Vanessa is dead!

Jason's brows frowned into a word of Sichuan.

He is a cold-blooded person, and because he had in-depth communication with Vanessa, he felt heartache and regret for her death.

He was just a little surprised that Jin Bing was able to do it.

When Jin Bing was with Vanessa in the past, he was gentle, witty in conversation, and full of gentlemanly demeanor in every move.

It's not like a gangster with blood on his hands at all, but like a dog licking.

But it was such a little milk dog who could only bark, turned his face and turned his back on Vanessa, and killed Vanessa in this extremely cruel way.

Jason's brows were slightly relaxed. He was surprised by Jin Bing's choice, but at the same time he understood.

From his point of view, the act of cuckolding Kim was cool, exciting, even addictive.

But if you think about it in another place, I'm afraid it's a bit over the top.

No matter how mature and calm a man is, he will become hysterical when he encounters a cuckold, let alone a gangster like Jin Bin who has killed countless people.

Vanessa's betrayal was a stain on his life and a shame that would never be washed away in his life.

Angry, it was reasonable for him to kill Vanessa to vent his anger.

Thinking of Jin Bing's angry look made Jason happier.

How do you say that……

Happiness is built on the pain of others.


I spent a whole day playing with my mobile phone in the warehouse, and it should be about the same time.

Jason took off the sportswear he picked up in the Nike store, found an old cotton coat and a pair of ripped jeans and put them on.

Rubbed the dusty furniture with the palm of his hand, then wiped the dust on his hands, face and neck, and then scratched his hair into a messy chicken nest.

After a simple change of clothes, Jason changed from a spirited guy to the most common homeless man on the streets of New York.

Stuffing a Glock 20 with a silencer in his pocket, Jason opened the warehouse door.

The sky outside the door was as black as ink, and the buildings in the distance were brightly lit.

Stretching in satisfaction, Jason walked towards Mid-South Manhattan.


Jin Bing was able to rule gangs of all sizes in New York. In addition to his own force value that was close to the human ceiling, his two generals, one with one article and one military, also contributed a lot.

The general said, of course, it was Jason.

Jason was born in poverty, and his parents were at the bottom of society. He has no power and power, and he has worked hard for himself by punching and kicking.

After joining Jin Bin's gang, he helped Jin Bin defeat countless gangsters and robbed countless territories by virtue of his daring character and superb force value, becoming Jin Bin's most trusted thug.

From having nothing to being able to reach the sky, Jason's deeds sound very inspirational.

Many young people who are new to the gang use him as an example, thinking that as long as they work hard, they will one day be able to climb to Jason's height.

As the old saying goes, it is easy to conquer the country and difficult to defend the country.

The territory has been hard-earned, and it must be managed by people who know how to do it.

In this regard, Jason can't do it, and Jin Bin can't do it either.

Therefore, Jin Bing recruited many think tanks to give him advice and help him manage the gang.

Among these think tanks, the most golden and trusted is a white male named James Wesley.

That's who Jason was meeting tonight.


After walking for a few kilometers, Jason came to a high-end residential area in Mid-South Manhattan.

The residential area is composed of American-style villas, and each villa is 30 meters apart to ensure that the privacy of each family will not be disturbed.

The residential area is tree-lined, the roads are clean, and the crime rate is extremely low. It is a pretty good place to live.

Wesley's home is here. He likes this quiet and elegant living environment, and once asked Jason to move here to live with him.

Jason refused on the grounds that he liked the excitement and living in a modern high-rise apartment, but he didn't like this kind of pension-style big house.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the central city of Manhattan is bustling with countless beauties and beauties reveling in the square.

And this residential area has quieted down, and the windows of most houses are dark.

Walking on the wide road, listening to the insects and birds singing in the trees, Jason couldn't help feeling that his original decision was extremely correct.

Put him to bed at ten o'clock?

God, it was harder than killing him.

Wesley's home, Jason, has been here many times, and he is quite familiar with it.

His family's villa wasn't too big, but there were 600 to 700 square meters of lawn gardens around the villa, which impressed Jason very much.

The lights on the first floor of the villa have been turned off, and only the master bedroom on the second floor is still lit. It seems that Mr. Wesley hasn't slept very well recently.

Jason took out his pistol, put on a silencer, and hit the camera on the top of the villa with one shot, then went around to the back door of the villa.

【Ding! Destroy other people's property, gain 5 villain points, current progress: 465/3000]

Pushing the window of the living room, it didn't move.

I tried the kitchen window again, and it opened in one fell swoop.

Jason carefully rolled into the house without making a sound.

Taking advantage of the bright moonlight outside the window, he looked around in every room on the first floor, but no one was there.

Jason held the pistol in his hand, and tiptoed up to the second floor.

The door of the master bedroom on the second floor was not closed tightly, there was light in the crack of the door, and there seemed to be voices.

Jason walked quietly against the wall, and then...

His expression became very weird.

Jason was dumbfounded.

He had simulated many possibilities of what happened tonight in advance, but he never thought that this would be the case.

Jason froze.

Should I go in now, or not?

And when he was in the gang, he and Wesley had a pretty good relationship.

He had already thought about it before coming tonight, as long as this matter had nothing to do with Wesley, he was not going to kill him.

After hesitating for a moment, Jason sat on the sofa on the second floor and waited quietly.


I am so kind.

Jason himself was about to be moved.

Jason couldn't help it.

He raised his Glock, kicked open the bedroom door, and shouted at the two people on the bed.

"Hey! Wesley, I have a big surprise for you, you... who the hell are you!"

Sorry, I will update it today, and I will make it up tomorrow!

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