Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 142: Indulge

When the spaceship stopped completely and floated in the universe, a crimson celestial body appeared in front of Xia Yeye.

Huge, deep, and red like a flame, it deeply impacted the three views of Xia Zhiye.

Although in science fiction movies, and even in the Guardians of the Galaxy, Xia Zhiye has seen all kinds of strange planets.

However, across the screen, even if it was a giant screen, it couldn't bring him the huge shock that was so close at hand.

Like all predators, in the empty hall, Xia Zhiye gathered with them and looked at Yongdu.

Yongdu pondered for a long time and felt that he should say something to boost his morale, but after pondering for a long time, he grinned and said, "Let's go!"

Simply neat!

Xia Zhiye silently gave a thumbs up, but didn't they say they were going to be grouped?

You're leaving now, haven't you forgotten something?

And... where is the star-lord?

When everyone flocked to the hangar, only Xia Zhiye and Yongdu stood there and looked at each other.

Yondu looked at Xia Zhiye hesitantly, while Xia Zhiye looked at Yondu in a circle, and they seemed a little embarrassed to each other.

Finally, Yongdu said, "How about you come with us?"

"No no no!"

Star-Lord's hurried voice came over: "He and I are together, we are the Earth team!"

Yongdu glared at Xingjue fiercely, then nodded and said, "Don't cause me trouble!"

After speaking, he left with the young man who had been following behind him.

As the young man walked, he whispered, "Boss, I always feel that the two of them are weird."

"Don't learn taboo knowledge that shouldn't be learned!"

Yongdu slapped the young man's head fiercely.

The young man immediately covered his head and agreed.

Xia Zhiye suddenly wanted to draw a gun,

Give Yondu a shot in the back of the head, I always feel that what he imparts is the so-called 'taboo knowledge', okay?

"Okay, we're free!"

Star Lord excitedly put his arms around Xia Zhiye's shoulders and said, "Let's go, I have everything ready!"

Xia Zhiye blinked and felt at a loss. Did you just go to prepare everything when you disappeared? What have you been doing these days?

And... what the hell is this? How inexplicably can you leave?

Is this the case every time Yongdu asks everyone to do a mission?

Then you can go anytime?

This question Xia Zhiye didn't hold back and asked.

"How could it be like this every time? That's why I said that your luck is really good!"

Star-Lord said with a serious face: "I just got the qualification to sail independently and own a spaceship of my own. But its color is not very good, I don't particularly like it. But it doesn't matter, I will definitely do it in the future. Replace it!"

Xia Zhiye felt that this topic seemed to deviate from the original core.

With a stomach full of inexplicable, Xia Zhiye trotted all the way to the hangar with Star-Lord. When he saw the spaceship belonging to Star-Lord, Xia Zhiye understood why Xing-Lord had to replace it.

There is no problem with the overall structure of the spacecraft, and the shape is not different from the others.

But I don't know why, the whole spaceship was sprayed with a green coating, which is unbearable for every man, right?

But when he saw Star Lord, Xia Zhiye thought how could this guy care about this kind of problem?

His wife is all green, okay?

After shaking his head and shaking his head for no reason, he followed Star-Lord on the boat.

After the pilot and co-pilot were seated, Star-Lord was excited to introduce the use of these buttons to Xia Zhiye.

It turned out that Xia Ye Ye turned on the switch faster than him, and waited for him to drop the pusher.

"You can drive a spaceship?" Star-Lord was stunned: "Are the people on earth already able to rush out of the universe now?"


Xia Zhiye thought for a moment and said, "I just know how to fly a plane. This console is similar to that one."

"Really?" Star-Lord looked incredulous: "Why do I always feel like you're lying to me?"

Xia Zhiye put on a mask: "Look at my sincere expression!"

"..." Star Lord.

The thruster started, and with a bang, the spacecraft suddenly accelerated and entered the ejection channel.

After entering the universe from the ejection channel, he saw many spaceships around him, heading towards the red planet in front of him.

"Set the coordinates, everyone will follow me!"

Yondu's voice reached everyone's ears through the communicator.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Star-Lord laughed and suddenly lowered his speed. Seeing the distance between the other spaceships and him, he shouted in the communication channel: "Goodbye, guys!"

The voice fell, turned the spacecraft, and rushed over with a bang.

The people who stayed behind on the Yongdu spaceship immediately launched a pre-gravitational field towards the pale green spaceship of Xingjue and Xia Zhiye, but they could not catch up with the speed of the spaceship, and in the end they could only watch it The spacecraft disappeared into the universe.

"Boss, Star-Lord betrayed! Run away with the kid who just joined!"

"Is this an elopement? So romantic!!"

"Oh my God, you make me sick!"

Yong Duo sighed softly and whispered to himself: "This incomparably beautiful, incomparably dazzling universe is full of danger and terror. But... I can't protect you for the rest of your life, go, fly unbridled, willful. Go wild! With such a bodyguard by your side, at least I don't have to worry, you'll kill yourself soon."

"Boss, what did you say?"

The young man who had been by his side said, "The Star Lord betrayed you!"

"Not bad! I can't let anyone who betrayed me!"

Yondu shouted loudly: "After we complete this mission, we will hunt him down! Absolutely let him know what the price will be for those who betray me!!"

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"



The music played in the cabin, and after the destination coordinates were set, the manual driving had been switched to automatic driving.

Star-Lord danced shyly, and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet: "This is a good thing that I have kept private, and good things should be shared with my companions."

Poured two cups and gave one to Xia Zhiye: "For our bright future!!"

Xia Zhiye reluctantly took the wine glass. After taking a sip, his eyes lit up. This is indeed much better than the wine of those looters.

Nodding with satisfaction, listening to the explosive dance music of the 1980s in his ears, he shook his head and smiled: "After that, do you have any plans?"


Star-Lord immediately said enthusiastically: "First of all, I want to give myself a nickname!"

Xia Zhiye opened his mouth: "What does this have to do with future plans?"

"Hey! Don't you understand?"

Star-Lord said solemnly: "With a nickname, we can make our name famous."

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