Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 327: The problem has shifted

Ether particles!

While that's the name it's been called throughout Thor's second installment, it actually has another name...the Reality Gem!

One of the six Infinity Stones!

To be honest, this made Xia Zhiye a little speechless. If he got the ether, he would have three of the six infinite gems.

Could he go to the dwarves and make an infinity gauntlet? Inlaid with three infinite gems, its power is enough to sweep most of the forces in the universe.

"But no matter how powerful the Infinity Gauntlet is, it might be snatched away. Purple Sweet Potato was lucky. He met Xingjue and was punched by Xingjue, so he was saved from the bad luck of being snatched away. It’s hard for me to say that there is such a good opportunity.”

Xia Zhiye shook his head. To put it bluntly, some things are not his own. If he just wears them, there will always be the bad luck of being snatched away. But if the power of these things is completely decomposed and integrated into one's own body, then everything will naturally be different.

Moreover, the feeling that ether gave him was different from the previous Cosmic Rubik's Cube and even the power gem.

This thing gave him the feeling that it seemed more dangerous and rebellious.

Following the feeling in my heart, it is not difficult to find ether.

Especially in the building in front of me, there are always horizontal and vertical space gaps. Although it is invisible to the naked eye, the connection with other spaces here is really great.

Xia Zhiye found a space fault with the strongest induction, and then merged into it.

In the next second, he had already appeared in another place.

Black boulders stretch across the surrounding world, and beyond that is the dark red and deep universe.

At this moment, he was stepping on a huge boulder that was running non-stop, and as the boulder turned and tilted, he actually had a feeling of being unstable.

"It's obviously not a planet, but it has gravity." Xia Zhiye looked around: "Moreover, there is oxygen here to it the place in the movie?"

The Eye of Horus has completely severed the relationship with him.

With a thought in his mind, Xia Zhiye drew another Eye of Horus. After looking around, he found a platform in the center of the surrounding boulders.

On that platform,

Between the two huge boulders that were not completely fitted together, a dark red substance was flowing.


Xia Zhiye took a deep breath, spread the wings of the Crow God, and flew in that direction.

However, halfway through the flight, he saw an unexpected guest in the eyes of Horus.


Xia Zhiye's face turned dark all of a sudden: "This woman!"

Sure enough, it is impossible to be obedient, right? And most importantly, why did I appear on the outermost edge when I appeared here, while this woman appeared directly on the platform?

"This is simply... unscientific!!!"

It is impossible to explain everything in this world with science, and when Xia Zhiye came to the platform, the ether had disappeared, and Jane lay there unconscious, but the breath on her body was very clear. It means that the ether is entrenched in her body.

Xia Zhiye squatted beside Jane, and for a while didn't know what to say.

According to her, Raytheon has not contacted her since a year ago. Then she started a long search journey, and in the end she was a "self-inflicted trap", which led to her participating in this matter as she did in the movie, and finally provided a container for the ether.

However, none of this is important to Xia Zhiye, what is important is how to deal with it next?

He really wanted to make a call for help, but it was estimated that there would be no signal here. Even the super powerful communication system made by Tony would be meaningless here.

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Zhiye stretched out a hand to cover Jane's forehead.

In the next second, a burst of energy suddenly shot out, a dark red light flashed, and a golden light flashed across Xia Zhiye's body at the same time, the energy dissipated without causing any damage.

Only Jane's body had dark red surges, and then calmed down.

"So intense?"

Xia Zhiye frowned, he lacked knowledge in this area, and didn't know how to take the ether out of other people's bodies.

But the leader of the dark elves in the movie is very familiar with it.

"Speaking of which, this leader seems to be a guy who has already started thinking about using ether five thousand years ago, and it's normal to be proficient in using it."

Xia Zhiye sat down on the ground, unable to describe his state of mind at this moment.

There is a wonderful feeling of getting up early and catching up with the late episode.

He obviously set off last night, but was detoured by a stupid driver. Now thinking about throwing him to New Mexico, it is too gentle. He should throw this damn detour driver here. Look at him Will you dare to make a detour next time?

There is nothing left and right, Xia Zhiye just sits here and starts to think wildly.

There was a lively and beautiful girl lying beside her, but she didn't even have the interest to take a look at it. I have to say that in this respect, Xia Zhiye is indeed quite powerful.

One is lying here receiving the ether, the other is sitting here thinking wildly.

However, when Xia Zhiye came back to his senses, he found himself sitting in the lobby of that building. At the same time, there was an exclamation from the side, but Jane suddenly sat up.

The two looked at each other, and Jane said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"... To be honest, I have no idea why you asked me such a question first?"

Xia Zhiye glanced at her: "Why are you disobedient? I asked you to wait in the car."

"Why should I listen to you?" Jane was inexplicably unconvinced, who do you think you are? What do you say I have to listen to?

"That's right." Xia Zhiye patted his butt and stood up.

"You haven't answered me yet, why are you here? Why are we together? What did you do to me?" Jane frowned, but soon she looked at her hands: "Why do I feel, It's a little bit different."

Xia Zhiye ignored her, took out a mobile phone from the decomposition space, and called. After the phone rang a few times, he hung up and picked up the communicator.

"I'm here." Natasha's voice came from the communicator.

"Is Dr. Eric Sevig still in Scotland Yard?" Xia Zhiye asked.

"It's still there, but it seems to be waiting for a psychiatric evaluation."

"No need, let him stop all the medicines, and the problem will probably be cured without medicine." Xia Zhiye said: "Help me get him out, what he is studying may be very important to us. "

"Did you find the problem?"

Natasha asked.

Xia Zhiye glanced at Jane somewhat helplessly, then sighed and said, "No, the problem has shifted."

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