Courier companies.

Outside the door, heavy rain invaded the basin.

Inside the door, Jessica Jones and the Devil’s Claw are fighting.


“Battle detected, drop reward: 5 points”


“Battle detected, drop reward: ulnar spur (Devil Claw Girl)”

Listening to the prompt sound from the system, Su Quan, who was bored, went upstairs to the storage room and took out the time controller and electronic collar.

He’s going to the New World to see if he can find someone to fix it.

Regarding the new world, he has two choices.

[The Flash] and [Fantastic Four].

Sisko Raymond, the “shockwave” in “The Flash”, is a little tech expert.

“The Flash” Barry Allen and “Reverse Lightning” Alberd Swan are experts in time, and the timeline is almost fainted in the toilet by their play.

And [Fantastic Four] has “Mr. Fantastic” Reed Marvel’s first smart man and craniotomy Richards.

Although Reed Richards in the movie version is not a wolf, there should be no problem fixing the time controller.

Choose one of the two.

Su Quan chose a beautiful woman, cough – it is the choice of [Fantastic Four]!


Columbia University, New York.

On campus, Su Quan, who had regained his super hearing, stepped on the emerald green lawn and walked towards a man and a woman sitting under a tree not far away.

The woman has long blonde hair and a delicate face that makes her look like a Disney Barbie, and all she lacks is a princess dress.

The man is stout and has a bald head.

Susan Stone and Benjamin Jacob Gream.

One is Reed Richards’ girlfriend, the invisible woman of one of the future Fantastic Four.

One is Reed Richards’ friend, the Stone Man, one of the future Fantastic Four.

Unlike the last time he crossed the [Black Robe Picket] world, this time it was worn a little early, and the future Fantastic Four have not graduated from college.


Su Quan greeted and came to the two.

Benjamin kept his face composed, and his eyes were a little displeased.

His unhappiness is easy to guess, after all, Susan is too beautiful, he definitely does not want to see his good brother’s prospective girlfriend being accosted.

Yes, prospective girlfriends.

Reid and Susan have not yet formalized their relationship.

Susan responded with a polite nod: “Hey, what’s the matter?” ”

“Guess where my heart is?”

The whimsical opening statement made Susan stunned: “Left? ”

Su Quan shook his head and said with a smile: “Wrong, on your side!” ”

“Cluck—” Susan didn’t hold back, and the silver-bell-like laughter instantly rang out.

“If you don’t want to give my heart back, then tell me your name.”

Susan smiled and said, “I don’t have a place to hold your heart, but—hello, my name is Susan.” ”

“I have poems I want to give you, only three sentences.”

“Is it? I’m looking forward to it. ”

With the ‘heart attack’ just now, Susan was really curious about what kind of poem this bold and humorous boy would read to himself, especially if there were only three sentences.

“Your name.”

“I’ve heard it.”

“The shortest love poem!”

That’s really three sentences!

Susan’s laughter sounded again, more hearty than before, happy and unscrupulous.


Seeing his brother’s prospective girlfriend being so happy by strangers, Benjamin, who broke his heart for them, finally couldn’t help shouting at Su Quan.

Su Quan looked at Susan knowingly: “Is he your boyfriend?” ”

“He’s my friend, Benjamin.” Susan introduced with a smile.

“I don’t like you, you’d better leave right away.” Benjamin said very directly.

Susan apologized, “Sorry, we’re waiting for another friend.” ”

“His boyfriend.” Benjamin saw the stitch’s attempt to let Su Quan know that he had a famous flower.

Susan glanced at Benjamin with some displeasure, whether Reid would become his boyfriend or not, it was not a reason for him to forcibly interfere with his feelings and freedom.

“We’re not together yet.” She explained, not for Su Quan, but for herself.

Benjamin is not qualified to decide the emotional affiliation for her!

Benjamin: This is counterproductive.

Su Quan chuckled: “The sun can’t make everyone like it, you say it’s warm, I say it’s dazzling.” ”

Benjamin’s face was a little ugly.

“There are more people who don’t like me, how old are you!”

Directly to directly, this wave, see who is straighter!

Benjamin stood up and looked at Su Quan angrily, and the big man seemed to be ready to pounce at any time.

“Bastard, do you want to get beaten?”

Su Quan disagreed: “If I say anything to your sore spot, you must say it, and I will concentrate on fire attacks in the future.” ”

“You’re dead, I’ll beat you up today!” Benjamin was completely furious, and he was about to move with his fist.

“Enough! I’m leaving! Susan got up with a calm face and prepared to leave.

“Wait, where are you going, didn’t we make an appointment with Reid?” Benjamin hurriedly said.

“The appointment was half an hour ago.”

“He’s coming, trust me, he’ll be coming soon.” Benjamin explained for his friend. “I called him right away.”

“A mouth that loves you, countless details that don’t love you.” Su Quan made up for it with interest.

This sentence can be regarded as speaking to Susan’s heart.

It is undeniable that Reid is a genius and feels good when everyone gets along, but he attaches far more importance to experiments and research than himself, which is why she has been hesitant to try it with him.

Now, don’t hesitate.

Reid likes experimentation, loves research, then likes to go.

Benjamin likes to worry about brothers’ feelings, so let’s worry about someone else.

The old lady is not waiting!


PS: Recommend my other works: “Marvel: King Come”, “Zombie: The Strongest Grim Reaper”, “Marvel: Door Fruit”, “American Comics: The Strongest Villain”, “KO List: The Strongest God of War”, “I Have a Dimensional Street in Marvel”, “People in American Dramas: Spend Money to Become Stronger!” 》

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