Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 71: Synthesis of New Elements

"Let's wait until I've actually solved the palladium poisoning problem."

Iron Man didn't take this matter too seriously, and after saying hello to Nick Fury, he left the secret base.

Back to the Stark Tower.

"Sir! Welcome back!"

Jarvis is as warm and polite as ever, like a faithful servant.

Iron Man didn't bother to pay attention to Jarvis, but couldn't wait to take out a set of Mark 7 armor.

Then, based on the information in his mind, he tried to put that set of Mark 7 armor into the universal capsule.


In the blink of an eye, Iron Man found that the Mark 7 armor in front of him had disappeared.

Iron Man's eyes lit up slightly. After taking a deep breath, he picked up the universal capsule and threw it on the ground.


A burst of smoke flashed past, and the steel armor appeared in front of him again.


Even a top scientist like Iron Man can't help but be amazed that the technology involved in this universal capsule is beyond the reach of current Iron Man.

Now that it has been verified that the universal capsule is really useful, Iron Man naturally has no nonsense, and immediately put a set of Mark 7 into the universal capsule.

Just as I expected before, I made the Universal Capsule into a pendant and hung it on my neck, it was perfect.

In this way, the unrealizable problem of carrying steel armor with you is perfectly solved.

"Sir, someone is visiting. It's an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who has been here before, Agent Hill."

After playing with the universal capsule, Jarvis suddenly reminded.

"Let them come in." Iron Man ordered without looking back. Obviously, this should be what Nick Fury sent.

Iron Man is also very curious about what Howard has left for himself.

Soon, Iron Man saw it, and it was an old-fashioned suitcase with Howard Stark's name printed on it.

After opening, there are some design drawings of the Ark reactor, as well as some other related materials.

Stark glanced at it blankly, and didn't pay much attention to it. He had already mastered the knowledge of those materials.

Finally, Stark started playing the tape in the box.

It's all about Howard's introduction to the Stark Exposition, and Iron Man also looks drowsy because it doesn't work at all.

Just when Iron Man had no hope, a voice suddenly attracted him: "Tony!"

It was Howard's voice on the video, and Iron Man couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the video again.

"You are still young, so I will take this part for you in advance. I made it all for you!"

"One day you will understand that this represents more than just a human invention, it is also my life's achievement, and this is the key to the future!"

"I'm limited by the technology of this age, but one day you'll understand it all, and then you'll change the world."

"And my greatest creation is!"

The video ends here.

The Iron Man in front of the screen was stunned, and his eyes were a little wet. All this was so unexpected for him.

For a long time, Iron Man thought that his father didn't love him at all, but at this moment, Iron Man realized that he was so wrong.

Nick Fury is right, although he is Howard's son, he doesn't know Howard that well.

After spending some time, Iron Man re-adjusted his emotions, and then began to sink into deep thought.

Nick Fury told himself with certainty,

What Howard left behind can help him solve the problem of palladium poisoning, but the fact is that Iron Man is now at a loss.

He finished watching the video, the drawings of the Ark reactor, and Howard's notes back then, but he still didn't get any useful information.

"Only I have the wisdom and resources to accomplish all this, what exactly is Howard trying to tell me?" Iron Man fell into contemplation.

And got into the tip of the bull's horn.

However, Iron Man was not a person who gave up easily, and did not stop because of temporary setbacks.

Over the next week, Iron Man devoted himself to researching these materials.

Until when he watched Howard's video for the twentieth time, his eyes inadvertently fell on the model of the Stark Industry Fair on it.

A flash of light suddenly flashed through my mind.

Iron Man suddenly sat up straight.

"No way?"

Iron Man's eyes widened.

He couldn't contain the excitement in his heart, and immediately called Pepper: "Pepper, I remember that you have a model of the Stark Fair in your office, don't you? Send it to me right away! I have it. Great use!"

"Stark? Do you mean those models? Why did you suddenly think of those models, what use do you want them for?"

Xiao Chili asked in a confused manner, "I'm very busy right now... You left me all the company's affairs."

"Pepper, this is very important! You have someone deliver it right away!" Iron Man didn't say anything to Little Pepper, and kept urging him.

Although I don't know what kind of crazy Iron Man is, but after hearing Iron Man's urgent tone, Pepper still called Happy immediately.

According to Iron Man's orders, those models were sent to the Stark Tower.

After Iron Man got the model, he immediately drove away all irrelevant personnel, locked himself in the room by himself, and couldn't wait to conduct experiments.

"Jarvis, please make a digital model based on this model, I need an operable projection screen!"

Following Iron Man's orders, blobs of blue light began to surge up, and Jarvis quickly scanned the model and established a complete projection screen.

Iron Man immediately enlarged the projection and distributed it in the room. An idea in his mind was further confirmed.

"What does this look like?" Iron Man asked himself confidently, "It looks like an atom."

"And the nucleus... it's here!"

Iron Man's gaze was placed on a large globe on the model.

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