Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 306 Ready to do it

In the mechanical ruins, near a heavily guarded warehouse, eight fully armed mechanical sentries surrounded the entire warehouse.

Farther away from the warehouse, several avatars of the slaughterer gathered together, watching from afar.

"Has it been cleaned up?" Number One asked in a low voice.

"All the patrolling sentries around have been cleaned up. In a short time, there will be absolutely no patrolling sentries." Another mechanical clone whispered.

No. 1 looked around for a week. Originally, he had joined No. 4, No. 5, and No. 7. When he left, he met No. 10. He had already gathered five of the ten clones, which was enough to deal with the eight mechanical sentries.

No. 1 calmed down and said in a low voice: "Now that the cleaning has been completed, let's proceed to the next step."

Hearing this, No. 4 couldn't help but said, "Don't you wait for others? The strength of these eight patrolling sentries is unknown, and it may be dangerous to start a war rashly."

Number One shook his head and said, "I can't wait, unless you want to clean up the patrolling sentry again."

"What do you mean?" Four asked.

The rest of the avatars also cast their gazes over. They are all avatars. The strength of No. 1 has already made them feel dissatisfied. Although No. 1 is stronger and has inherited the force field of the main body, it does not mean that they will Willingly obey Number One's orders.

No. 1 was silent for a moment, and explained: "The defense mechanism of this mechanical ruin is not that simple. These patrolling sentries are not constant. Every once in a while, the patrolling sentries will be rotated. If we continue to wait, It is likely to wait for the next batch of patrolling sentries."

The hearts of the other avatars sank when they heard the words, not because the patrolling sentries would rotate, but because the information that No. 1 had had was more detailed than them.

All the avatars all come from one body, the strength is like this, and the memory database is also like this. The news that No. 1 just revealed is obviously impossible to be discovered by himself. This news must come from the body.

This only proves one thing, before the ontology split, it not only gave No. 1 a force field that other people didn't have, but also gave him memory data that other people didn't have.

If as expected, in addition to a lot of key information about this mechanical ruin, the main body should also leave more secret means for No. 1 to restrain other mechanical clones, so as to ensure that there will be no accidents when all clones are assembled .

They are all avatars too, and the main body's favoritism is too much!

A few people felt uncomfortable physically and mentally, and number four said in a strange way:

"I also said that the main body would choose to enter the mechanical ruins to fight. It turns out that he has already learned many secrets of the mechanical ruins. It is just that you have this secret alone. Isn't it a bit wrong? This will cause us to be blind Encountered more dangers in the exploration, and may even fall."

"Although I know you don't care how many of us will die during this exploration, if we die too many, will the strength of the main body be affected when we gather again?"

Number one looked at him indifferently, and said:

"You think too much. It's not because the ontology deliberately concealed it, but because the memory data about the core area of ​​the mechanical ruins all come from the supreme controller. In order to avoid leaking, all these data have been encrypted. Before that, even the ontology I also don't know the content of these data, these data have the characteristics of being non-replicable and passively decompressed, and will only be actively decompressed when they enter the core area of ​​the mechanical ruins."

So it is!

Several mechanical avatars woke up like a dream. Before they met No. 1, they also asked the explorers for some relevant information, but the explorers had only entered the core area for the first time. They already had a preliminary understanding of the peripheral areas. The area is also blacked out.

Just like the rotation mechanism of this patrolling sentinel, the explorer has no time to understand the relevant information.

If the information about the core area that No. 1 knows comes from the supreme controller,

That all makes sense.

Under the control of the supreme controller, this mechanical ruin is not the only one. The exploration progress of several other mechanical ruins is already very high. The supreme controller must know a lot of information about the mechanical ruins.

"Since the information given by the supreme controller has been decompressed, can you tell us more information to help us avoid some accidents." Number Four said.

"When it's time for you to know, I will naturally tell you that you and I are one, and I will never cheat myself." Number One said.

The other avatars looked at each other and stopped talking. Since No. 1 didn't want to say anything, they couldn't continue to persecute him, unless it was absolutely necessary, and they didn't want to tear themselves apart with No. 1.

No. 1 looked around and continued: "The next thing we have to do is to deal with these mechanical sentinels guarding the warehouse."

"Although the strength of these eight mechanical sentries is stronger than that of the patrolling sentries, they are also very limited. At least they are weaker than us. The five of us working together are enough to suppress or even kill them."

"In the course of the battle, we need to pay attention to two points."

"First, during the battle, don't get too close to the warehouses. In addition to being guarded by mechanical sentries, these warehouses also have a powerful defense system. Once we approach rashly, the firepower of the defense system will easily tear us apart!"

"Secondly, the combat area should not be too far away from the warehouse. These mechanical sentries have a fixed guard area. Once they are too far away, the defense mechanism of the warehouse will also be triggered. The warehouse will dispatch new guards to replace the mechanical guards who left the guard area. .”

"In the end, we must go all out in the battle and make a quick decision to prevent the mechanical guard from calling more patrolling sentries for support!"

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now!"

After hearing the words, the other mechanical avatars looked at each other, and No. 5 asked:

"After solving these mechanical guards, what are you going to do with the warehouse's defense system?"

The other avatars also set their sights on No. 1. For them, it is not difficult to jointly solve the eight mechanical guards. The real difficulty is how to deal with the warehouse's defense system.

Judging from the strength of the mechanical ruins, the defense system here is simply not something their avatars can handle. Even if the main body comes, it may not be able to withstand the attack of the defense system.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, No. 1 slowly took out a core crystal.

"This thing can help us pass the authentication of the warehouse defense system."

Looking at the core crystal in No. 1's hand, No. 4 suddenly woke up like a dream, and guessed how No. 1 should deal with the defense system.

"Since you have a way to deal with the warehouse's defense system, we can try it together."

No. 1 took back the core crystal, and just arranged combat missions for several clones, suddenly, the light in his eyes lit up.

He sensed Six and Eight approaching.

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