"Ericanakis." Zhou Luo appeared in front of Erica in a teleport, then shot the long knife in her hand quickly, close to the exquisite and beautiful mixed-race face, and the two faces were almost sticking to each other.

"You were adopted by Daredevil's teacher, and then you were fostered in the home of a Greek diplomat. You met Matt Murdoch, a very attractive young blind man, in college, and you fell in love. ..."

Zhou Luo's voice seemed to contain some magic power, which gradually awakened Erica's originally buried memory. The struggle between humanity and animality caused severe pain in her brain.

Zhou Luo grabbed her neck and gradually exerted force on her arm until Erica felt suffocated.

He stared at the poor woman who was occupied by the black sky, and kept saying, "Remember? You are Erica Nakis, don't let a Beast control your mind, defeat it, shut it down. Enter the cage of thinking, this is where Beast should be!"

Erica's legs are constantly kicking, and her suffocation brings her close to death. Between life and death, the instinctive desire to survive stimulates the power hidden in her life.

"Tell me, who are you?" Zhou Luo relaxed a bit of strength.

"...Erica...Natchis." The beauty in red on the edge of death suddenly made a faint voice, "I am Erica...Natchis!"

"Nicely done." Zhou Luo let go of her arms and Erica knelt in front of him, panting like a fish lacking oxygen.

Zhou Luo lifted Erica's chin and smiled with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth: "Next, it's time for revenge."

"It seems that you don't want to see me." Zhou Luo spread his hands and walked to Erica's side with a wicked smile, "You are too superstitious about the power of the black sky, and you too despise the human will."

"Erica, kill him." Alexandra gave orders hysterically, and she had lost her former demeanor and composure.

For hundreds of years, there has never been an example of Heikong losing control. How can humans be able to withstand the power of the "beast" based on the weak will of mankind? !

This broke Alexandra's cognition. She didn't believe that Erica had regained her sober consciousness and still tried to order this humanoid weapon.

"My name is...Ericanakis."

The red-haired and black-haired girl swung a long knife and cut off Alexandra's head neatly, and blood poured out like a fountain, splashing on that cold and delicate face.

"Let's welcome the new leader of the Shouhehui." Zhou Luo clapped his palms, wrapped Erica's shoulder with one hand, and pushed her to the head of the conference room.

Looking around at the other four leaders, he opened his hands extremely arrogantly and looked down at the few people in front of him: "Now, your property is my property. Who approves? Who opposes?"

The leaders of Shouhehui looked at each other. If they weren't frightened by Hei Kong's powerful strength, they would immediately rush forward and blow Zhou Luo's head!

The power of Shouhehui has spread all over the world. It was only obtained after centuries of development. Now there are people who want them to surrender their own industry and power. This leader felt inexplicably absurd!

Several leaders exchanged their sights, and they wanted to say no, but the situation is better than others. Erica alone is enough to smooth them all, not to mention this mysterious man with unpredictable origins.

"I am willing to give all of the properties that I have in my hands to you." Mrs. Gao, who has lived for a long time, made a decisive decision. The old face was full of smiles, and there was no sign of reluctance.

Zhou Luo smiled and nodded. As the saying goes, Jiang is still hot. Madam Gao was the first to see the situation clearly, so she made a decisive decision.

However, the others were not so decisive.

"There are only two of them..." Fighter said meaningfully, seeming to want to encourage others.

"I gave you a chance." Zhou Luo shook his head with regret. He gently raised his hand, and a little red light lit up, like a faint spark.

With a "shoo", the red light beam cut through the air and penetrated the instigator's head at an extremely fast speed, without even a trace of blood flowing out, and the hot temperature directly evaporated the blood.

Ignoring the horrified gazes of others, Zhou Luo slowly said, "How can a fist with five fingers be so powerful?"

The elderly woman's eyes flickered, she quickly drew a slender dagger from the cane she was leaning on, and plunged it straight into the neck of the African warlord next to her.

Suo Wanda's eyes opened in anger, and his dark face was full of incredible expression. He seemed to want to say something, but the trachea in his throat was pierced and there was no sound at all.

Suo Wanda fell down full of unwillingness in the hard gasping of "Hoho", and a cold feeling spread throughout his body. Before long, his consciousness plunged into the boundless darkness.

On the other side, Erica lightly swung the knife, and Murakami, who also had a good skill, also followed So Wanda.

"It's very exciting. Only smart people can live to the end in this game." Applause resounded through the empty room. Among the five fingers of her hands, this old woman who seemed to be in a declining age had the most scheming and means. So she also became the last survivor.

Huge amounts of metal crashing echoed in the open underground. Zhou Luo rode the elevator down all the way, and Erica, who was next to him, looked at the man she couldn't see from time to time.

"They won't really obey me, even if Murakami is dead, the middle-level people of these hands-on associations all have their own ideas."

"I know, they are a group of jackals, where they would easily pay loyalty." Zhou Luo's smile is always so confident and full. "The footprints of the hand-knit club are all over the world, and the ninja is only a small part of the force, and there are more. Huge commercial and political power, this is the foundation of the union."

"Then why..." Erica's eyes were full of doubts. In that case, why did Zhou Luo push her to the position of leader of the association just now?

"Mrs. Gao, the power they have operated for hundreds of years, can't be taken away overnight, so we need to slowly plan and take the name of the leader before we are qualified to take over this huge wealth in a fair way.

You are the only black sky of the Shouhehui, a totem of faith for hundreds of years, and those ninjas have a fanatical worship of you. This is your chance to control this huge organization. "

Erica stared at the man next to her. In his casual tone, there was a dark atmosphere of crazy Chaos, which made her so infatuated, like a moth, even if she knew Zhou Luo was a flame, she would not hesitate to turn back. Threw into his arms. .

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