Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 69: Hidden people

The quietly illuminating branches of the groves in the backyard reflect the rouge's tick. The few days of the cold starry night are so quiet and a fragrant incense. I don't know what the wind blows in.

One of the most famous temples that opened the country in this dark night was sitting quietly but his heart was never calm.

He slammed and stood up and pushed the door to the outside.

He looked at the moonlight in the sky, which was definitely not bright. Suddenly, his heart was chaotic for decades.

The inexplicable color flashed in the eyelids. His gaze fell to somewhere and finally made some determination.

His figure has left the house lamp that has been in the letter for more than 30 years.

Soon he left the country.

If the masters in the Kailuan Masters Hall know that there are still four strong people in the city who are not inferior to the first-line days, they think that the Tianqiang, the strong-line leader of the mountain, suddenly left the country and is sure to be heart-wrenching. No peace.

However, Zhan Tianfeng’s extremely fast action is also a matter of carefulness and no leakage at all.

And before he got his permission, few people dared to walk into his home, so no one knew about his departure.

Flying all the way, especially after he left the country, he immediately raised the limit to the limit.

When a line of strong people is on their way to the road, the speed is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

When the sun rises and the sun hangs, Zhan Tianfeng has already come to a distant mountain.

This is a mountain in the center of the Kailuan country. Although it is also far from the city, it is not as inaccessible as the Hengshan.

There are dozens of quaint temples in this mountain work. There are often people who come a long way to make a scent in the temple.

When Zhan Tianfeng came to the foot of the mountain, he did not continue to use light-weight exercises to climb the mountain, but walked toward the mountain workers step by step like ordinary people.

Although there are not many people on the mountain, you can see some believers every time you go on a road.

At this time, Zhan Tianfeng is just like the most ordinary person, and he can't see his momentum as a strongman.

In the middle of the encounter, no matter whether it is work or not, everyone smiles and then separates and looks like a harmonious atmosphere seems to be filled throughout the mountain.

Finally, Zhan Tianfeng walked halfway up the mountain.

There is a middle-aged priest in a cottage house here. People who come here often know that this priest is living in a hut all the year round. Anyone who wants to work from here will be discouraged by him.

This priest's temper is very good. When he persuaded people, he used his good words to persuade even the pilgrims to add their fists and feet and never give up.

However, when Zhan Tianfeng saw this middle-aged Taoist, his face immediately showed a respectful color.

If the masters in the master hall see this scene, they will think that their eyes are out of order.

The brothers have not seen you for many years and are still an old-fashioned one. "Zhan Tianfeng smiled and greeted.

The middle-aged Taoist priest is also open-eyed and laughs. "You are not going to retreat between the world." How did you come to see me after more than 30 years? ”

There was a bitter bitterness on Zhan Tianfeng’s face. He sighed long and sighed. "Brothers, brother, why do you want to go out, but the affairs of the dust are not as good as the national affairs? The younger brother is forced out. Off."

The middle-aged Taoist priest asked strangely, "Who is the younger brother who forced you to go out? Is it related to the state? Is it the country of Tuyu and Titan?"

Zhan Tianfeng shook his head. "Although there is a little connection with Tuyuguo, it doesn't have much to do with it."

The middle-aged Taoist priest's face finally changed. His lazy sitting position also became solid at this moment. It seemed to suddenly change from a savage person to a highly respected sage.

Since it is not the three major powers in the northwest, is it from the troubles of Northern Xinjiang or Dashen? ”

Zhan Tianfeng once again shook his head. "Northern Xinjiang is impossible. As for Da Shen, we are too far away from us. In recent decades, it has been calm and there is no trouble."

The middle-aged road has a sigh of relief. "Since it is not from the troubles of Da Shen, it would be fine."

Zhan Tianfeng smiled and said, "Senior brothers, although the trouble is not from the Dashen Empire, but for us, we are only more dangerous than Da Shen."

The middle-aged Taoist brow wrinkled. "I don't know if you are swallowing up. Just go to see the teacher. Anyway, the old man is still staring at you for a few days."

Zhan Tianfeng turned helplessly and turned a blind eye. After the two met, his own brother asked Dong to ask the West and did not give him a chance to speak. When he wants to explain it in detail, it is a big deal, but he ignores it.

Slightly sighed, but Zhan Tianfeng also knows that this brother has always said that it is useless. Since he said that he does not want to take care of it, it is useless to say more.

Zan Tianfeng walked toward the Taoist people.

A few pilgrims in the distance came to the direction of Zhan Tianfeng’s departure to ask the middle-aged Taoist why he could work.

The middle-aged Taoist’s sudden face and dead face explained that the kind of temperament that was just when he talked with Zhan Tianfeng was no longer a dream. He seems to have a second face.

Zhan Tianfeng’s footsteps were fast and the company was far away, but he also heard the trivial complaints from the mountainside hut.

In his heart, he is puzzled by the choice of his brother, but he also understands how to choose the way that is personal and not that he can interfere.

He walked to the foothills as he walked.

The work of Hawthorn is a platform with hundreds of square meters.

If this platform is working in the plains, it’s a singularity, but the ink appears in the small step, then Kunde can’t stand.

The feeling of working in the mountains is actually only a little strange, but if you look down from the sky, then this open space is particularly obvious. It is as if a wooden stake inserted into the soil has been cut into two segments and this platform is one of the fractures.

Just looking at it, when there is someone who has such a power to break a mountain raft as a wooden stake...

Zhan Tianfeng has come here many times but every time he comes here, he will have a feeling of fainting.

But this feeling is also stimulating his constant driving force in the martial arts and climbing the higher realm.

He climbed from the end of the road to the other side.

From there, it is a misty cliff cliff. It can be said that it is dangerous and dangerous. If the Sima Yin came to this place when it was nowhere to go, it would not have to hesitate to jump down the mountain.

However, after Zhan Tianfeng came here, he did not hesitate to lift his feet.

He stepped out of the cliff and fell into the shadow of the cliff.

Zhan Tianfeng's figure was close to the cliff and fell into the cloud. Not long after, he stopped firmly on a prominent boulders. It turned out to be a huge cave within the boulder.

There is no light in the darkness of the cave.

Zhantian City strode forward and walked through the stone gates to the largest stone room in the cave.

The country of this hole is not small, but there is no one in it until Zhan Tianfeng came to the biggest stone gate before he stopped and bowed his respectfully.

It would be unbelievable for the people in Kailuan to see Zhan Tianfeng as a god.

From the stone room, there is a very old voice. "How can Tianfeng be you?"

Zhan Tianfeng’s reverence and respect for the “master disciple came to see you.”

"Since you have come, is it because the country is in danger? Can you still cope with it?"

"Master Sheng Ming." Zhan Tianfeng's face showed a shy color. He deeply bowed his head. "The disciple has the old face to give you old face."

Oh, what is this shameful. "The old voice laughed and said, "The tides rise and fall, there is a rise and fall, and the strangeness is that the huge empire of the 6th East is inevitable to change the dynasty, not to mention our northwestern countries." If the Kailuan country is destined to decline, then don't say that you can't do anything, even if my old man comes out, it is also inevitable. ”

Zhan Tianfeng suddenly looked up and his eyes showed a hint of surprise.

The old master, his old man, held his hand and asked him to guard the country before he left.

In the past 100 years, in order to complete this entrustment, he abandoned all loneliness and practiced silently on the martial arts to make himself a sea **** of this country.

But now when he once again came to the front of the division. His teacher, the former big man who was so famous that he would tremble in the northwest, would say this frustrating and discouraged words.

For a time, Zhan Tianfeng even had a glimpse of what he had done wrong all these years.

Although it is separated by a thick stone wall, the person inside seems to be able to see or feel the expression and mental state of Zhan Tianfeng in some way.

The old voice said once again that the country is my country and your country can only let her disappear as long as there is a line. Tianfeng has suffered in these years."

Zhan Tianfeng’s heart was warm and the self-question had just disappeared and the heart was filled with warmth and excitement, which made him feel difficult.

He always thought that he was calm and calm, and that he was not close to human feelings and even feared. But until now he realized that he was not calm enough in the day.

"Talk about what happened to the living?" The voice of the old man passed again.

Zhan Tianfeng said something that did not hide the rise of He Yiming of Tianluo State. He did not conceal or exaggerate in the slightest, but seek truth from facts. Even even if he asked Sima Yin to go to assassinate He Yiming, he was honestly accounted for.

Of course, Sima Yin never went back. When He Yiming appeared again, not only did the diverticulum around him become an innate powerhouse with a terrible cold and instinct, but he also had one more beside him. Powerful arm help.

The strongest of the three flowers gathered in the top will be followed by He Yiming and it seems that he is still working for him.

All of this made Zhan Tianfeng feel tremendous pressure.

If the situation continues to show up like this, then once He Yiming really rises here, there is still a place to establish a country.

When Zhan Tianfeng painted all of this and told it all, he suddenly closed his mouth and waited quietly in front of the door.

After a long time, the old voice came from the door, but this time the voice was a little dignified.

The fifteen-year-old Bai Santian’s seven-year-old line can not achieve a congenital realm and a three-flowered gathering. Hehe Tianfeng, you are not talking to the teacher for a joke. ”

"The disciple does not dare." Zhan Tianfeng smiled bitterly. If it is possible, he can't even believe this.

In the whole stop hole, there was a suffocating heavy atmosphere. Even if Zhan Tianfeng had held his breath, even he could not guess what kind of choice the old man in Dongfu would make.

Outside the Dongfu, the sun slowly moved west from noon, and finally only the last red glow of the sky filled with charm.

It was not until the moment that the old man’s voice was heard in the Dongfu. “I understand that Tianfeng, you are back.”

Zhan Tianfeng once he came here, in addition to wanting to tell the news, there is also a way to ask for advice. But now his old man has said nothing to make him return to the heart of the urgency. Just in front of his old man, even if he gave Zhan Tianfeng two courage, he would not dare to violate it.

Because he grew up under the aura of the old man and got the careful training of the old man to be able to have today's achievements.

In his heart the old man is God and God is omnipotent.

Carrying his body, he slowly withdrew from Dongfu and returned to the mountainside from the foothills.

It was only at the moment he left the cave that there was a sound of nothing.

“Step back and open the sky”

Zhan Tianfeng thought about it and returned from the original road. In the middle of the middle-aged Taoist people, the Taoist figure showed a sense of carelessness. It seems that he did not want to greet him because he was just entangled and resentful.

Zhan Tianshi smiled and had to go deep before the work and then slowly went down the mountain.

Others don't know that he knows that the brother who is responsible for the door-sitting in the half-small waist is undoubtedly unpredictable from the appearance of the ordinary priests. At least he has a self-knowledge that is definitely not the opponent of this brother.

After going down the mountain, he returned to the temple of Kailuan Guodu with the fastest pursuit.

No one in this trip feels that even the masters in the domestic masters are ignorant.

However, Zhan Tianfeng did not know that his brother had listened for a moment after he left the cave and then followed the path he had walked to the stone wall.

"Zhan Yan, you go into the mountains to take out the totem of the werewolf."

"Master, you want to provoke the totem family?"

"When you go, you can use the easy-to-use technique. I want you to dress up as an old man and the voice is low.

After a while, the Taoist smiled bitterly. "The insider of the werewolf is like a disciple who is afraid that it will not be able to do it."

"I don't want you to grab but to steal your strength. You should be able to get it if you are careful." The old man snorted. "You will make a few trips before you get ready to leave. Let the workers leave traces of the five elements of infuriating."

"What kind of system does the master really keep?"

Leave all. ”

All? ”

"When you steal the totem, you will give me a treasure trove of cross-cutting. Don't let people go."

The middle-aged Taoist Zhan Yu responded that he stopped asking and turned away.

The old voice rang loudly. It seemed that an old man smiled peacefully. "The old guys who believe in the werewolf don't know if their hands, feet and bones have rusted. It's also time to find some jobs for them to do. If so Let them know that there are such young strong people in the mountains that they will still sit still."

The voice gradually swelled down and a whispering sound echoed in the cave.

"There is such a generation of Tianjiao on the side of the Kailuan. It is a blessing to the northwest for me."

Light and obscured

"Hundreds and eight, do you honestly tell me whether your strength has improved compared to when we first met?"

In the study, He Yiming keeps his eyes on the hundred and eight. Although he knows that this guy can't be seen by him even if he is lying, but his momentum is not enough.

Hundred and eight quietly watching him, since he followed He Yiming and left the cave house that has been in existence for a thousand years, his eyes have never seen the light like a small sun. At this point he is also a trustworthy human weapon.

"I am not improving strength." His slow way "I am just evolving."

evolution? He Yiming sneaked at him and looked at the other side and shook his head. After a moment, He Yiming said, "Can you evolve because of the relationship between the energy stone?" ”

"Yes." One hundred and eight simple and clear said that this is his consistent style.

He Yiming's face has a strange change. The reason why he can live in peace with one hundred and eight has an innate condition that their strength is almost the same.

But today's hundred and eight are swallowing up a few energy stones and the strength is already leaps and bounds.

Although they never handed in after signing the employment contract, He Yiming at this time has such a feeling that if he really competes with him, then unless he uses the final knife to use the final blow. I really can't compete with it.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming has a splitting Well, let him fully trust this human weapon. This is not a simple matter.

One hundred and eight suddenly raised his head and he was extremely rare. "Are you afraid of me?"

He Yiming stunned, but had to say that this feeling is really quite novel.

A slight nod to communicate with simple people is still the easiest way to use it.

"I am afraid of you because I don't know what will happen when your strength is far beyond me."

One hundred and eight open channels "I am different from you. My program does not allow me to make a breach of contract. As long as you can always sign a contract with me, I will not betray you."

Let's say that the hundred and eight turned and walked away.

Looking at his disappearing back, He Yiming brows his eyes and wrinkles his face and raises his eyes. "Well, always sign a contract. Isn't that the corresponding energy stone provided every year? This guy is obviously not why people are smart and Like people?"

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