Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 64 Walker

ah! ~~

Seth trembled with fright, and tried to get up with his hands and feet, but found that the ground was slippery.

I touched it and fell down again.

He staggered up, rushed to the door, turned around and waved to the bewildered Mary anxiously and frightened to leave.

Mary was also a little upset, she hadn't used all her eighteen martial arts skills, and none of the props in the box had been used yet.

This scares you?

Shouldn't it be gentler?

Seeing Mary's appearance, Seth ignored her, opened the door and rushed out naked.

In this late-night motel in a small town, there were shrill screams in the corridor...

The quiet night was broken, and travelers with good deeds came out one after another.

Li Mo wandered over in his pajamas with a cigarette in his mouth. He first looked at Seth, who was naked and distracted, and then turned to Mary who was getting dressed in a leisurely manner, "What happened?"

"There's a dead body under the bed," Mary replied with a shrug.

"Yo, it's a lottery, what a lucky kid." Li Mo said with a smile.

It's not surprising that they didn't take it seriously, it's not uncommon for bodies to be found under beds in motels along the way.

Some people just tuck under the bed and drive away after murder, and the bosses don't even bother to clean up the house carefully. Sometimes the room is left unoccupied for days, and no one notices until the smell becomes strong.

After the onlookers understood what was going on, they began to discuss continuously.

"Poor kid, I hope there is no shadow left, I don't know if he is finished or not."

"I met one last time in Kansas."

"It's been a long time since I saw Sister Mary..."


The local police station received the call, and it took half an hour before two police cars arrived, and the lights of the police lights flickered in the motel yard.

The corpse was carried out, wearing a black leather sexy suit, dehydrated and dry like a mummy, covered with white powder, and the long brown hair was like a haystack...

It's a woman.

"Damn it, isn't this Kelly? I just saw her this morning." One of Mary's sisters suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, the two policemen who were standing at the door of the rental house turned around.

"It's already like this, you still know each other, Mary, please follow me back to the police station for investigation!" said a tall white policeman with curly hair.

" avoid mistakes, it's best for the twins to come together." Another shorter brown-black-haired white policeman said with a smile.

"Fack and Dick, you two bastards, stop joking." One of the sisters snorted uncomfortably. "I recognize it because of the leather jacket that Kelly bitch just borrowed from me this morning!"

The two policemen smiled at each other, and then came to Seth who looked pale.

Falk shook his head, "Son, you're in big trouble!"

Dick: "Very big trouble!"

"Prostitution is illegal in Illinois."

"It's also involved in homicide."

"The state prison is a nice place."

"Hope you pick up the soap."

"It's better this way."

The two sang together and beat Seth hard.

Li Mo smiled and shook his head, "Okay, police gentlemen, don't scare this poor child, hurry up and make a statement, we still have to rest."

The two policemen shrugged and began to take the statement seriously.

After asking everyone and learning from the proprietress that this room has not been rented out for the past few days, Fak shook his head and said, "It seems that this is not the first scene."

Dick sighed: "Another unsolved case."

Fake thought for a while and said, "This seems to be very similar to the report that the Tian'e people attacked the victim's body."

Dick: "Isn't that just right, hand it over directly to save us trouble."

Falk: "You're right, it's fine anyway, why don't we go out for a drink."

Dick: "Okay, call your wife out, don't leave her alone at home."

Falk: "Why are you so concerned about my wife?"

Dick: "Because she's pretty."

The two left while talking...

The incident went on and on until midnight.

After all the policemen left, Evan walked up to Li Mo, and said with some concern: "The boss opened a new room for Seth, but he seems to have been hit hard, so he hid in the room alone."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Li Mo patted Evan on the shoulder, turned his head to Sister Mary and said, "What a poor child, I think, at this time, he needs a violent joy to forget his fear."

Sister Mary smiled and walked into Seth's room holding hands.

Slowly closed the door.


The originally planned itinerary was interrupted.

The next day, after receiving a notice from the local police station, Li Mo and the others drove off.

They originally planned to arrive in Springfield, the capital of Illinois, this evening, but the plan could never keep up with the changes.

First, there was the delay of the murder case, and then Li Mo discovered an interesting shop in a small town by the roadside.

The name of the store is old school (old school), and the owner is a man who returned to his hometown from New York and used to be Woody Allen's photographer.

This store has a peculiar style. The door is a half wooden door that is common in western movies. The inside of the store is an all-wooden structure, which can be seen through the precipitation of years.

The walls on both sides are filled with various old photo albums and black and white photos, Bob Dylan, James Dean, Elvis Presley, Monroe... Many classic car models are crowded together, and Bakelite records are placed on the wall.

The old-fashioned pinball machine and record player were placed on the side of the bar. Li Mo happily asked for coins, listened to the Beatles for a while, and played pinball for a while. The prize was a few colored sugar balls.

This store is both a bar and a restaurant. The chef's skills are not bad. Several people each ordered a steak, mushroom stewed in cream and mashed potatoes with minced meat.

After the meal, several people chatted with the boss for a while before embarking on the trip again.

When it was halfway to Chuntian, the sky darkened, and Li Mo simply suggested camping on the spot.

The pre-bought tents were set up, and several people drank beer around the campfire.

Walter took out a guitar enthusiastically, and when everyone was ready to be the audience, this guy asked, "Which of you can play?"

That's it for the bonfire concert.

Seth had been listless all day, and he couldn't wait to get into the tent, and soon there was a snoring sound.

Walter took a world map and kept describing it. This guy already has ambitions.

Both Evan and Elizabeth took out their notebooks and wrote something, and Li Mo looked over boredly.

Evan was a little bit Calvin, and he couldn't make it up anymore, so he asked Li Mo for advice.

Li Mo patted him on the shoulder, "Boy, some things are not so simple. The articles you write are beautiful, but they are actually empty and soulless." He shook his head and said,

"It's not that easy to cheat readers out of money!"

"But what should I do?" Evan was a little worried, "Our budget is only enough for travel expenses, and we don't have enough money for prostitutes."

"You should write something that your peers like." Li Mo thought for a while and said, "Girls like tall and handsome boys, and boys will regard themselves as the protagonist. Coupled with all kinds of bullying at school, it's okay. It’s attractive, and it’s even better if you add some magic elements!”

"How about some vampires and werewolves? We geeks can't handle things that ordinary people can handle." Evan said excitedly.

"I'm optimistic about you!" Li Mo pointed to him.

Elizabeth next to her burst out laughing, "Li, I also want to hear your opinion."

"Well, let's talk." Li Mo took a sip of beer, feeling a little complacent that he can also point out cultural people.

"The book I'm writing now is called "Food, Prayer and Love", but I don't think it will be so popular. It is estimated that many people will call me hypocritical, but I will continue to write."

Elizabeth took a sip of beer, "But, you know, I have nothing, and I want to earn some money to live."

"This is even easier!"

Li Mo lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, "Here is a story about a domineering president. The heroine wants all kinds of Marysu, all kinds of silly white sweets, and the domineering president loves her so much."

"This kind of thing is impossible!" Elizabeth shook her head, "I have only seen insidious and cunning presidents, not the kind you mentioned."

"If you don't make the reader happy, he will pay you?" Li Mo said disdainfully, "It's better to have something that can arouse people's desire!"

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Elizabeth seemed a little bit broken, "How about some S-M? What should I name it?"

"How about the domineering president and Mary Su?" Li Mo asked.

"It's a bit too straightforward. This kind of article needs a literary name." Elizabeth shook her head, "Let's call it Gray's 50 Shades of Darkness."

"Whatever you like, as long as you like it." Li Mo curled his lips and lay down on his back.

The firewood kept crackling in the bonfire, surrounded by the quiet night, and occasionally there was the sound of insects.

The sky is a bright river of stars,

It's an amazing feeling,

I haven't seen the starry sky for a long time.

In the previous life, the starry sky represented the unknowns one by one.

And in this Marvel world,

There are countless civilizations there.

Li Mo looked at the sky obsessively,

stretched out his palm,

The starry sky seems to be within reach...


Evan's Route 66 Adventure:

During the journey, I met a girl named Isabella, who told me a story hidden in the twilight...

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