"Wanda, I think you broke Vision's heart."

Iron Man was suspended in the air and said to the woman.

Everyone's heart couldn't help but move slightly, listening to Iron Man's meaning, doesn't this woman called Wanda have some kind of unusual relationship with Vision?

"You locked me in the room." Wanda looked at Iron Man angrily.

"First of all, this statement is too exaggerated, and secondly, I am here to protect you!" Iron Man explained.

Next, Iron Man and Hawkeye simply said hello, and then the two sides started fighting, and Hawkeye shot a few arrows at Iron Man.

It was easily dodged by Iron Man.

"You never shoot right? There's a first time for everything!" Iron Man said with a touch of teasing.

"Look back!" Hawkeye was full of confidence.

Following Hawkeye's words, one car after another fell from the building behind Iron Man.

It turned out that Hawkeye blew the ground of the garage of the building, causing all the cars in the garage to smash towards Iron Man.

Iron Man immediately began to block and dodge, but two red energy groups emerged from Wanda's hands, and he was able to control those vehicles from a distance.

Let those vehicles smash at Iron Man.

"Wanda, she's a magician!"

Everyone is very surprised, this is the second magician they know after Doctor Strange.

I just don't know who this Wanda is more powerful than Doctor Strange.

The battle between the two sides continued. During the battle, the people from Captain America's camp converged and rushed towards the Kun-style fighter.

But at this time, a strong light suddenly shot down from the sky, drawing a deep ravine on the ground.

Captain America was forced to stop.

An alien in a cape hovered in the air, looking down at Captain America and the others.

"Captain Rogers, I know you are doing what you think is right, but for the sake of the bigger picture, you must surrender!"

While saying these words, Vision slowly landed on the ground.

I have to say, the appearance of Vision is still very cool.

"This vision, it looks really powerful, as expected of someone who can pick up Thor's Hammer!" The Black Widow was slightly amazed, and the others also agreed.

Although the Vision did not make many shots, just flying in the sky and the light just shot out can already explain the problem.

With the landing of Vision, Iron Man, War Machine, Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Black Widow began to gather around Vision.

Across from them are Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Falcon, Ant-Man, Wanda and Hawkeye.

The people from the two camps confronted each other like this.

"What shall we do, Captain?"

"We fight!"

After Captain America finished saying these words, he began to lead the people of his own camp and rushed towards the opposite side.

And Iron Man, who was waiting, also rushed towards Captain America and the others.

A full-scale civil war is imminent.

The screen freezes here.

But even so, everyone can imagine that the next one must be a fierce and exciting battle.

"I have to say that this kind of thing is not what I want to see." Nick Fury spoke first, clearly expressing his views, "so we will analyze and analyze, what is the reason for this civil war, is there any Possibly, avoid it in advance!"

Everyone agrees with Nick Fury.

"From the video just now, the direct cause of this battle is the Winter Soldier... or,

It's Bucky Barnes. "

Black Widow was the first to summarize and analyze, "Sir, you are not surprised at all about the true identity of the Winter Soldier. It seems that you knew something in advance."

"I'll tell you everything later." Nick Fury shrugged, and continued to analyze what Black Widow said.

"'Ross gave us 36 hours', 'Give us Barnes', obviously the general was going to capture Bucky, but Captain America was protecting Bucky, and that's what led to that civil war."

This is obvious.

"Then the question is, what did Bucky do to allow the general to personally order the arrest?"

"No matter what he did, I believe it must be a misunderstanding!" Captain America said heavily to everyone, "As you have all seen, it is not only me who maintains Bucky, but also other super soldiers."

"Isn't that enough to say that so many super warriors believe Bucky is innocent?"

"They might just be following you!" Thor interjected.

"Barton also made a decision to help the captain protect Bucky." Nick Fury nodded, "Barton is my most loyal agent, and I believe he will not protect a real criminal."

"Bucky said to Black Panther, 'I didn't kill your father,' could it be because of that?" Coulson joined in.

"Someone killed Black Panther's father, and what general, mistook it for Bucky?"

"There is a possibility!" Nick Fury agreed after some contemplation. "The captain called that black panther a prince, then the one who died was the king of Wakanda!"

"The killing of a king of a country, even the king of the poorest country in the world, is enough to alarm a general, which logically makes sense."

"Although I don't know why the Winter Soldier turned out to be Captain's good friend Bucky, the Winter Soldier has been a ghost for fifty years." Black Widow also said, "If he really assassinated someone, the possibility of leaking the rumors. Shouldn't be big."

"Rogers mentioned that there are five other super soldiers, and there are so many psychiatrists, will they have something to do with them." Thor asked.

For this, everyone is unknown, and the information displayed by the image is really too little.

"So all we can do now is pay attention to the king of Wakanda? Prevent him from being killed in the future?"

Black Widow glanced at everyone and said.

"No, I want to rescue Bucky immediately!" Captain America said decisively, "The general will not misunderstand Bucky for no reason. Someone must be framing Bucky! I can't watch this happen!"

Nick Fury suddenly felt a pain in the balls and a big head.

He originally wanted to monitor the secret Hydra base that he finally found, but now it seems that this is not very likely.

Captain America will never wait with him.

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