Curious, Wu Chen raised his hand and clicked on the [Mall Bar], and an introduction text popped up.

[After testing, the number of characters currently played by the host is '2', so new features are unlocked-Mall]

[There are items for sale in the mall, each item is only sold once a week, and the number of sales is automatically refreshed every week, or it can be refreshed manually]

[The mall is currently being opened, please wait...]

So this is encouraging me to draw more characters?

Wu Chen thoughtfully.

After waiting for a few minutes, the mall opened successfully. After Wu Chen clicked on it, a panel that only he could see appeared in front of him.

The word ‘Mall’ is written at the top of the panel, and the products are on the bottom. There are four items in total.

They are a red card, a wooden treasure chest, a blue card, and a hammer pattern.

There is a refresh button below each item.

Before he could see what these four commodities were, Wu Chen was attracted by the numbers in the lower right corner of the mall page.

What is displayed there is [the amount of money currently held: 10.15 million yuan]

One thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand, why is this number so familiar?

Wu Chen thought carefully, and suddenly realized that this is the amount of money he currently holds!

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency paid 10 million in advance for the task, plus Wu Chen's 100,000 for the task, and all the deposits of the original body. These add up to 10.15 million US dollars!

Raising his hand and tentatively touched the refresh button under the product, the prompt text appeared.

[This product has not been purchased yet, do you want to refresh it manually? 】

[Reminder: Automatic refresh at midnight every Sunday, manual refresh requires money, 100,000 yuan per time]

Wu Chen immediately clicked'No', and then determined the nature of this mall system in his mind.

This is a krypton gold system!

Is your system made by Goose Factory (`Teng`Xun`)? Get into the eyes of money!

Swearing on his lips, but still honest under his hands, Wu Chen clicked on the four products one by one and got the corresponding information.

[Red Wish Card: Input a wish, the mall will evaluate it, and pay money to realize the wish]

[Random Treasure Box of Ten Thousand Realms: It costs 100,000 yuan to open it, and you will get a random item]

[Blue Summoning Card: It costs 1 million yuan to exchange, and can only be used in the state of playing a character, and the effect is to summon a person who is close to the character currently playing]

[Weapon forging/repair: input the shape and effect of the weapon, the system forges the weapon, you can also put the weapon in, consume money to repair the weapon damage]

This is the introduction of the four items in the mall.

I have to say that each is very useful!

But at the same time, each is very expensive.

Wu Chen had a hunch that the money he finally got it seemed that he would not be able to keep it.

After thinking about it, he clicked on the wish card and typed in ‘let me return to my world, everything will return to what it used to be’.

I would rather be a peaceful dog than a chaotic world person!

Life in the Marvel world is indeed rich and colorful, and he can also play the role in his favorite anime, Wu Chen is very satisfied.

However, if he could return to the peaceful and peaceful world of his previous life and his motherland, Wu Chen would never hesitate.

[Wish exceeds the system capacity, please re-output the wish]

Alas~ Wu Chen sighed. Even if he had expected it, he was still a little bit disappointed when this happened.

However, his advantage is that he adjusts his emotions quickly.

Since there is no way to go back, then try to survive in this world! !

I want to become strong, become enough to protect myself!

Also, money is something outside of the body, enough to spend!

Money can be earned again, but the improvement of strength cannot be delayed.

Although he felt a little sad for his money, Wu Chen, who understood him, clicked the wish card again and typed in the words'Summon Tail Beast·Nine Tailed Monster Fox'.

Before that, he thought about whether to play Uchiha Daido and simulate Kyuubi through illusion.

It now appears that with this wish stuck, most of the problems can be easily solved!

[The first use of the wish card will trigger a discount, and the current discount is 10%! 】

[Summon the tail beast·Nine-tailed Nine Lama to come to Marvel World, it costs 10 million yuan (after a discount)]

Ah this...

Wu Chen's expression is complicated. How much I earn, I have to go out!

Moreover, it is still discounted. If it is not discounted, wouldn't it cost 100 million US dollars?

But fortunately, it can be realized.

Wu Chen immediately clicked the exchange, and his holding amount immediately became 150,000 yuan.

He was still in Uchiha's soiled state, and there was a light card in his hand.

On the front of the card is the arrogant image of the Nine Tails and Nine Lama, and on the back is the card introduction.

[How to use: just smash the card; effect: permanently summon the nine-tailed and nine lama to come to the Marvel world; times: 1/1]

"In this way, all the actors in the final stage of my plan have been gathered!"

Hafeng water gate, Uchiha belt soil, nine tail nine lamas!

The audience is the citizens of New York, S.H.I.E.L.D., the government of the United States and the governments of the world!

"Next, we can officially start the prologue~"

Like Marvel: Play as Naruto in the opening, please collect it: ( Marvel: Play as Naruto in the opening with the fastest literary update.

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