant Lanaya next to him took the divine descendant guard to 'escort' Ys deep into the royal court's living area.

Ranaya took them to the northeastern area of ​​the royal court. Although Sony said it was not under house arrest, Ranaya arranged for Master Yisu to enter a palace, put a large number of palace guards on duty, and then led Master Yisu's men to another. In the dormitory further away, Isu's men were about to riot.

Lanaya also discovered this, but they are not vampire masters. She was not polite at all: "You still haven't cleared the suspicion of Dragonborn Los. In order to avoid accidents, we have to arrange for someone to guard you one-on-one. "

"Um, leave a group of people on guard duty. The guards of the royal court have other tasks."

The captain of the guard nodded obediently. At this time, Ren Suo naturally asked Los to stay on his own initiative. Unlike Ys Dafa, who has one palace per person, Ys's subordinates all live in the same low tower with multiple rooms.

The task of these guards in Los is to stand guard in front of the door.

After the others left, Los's map lit up with a target: the location of Ys Dafa.

The target is obvious, but Los is now a guard, and there are other colleagues guarding him. He cannot leave at all. What should he do?

Get rid of them.

"Blind Cruelty", "Cruel Aura", "Cruel Warrior", "Blind Fool", plus the silent action that comes with "Sega Bloodline Warframe", Los is now a humanoid harvester.

In order to avoid leaving a corpse behind, Ross immediately used "Different Life" to fuse the corpse as soon as he killed it instantly. From Ren Suo's perspective, it was as if two big men collided and merged into one.

Then Ross used this technique to completely eliminate all four guards on the first floor in 40 minutes. When he was about to leave, he tricked a royal court guard from outside and left after a while as a royal court guard.

Unlike the divine guards who entered temporarily, the guards of the royal court have more movement permissions. If Ren Suo had asked Los to leave directly just now, the alarm system of the royal court would definitely be triggered.

However, Los couldn't leave in a big way, so he kept moving silently and secretly. He sneaked all the way to the palace where Master Ys lived, but was stuck by the dense guard team outside.

What should I do? Fight in?

Ren Suo scratched his head and acted recklessly when faced with the situation. He actually let Loss rush forward - and within a few rounds of fighting, several three-star gods rushed out and attacked Loss, and he died instantly.

How to do it……

At this time, the subway was about to change trains. Ren Suo squeezed out while saying, "Give one, give way." The black cat in his schoolbag meowed dissatisfiedly.

This meow attracted the attention of some little kids, and then suddenly a naughty kid pointed at Ren Suo and said, "It's him, it's him, Third-Rank Monk Nanny Suo!"

Ren Suo had a dark look on his face. Forget about the Holy Fist Lotus Seeds and Tomahawk Milk, what the hell is Nanny Suo?

"I'm not, you got the wrong person..." He quickly walked to the platform to change subway lines.

However, the beautiful young woman holding this naughty child grabbed Ren Suo and said excitedly: "Are you Ren Suo? Can you sign your name for me?"

"Shh, keep your voice down." Seeing the beautiful female fan, Ren Suo immediately became reserved and said, "Then... do you have a pen and paper?"

The beautiful young woman groaned, searched in her small bag, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring a pen and paper today... Mr. Ren Suo, are you also from Baiyun? How about we...add WeChat?"

Ren Suo raised his eyebrows, hmm?

I let it go, and now I have finally reached the point where I can be chatted up by beautiful women on the street! ?

Looking back on the past, Ren Suo was filled with emotion. He was both proud of his current achievements and humble enough to continue working hard. Of course, he didn't forget that he was the owner now, so he politely refused: "Sorry, my WeChat is more private..."

"Ah, you can't." The beautiful young woman didn't seem too disappointed. She looked around and whispered: "I have another unkind request... I hope you can agree."

Ren Suo raised his eyebrows wildly, right? Nowadays, female fans even want to skip the WeChat step? What does she want to do? There is an urban business district nearby, and there seem to be many express hotels——

"Excuse me, are you and Miss Qiao Muyi friends?" she asked softly.

Ren Suo was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"Then can you give me Brother Mu's WeChat account?!" She asked excitedly: "Her Weibo accounts are all officially operated and are not true at all. I heard that you are very familiar with her and even eat together. After dinner, you must have Brother Mu’s WeChat account——"

"Wait, what did you ask me just now?" Ren Suo suddenly asked.

The beautiful young woman was stunned for a moment and said, "Can you give me Brother Mu's WeChat account?"

"One more sentence."

"Are you and Brother Mu friends?"

"I'm sorry, she and I are not friends." Ren Suo waved his hand and quickly ran away.

Unexpectedly, the female fan who came to strike up a conversation actually wanted to use herself as a springboard to get close to Qiao Muyi! Ren Suo was filled with grief and anger, what kind of world is this now, why does even the young lady like the young lady! ?

Although he had no intention of teasing his fans from the beginning, there are two different concepts between not wanting to tease him and being unable to tease him!

But Ren Suo quickly calmed down. After all, he didn't lie. He and Qiao Muyi were indeed not friends, they were lovers. Therefore, his thoughts quickly changed from 'I have no female fans' to 'Hehehe ( # ^ .^ # ) Mr. Mu has many fans, and he gradually became happy.

After changing the subway line, Ren Suo took out his mobile phone and suddenly had an idea.

He asked Los to activate "A Different Life" in the dark and change into Sony's appearance!

But Los refused.

[I will never play that bitch who is destined to die an extremely miserable death! 】

Okay, let's change it to look like a graceful Dafa.

Then Los swaggered towards Ys's palace. Naturally, the royal guards came out to stop him, but Ross said directly: "Get out of here! I want to discuss the plane war with Dafa Ys. You dare to stop me!?"

The Blood Dharma was so overbearing, and Lose came alone. The guards of the Royal Court thought about it and moved out of the way to let Lose in.

Sure enough it can!

What the female fan did just now reminded Ren Suo that there are so many great powers in the royal court. He can let Los act as other great powers to walk openly and use them as a springboard to approach the mission target!

The palace was full of pieces of furniture. Dafa Yis was sitting on the ground, stroking the sword in his hand, and the sword made a clanging sound.

He watched Lose's approach coldly. Before Lose took five steps to him, he stood up and pointed his sword at Lose, indicating his intention to come.

At this time, the action options appear: "Reveal true identity and attack", "Direct attack".

Because Los is now known as Luoshen City, his cassette collaboration "Blind Brutality" ear effect has reached an additional 165% damage, and the dodge rate is increased by 24%, so there is no doubt that Ren Suo will let Ross reveal his true body to attack!


Seeing Los's appearance, Ys was shocked, and immediately showed murderous intent, bursting out with blood-born aura!

"Loss is affected by the 'aura of knowledge'."

"'Knowledge Halo': Enemies affected by the aura will fall into a state of being chased by knowledge. When attacking, they will fall into madness, and the hit rate will be reduced by 50%; when defending, they will fall into a coma, and the stun rate will increase by 50%; when evading, they will fall into a coma. You will fall into imbalance, and your fall rate will increase by 50%; you will fall into chaos when using special abilities, and your failure rate will increase by 50%."

Extremely terrifying negative halo effect!

Before attacking Ys Dafa, Ren Suo knew that as one of the sixteen vampire Dafa, Sega was so strong, Ys must be about the same, but he didn't expect it to be that strong!

Sega's cruelty aura strengthens oneself and weakens the enemy, while Ys's knowledge aura completely disgusts the enemy!

But at the same time, it also shows that Ys's actual strength is probably similar to that of an ordinary three-star god, and cannot be compared with the martial arts Sega!

However, just after the confrontation, Los was so disgusted by the aura of knowledge that he could not move even an inch. He could not hit anyone, his defense was knocked unconscious, he would fall into the street when dodging, and he would be stunned when he cast a spell!

Although Ys was unable to kill him with the defensive power of the brutal halo, as the battle rounds increased, it attracted the attention of the guards outside the royal court, causing more three-star gods to come to surround Los.

Ys must be killed within three rounds!

But how to solve this halo...

Ren Suo thought about it, and after loading the file, he asked Los to put an ability that he had put aside for a long time in the spare column——

"Miracle Full Moon"!

He has been sleeping well these past few days and has accumulated more than ten points of moon phase energy. I hope Los can have better luck.

For this reason, he also replaced Loss with "Yin Qing Yuan Qian". He tried his best and started the lottery!

However, I don’t know whether it was his bad luck or the protagonist’s good luck. In the eighth round, he collected three pictures - all of them were silver-haired beautiful girls.

"Your miracle is to predict the enemy's actions."

"But the price you pay is that you can't move."

"Emmmm..." Ren Suo hesitated for a moment, feeling that this miracle would not help the situation. He tried it, but it did not help, and Los was beaten even worse.

Smoke again!

After six rounds, Ross won again and collected three symbols - the symbol turned out to be Sony, amazing!

"Your miracle is that you can instantly heal all injuries."

"But the price you pay is that you will always be in a state of dementia, with the highest priority."

(Note: In the state of dementia, all damage is permanently at the lowest value, and all skills will not trigger probabilistic special effects, including critical hits.)

What kind of miracle is this? It’s really useless... huh?

Ren Suo took a closer look. The price of this miracle was a very high-priority state of dementia. In other words...

After thinking for a moment, Ren Suo asked Los, who was in a demented state, to surprise Ys Dafa again.

This time, Los was still affected by the "Halo of Knowledge", but it did not trigger any negative effects!

I don’t know if it is covered by the extremely high-priority dementia state, or if this aura is also affected by dementia and cannot trigger probabilistic special effects.

Dementia, above all else!

Anyway, Los has destroyed Ys's "aura of knowledge" and relied on his own "aura of cruelty" to crush Ys!

When his psychic barrier disappeared, Ys stared at Los and moved his mouth, but not a single syllable came out, and was completely suppressed by Los!

At this time, the subway arrived at the station, and Ren Suo breathed a sigh of relief, put away his mobile phone, walked out of the station with his backpack, and found the store he had reserved.

[Sweet Honey DIY Cake Handmade Chocolate Shop]

Yes, Ren Suo made it as soon as he thought of it. He decided to make handmade chocolate last night and came to the shop to make it today. After all, I didn’t have enough tools at home, so I naturally had to go out to a specialized DIY store to make chocolate, and there were store staff to teach me how to make chocolate.

After letting the black cat out and letting her play with the tablet, Ren Suo carefully followed the store clerk to learn how to make chocolate throughout the afternoon.

"You're very skilled at it. Have you learned it before?" the female clerk asked curiously. Ren Suo shook his head: "No, I just know roughly how to do it."

"Are you planning to make handmade chocolates for your girlfriend?"


"It's rare. My boyfriend makes chocolates for his girlfriend."

"Hehe, they like Xinyi."


The female clerk blinked, feeling that Ren Suo might have made a slip of the tongue, and continued to ask: "How many portions do you plan to make?"

"I'll make seven or eight portions, and I plan to give it to my family to try."

After making the first batch of chocolate, Ren Suo tasted it himself and secretly gave it to the black cat - he couldn't be seen by others, who might think he was poisoning the cat.

Black Cat said it doesn't matter, it's okay, okay.

Then Ren Suo compared it with the chocolate that the clerk used as a demonstration. In the end, he had to admit that the chocolate he made tasted almost like the demonstration chocolate and was just as delicious!

However, the process of making chocolate is not exactly fun. Therefore, Ren Suo made a very romantic decision: he would not make it himself next year, lest his skills would deteriorate and the taste would change.

He wants this heartfelt chocolate to be passed down forever.

PS: Although it’s a little late, I still ask for a monthly pass, it’s just so shameless.

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