Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 10: Sneak attack

褂 Huangshan Cry, a hidden sect that has been inherited for thousands of years, has been gathering all the children of the outer peaks into the five peaks with the main peak.

Not only that, but the number of innate powers gathered in Hengshan has now reached a full ten. The number of people in the singles is no longer under the masters of Kailuan.

But even if there are so many innate powers gathered in the hearts of everyone, they are all high hanging.

In the face of the unknown and shallow wolf totems, no one dares to say that there is confidence to win.

The innate powers are so ordinary disciples are naturally more nervous. However, as a child of Yokoyama, their home and their roots are here no matter how they have no way out.

Before the main peak is the straight avenue leading to Hengshan. Only from here past the burning novel network is the most flat road to the top five peaks.

The guards originally arranged here are only two people in the district but this time there are a total of ten people and there is also a ten-level peak master who is at the intersection; it is not as lazy as before. The slouch of the ocean is to gather all the spirits. It seems that as long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, they can wake them up.

This is a tense atmosphere that has grown stronger with the increase of the number of innate powers.

No one can slow this down until the alarm is lifted.

One person who was guarding the pavilion shouted loudly, "Someone is coming." His voice was like a catalyst, and the ten people here were nervous.

Leading here is Liu Chengyan, a disciple of the Fenghuo Peak, who is calm and sullen.

"What is the screaming." The disciple who was in charge of obscenity sang "There are more than a hundred people from Shi Shu who come here to be "totems." "If it was a few months ago, most people would not know the origins of the totems. After all, they have not entered the life and death world for more than a hundred years to provoke the entire northwestern countries."

Their great achievements and powerful strength are not known to most people except for a few people.

Even if He Yiming, the newly promoted innate power, is not involved in it, it is impossible to know.

However, during this period of time, especially after the last sneak attack, the history of the Totem family was completely turned out and became the most frequently used term on Yokoyama.

So after hearing this sentence, Liu Chengyan’s face suddenly changed and he came to the pavilion to observe the heights of the distant situation.

His gaze swept away in front of him and immediately became extremely fierce.

At the foot of the mountain, there are more than a hundred people. The only common feature of these people is that each of them has a face on their faces.

This kind of custom is unique in all parts of the Northwest. Only these totems from the mountains will have such a habit.

He waved his hands and thought without hesitation.

A long horn sounded from the pavilion. The horn sound was not one but three long and two short and accompanied by a special tone to spread their meaning.

Almost at the moment when the horn sounded from the state, the horn of the singer was heard from the singer. However, this time the horn sounded a little pause and everyone saw a few birds flying down from the peaks.

Liu Chengyan breathed a sigh of relief. Since the elders of the peaks came, he also let go of his mind. However, the ten innate powers including He Yiming have already come to the welcoming pavilion at the end of the road until the moment that the totems with the face pattern gradually approached the pavilion.

The eyesight of He Yiming and others is far from being that Liu Chengyan has seen some clues from those who only need a glance.

Their faces slowly dignified and the strength of each other's strength turned out to be beyond their expectations.

It is extremely rare to have ten innate powers at once in the cross. But the other party has placed on the bright side and there are already ten strong players who have reached the innate realm.

He Yiming’s gaze turned his ears slightly and seemed to be what was happening.

It’s not just him that even the watery ears are shaking a little.

No one noticed that the ears of the old man who is now stunned have shrunk to the point where they are almost the same as normal people.

This is the phenomenon after the success of the wind and the ear, but under the dazzling brilliance of He Yiming, no one pays attention to him.

The pharmacist whispered, "What do you expect from the elders?" He Yiming shook his head slightly. "I seem to hear a strange voice but I can't grasp it for a while." His face was dignified. "If I didn't expect it." There should be hidden strength behind these people."

Many innate powers can't help but be a little scared. But when it came to the end, it did not reveal a little bit of timidity.

The totem family has more than a hundred people to stop this time. To the outside of the pavilion, there are more than 90 people who have stopped. The ten people who are in front of each other have different faces, old and young, and men and women. The geeks and their bodies are wearing a strange costume and the facial pattern on their faces, and the respectful attitude of the people behind them immediately reveals their identity.

He Yiming laughed and said, "I don’t think you can go back so soon, but it’s a pity that it’s a shame that you don’t like you.”

At the beginning of his eyes, he blinked and he said coldly. "Do you talk nonsense about our spirit wolf?"

"Ling wolf?" The smile on He Yiming's face suddenly converges. "If you are talking about the black wolf who ate our disciples, then I can tell you that it has been eaten by our mink cramps." ""

The ten totem ambassadors simultaneously moved a powerful momentum and suddenly rushed out of their bodies. What is even more shocking is that this momentum has a tendency to blend.

Among the many innate powers in the northwest, the innate powers of the same sect and the innate powers with deep friendship will not blend their momentum with their companions. This is not only a matter of mutual trust, but also a problem of mutual cooperation.

So after feeling the ten totem messengers' momentum slowly merged, everyone's face changed a bit.

Several of them inherited from the sects of the sects are more reminiscent of the description of the totems in the ancient books.

Their totem ambassadors have a special way to bring together the power of the individual and to spur one plus one greater than two.

Xu Chengchang did not change his face but his voice suddenly came into the ears of everyone. "The more people you care about the totem messenger, the more power they can make."

We can't stand with them or either try to single-handedly or stick to a narrow area and can't be trapped by them. ”

The pharmacist did not say that he immediately turned around and whispered two words to Liu Chengyan.

Although Liu Chengshuo is a disciple of Lianyung, at this moment he is only absolutely obedient to the orders of all the innate powers here.

It was because he turned around one or seven hands and ten disciples suddenly disappeared as he walked toward the rear, but it disappeared into the sight of everyone.

The departure of these disciples does not mean that the totems do not care even if they are not even concerned about Lian Chengfu and others.

At the beginning of the eye, the fierce light flashed in the eyes. "Did you dare to eat the great spirit wolf? You guys who are not good to die. He Ming laughed loudly. "Your spirit wolf can even have people. Why can't humans who eat as the spirit of all things eat your spirit wolves? The frequency of the ear shaking in his mouth is getting bigger and bigger. When the wind and the ear are used to the extreme, the wind and the grass inside the circle seem to be in his grasp.

Suddenly his eyes glimmered and caught a little bit of subtle voice. He sighed and sighed and gave him a big drink.

With his voice, his feet also started to move one foot firmly on the ground. It was like an old tree packing, which was deeply buckled in the earth and stone while the other foot was It was a lightning-fast kick.

On the mountain road, naturally there are many gravel stones, and there are no shortage of fist-sized stones. The kick that He Yiming kicked out was on the stone.

The stone of the company was flying like lightning, mixed with a powerful and incredible force flying toward dozens of totems behind the ten.

He Yiming’s hand was coming to the extreme and suddenly it was the last two. No one could have imagined that when he was talking, he suddenly felt that this stone suddenly jumped over the top of the ten people and there was no one to stop.

The people behind He Yiming are so inexplicable and do not understand why He Yiming is going to take these ordinary totems.

Only the ears of the watery trails slightly shook their eyes and locked one of them tightly.

Sure enough, when most people just came up with this idea, they saw that the person who suddenly came out of the person was tall, but if it was mixed in the crowd, there was nothing surprising. But after coming out like this, Suddenly, people have the feeling of looking at each other.

He stretched out a hand as if he had been in the air for a thousand years and the hard-working stone that kicked He Yiming was caught in his hand.

Then he fell off the debris of a place in his hands.

This stone is called a ghost if it can still be kept intact under the infuriating collision of the two masters.

Water, dazzling and other people are in the heart of the dark road, I can't think of them so many people are so big and old, but they all look at each other.

Fortunately, He Yiming was wary, otherwise he really couldn’t think of the big fish in the hands of those who were behind them.

After the man came out, he took a deep look at He Yiming and then strode forward.

Just as he was before, the original ten totem messengers immediately separated the two sides and let him pass the middle road to the forefront.

At this point, everyone's face was a little dignified. This person turned out to be a totem messenger.

"My name is Sogo Wolf Totem, a totem ambassador. How did you show me?" He opened the door.

He pong a little smile and said, "You have too many people entering the mountain."

Sogo frowned, apparently wondering if there was too much connection between the people who entered the mountain and his hiding.

Xu Chengchang suddenly smiled and said, "He said that you are right. Do you not know if this time you can win or not depends on the innate power? If these people follow up, why do you want to get involved in me? Waiting for the battle to die in vain."

All of us realized that if it weren’t for Sogo to hide in the crowd, why should the wolf totems go into the deep step? If you are counting on the front of the car, the messengers of the Totems are really a group of idiots.

Sogo smiled and said, "It turned out to be such a teaching." He Yiming screamed in his heart that he was seen and inadvertently heard.

If the non-winding ear skill has reached the peak and the news of the death of the wolf makes the heartbeat of the person's heartbeat, the sound of the infuriating flow is captured by He Yiming's ear and he will definitely be squatted in the drum.

The medicinal man suddenly took a step forward from his arms and they were the totems they had seen from the treasure house.

He waved his hand and threw the totem into the past.

Sogo reached out and took the totem smoothly in the hands of Ding.

There was a gratifying color on his face, although he knew what the other party's intentions were, but the totem was always a good thing.

"Sogo messenger Although the totem appears in our Hengshan vein, I can guarantee that we will never know this thing and it is not our elders to go to the aristocrats to steal the totems." The drug lord said awkwardly.

Sogo slightly stunned him and put the totem carefully and carefully into the arms. Then he said, "You are grateful to return the totem of my family to Sogo. But what do you think we can believe?" "The pharmacist smiled and said no more.

The two sides have already reached this point and it is useless to say that more. However, no one has any objection to the move of the pharmacist to return the totem.

After all, this thing is like a hot potato. Whether it falls into the hands of anyone, I am afraid that the first thought is to return to the original owner.

Because as long as it is an individual, I know that this thing will be attacked by the Wolf Totem family in one day.

Not to mention that it is a mountain, even if it is the first martial art in the northwest, I am afraid that it will not be able to prevent such an enemy for a long time.

Sogo witnessed He Yiming’s suddenness. "This should be the master of Hengshan, the master of Hengshan who is proficient in the basic five elements." He Yiming said, "It’s good to be He Yiming." Sogo nodded slightly. His slow path "The Lord came to our wolf totem family not only took the totem but also injured the Harry messenger..." He Yiming screamed "I want to add sin and no trouble. Your Harry messenger is Where?” The Hari messenger was seriously injured and did not cultivate in the family. Sogo calmly said.

He Ming’s face suddenly raised a sneer. He had an extremely concealed but very positive feeling that the other party absolutely wanted to put him to death.

Even if there is no such thing as a blame, Sogo will certainly do everything possible to do this. If I said that this is not what I did, you definitely don't believe it. He Yiming said coldly.

"Of course I don't believe it," Sogo's voice suddenly aggravated "I want you to die!"

His voice just fell to the bottom of the crowd and suddenly felt a strange look.

I haven't waited for everyone to react. A large red and yellow entangled claw suddenly appeared from the ground and grabbed it toward He Yiming's leg with lightning.

This change is absolutely out of He Yiming's surprise. His downwind and ear skills have reached a state of flux. But even if he killed him, he would never have imagined that he would encounter an attack from the ground.

And even more terrifying is that before the owner of this claw claw attacked, he did not have the strangeness of the ground. This is the most daunting thing. The spirit of He Yiming at the moment when danger is coming. Immediately it is highly concentrated.

This is a powerful force that broke out spontaneously when his life was threatened.

In his senses, everything in the world seems to have slowed down, even if it is close at hand, the claws of his bare feet will slow down.

His eyes seemed to be seeing a windy line. He was sure to cross this line at this moment to avoid this sudden claw.

Although this will expose one of his cards, but this situation does not care much about this.

However, I have not felt the power of the same wind when he really showed this ability.

This power is a force he is very familiar with.

His mastery of the power of the wind is also the beginning of learning this This is the water dazzling." The old man who is near Yuanshou has also exhibited at this moment with He Yiming. The power of the class level.

Passing through the unparalleled degree between the two points and one line.

"Calling" seems to be a soft voice and it seems like there is no such thing at all.

Shui Xuan has already arrested He Yiming and left the place where the original appears behind a crowd of steep peaks.

And the red-yellow claw that appeared from the bottom of the ground was a catch.

Then the ground was loose and a huge red wolf had already come out. It looked cold and he looked at He Yiming and others. It seemed that he didn’t feel any annoyance because of the sneak attack. He just turned around and walked to Sogo and others.

The pharmacists and others had already retreated in the moment when the claw appeared. But when they saw the eyes of the red giant wolf, they still couldn’t help but sigh in the heart.

In their hearts, a spirited beast with a thought of horror emerged.

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