Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 35 Are the Chitarui capable of grabbing the Rubik's Cube?

For Iron Man's analysis, Nick Fury and Black Widow have not found any loopholes at present, which are well-founded and logical.

So far they have all agreed.

"So the Chitauri stole the Cosmic Cube from Loki?" Nick Fury took over the topic of Iron Man and conducted the next analysis.

"It's not very likely."

"If Loki and the Chitauri were at war on Earth because of the Cosmic Cube, those of us are not vegetarians!"

"Loki, plus the various armed forces of our earth, and the Avengers, with the fighting power of the Chitarians, they can't snatch the universe cube!"

An alien race that can be swept away by a steel armor, how could it be able to snatch the universe cube under the attack of Loki and the armed forces of the earth?

"As for Loki after finishing his work on Earth, he returned to Asgard with the cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the Chitarians invaded Asgard and took back the Rubik's Cube..."

Nick Fury didn't finish his sentence, because it was so absurd that it couldn't happen at all.

Although they didn't know Asgard well, it was the realm of the gods in myths and legends, so how could the Qitarians be able to invade?

If the Chitarians were really so stubborn, how could they be wiped out with a single nuclear bomb.

Could it be that Earth's nuclear bomb is the most powerful force in the universe?

So don't earthlings dominate the entire universe?

"So sir, it's not very likely that Loki and the Chitarians have nothing to do with the invasion of Earth." Black Widow concluded on the side.

"It seems that it is indeed Loki who helped the Chitauri open the portal." Nick Fury nodded solemnly.

This is the conclusion reached after the three people conducted a relatively meticulous analysis and ruled out various possibilities.

Not only that, but it is also logically sound, and it is also consistent with some clues and information currently available.

Still has a fair degree of credibility.

"Then the purpose of Loki taking Dr. Sylvig and Barton away is to use the cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the space wormhole?"

Black Widow's brows were raised, and she said to Nick Fury and Iron Man.

"It is very likely that in the image, the wormhole opened by the universe cube caused the explosion of the entire base because of the instability, which shows that opening the wormhole is not an easy task."

Nick Fury's eyes flickered, "So, the key issue is the cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"Yes, in any case, Loki cannot be allowed to snatch it away in the future!" Iron Man said loudly and forcefully, with a hint of warning, "Also, stop the research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe! That's very dangerous."

"First of all, I haven't researched the Rubik's Cube in the universe. Like I said, it's an extraterrestrial thing, and no one can understand it."

"And now, I don't know that there is a Dr. Sylvig on Earth."

Nick Fury explained to Iron Man with a stern face.

It is true that Nick Fury really wants to study the Rubik's Cube, but he has not yet found a suitable scientist.

Therefore, the research on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has actually been stagnant. Although there is this plan, it has not been officially promoted.

"Secondly, Loki opened the space door from the other side, which has nothing to do with me."

"No, that only means that you didn't open the door, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't matter."

Iron Man solemnly corrected Nick Fury, "This cosmic Rubik's Cube was salvaged by my father, and it has been 70 years now, why did Loki not come to Earth in these 70 years, but it happened when you were doing research. to Earth?"

"And before my father, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was obviously stored on the earth for a long time, and why was it always peaceful?

It happened when you were researching? "

"I think only God knows this question." Nick Fury was unmoved, but he also paid more attention to it.

This temporal correlation is indeed very telling.

Although there is not enough evidence to prove this, there should be a relationship between Loki's coming to earth and his own research.

"You intend to draw energy from the universe in the future! It is very likely that in the process, some signals are sent to the universe by the cosmic demon! This attracts Loki!"

Iron Man yelled at Nick Fury.

"Stark, easy!" Nick Fury raised his hands and pressed down in front of Iron Man.

"When I was young, there were two alien races, one called the Kree and one called the Skrulls."

"The aliens of these two races broke out into a war because they snatch the Rubik's Cube of the universe, and at one point they also involved the earth."

"I was also taken away by the Kree. If I hadn't raised a cat and met a pilot, I would have turned into a speck of dust in the vast space."

"But guess what? The Cosmic Cube wasn't even on Earth back then!"

"You're saying, it's not your responsibility?" Iron Man raised his eyebrows, he didn't get the point of Nick Fury.

"I mean, threats, challenges, dangers are everywhere! This world is full of dangers!"

"And I, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., my duty is to prepare for these dangers and challenges!"

"I can't stop because of a little risk! As a scientist, you should understand this truth!"

"Whether you admit it or not, the earth is a part of the universe and may face threats from the universe."

"And the cosmic cube is the only thing that allows us to understand cosmic civilization and deal with cosmic civilization! Then Stark, tell me, what should I do?"

"At least this time, we already know what the risk is! What do you think, Stark?"

Nick Fury questioned Iron Man righteously.

Iron Man opened his mouth. For the first time, he was speechless when asked by Nick Fury. From Nick Fury's position, his behavior was indeed understandable.

[Please listen to the question: Thor, the god of thunder, came to the earth for the first time, why? 】

[A. Failed to compete for the throne, self-exile]

[B. Retrieve the cosmic Rubik's Cube playing back on the earth]

[C. The conspiracy to prevent Loki from invading the Earth]

[D. Looking for the exiled father Odin]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a set of Nano Black Panther suits;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

When several people said this, the sound of the system sounded again.

A new topic appeared.

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