Mech Journey

Chapter 411: Press conference

After an afternoon meeting, the combat team has determined a basic combat plan, and the selected 30 mechas have all begun to be carefully assembled. The team members will conduct adaptive training in the camp the next day, but they still emphasized An order that no one can leave this camp before the start of the game.

   This is a hard and fast rule. Every team member is indispensable in the game, and the list has been reported. In the event of an accident, it is impossible to find someone to replace it temporarily.

On the other hand, Yang Mu and Nangong Xiao both received new news after just finishing the arrangement. Xiao Long, who was meeting outside, sent a message that a press conference will be held in the camp tonight, mainly to clarify the team members who will be launched this time, including There will be a short meeting for the list of the scientific research team and the mecha combat team.

   Yang Mu couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the news. It seemed that he wanted to push everyone to the news media in advance.

   This is Xiao Long's arrangement. Yang Mu naturally cannot refuse. After handing over work with the personnel of the Equipment Department, he indicated which items should be handled as priority, and he brought Zhou Zhou to the conference.

   Coming to a large conference room, Xiao Long was walking over from the other side, and he called out when he saw Yang Mu.

   "Yang Mu, wait." Xiao Long greeted Yang Mu, and Yang Mu let Zhou Zhou go in first, walked over and said hello to Xiao Long: "General, what's the matter?"

Xiao Long didn't have any special expressions on his face. He just looked at Yang Mu, and then said with a smile: "I already know what happened this morning. Yes, it is a good thing to kill them." The new 81 Chinese website is the fastest update. Computer: https://

When I saw Xiao Long, I wanted to talk about this. Yang Mu explained that it was something to be done. There was nothing to be praised. However, Xiao Long continued to say at this time: "Of course, but I told you something else. After you go in for a while, you should not answer any questions about this aspect, but only answer questions about scientific research."

   Yang Mu was stunned, but Xiao Long said: "Your captain's identity is enough to push you to the forefront of the storm. Let Nangong Xiao solve the matter, otherwise there will be problems."

   Hearing this sentence, Yang Mu suddenly realized that Xiao Long didn't want to be too conspicuous. The identity of the scientific research team would have gathered too many eyes, and there was a more important factor.

   Yang Mu may be the youngest research captain among all participating teams.

The scientific research team participating in PAJR are all 30 or 40-year-old researchers, and they can be regarded as representatives of the backbone of national scientific research. However, Yang Mu is different. Yang Mu is only in his twenties. Such a young team member can still explain the past. But he became a captain with the right research...

This will be a big news, too many things will be unearthed, the news media likes to build momentum, such a reputation will bring good results to PAJR for Yang Mu, but for protection reasons, Xiao Long This momentum needs to be reduced, especially because it was mentioned by Yan Lao.

   So Xiao Long now only has one idea, Yang Mu is bound to push it out, but as long as it builds momentum in the direction of scientific research, as for the battle team, it can be downplayed. Anyway, many things are not clear to them.

   Yang Mu also quickly thought about this issue, nodded cautiously, and then walked towards the press conference with Xiao Long.

   Entering the conference hall of the press conference, the noisy atmosphere inside suddenly rushed toward his face, all eyes and machinery were aimed at the door, and Yang Mu, standing behind Xiao Long, unconsciously squinted his eyes.

   "Leader Xiao, I would like to ask PAJR this time the largest participating team and scale in history, do you want to win the championship in one fell swoop?"

   "Leader Xiao, what do you think of the new competition systems in this year's Mecha Contest?"

   "Who will be the individual contestant?"


   A group of reporters rushed forward with their machines, but they were stopped by the guards, but they immediately raised a lot of questions.

Xiao Long looked at these indifferently, and then showed a gentle smile, like a middle-aged general, slowly stepped onto the stage, and said with a smile: "Don’t worry, we will answer the questions one by one, but just now there was someone Comrades said who the contestants are, according to the requirements of the organizing committee, this can only be announced at the start of the competition."

Xiao Long took Yang Mu onto the stage. At this time, there were already a dozen team members. The eight people led by Nangong Xiao were already sitting aside, and the remaining three researchers led by Zhou Zhou were already seated. There is also a floating microphone next to it, apparently just speaking.

   Seeing the arrival of Yang Mu and Xiao Long, everyone on the stage stood up suddenly, Xiao Long motioned everyone to sit down, and Yang Mu also sat down beside Zhou Zhou.

Xiao Long asked Zhou Zhou to finish, and did not interrupt the process here because of his arrival. When he came in before, several questions raised by the reporter were answered by Xiao Long and Nangong Xiao in turn. Everyone did not tell Yang Mu. Pushing forward, Yang Mu was also happy to see this scene, just listening to their report quietly. First release https://https://

"Excuse me, Team Leader Xiao, as far as we know, a competition with the OSA combat team was held in your camp this morning. At that time, a young man in overalls was on the field. Is he also a member of the combat team? When the Li-haired female reporter stood up and asked questions, she gestured directly to Yang Mu who was sitting on the stage.

   Yang Mu turned his head to look at Xiao Long sitting in the middle, Xiao Long took the topic directly, laughed, and then slowly explained.

   "I'll explain this question. First of all, it's a complete coincidence. We are very happy that OSA can communicate with us friendly. As for the young man who played that day..." Xiao Long said with a smile and stretched out his hand to signal Yang Mu.

   "Allow me to introduce to you, this is the captain of our scientific research team, Comrade Yang Mu." Xiao Long said loudly, and Yang Mu immediately stood up, smiling to the reporters in the audience.

   "As for the contest, Comrade Yang Mu usually likes to fight. It can only be said to be a coincidence, haha." Xiao Long said with a smile on his face, and the reporters in the audience were taken aback.

team leader? The captain of the research team?

   There was an uproar in the audience. Everyone looked at Yang Mu in disbelief, and at the young, over-riding person.

   "Just take the liberty to ask, how old is Captain Yang Mu?" The Li-haired female reporter asked, but Xiao Long knowingly pushed the microphone in front of Yang Mu.

Yang Mu looked at the memory in front of him, and met their eyes slightly, and then slowly said: "At the age of twenty-five this, the field is silent, and many people sway unconsciously. Shaking his head, confirm the words Yang Mu just said with the person next to him.

   When it was determined that Yang Mu was really twenty-five years old, everyone's eyes burst into a strong brilliance. The problem just now has been thrown from their minds. This is the biggest news.

   The 25-year-old research team leader is unprecedented. No team has such a young leader. This is news worth digging deeper.

   The female reporter who brought up all these topics jumped up excitedly at the moment, and quickly asked.

   "Mr. Yang Mu, where do you work for PAJR and why did you come to participate in this competition?"

When the surrounding reporters saw this situation, they all raised their hands, and even some people couldn’t help it. They immediately asked: "Mr. Yang Mu, how did you become the leader of the team? I have never heard of you before. What is your main research direction?"

   A group of people began to raise their own questions. Yang Mu did not answer all of them after listening, but just signaled everyone to be quiet.

   Seeing that the field was quiet, Yang Mu smiled and said slowly.

   "Don't be surprised, I am indeed the captain of the research team. I work in the PAJR Mecha Research Institute. I can't disclose the research direction for the time being."

   "But let me put it down...In this game, I believe everyone will be able to see what I do and why I am the captain."



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