However, after thinking about it for a while, Coulson also figured it out.

Such a big hat cannot be placed on Superman's head because of this coincidence.

Because of this, it is likely to anger Superman, a righteous man!

A moment later, when the Superman played by Wu Chen lifted a passenger plane weighing more than 180 tons and landed on the football field, everyone around him cheered!

And Coulson once again had a deep understanding of Superman's power.

"Director, Superman..."

After reporting Superman's situation, Coulson expressed his suggestion.

"I suggest treating Superman the same way you treated Minato Namikaze."


On the other side, after searching for Uchiha Madara's traces, and searching for the Avengers for a day, they finally saw Superman's information.

"Is there really such a perfect person?"

Tony couldn't believe it, "I think there must be something wrong with this matter! Captain Rogers, what do you think?"

In fact, seeing the appearance of Superman, apart from a little vigilance, everyone in the Avengers Alliance was full of excitement and joy.

After all, the good people and good deeds done by Superman cannot be faked.

Facing the increasingly "dancing demons" world, who would not be happy to have a powerful ally appear?

However, one person may not be happy.

Hearing Tony's question, Captain America's face darkened.

"How can I watch it? I'll watch it on my phone!"

Captain America was the one who wasn't very happy.

Because, he overlaps with Superman's attributes too much.

Personality, appearance, even appearance!

They are all the same integrity and kindness!

Willing to lend a helping hand to the weak!

And they are all handsome!

If it's just a coincidence of zodiac signs, that's fine.

After all, Captain America is not a narrow-minded person.

But the problem is, Captain America is called a 'super soldier'!

As far as superman is concerned, he is not enough to look at in front of superman!

Compared to Superman, the US team Steve Rogers is really too weak.

This is not to black him, but the fact.

One is a super soldier at the peak of ordinary people, and the other is a god in the world. It is clear at a glance which one is stronger and which is weaker.

Even in Avengers IV, the US team picked up Thor's Hammer of Thor and possessed the power of Thor.

He is still not good enough for Superman.

This is like the saying, 'It's not scary to bump into a shirt, it's embarrassing whoever is ugly'!

Applied to the US team here, it is 'It's not scary to bump into people, it's embarrassing for whoever cheats'!

Obviously, the embarrassing person is Captain America, not Superman played by Wu Chen.

However, if Wu Chen pulls out Batman in the future.

If Batman and Iron Man are compared, the embarrassing estimate is Batman.

After all, compared to Iron Man, Batman is indeed better.

"Oh ho! My God!"

Hawkeye exclaimed.

"Look! Superman actually saved an out-of-control plane!!"

Hawkeye's expression was extremely exaggerated, as if he saw something unbelievable.

Seeing the usual unsmiling Hawkeye's expression, Tony Mei and the others immediately looked at the phone, and they found the corresponding news feed on the phone.

After clicking on the push button, everyone in Fulian saw a picture.

In the picture, the huge airliner is falling head-down, and Superman is directly below the airliner.

Holding the head of the airliner with his hands, Superman's face was flushed, and there were blue veins on his neck.

With his arms, he pushed the passenger plane out of two big craters.

But even so, he still supported the airliner firmly!

That sense of power is overwhelming! !

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