Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 287 - Flesh and Blood

“Kacha… Kacha… Kacha… Kacha…”

The woman’s face kept rubbing against the door. She was even drooling. She could not hide her impatience,

she was really hungry.

It was as if the Big Pet Dog at home was preparing to eat. It could not wait to pounce on you. It used its claws to dig into the ground and forcefully restrained itself.

Zhou ze turned on the tap and poured cold water on his face. He needed to calm down, especially at this time. It was especially important to calm down.

First of all, this shouldn’t be an illusion anymore.

But it was precisely because this wasn’t an illusion that it felt even more terrifying and difficult to understand.

Although Zhou Ze was a ghost, he still found it hard to accept that such a situation would occur in the real world.

Especially since his greatest reliance was now in the mirror. He couldn’t hear what he was shouting or cursing.

If Zhou Ze could post it in his moments..,

it would definitely be:

I’m Zhou Ze..,

i’m so flustered right now.

Most of the old Daoist’s talisman paper had already been burned. He was just a little bit away.

Closing the toilet lid, Zhou ze sat on the toilet and slowly closed his eyes. He needed to be quiet and calm.

If he couldn’t survive without the help of that consciousness, then what was he going to do? He just had to wait for the other person to wake up and complete the shift.

The most reliable person was still him.

“Hu… hu… hu…”

He took a deep breath and calmed his emotions.

Because his eyes were closed, Zhou Ze didn’t see the person in the mirror. After seeing Zhou Ze sit down calmly, he gradually stopped struggling and cursing. Instead, he started to stand calmly.

Outside, there was a woman waiting to eat. Boss Zhou did not know that the woman outside was a white bone spirit, a half-ghost, half-demon, half-demon, and half-demon.

She was something born out of absurdity.


The last bit of talisman paper was burned and turned into ashes.

At the same time,

the door was also knocked open,

the woman rushed in with a kitchen knife in both hands.

Zhou Ze suddenly opened his eyes,

the samurai armor appeared on his body,

the reason why he didn’t summon the armor before was because he was confident in his strength when he awakened the consciousness and entered the zombie state. Everything could be instantly killed.


he needed to use all of his strength as much as possible.

“Clang! Clang!”

The kitchen knife was crazily smashed into the armor. The terrifying impact almost made Zhou ze fall to the ground. There was a terrifying dent on the armor. God knew how strong this woman was!

Even if it was an ordinary kitchen knife, after being waved by her, it was estimated that a cow could be killed in one hit.


Zhou Ze’s fingernails grabbed the other person’s wrist. Then, he quickly turned his body and pushed the woman to the other side.

The woman’s face and chest were pressed against the ceramic tiles on the bathroom wall. She kept twisting and turning. The clothes on her body had already been ripped apart before, but at this moment, no normal man could appreciate this kind of “Beauty”.

Many people said that to appreciate a person, one had to look at their inner self, not at the surface.

But when you really tore open the bloody surface to let you look deeply into the inner self..,

you would feel..,

it was better to look at the skin..,

it was better to look at the appearance!

“It’s time to eat!”

The woman’s arms were pressed against the wall and she pushed back. The tiles on the wall started to crack, like a spider web that kept extending out.

Zhou Ze’s left fingernail turned into a sickle and pierced directly into the woman’s back and waist.

The woman did not feel any pain, nor did she scream. She even turned her head and continued to look at Zhou Ze with drool.

It was as if she was saying,

“You’re so cheeky!”!

“Get Down!”

Zhou ze exerted all his strength, including his own weight. The woman’s upper body was forced down, and her face, which did not have much flesh left, was forced down into the toilet by Zhou Ze.

The woman began to struggle desperately,

she wanted to get up,

she wanted to grab Zhou Ze,

she wanted to enjoy today’s Feast!

However, Zhou Ze’s two pairs of long nails were like steel bars, locking her in place like a stapler.

The bathroom was only so big, and with the presence of the toilet, Zhou Ze was able to use the space to restrict the woman.

The woman continued to struggle,

the sound of her nails rubbing against her bones was so ear-piercing,

as she continued to struggle, Zhou Ze could still see blood slowly seeping out of his fingernails. It was obvious that his fingernails were starting to give out.

In journey to the west, if it weren’t for Tang Sanzang holding her back time and time again, Sun Da Sheng would have been able to kill the white bone spirit with one hit. Therefore, most people thought that the white bone spirit could only change its appearance to deceive people. It wasn’t a big deal.

However, Boss Zhou wasn’t Sun the great sage. The person in front of him really had a feeling of invulnerability. That skeleton was like a high-strength alloy.

In the past, boss Zhou’s nails were sharp enough to cut through iron like mud. However, every time they rubbed against each other, they could only leave a shallow white mark on the other party’s skeleton. It wasn’t even a dent!

“What should we do? !”

Zhou ze shouted.

In the bathroom, there were only him and this woman,


zhou Ze knew clearly..,

there was another one in the mirror.

If boss Zhou could not hold on tonight and really became this woman’s food, Zhou Ze would not be the only one who would die.

In the past, why did the other party have to force herself to wake up and help Zhou Ze when he was in danger,

it was precisely because of this reason,

he and Zhou Ze were actually the same person. If Zhou Ze was finished, then so was he.

Therefore, even if he had to pay a huge price every time he woke up,

he still had to wake up again and again to help Zhou Ze wipe his ass.

In the mirror, Zhou Ze stretched out his hand,

like peeling a banana,

he slowly peeled off the skin on his fingers, revealing the white bones that made one’s scalp tingle,

everything, everything,

it seems so smooth,

so quiet,

this serenity is not just reflected in the absence of sound,

it’s the kind that’s good for the body,

for flesh and blood,

for pain,

don’t give a shit!

And then,

he put his bony fingers in his mouth and began to suck slowly,

it’s like sitting in a barbecue joint eating a bunch of bone and meat with chili on it.

“Crunch… Crunch… Crunch…”

That crisp,

that refreshing,

that person in the mirror,

actually started to perform the iron pot stew..

Oh No,

he was performing himself eating himself!

He was very engrossed in eating,

he was very focused on eating,


he waved at Zhou Ze,

in his five fingers,

there was already one missing,

and that one was continuing to chew and savor in his mouth.

Eating himself?

Zhou Ze thought.

Eating himself to increase his strength?

Was this a secret technique of zombies?

Zhou Ze’s expression in the mirror suddenly changed,

he must have heard Zhou Ze’s thoughts,

although he was in the mirror now, he and Zhou Ze were actually still connected.

He started to roar and curse crazily again,

it was as if he wanted to tear this idiot apart!

Unfortunately, he couldn’t leave the mirror and couldn’t come back,

otherwise, he might really drag Zhou Ze to be buried with him!

Not to eat himself?

Then to eat?

Zhou ze lowered his head,

he looked at this woman who was stuck on the toilet bowl by his two “Sickles”and was temporarily unable to get away.

It was too heavy..

Boss Zhou wasn’t a person who couldn’t get tired of eating. In his previous life, he was born in an orphanage and didn’t pay much attention to food.

In this life, “Eating”had been a huge problem for a long time. If he could eat it, he would be thankful. As for eating and drinking well, he would not force it.

But if he said a thousand words, then ten thousand words..,

eating this directly..,

wasn’t this too hard to accept?


A piercing pain struck,


Zhou Ze was in so much pain that he almost stomped his feet,

the fingernail on his left little finger had actually broken. The fingernail cover had even cracked open, and it was a bloody mess.

Ten fingers connected to the heart,

especially since boss Zhou’s fingernails were different from ordinary fingernails, the pain brought by it was even more intense.

Originally, ten fingernails could only barely restrain a woman,

now that one was broken,

it was even more difficult to completely suppress a woman,

and she seemed to be encouraged by this,

she struggled even harder.

In the bathroom,

there was the sound of the bone woman’s rapid breathing,

with an extremely strong rhythm,

she kept trying to stand up and turn her head,

but every time she tried to push herself up, she was once again suppressed by Zhou Ze,

the competition between the two sides had continued until now.

There was no time to hesitate,

there was no more time to hesitate,

zhou Ze opened his mouth,

he directly bit down on the woman’s Back!

His fangs had long since returned,

after all, he had no way to enter the zombie state now,

in addition..,

this skeleton was so tough that even his nails couldn’t cut any marks. Was it possible to rely on his teeth?

Less than a third of the woman’s back was still bound by flesh. The rest of the place had long been left with white bones, but there was still a disgusting white mucus on the bones, like a specimen soaked in formalin.

Zhou ze bit down on one of the woman’s bones,

this time, he did not hold back at all, and he did not dare to hold back.

“Squeak squeak…”

The teeth kept rubbing against the woman’s bones,

zhou Ze’s nose was sore from the pain, and tears fell out.

He could not bite,

f * ck!

What kind of stupid method was this!

Could it be that he had to throw the woman into an iron pot and boil her,

or stir-fry her in red sauce?

But is it possible?

This woman is about to lose control of herself.

If I let her out,

i will be the one to be steamed or braised, just like the woman who carried me into the kitchen after the dance.

She should have been a particular person when she was alive,

she didn’t like to drink raw meat and blood,

she liked to wake up and cook food.

But in the next moment,

when Zhou Ze’s saliva dripped from his mouth and stained the woman’s bones,

in a trance,

zhou Ze felt that the bones he was biting on,

seemed to have softened a little,

his teeth seemed to have pierced a little,

was this an illusion?

—— —

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