Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 1: Inheritance

The tall lanterns are high and the buildings are filled with soft lights. The northwest-specific tones of the curved cages echoed in the sky. An old man with a white armor dressed in a novel fashion with a comfortable smile and looked at everything in front of him. .

He Lu Ming came to the old man and he smiled and said, "The treasure is already ready for us to see it."

It is already Hejiazhuang in Taicang County.

However, compared with the previous scale, the current home can no longer be called Zhuang and will be called Hejiabao or Hejia Town.

After staying in Tianluo State for a few days, he declined the invitation of Yu Ruipei and he returned to Hejiazhuang in Taicang County.

It carries his childhood memories. For him, the New Year is much better than the flattery in the Tianluo.

The return of He Yiming naturally caused a huge sensation in Taicang County. But the people who can be reached at this time are not much.

Even in the past, it was far from being better than the other family founded by He Jiaxing.

What's more, this time He Yiming is not one person who returned with him, but also the elders of the Hengshan and the newly promoted 6 Zhengyi Yuan Lihuang. Coupled with a deep and unpredictable in the eyes of everyone, it is even more confusing in front of Hejiazhuang.

At this time, the oldest natural qualification in the whole Hejiazhuang is to return to Helaibao where the family is sitting.

Because He Yiming's relationship is even more gratifying to everyone in Hejiazhuang.

Just as the night has already celebrated the New Year's activities outside, it is still a climax. He is invited to watch He Yibao.

He Laibao’s old face smiles like the blooming young province. For this little kid who grew up and is now an unattainable little guy, his heart is like a sweetie.

I should have come out of the courtyard with a sigh of relief.

At this time, there were already many people in the courtyard who placed a strange item in the middle of the courtyard. But before He Yiming arrived, no one went to touch it.

Seeing that He Yiming came out, everyone’s greetings suddenly came to an end.

He Yiming smiled and nodded in response to his gaze and immediately went to Yuan Yuandong in the crowd.

At this time, her face had a happy smile on her side with her loved ones. This year's big year is the happiest day of her years.

Here, all the faces and powers of Taicang County have been gathered.

Not only Cheng Ningsheng and Xu Yinjie are present, even Yuan Lixiang, a relative of Yuan Jia, who is far away from Jinlin, and Yuan Lixiang, the relative of Yuan Lihuang, are also here.

As the most prosperous Yuan family in the recent Jinlin, and the second generation of the future, they feel that they have not been at Jinlin Yuanjia but have been far away from home.

This kind of behavior is simply naked and flattering, but no matter whether it is the major families in Jinlin or the major families in Taicang County, there is no such thing as a contempt for this, but everyone is envious.

If other families have such a good relationship with the family, I am afraid that they will come in desperately.

Seeing that He Yiming and He Laibao have already come out, the celebrity masters have a handful of elf-family attendants who have come out of the crowd.

They apparently experienced countless drills in advance and tidy up to the public. Then they came to the strange objects on the ground.

These people have a long, ignited little torch like the thickness of their fingers. At this point they moved the small fire to those objects carefully moved past the burning novel network.

He Laibao questioned and asked, "What is this in a computer (reading)?"

When He Wude was not in Hejiazhuang, He Laibao was indeed the tallest person in his generation, but he never ignored the matter in Zhuang. It was inevitable to ask inquiries after seeing the novelty.

He Yiming’s shoulders shone slightly. “Bao Ye, this is the New Year’s gift from Li Huang’s father...

The object is said to come from the Dashen Empire. It seems to be called firecracker. ”

When he heard the sound of the state, he heard a loud bang from the courtyard.

Everyone was talking about it, and they heard the sound of the loud noise in the scene.

The night sky suddenly opened a bright golden flower. This golden flower fluttered in the air for a while and turned into a red color. It turned into a blue color and finally became a drop of golden raindrops falling into the world.

With this first firecracker blasting the rest of the firecrackers in the air is also a skyrocketing.

It’s just that in the blink of an eye, the whole sky becomes colorful, colorful sparks are flying in the air, and when the sky is scattered, the signal is flying like the light and the light of the sky is dotted with flowers. world.

Most people, including He Yiming, are staring at the sky with a jaw-dropping look.

Only a very small number of people, such as those who have traveled all over the world, are slightly better.

It’s just that although they have seen this kind of thing called firecrackers, the quantity and quality of firecrackers this time are undoubtedly the best of them.

After a quarter of an hour, the firecrackers placed in the field were all ignited.

There is a strong smell of sulfur in the air. This is what wakes up like a dream and screams out loud.

He Laibao’s rejoicing, “This thing is really good. Yuan’s owner is very upset about your daughter.”

He Yiming smiled slightly as his strength continued to be praised. It will naturally be born.

After seeing this scene, He Laibao is really old and he is sighing.

"It’s a pity."

He Yiming Daqi did not know what Baoye was sighing at this big New Year.

"Do you have a heart for Baoye?" He Yiming asked with a good understanding.

He Laibao glanced at the two elders in Hengshan, and he lowered his voice.

"If the old man is here, then he will definitely feel this life."

Although He Wude and He Chaxin did not spend it in Hejiazhuang this year, the return of He Yiming completely compensated for this regret.

At this moment, Hejiazhuang became the center of the entire Taicang County and even the entire county.

Not only the dignitaries gathered together, but even the first person in the Hengshan dynasty appeared in the thunder and the newly promoted congenital elders. If this is such a glorious scene, if He Wude witnessed it, he really did not regret this life. .

He Yiming Shen suddenly smiled for a moment and said, "What is the difficulty of Bao Chang? At this time, we will banquet guests to add all the people here to the drug elders and the ones encountered in the Kailuan Masters Hall this time." The innate masters invited them together.

His words are extremely natural. It seems that as long as his post is posted, he can invite all of this person and the masters. From the beginning to the end, he never considered the problem that someone would refuse.

He Laibao sighed and only He Yiming had such confidence.

In the evening, the fireworks banquet in Hejiazhuang became the most famous topic in Taicang County and even in the county and Tianluo. Anyone who had the honor to attend this scene was worth a hundred times.

Hejiazhuang in Taicang County has become a force that cannot be ignored in the whole Tianluo County. Every change here will affect the hearts of countless people.

Indifferently engraved into the night sky starry little flashes in the beautiful Taobao women's cats Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m light.

The New Year has passed the burning novel network, but the atmosphere of the festival has not disappeared because of the thumb. He Yiming is at home with his parents and brothers and other families.

However, the only thing left is that Yuan Lihuang left his side.

After the Chinese New Year, Yuan Chengzheng asked Yuan Lihuang to return to Yuan Jia and his party.

Yuan Ze’s old elder Yuan Zeyu’s body condition plummeted after his brother’s separation. This time, Yuan Chenglai came to Hejiazhuang to make a flattering but also intends to bring Yuan Lihuang and Yuan Li back to their hometown to see the last side of the old man.

He Yiming was engraved to be reluctant to leave her only to leave.

Fortunately, Yuan Lihuang is already a master of innate realm at this time. At this moment, even if her father saw her, she was full of smiles and intimacy, so let her go home. He Yiming is naturally relieved.

After the New Year, Yuan Chengzhen took Yuan Lixuan, Yuan Lixuan and Yuan Lixiang, and left the same sister's four sister He Yiling.

After Yuan Lixuan expressed his willingness to stay in Yuanjia for life, the obstacle between him and He Yiling was completely removed.

He answered that the fork is really a human being, and since then, he has no longer blocked him. He treated him as his own son and made He Yitao quite interesting.

This time Yuan Lixuan took He Yiling to Yuanjia, but it was the first time to see the father, but it was also the last time.

At this time, He Yiming looked into the distance in the room. He looked at the star-shaped towel on the top of his head.

Suddenly his brows wrinkled. "Have you said that these stars in the sky are bigger than our entire Tianluo country?"

From the shadow of a dark corner, he appeared indifferently. "As long as you can see the stars with the naked eye, it must be bigger than Tianluo."

After He Yiming nodded slightly for a long time, he finally slowly said, "So many Tianluo really want to go and have a look."

Hundreds of moments looked up and looked at He Yiming silently.

He Yiming felt that his vision was inextricable. "Is there any problem?"

"No." One hundred zero. Honestly, "Your wishes are good, maybe you can't make it, but your children's descendants can achieve it."

how do you know? ”

"According to my memory, in my country, someone wants to climb the stars in the sky, so I will show the technology."

He Yiming slightly nodded and got along with him for a long time. He also knows a few things.

Although he felt unimaginable for many things he said, there is a bit of He Yiming who can definitely know a lot after talking to and learning from each other."

Although at the moment it may not give him much direct benefit, he can be sure that these things will certainly give him unimaginable help on his future cultivation path.

After a sudden break, I jumped into the dark corners like a lost one. I couldn’t see the trace again.

He m Ming and his ears turned slightly and turned around. "What advice do you have for the elders to come here late at night?"

Yu Jinglei haha ​​smiled and walked in from outside. He sincerely said, "He Changsong, your downwind ear is really a supernatural power. The brothers and sisters have tried their best to hide and think that they will not be seen by you before entering this courtyard." Shaking his head and shaking the waves of the Yangtze River.

He Yiming said slightly, "You have won the prize... The younger brother is only lucky enough to hear it."

Yu Jinglei put his hand on the face and smiled abruptly. He said awkwardly. "He Chang's little brother has some pastes and wants to ask... Sound. A He Yiming will welcome him into the room and choose this time. It must be that there is something to do with business and it is by no means a three-word language.

After the two men were seated, He Yiming said, "Let the elders please."

Yu Jinglei nodded slightly. "This time, after you entered the mountain, you not only met the predecessors but also let Yuan girl be promoted to the congenital. If I don't expect you to have some kind of way to advance in advance."

He Yiming stunned his heart and secretly said that there is no stupid in the world. After seeing Yuan Litong’s promotion so fast, someone really guessed the clue.

It’s just that except for the thunder, there is no such courage to dare to ask.

Hesitated for a moment, He Yiming slowly nodded. "In the younger brother's hand, there is indeed a kind of medicine that can make people gain strength in the shortest time. And if there is a congenital Jindan cooperation, then there is a certain direct promotion. Maybe. But he said, "The drug is too expensive. Even if it is the younger brother, there are only the last three. And this kind of medicine is unique. It should be passed down from now on. It is."

On the face of Jing Lei, there was a trace of disappointment. "The original drug also needs the cooperation of the innate Jindan."

He Yiming is in the right way. "That is if nature does not have a congenital Jindan and how to promote it."

Yu Jinglei sighed a sigh. "There is no such thing."

His words to He Yiming are indeed completely convinced that if there is a potion that can replace the innate Jindan, it will not be ignorant for many years.

However, the effect of this kind of medicine is inevitable.

For these hidden sects, it is not a big problem for outstanding disciples to advance to the top ten peaks of internal strength before the age of 50 or 60. If the talent of the disciple under the door is outstanding, then even if he reaches this realm at the age of forty, there is no shortage of people.

But for this powerful martial art, what really makes them value is not the son of the day after tomorrow but the congenital elder.

Slightly shaking his head and thundering the thunder of the matter. Since this agent is so rare, it will be handed over to Hejiazhuang, and they will not need to touch it.

A light cough screamed at the thunder. "He last time, after he returned to the mountain in Xichen, he sent two more first days. The elders said that your body has a miracle that can improve the success rate of the innate Jindan."

The younger brother has this thing, is it that the pharmacy person has to open the alchemy? ”

"It’s good that the elders of the medicine had this idea before we went down. I went down the mountain this time and he discussed this with you on behalf of him." Yu Jinglei’s expression became dignified. No one was talking about the innate Jindan. I will have a heart and mind.

He Yiming indulged in a moment. "Since it is a drug elder, I naturally will bring my hands."

The last time the refining of two congenital Jindan consumes no berries, it is not too much awkward.

Yu Jinglei’s face showed a gratifying smile. “He’s elders are really quick words. If this time, you can become a Dan, so one of them is still yours.”

He Yiming said slightly, "Thanks to the elders."

The Congenital Gold Hall is never too much for anyone.

Yu Jinglei’s gaze looked out at the outside and he suddenly asked, “If you have a congenital Jindan, do you know how to deal with it?”

He Yiming’s brow suddenly wrinkled and the first innate Jindan was naturally unwilling to take it to the uncle. In this family, in addition to him, there will be a second innate strongman sitting in the town so that Hejiazhuang is as stable as Taishan.

But who is this second innate Jindan to take?

The grades of Grandpa and Baoye are too big to be excluded, so there are so many brothers and sisters in their parents."

Not to mention that there is only one Golden Dan, even if it is added to the five genetic fluids in his hands is not enough.

It seems that I saw the distress of He Yiming and thundered and smiled. "He Changla, I ask you a question."

"Please tell the elders."

"You want to let Hejiazhuang inherit the millennium or just want a brilliant generation."

He Yiming blurted his mouth without hesitation. "Nature is a heritage of the Since you think so, you will accumulate the innate Jindan." Yu Jinglei is the color of the road. As long as the congenital elders reach three or more, the innate Jindan will never be used. The Jindan thing can only be used when the sects are not in use. If there is much, then it can only make the sects brilliant and cannot be passed down. millennium."

In He Yiming's eyes, there was a lot of problems in his mind.

Although there are no innate powers in the big family that have passed down the millennium, they have the acquired masters of the ten-level peak.

But almost every family has only thirty or forty talents in the post-day.

To say that there is no reserve limit for these families, Jin He is absolutely unbelievable.

But until now he realized that these families were deliberately controlling the amount of Jindan used.

Perhaps this is the only way to extend the family's blood for the longest time.

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