Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Dark cloud

When the mountains are in the clouds, the clouds that are constantly swaying bring a strange sight to this huge mountain range, which seems to add a lot of vitality.

He Yiming and 6 Zhengyi and others returned to Hengzhi for several days. Although they were far away from the life and death world, they did not walk with them, but Xu Chengchang followed them to Yokohama.

That day, before the departure of Thunder, he introduced Xu’s origins. He is the outstanding up-and-coming star in the main vein of Tianchi Mountain. Only over forty years have passed the two-phase practice method to reach the innate realm.

Although he is not like He Yiming, he is completely inherited by his own strength, but there are elders in the door to bless him to protect the Fa, but this is already an amazing achievement.

This transfer is of course to inform the thunder that there is something about the deep mountain totem family but also has the meaning of traveling the world. Therefore, after seeing the thunder, he not only did not return to Tianchi Mountain but instead came to Yokoyama with He Yiming and others.

For his arrival, both He Yiming and Yao Dao are very welcome.

After the news of the Totem family's eagerness in the distance, the innate realm like Xu Chengchang is naturally the better.

Going back to Yokoyama for a few days, there is no big event in the mountains. Although all this seems to be very calm, He Yiming is vaguely aware that this seems to be a sign before a huge storm.

A footstep sounded him from his meditation while he was thinking.

He looked up and saw only the medicinal tract; only 6 Zhengyi connected to Xichen and Xu Chengchang, the five innate powers gathered together and walked toward him.

Since Yu Lei is not on the top of Hengshan, he is promoted to the first line of the day. He Yiming is naturally the most noble person.

Therefore, if the medicinal people and others want to discuss things together, they will undoubtedly have to go to his room to see them. They are all worried and stunned as the enemy. He Yiming couldn’t help but he secretly said, "Come." ”

Sure enough, the people who took the medicinal tract came to him and the medicinal person immediately said, "He is always afraid that the totem family has come nearby.

After He Yiming was promoted to a line of days, the pharmacists and others have greatly changed his attitude towards him.

In addition to the respect that should be there, there is a deep and undisguised awe.

This has nothing to do with the individual's generation, but it is a gesture that is naturally expressed when the people face the strong.

"The drug elders are now showing their tracks?" He Yiming asked quietly.

“There is no present.” The pharmacy person smiled bitterly. “But some of our disciples who were responsible for collecting medicine and farming recently suddenly lost contact.”

He Yiming raised his eyebrows and asked, "Several people are missing."

"There have been six people missing so far." The pharmacist looked awkwardly. "I have ordered all disciples not to allow them to go down the mountain."

He Yiming’s heart is a bit of a calculation, and the people who know the Totems will definitely arrive.

The probability of encountering danger here in the mountains of Hengshan is much larger than that outside the mountains. There have been instances in which disciples were lost and eventually died.

However, this situation is only a few cases, sometimes it is only a few years to see and most of them are half-children and women and children. But now that I have disappeared six times at a glance, it means that there is definitely a foreign force to intervene.

Can you find them? He Yiming asked the most crucial question.

The pharmacists smiled and said, "We are all people who live in the mountains all the year round. They are very familiar with the jungle. But this time the people in the totems are obviously more familiar with the situation of the jungle than we are. We really can't show their hiding. All."

He Yiming’s brows are so frustrating that facing such an enemy is really a headache.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming suddenly showed the opposite attitude of the pharmacy. He said in his heart, "Do you think of a solution?"

The pharmacists quickly said, "We have negotiated some countermeasures and we have to ask the elders to decide."

He Yiming's eyes are slightly brighter, "Quickly say." His repairs on the martial arts are indeed higher than the five innate powers present. However, if it is to talk about the experience, it is a slap in the face. If even the pharmacists and others can't think of the solution to Anshan, then He Yiming only has to blink.

No one is a versatile genius, even if He Yiming, who passed the adventure at the bottom of the lake, is only a little more powerful on the martial arts.

The pharmacy person said, "The way we negotiated is to shrink and prevent all the small heads in the vicinity from being concentrated in five important peaks. Everyone who has a master on the top of the peak has a crisis. The inner strength of the call can be notified to the rest of the peak. This will ensure that the loss can be minimized, even if it is impossible to capture the Totem fighters, at least it is self-protected."

He Yiming hesitated and said, "What about the six missing disciples?"

The pharmacy faces a sigh. "They want them to be safe."

He Yiming suddenly understood that the pharmacy was to give up these six disciples. He wants to oppose it but understands that this is undoubtedly the best solution now.

The results of the six disciples who have disappeared must be fierce.

Gently sighed He Yiming, since you have already discussed it, then do it. He paused. "From today I am going to live with the grandfather and the grandfather."

When the pharmacists and others were in the inevitable pressure on the enemy, He Yiming first considered his loved ones. This is also a matter of no doubt. And the main peak is from the rest of the four seats...

The journey of the peak is undoubtedly the shortest. It is of course the best practice to let the strongest of the sects sit there.

After sending away the pharmacist, He Yiming also sighed in the heart that the status of the first-line strongman is different in the same vein.

If he is still only a former sturdy person, then the pharmacist and others have negotiated at most to send a person to inform him that there will be five people coming together to tell him.

This is the pharmacist who expresses respect as if they are themselves or that they want to respect it, not He Yiming but his martial arts.

After a little cleaning up, He Yiming immediately went to the main house.

In the huge courtyard above the main peak of the mountain, He Wude is watching the whole letter.

Since the proclamation of the new order by the elders, the entire slogan has been carefully guarded everywhere. Although the names of the totems are relatively unfamiliar, no one dares to take it lightly after knowing their origins. In particular, the foresight of the disappearance of six companions has made countless people feel a bit chilly and fearful.

However, although the atmosphere of Hengshan is similar, but the tea message above the main peak and half of the waist is still not affected.

Pharmacists and others have been strict enough not to be close to here to disturb the whole body of the practice of the tea letter if it is Wang, he knows that Yokoyama is suffering at this time, he will never have the possibility of continuing to quietly practice.

He Xiangming came to the manor and exchanged a look at his grandfather. His father nodded slightly and his face was quite dignified. Obviously, the news of the invasion of the Totems did not win over the old man.

He did a little bit of He Yiming and made a face that I had in your heart. He Yiming’s face turned better.

There seems to be a kind of power in He Yiming's body, that is, people who have been with him for a long time will have extremely strong confidence in him. Even He Wude is no exception.

In this huge courtyard, I randomly selected a room where He Yiming lived in.

He considered taking a moment to sit down silently.

At the moment he sat down, the whole person’s temperament suddenly changed.

In his mind, he immediately emerged the scene that gave Mu Zhanhao the support of the meridian to protect the innate realm.

Although the strength of Mu Zhanhao is not a big deal in his eyes, the three-line practice in his body has benefited He Yiming.

After passing through the battle with Mu Zhanhao and observing the circulation of his three internal strengths, He Yiming combined his own experience to have a little opinion about the condensed tangible flower.

The martial arts that He Yiming is best at today are the storm clouds and ice exercises.

Although he also repairs the rest of the system, it is still the most profound in these series.

Whether it is rain or cloud or ice system is closely related to the water system among the five elements. In this case, if you want to condense the flowers of the five elements, it is natural to choose the flower of water.

Although it is closed to the eyes, it does not affect He Yiming's ability to perceive the outside world.

In his body, the water system slowly gathers and is gradually thick and strong, and eventually boils.

The outside world's strength of the heavens and the earth poured into his body like a tidal wave. Slowly, even his body began to sway a wave of power that seemed to be visible but intangible.

This kind of fluctuation spread from his body little by little, like a breeze, stroking the flowers and plants. He Yiming’s body is faint and has a strange feeling of unity with heaven and earth.

He Wude, who was in the courtyard, wrinkled his faint feeling of seemingly strange changes nearby. But he looked up and searched for the cows but found nothing. I couldn’t help but shook my head and the old man was really useless.

The other five strong people in Yokoyama have noticed this power fluctuation.

Different from He Wude, they can understand the subtle changes expressed by the power of heaven and earth. Although they still don't understand what this change represents, they understand what caused this change.

For a time, the hearts of the five people were not calm. The four in the mountains were born with a smile. They all know that only the stronger the person, the more prosperous.

Xu Chengchang from Tianchi Mountain is looking at a certain direction.

Is it so young to be a young man who has to be comprehended after the breakthrough? It seems that the rise of Hengshan is already unstoppable. I will go back to see the master in the future and must mention this.

At the same time, at the same time, a strange old man at the foot of Hengshan frowned. He looked at the direction of Hengshan and was sullen and did not speak.

Under his feet, the eyes of a giant wolf with a length of more than three meters are blue and translucent, and the mouth of the blood is screaming. There is still a trace of meat between its teeth. And a corpse in a corner not far from it is already a few remaining. The rags and costumes worn on the corpse are visible in the unique costume of Yokoyama.

The six black-faced men behind him stood respectfully. They looked at the wolf's eyes full of awe and worship.

The old man snorted as if he was talking to himself. "The breath is really strong. But as long as we can't show the hidden skills of our wolves, you are strong and have a fart. The mouth of the orchids will go down tonight. "The six black-faced men behind him were all in the same voice, although only six people had a strong and fierce momentum."

Inscribed in the engraved a lot of infuriating gas into He Yiming's body, he felt a soft mouth and spit out a mouthful of water vapor.

In this water vapor, the powerful instinct that He Yiming has accumulated is actually a strange smell at this moment.

It was as if there was no endless water power flowing into He Yiming’s body and passing through his mouth and rushing to the virtual, non-negative flower in the void.

The two flowers that were spit out in the past were not only stable but also vivid and vivid.

But at the moment... this flower spewed out from He Yiming is undoubtedly a ruin of a broken branch. And these reluctantly gathered petals are staggering as if they would go away at any time.

He Yiming’s head faintly emerged with a trace of sweat. Since he was promoted to an innate state, he seems to have never had such a wolf.

Although the gas of heaven and earth is still madly pouring into his body, in the feeling of He Yiming, this degree is still not enough.

The gas that was sprayed out of his mouth was powerful, but the flower that was maintained in midair dissipated faster.

After a petal fell, he had just added one piece and then dropped two more. It’s hard to make up the two sides and make up the other side.

He seems to have become a trapping tradesman where the crisis is coming to.

Slowly, the sweat on his forehead was more and the top of his head was a white gas like a chimney. This is why he has brought the infuriating to the extreme.

However, no matter how he mobilizes the infuriating, a white flower in midair seems to be unable to sustain it.

"Oh..." It seems that I heard a sound in the ear, and then the flower that was originally crumbling finally burst out and disappeared.

The failure of this m times is not only an insufficiency relationship, but his movements are extremely unfamiliar at the time of conciseness, which is also one of the major reasons for failure.

He Yiming sighed, although there was a little regret, but it was not successful but it was reasonable.

If it is really easy to condense three flowers, he will feel overwhelmed.

After all, not every time, I can have such good luck.

However, after this time, the process of cohesion attempted He Yiming to explore a certain experience. He believes that as long as he continues to accumulate experience, he will try his best to successfully consolidate sooner or later.

Moreover, what he wants to condense is not the single flower, but the three-flowered flower into a three-legged three-flowered roof.

The ears flicked for a moment and finally determined that no one could sneak into the vicinity.

He Yiming took a silver ring from his chest and instilled a huge amount of infuriating moments into it before a space world appeared in front of him.

Reaching out and taking out a stack of quaint books. There are three big characters on top of these books.

After so many years of collection, the color above is still not too much change. Even if it is an idiot, I know that these books are absolutely invaluable.

The fingers gently stroked the words in He Yiming's mouth and whispered in a whisper. "Open the book, He Yiming began to read the details."

This is the cheat he found from his body after he killed Sima Yin.

The power of the blind eye method, but he personally tried even if Sima Yin was still using the broken arm in the case of breaking an If it was this kind of blind eye, how could he chase it with He Yiming? Long.

In fact, this practice was initially viewed in the caves of the previous few months, but the real cultivation is still the first.

Looking at the contents recorded above, word by word, He Yiming, while frowning and thinking, sometimes suddenly realized that he was puzzled.

After a long time, he was disappointed and sighed. This kind of secret technique is best to be able to display the greatest power in the complex environment of the mountains.

This room, which looks like a turn, is not small but simple and clear. If you want to "train it, it is impossible."

Hesitating for a moment, He Yiming finally dismissed the idea of ​​going out to practice this magic.

Nowadays, the environment outside the sinister uncle is trying to cultivate and cannot be disturbed.

He closed his eyes again slowly, and in his heart he read the sorrow of the eye and carefully realized that the formation of the power of heaven and earth seems to have completely indulged in it..."

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