Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 273 Old friends reunite, Superman returns

White House, Oval Office.

After a busy day of work, Mr. President left the seat that symbolized national power.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, took off his glasses, and stood on the carpet embroidered with bald eagles.

After a few seconds, it seemed that some kind of switch was activated.

The ground shook slightly and descended slowly.

Mr. President stood on a metal lifting platform, surrounded by darkness, and he could not see his fingers.

Following his arrival, several laser beams shrouded him for scanning confirmation.

"Welcome back."

The monotonous mechanical sound quietly sounded, and the induction lights in the underground space turned on one by one.

This is the architectural layout of a military base, with wide spaces and icy tones.

On the two walls stood a nutrient cabin of equal height, two-thirds of which was filled with pale green liquid.

The whole body was soaked in it, like a specimen in formalin.

Mr. President didn't seem to notice, and continued to walk forward, through two thick alloy doors, and entered a room.

Sitting on a metal chair, he picked up the translucent helmet with many pipes on his right and put it on.

"Start transmission."

Mr. President's eyes suddenly went blank, and the whole person seemed to have become a puppet and lost his self-awareness.

"Business as usual. Continue to accelerate the tempo of the Cold War, limit the scope of S.H.I.E.L.D., and target Howard Stark."

The monotonous mechanical sound reads the memory of Mr. President's brain, and then issues commands.

"He is a very important figure! The Avengers formed in the future, Iron Man, one of the elders, is Howard's son."

"This guy is an uncompromising world-class genius, he needs to be vigilant, and if necessary, it's best to erase it."

"There is also the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is one of the six infinite rough stones and an important bargaining chip that Hydra is eager to get."


The monotonous mechanical sound issued one command after another.

The whole process, like a repeater-style hypnosis, lasted about two hours.

"All right."

Mr. President removed his helmet and left the room.

During this period, he didn't show any expression, like a set robot, he took the elevator back to the Oval Office.

"Regarding Howard Stark, I have dispatched a killer, ready to eliminate this guy who may pose a threat."

A tall man with diamond-shaped gemstones on his forehead appeared in the underground laboratory.

"I've said it many times, that an important plot character like Howard Stark, don't try to solve it casually, it will only cause worse trouble."

There was a hint of anger in the monotonous mechanical sound.

"It's like if Hydra knew the end of World War II and traveled back in time to try to kill Captain America and Superman."

"Unless careful planning is made to eliminate all possible factors that may lead to failure, you will always face failure."

"Because they are the 'protagonists' of this story, and the goddess of luck always favors them."

"Nathaniel Essex, I'm an absolute expert on this."

Mr. Omen raised his brows, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and jokingly said: "Your Excellency Conqueror Kang, how did you, who are so smart and wise, fall to such a level that you have become a freshman soaked in formalin. specimen?"

Following his line of sight, there is a complete human brain in a transparent glass jar.

That is Kang the Conqueror.

He should have died long ago.

The whole person was cut off by the heat of sight, and the lower body was turned into flesh.

In a few seconds, all the vitality will be lost.

The reason why he can still talk and "live" is thanks to Nathaniel Essex.

Mr. Omen, who ended up a little better than Kang the Conqueror - this Alpha-class mutant was smashed half of his body by Superman, barely breathing a sigh of relief.

He took out the latter's head and put it into the nutrition capsule. The consciousness was connected with the high-tech computer from the future, and it became a virtual life similar to artificial intelligence.

"Because the world is not right!"

Mr. Omen's ridicule aroused the sadness of Kang the Conqueror.

"Superman... didn't exist! At least in the many timelines I've conquered, I haven't heard his story!"

"That terribly powerful guy, he's like an actor on the wrong set!"

"While adding a role to myself, the original story has become a mess!"

The Conqueror was very upset, like a player who failed to clear the game and was taunted.

"Okay, stop talking."

The smile on Mr. Omen's face froze, he didn't want to hear about Superman and know about him.

Every time I mentioned the young lieutenant general, Director S.H.I.E.L.D., half of my body ached.

The sense of despair that death is shrouded in the head, and there is no room for resistance, really makes people reluctant to relive and recall.

"Anyway, he's already...disappeared."

Mr. Omen said so.

It seems to be comforting Kang the Conqueror, and it seems to be telling himself.

Superman is a nightmare for them.

"We have to be prepared to take precautions and not take it lightly."

Conqueror Kang, who had only one brain left, reminded.

"Although, Superman was accidentally taken away from this universe by my time-space transmission device."

"But no one knows where he went and whether he will come back."

Mr. Omen frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

He felt that Conqueror Kang had to block himself.

There are so many universes, countless time and space, how can Superman come back!

"Don't worry, we control the president, which means we have a lot of resources."

For the sake of needing information from Conqueror Kang and future technology, Mr. Omen remained patient.

"The Essex company is supported by the government and is developing very fast. As long as I can completely control the mutants, I can get the gene pool of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Lake Akalia."

"At that time, I will not only be able to break through the level limit of Alpha, but also enter a higher-level ability use stage."

"You can also use the genes of mutants to create a huge army that is invincible."

"Like Apocalypse, incarnate as a god and conquer the whole world."

Mr. Omen is like an old general on the stage with flags planted behind his back.

After Superman left this universe, he cultivated his life and healed his injuries.

While working with Kang the Conqueror, he brainwashed the president and established Essex Bio.

With the help of the future technology mastered by the latter, Mr. Omen's cloning technology has made further breakthroughs.

It has been possible to manufacture clones in large quantities according to the template of super soldiers.

Such technology has attracted the attention of Hydra.

Both sides are villains and have the same enemies.

So it hits the spot and everyone takes what they need.

In Mr. Omen's view, everything is on the right track and moving forward steadily.

He didn't want anyone to disturb him and interrupt the process.

"By the way, not only Howard Stark, but also Captain America, Nick Fury... They are all key players."

Conqueror Kang added.

"If you want to remove instability, it's best to do it all at once."

Mr. Omen nodded, indicating that he knew.

The assassination of Howard Stark was just an appetizer.

What comes at the back is the dinner.



Boom! Boom boom boom!

Several ball lightnings containing high-temperature energy vaporized the killer that appeared later into a cloud of coke.

"It should be gone this time."

Captain America wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead and turned to Howard.

The car, like Wuling Hongguang, had infinite space, and ten people came down in batches.

It's like a small base that is constantly blasting soldiers.

"I wonder now if it's a car or... an unusual car."

Howard raised his chin and signaled Captain America to take the lead and go to investigate the truth.

The latter had no objection, holding the iconic vibrating gold shield in his right hand to prevent accidents like explosions.


Pulling open the door with his bare hands, Rogers saw a silver-white computer with a sci-fi appearance inside.

Several red and green lines are connected to ten culture flasks, and it is only necessary to ripen and grow according to the established procedures.

"It's Essex Bio's technology."

Not surprisingly, Rogers had seen the same clone troopers in the Soviet Union, in Hydra.

Those killers with empty eyes and no emotion, according to the prepared genetic template, are continuously delivered like batches of products on the assembly line.

"Such biotechnology is at least a century ahead of the current one!"

Howard glanced and made a judgment.

He has always regarded the recently emerging Essex Biological Company as a replica of "Hammer Industries" that relies on government support and personal connections.

But seeing those cutting-edge technologies such as breeding bottles, gene editing, and overripe ripening, can't help but be shocked.

This is not something that can be researched casually!

"I've seen clone fighters like that."

Rogers said in a low voice.

"I was ready to come back as soon as I learned that Superman disappeared, but on the way back, I encountered a large-scale attack."

Howard's eyes were slightly cold, and he felt a big net covering him.

Not only himself, but any person or thing that is related to Superman, or that may threaten the other party, must be erased.

"I found similar numbers on some clone fighters, and they were all produced by Essex."

Rogers continued.

With the Roaring Commando, he conducted a long-term reconnaissance and gained some secret information.

"Hydra has close ties to this company, and the helm of Essex, Nathaniel, has always been reclusive and kept a low profile."

"However, based on my investigation, this individual has close ties to the White House."

"Put those clues together, and we can come up with a complete web of relationships."

Hearing Captain America's analysis, Howard nodded slightly, completely consistent with his guess.

"I have some... more exciting information that I want to share with you."

He stroked his mustache and said in a deep voice.

The president may be impersonating a future man, and Superman has left the universe...

Compared to those above, these two news may be more difficult to digest.

If it weren't for his good psychological quality and strong receptivity, Captain America would definitely think Howard was crazy to tell such an outrageous "truth".

"Go to my house first. By the way, the one who came to the door in the afternoon was you?"

Captain America nodded, followed the clues, and after finding the prototype of the man behind the scenes, he wanted to contact Howard.

In the absence of Luke, the only one who is trustworthy and can help is probably the latter.

Howard got into the undamaged car and planned to head to his villa on Long Island.

His Iron Overlord power armor is placed there. If Essex Biological Company launches a second round of attacks, his first machine will definitely give the other party a surprise.

"Did you get anything in the Soviet Union? I mean, about Barnes."

On the way to drive, Howard took the initiative to find a topic.

He had heard from Luke that Captain America and Bucky had a deep relationship and a deep friendship.

Knowing that the latter might be in the Soviet Union and fall into the hands of Leviathan, Rogers, who was considering retirement, did not hesitate to leave his girlfriend in love and sneak into Moscow with the Roaring Commando.

This kind of friendship makes Howard sometimes have some excessive speculation.

"We were in Moscow for two months, and we ran into the agents of the Red House and almost got rid of them."

Rogers recalled the days of incognito, changing identities, and lurking in Moscow.

"It is said that the Red House is Leviathan's secret organization specializing in training spies, agents, and assassins."

"They took in many war orphans and taught skills such as etiquette, culture and dance, so that they could break into the upper classes in the future."

"Of course, shooting, interrogation, counter-interrogation and hand-to-hand combat... these are also compulsory courses."

"Everyone is a tool there. The best ones will get the title of 'Black Widow'."

Rogers paused, and the image of a blond woman appeared in his mind.

"I bumped into a black widow, and it wasn't easy to get out of the trap with the Howling Commandos."

Howard raised his eyebrows. He has always been very interesting with female spies and agents.

In Luke's words, eat the sugar coating and hit the cannonballs back.

"Bucky is indeed in Leviathan's clutches, and he has a new name, the Winter Soldier."

Speaking of good friends, Rogers' tone was a bit complicated.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't bring him back."

"Bucky's existence, and his plan of action, are secret in Leviathan, and I can't get in touch."

"In addition to Luke's accident and sudden disappearance, I can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​rescuing him."

Howard was silent for a moment, the priority is to determine the whereabouts of Superman, and then bring him back.

As long as Luke is there, S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as him and Captain America, and even the Cold War competition between the two superpowers, all crises can be solved.

This is the status of superman!

A weight enough to change the world situation!


The car drove straight in and stopped at the gate of the Long Island Villa.

"Jarvis probably hasn't slept yet."

Howard got out of the car and raised his hand to check the time.

His personal housekeeper usually stays busy until after twelve o'clock, and goes to bed after finishing everything.

"If you're hungry, you can ask him to make a sandwich or something."

Captain America clutched his stomach, he was indeed a little hungry.

As a battleship-level soldier, energy consumption also needs to be supplemented.

"Wait! Something's wrong!"

Howard pushed open the door and saw that the living room was lit, but Jarvis, the housekeeper, did not come to greet him.

This is very abnormal behavior.

His butler has always done his best.

From personal etiquette to ability to work, I can't pick a single fault.

Every time, as long as Howard comes home, the other party will definitely stand at the door.

"It may be dangerous..."

Howard eased his footsteps, and Captain America stepped forward, raising his vibranium shield.

The two of them crept into the living room slowly.

They saw a man sitting at the table, taller than Jarvis.

"I said, when old friends meet again, shouldn't you be more excited?"

The familiar voice suddenly sounded, which startled the nervous two people.

The man at the table turned around and smiled.

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