Sheng Yong led his troops to approach Zhu Quan, and naturally he was noticed at the first time.

Although they didn't know Sheng Yong's appearance, they hadn't seen Sheng Yong's appearance.

But from just now, they saw Sheng Yong's order, and guessed in their hearts that this person must be a senior general in Jinan City.

However, after the two sides approached, Zhu Quan used a dash and a pick-and-kill in an instant, and directly skewered those Sheng Yong, who did not react, and a few soldiers behind him into a sugar gourd!

The whole process happened so quickly that some people didn't even react and died under Zhu Quan's Fang Tian's halberd.

As for the other enemies, they were put to the ground by Li Yuanba and others like chopping melons and vegetables.

It was just a few breaths of effort, the gate of Jinan, completely lost!

Sheng Yong's sudden death left no one to command the enemy forces near the city gate.

Leaderless, the soldiers fell into a state of panic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Great Snow Dragoon, who had arrived from behind, rushed into the city almost without resistance.

Quickly advance the front in the city of Jinan!

Wherever the snow dragoons went, the defenders of Jinan had no power to resist.

Tie Xuan on the head of the city stood on a high place, taking in the situation in Jinan City.

At this moment, his heart was like ashes.

Now, he finally understands what it feels like to be desperate to the extreme.

At the same time, he finally knew how Cangzhou and Texas were broken in a very short period of time.

Zhu Quan and the army under his command are so powerful!

It's not at all like what this world should be!

How can a boss make a move, and break the city gate more than a foot thick with a direct blow?

How can any cavalry rush in as swift as the wind, and kill people like chopping melons and vegetables?

What's more, such a powerful coach clearly didn't use his full strength just now!

Such a ferocious cavalry is actually 300,000 gigantic!

With this kind of army, to fight them is simply to crush!

That's right, it's crushing!

He couldn't think of anything else that could describe the current situation other than that word.

Tie Hyun limp and sat down on the ground.

For the first time in his life, he had a feeling called "powerlessness to return to heaven" in his heart.

The feeling that no matter what he did, he couldn't save the defeat was so frustrating that his brain stopped working and he didn't know what to do next.

Perhaps it was because he knew so well that everything was meaningless.

This emotion on Tie Hyun didn't last long before it was broken by the arrival of a group of people.

Zhu Quan took Zhu Can and Mu Chun to the top of the city.

As for the ordinary soldiers in the other cities, there are naturally Li Yuanba, Zhao Long and Da Xuelong to ride to clean up, so there is no need to worry about it.

Zhu Quan looked at Tie Xuan in front of him lightly and said, "Sheng Yong is dead, Tie Xuan, what about your choice?"

Tie Hyun, who heard the voice above, looked up in a daze.

At this time, he looked around and found that there were Zhu Quan's people everywhere.

Needless to say, he already understands that he has reached the end of his rope now.

After hearing the news of Sheng Yong's death, Tie Xuan let out a miserable laugh and asked rhetorically, "Do you think you have won?"

Hearing these slightly provocative words, Zhu Quan's face remained unchanged.

Zhu Can, who was on the side, couldn't help but take a step forward, grabbed Tie Xuan's collar, lifted the person up directly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Seeing that Zhu Can was so nervous, Tie Xuan couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

Now, there is no need to hide it.

He said directly to Zhu Quan: "His Royal Highness the Imperial Sun has already sent the Datong general Fang Zhao to attack Daning Mansion, and when the time comes, Lord Wang, your rear will be lost, and you will not be defeated?"

This is the first time anyone present has heard of this news!

Daning Mansion, that is Zhu Quan's fiefdom, and it is also his base camp!

If it is really as Tie Xuan said, Fang Zhao led the army to attack Daning Mansion, it means that the other party will outflank them from the rear!

As a result, sooner or later, they will have to fall into a situation where they are caught between the front and back!

After Mu Chun figured it out, he immediately became anxious!

He asked, "Your Highness, do you want to divide some of your forces to defend back?"

Zhu Quan replied indifferently: "No." "

Mu Chun didn't know why, and Zhu Can, who was on the side, couldn't help but laugh at this time.

"Hey, I thought you were going to say something rare!

"Then do you know that when we launched an attack on this trip, we didn't bring the defenders of Daning Mansion at all! Even if he Fang Zhao went to Daning Mansion, he could only return in vain!"

When Tie Xuan heard the news, his whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning.

"What?!You didn't bring the army of Daning Mansion?!Impossible!This is absolutely impossible!".

"If you didn't bring the army of Daning Mansion, then where did these cavalrymen come from?!".

Tie Xuan was crazy, he didn't want to believe this fact, but he had a strong premonition in his heart: King Ning's people didn't lie to him.

Because there is no need for them to lie to a dying man.

Zhu Can heard Tie Xuan's hysterical question, but just smiled lightly, not intending to answer the question.

"You don't have to worry about this. "

At this point, Tie Hyun knew that it was impossible for him to get the answer he wanted.

However, he will not surrender to him as King Ning wishes.

The idea of loyalty to the monarch that he had received since he was a child had been deeply ingrained in his mind, and it was impossible for anyone to shake it easily.

Tie Hyun decisively took out an arrow hidden in his sleeve, and without leaving a hand, he resolutely plunged it into his throat!

In this way, he ended his short life.

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