Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 23 Correct posture for intercepting nuclear bombs

"What the hell are those stupid pigs thinking!"

Seeing that he was actually suspended, Nick Fury was angry but not surprised, and couldn't help but scolded in a low voice.

He has done his best to prevent the launch of the nuclear bomb, but in front of those bigwigs, it seems to have no effect.

Even the post of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was lost.

As a result, Nick Fury can't do much more.

"Those bastards will only stare at their seats, and will not care about the lives of civilians!" Iron Man also scolded mercilessly.

"It now appears that New York is facing the second situation, the nuclear bomb has been launched and was intercepted by Iron Man."

Black Widow summed up on the side.

"Sir, there is an abnormal situation on the deck!"

The camera on the screen switched again, but Agent Hill immediately detected the takeoff of the fighter and reported to Nick Fury.

"Everyone's attention, a plane took off illegally!"

"Knock it down! Repeat! Takeoff not approved!"

Agent Hill anxiously issued this order to all the agents in the communication channel.

But seeing that Nick Fury didn't talk nonsense, he rushed out with a shoulder-mounted bazooka.

Kneeling down on one knee, aiming at the fighter plane that was gliding on the ground preparing to take off, a missile was launched with a swish.


As soon as one hit, the fighter plane was directly overturned in the raging fire.

However, when Nick Fury shot down this fighter, the other fighter had already completed takeoff and was beyond the range of the shoulder-fired missile.

Nick Fury could only take out the gun, pointed feebly at the fighter plane, and put it away sullenly.

"Stark, did you hear it? A fighter plane with a nuclear bomb flew over!" Nick Fury immediately began to tell Iron Man the news through the communication channel.

"At the critical moment, I still need my Iron Man to turn the tide!

In front of the screen, Iron Man glanced at Nick Fury beside him with a wry face, "Nick Fury, you made the right decision, the future you looks much smarter than you are now."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Nick Fury said angrily.

The arrogant and arrogant temperament of Iron Man is really unbearable as always.

This is also why Iron Man has clearly agreed to Nick Fury agreeing to join the Avengers, but Nick Fury has not substantially advanced this matter.

The main thing is the character of Iron Man, who is extremely arrogant, arrogant, and does his own way. It is naturally no problem to be a personal hero.

But to form a team with this kind of person really has to be considered.

That's why Nick Fury plans to send Black Widow to Iron Man undercover for a while after the search and rescue of Captain America is over.

Let Black Widow personally evaluate whether Iron Man is suitable for inclusion in the Avengers.

It’s just that Nick Fury didn’t expect that before this matter could be executed, Iron Man actually met Black Widow in the Arctic Ocean ahead of schedule.

"About how long?"

"Almost three minutes! It will destroy the whole city!"

On the screen, the camera switched again, and the figure of Iron Man appeared on the screen.

Jingle Jingle!

Bang bang bang!

I saw Iron Man fighting with several enemies while communicating with Nick Fury on the communication channel.

At this time, the appearance of the enemy was completely displayed in front of everyone on the scene.

I saw that they were some extremely tall guys, with an average of more than two meters. They were all armored and armed to the teeth.

From this point of view alone, there is no way to determine whether these enemies are aliens.

Or earthlings wearing the corresponding armor.

However, judging from the armor on these people and the weapons in their hands, it is a very unique style.

"Is this our enemy?" Nick Fury stared at the battle on the screen, trying to remember.

These are very important information.

"Sir, we're not sure if they're aliens," Black Widow interjected. "However, since they're going to be wiped out at the cost of launching a nuclear bomb to destroy the whole of New York, then this possibility is still very high."

If it was a war between earthlings, how could the bosses of S.H.I.E.L.D. issue such extreme orders?

Everyone knows what kind of weapons nuclear weapons are, and there is almost no possibility of using them in modern warfare.

Unless America is about to be wiped out.

But now the United States is the most powerful country in the world, leading the world in technology, military and all aspects. Is this possible?

And that's just the worst-case scenario. In fact, even if the United States is really destroyed one day, Black Widow is not sure that the United States will actually launch a nuclear bomb.

It's just possible.

From this point of view, the possibility that those enemies are aliens is still very high.

"Jarvis, put all the energy into the thrusters!"

On the screen, Iron Man gave an order to Jarvis, then rushed out of the encirclement of those enemies and flew into the sky.


At this time, the SHIELD fighter jets had already launched the nuclear bombs.

A nuclear bomb, with a long tail, flew towards the city center of New York.

Although this matter has not yet happened, Nick Fury, Black Widow and others in front of the screen could not help feeling a kind of nervousness and sweat.

They both stared at the screen, wanting to see how Iron Man intercepted the nuclear bomb next.

Iron Man himself is actually very curious. In the future, what means will he use to safely intercept this nuclear bomb?

But then, a few people were shocked.

"I know where it went!"

Iron Man said in the communication channel, and then drove the steel armor, directly caught up with the nuclear bomb, and then hugged the nuclear bomb with both hands.

"Jarvis, put all your energy into turning!"

Iron Man gave Jarvis an order. Looking at it, Iron Man was planning to take the nuclear bomb and fly away from New York!

Nick Fury: "..."

Black Widow: "..."

iron Man:"……"

It's a shame that they thought that Iron Man must have used some high-tech means to intercept the nuclear bomb, but who would have thought that it was not at all!

Instead, it is this simple and crude way.

But if so...

"Tony Stark, I can't believe that you decided to sacrifice your life for New York!" Nick Fury looked at Iron Man with admiration.

To intercept a nuclear bomb in this way is simply suicide!

Black Widow also looked at Iron Man with incredible eyes, she really didn't see that this arrogant man was actually such a person.

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