Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 194: a familiar stranger


When Rody regained consciousness, he could hardly feel his body at all. The head is not the head, the hand is not the hand, except for barely sensing that the body is mixed, there is no feeling. It took a long time before Rody felt that he was barely able to control his body and moved the mass of body that was about to solidify.

It was only the high temperature that slowed Rody's thinking, and it took a long time to regain control of the body. The magnetic power began to work, reshaping the flaming metal that was huddled together, barely regaining its original appearance.

Logan stared at it all with a stunned look, a fiery metal turned into a humanoid object in front of him, and it looked alive. Logan asked himself no matter how strong the power was, and how sharp the bones and claws were, it was impossible to work on a mass of steel. If this is an enemy, Logan feels that his chances of victory are small.

But Logan did not call for help, but slowly backed away while the metal figure was not fully recovered. Logan's movements were very light, trying not to make any sound, fearing to attract the attention of this weird thing.

However, it was because of Logan's slow motion that he had the privilege to watch the metal figure gradually change and slowly transform into a flesh-and-blood body. This man looks like a teenager in his twenties, looks very handsome, but looks more like an Asian.

Rody finally recovered, and found that only the space-time ball remained intact all over his body. The above value stays at 20%, and there is a silver pattern. Roddy clearly remembered that it was the space-time ball that broke through the passage of space, allowing him to leave the universe where the Zitari were.

But where is this right now? How far is it from New York?

Rodi was not used to being naked and exposed, so he immediately made a simple armor with ice crystals, and stretched his wings on the back to blow a gust of wind, blowing away the diffuse steam. Then, Roddy saw Logan staring at him in front of him.

Logan saw the scene completely in his eyes, but the gust of wind came so suddenly that he could not hide his body in any way.

"Logan! You're here, too! It's great! Have the Zitari people solved it? Are there any casualties?"

Rody flew to Logan in front of him with great pleasure. He wanted to give Logan a hug for the rest of his life, but suddenly found a large group of people around him. The crowd of onlookers looked at Rody with weird and alert eyes, but after seeing the wings behind him, several soldiers began to pray loudly. Obviously, some people regard Rody as an angel.

Rodi is almost used to this kind of onlookers. Anyway, his photos have been circulating on the Internet for a long time, and it is not a strange thing to be recognized. But Logan's reaction made Rody very strange, because Logan was full of alertness and vigilance as if he didn't know himself at all.

"Could it be that my face hit the ground first when I fell?" Rodi thought of this non-key content, and couldn't help making an ice mirror with ice crystals in front of him, feeling like seeing if he was disfigured. Although Roddy doesn't care too much about his face, he still has feelings after watching it for a long time, and it will definitely not be used to changing one.

But as soon as the ice mirror appeared, the onlookers exclaimed loudly, and even several took out their pistols and aimed at Rodi.

"Raise your hands! Who are you?" The sergeant commanded Loudi aloud.

Rodi is a bit strange. These people's reactions are wrong, and Logan's reaction is more erratic. What's wrong with this world?

"I said Logan, don't you recognize me?" Roddy said, raising his hands in coordination.

"Who are you?" Logan sneered, then asked back.

Upon hearing Logan's answer, Rodi felt inappropriate. He immediately used telepathy to see if Logan was hypnotized or his memory was modified. But as soon as he invaded Logan's thinking, Roddy discovered a fact that shocked him.

" 1964?" Roddy could not help but blurt out.

Roddy used telepathic abilities extensively and unscrupulously to read the thinking of all the people present, and then came to a terrible conclusion-it is indeed 1964, and country M is still fighting the Vietnam War.

In 1964, fifty years before 2014, Roddy came fifty years ago. At this time, Tony and Claire were not born yet. Most of those closest to Roddy are not in this world, which is no different from crossing into a strange world again.

This is not the same as the first crossing, because his parents are missing and there is no one to worry about. Now Roddy has lovers, relatives, and friends who have died together, which makes him able to accept this separation.

It was just that the onlookers would not give Roddy a chance to calm down. The non-commissioned officer could not help pulling his trigger when he saw a sudden change in Roddy's complexion. This shot sounded like a signal, all the pistols raised fired together, and dozens of bullets flew to Roddy.

But the bullet flew to Rodi's half-meter range, just like entering the quagmire, the speed suddenly dropped, and finally hovered in front of Rodi. After the nuclear explosion, Rody discovered that he was even blessed by misfortune and was promoted to the fourth-level mutant. All abilities melt into one furnace, and no longer separate each other.

This situation shocked everyone and couldn't help but empty the magazine inside the pistol. It's a pity that no matter how many bullets there are, it is fixed in front of Rodi and has no effect at all.

Magnetic force These two abilities are also completely instinctive, so these ordinary pistol bullets are unlikely to cause damage to Rodi.

Roddy was awakened by gunshots. Although he could not accept the fact that he returned to fifty years ago, it was not a decadent time. As long as people are still alive, they can never give up hope. This is the most precious thing that Rodi learned in fifty years.

"It's a big deal. I'll wait here for fifty years. When Claire is born, I might even try to develop Lori." Roddy could only comfort himself with this idea.

Just looking back at the Wolverine, who doesn't know himself at all, Rodi still felt a loss, and there was no trace of his existence in this world.

"Quick, catch this monster." The sergeant ordered, but all the soldiers hesitated.

This is not the black monkeys in Vietnam. Although they are cunning and cruel, they are still humans, and the one in front of them is clearly beyond the concept of humans. However, Vidock was not afraid at all, and rushed to Roddy's side with the fastest speed, and then extended his fingertip claws in a very secret way to stab Roddy's throat.


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