Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 60: not human

I heard a glimpse of He He Yiming’s eyes as if it were a black jewel-like eye with a strange sensation in the winter.

This time brought He Yiming to strengthen the impact of the dog.

As innate powers, when they gather their infuriating eyes to the eye or when they reach the peak of the whole body, their eyes will naturally light up, but no matter how strong the strength of the innate power is. The power of their eyes, no matter how bright their eyes are, may not be as bright as these statues.

The eyes are like two small sun-like sparkles.

He Yiming’s feeling of calmness and calmness has once again shaken up. If he can still calm down and calm down, then he can no longer remain calm at this moment.

His downs and downs have been cultivated to a very high level, but in his ears, he is not able to hear any of the ten "people" in front of him.

No heartbeat, no sound of blood flowing, even the temperature of his body can not be touched.

Such a situation is absolutely impossible to appear in the work of a normal "person."

Even if this person's martial arts repair is higher than He Yiming, it is impossible for him to admit his mistakes in face-to-face situations.

However, although this human-shaped statue does not have the slightest living characteristics, his head can still move his eyes but still has such incredible glare.

In the blink of an hour, He Yiming even thought of the huge crystals suspended by the overhead workers that he saw when he first entered the Dongfu. Perhaps only the crystals of the unknown things could come out.

The faint He Yiming thinks that there must be something in the relationship between him that he can't understand.

The footsteps are slightly wrong. He Yiming has already retreated to the passage of the passage like a colleague.

After experiencing this incredible and extraordinary thing, He Yiming has completely dispelled the thought of continuing to explore. At this time his only thought was to leave this place as soon as possible.

Maybe after his mentality is completely calmed down, he will come in again and find out but it is definitely not the present.

It was only when his figure had just retreated to the passage of the passage that the statue was completely moved. Only for a moment, He Yiming’s eyes were already in front of him and he stood out like a marble. The arm touched his chest. It was a mistake. Although the arm was extremely fast, it was a fascinating feeling. But in fact, there was no slightest killing. He Yiming could clearly sense the other’s arm. Not his chest but the silver ring hanging on his chest.

In his heart, his mind suddenly flashed countless thoughts.

The myriad stories about ghosts that I have heard of in my childhood have inexplicably emerged at this moment.

He Yiming never knew that his memory was so good that even such adult things were not forgotten. But at this moment, he did not surprise him, but he was so resentful of his memory. Why should he be so good?

His deep sigh of spirit was once again raised to the extreme in the hustle and then he seemed to see the route of the wind at the end of the passage. His body suddenly disappeared in the same place as if it had been turned away. The wind rushed through the distance of the two points and one line to the outside of the passage.

He Yiming’s feet just landed like a spring-like jump. He immediately came to Yuan Lidong, another channel stone house. He refused to explain what stretched out her little hand like a sharp arrow. Go out.

Although Yuan Lixun did not understand why He Yiming suddenly became so hot and in her memory, she never saw the strange look in He Yiming’s eyes.

This seems to be a kind of fear. In her memory, no matter what He Heming has encountered, even if it is a singular generation of strong people, he is not humble and not afraid of a little bit of fear and fear.

But at this time, He Yiming has a horror that makes her unbelievable. It seems that the first thought that a child is scared is far away. But the only difference is that He Yiming still remembers her, so she wants to take her away with her. Yuan Yuanli has already thought of so much and even more worried about her. What is it that will make He Yiming It is the feeling of a violent dog.

However, she did not know what happened to He Yiming. If she had encountered such a ghost in the legendary department, she was afraid that she would lose her courage to escape. The action of He Yiming stopped like the highest height. Mercedes-Benz's fast horse paused in an instant.

Yuan Lixun hid behind He Yiming and looked at them in front of them. I don’t know when there was more than one person.

It’s just that this person’s feeling for her is very weird. That is, this action is a little different from the average person. It seems to be a very strange feeling that a wood man suddenly has life.

Of course, after seeing this person, Yuan Li Xun became more and more surprised. Is He Yiming so panicked because of this person's sake?

The heart suddenly stretched out. He Yiming calmed down. When this weird portrait suddenly moved and blocked him in front of him, he was already in a way to retreat. He Ming finally calmed down completely.

He let go of the hand that clung to Yuan Lixun and whispered, "Lie Dong, go back first."

Although the openwork stone room in which Lu Xin is living is not insured, the county is currently the only place to be safe. There is no room for choice in blocking the pattern.

Yuan Li Xun’s low voice should have returned without a hesitation, and returned along the same path.

She did not have any drag because she understood that if she was not even in the case of He Yiming, her basic work would be a burden.

This kind of burden is definitely the biggest reason for the same level of masters to shake hands and eventually lose their lives. Second, after entering the stone room, Yuan Lixun’s eyes flashed with some firm light in the passing of Sima Yin and this After the two people who suddenly appeared in the way of obstruction, Yuan Lidong’s heart has been deeply stimulated by the inexplicable tears that have surfaced her face.

In her heart, she silently shouted that I should not bear the burden of billions. I don’t want to drag him down. I don’t want him to care for my existence every time.........

Her bite bite is in her heart but it is a slap in the face.

Although she has such an idea and she vaguely feels that if she goes on like this, she will leave He Yiming one day sooner or later.

But she did not have a good solution to the weeping.

Suddenly she turned her head and locked her tightly on the empty stone cabinet.

There were some cheats and a congenital Jindan.

Her heart suddenly closed with an unprecedented strong feeling that she wanted the innate Jindan. She wanted to be promoted to a congenital strongman. Second, she had never had such a luxury before she followed He Yiming. With the help of Yiming, her internal strength has been rushing forward and she never thought that she would be promoted to the innate realm. Since the face left a whip mark, she was dreaming of being promoted to the innate realm, but that was more to restore the face's whip marks to the original reason.

However, at this moment her thoughts have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In her eyes, she showed a strong and firm radiance. She has a strong desire that she has never had before.

I want to be promoted to the innate!

The effect of the bear effect is different from that of the channel outside the cave.

Even if he faced this person, he was weird ten times more. He Yiming was also fearless at this time.

Behind him there is a man who is willing to abandon everything to guard. At this time, in front of him, don't just say that it is just a ghost-like guy who doesn't know the origins.

Even if God came to kill the Buddha, he would never be merciless.

The blood of the inexplicable He Yiming began to boil. His blood was hot but his heart was cold.

There was a white frost on his body to face such a strange enemy, although he had decided to fight. However, at this time of the war, he would never have to keep a hand. The man who did not slammed this time, and estimated that the state of the state, He Yiming, the spirit of the ghost did not make him extremely jealous. If it is not He Yiming who cares about Yuan Lixun and enters another stone room, then even this person would like to catch up with He Yiming at this time.

Finally, He Yiming took the initiative to take the initiative. When he calmed down completely, the confidence of the first-line strongman naturally returned. His mastery is just the strength of a strong dog and the chill of the ice and snow without any clever attack.

At the moment he slammed out, he had strong confidence and was sure to defeat any existence that was in front of him.

The man erected a hand and he did not seem to notice the power of the giant dog that was bred in the palm of He Yiming.

The two palms finally came together in the air.

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly showed his extreme surprise in his eyes.

In the other hand's palm work, his infuriating has never encountered any obstacles like an unimpeded rush into the other's arm towel.

But the more he felt incredible, that he did not feel the existence of the meridians in the other's body.

It seems that the other's arm is not a human hand but a real wood hand. But the solidity of this wood or metal is far from the imagination of He Yiming, even though his strong cold is instinct. This moment has not been able to play the role of anticipation.

He Yiming’s heart is like this person’s body is even stronger than the one-line strongman like Sima Yin?

The man and He Yiming's flat pair of hands, whether it is the strength of this palm or the kind of cold that can freeze the Sima Yin did not affect the person.

Then the man once again shot his position is still He Yiming's chest seems to only have the silver ring on his neck in his eyes.

He Yiming’s mind suddenly turned a thought. He instantly determined that this geek is not afraid of his cold instinct. So his body turned into a color, and suddenly changed color. A faint metallic color spread from his palm and spread before He Yiming raised his arm and the palm of the other hand came out. The color of this metal has become clear from the light and thick.

A sound of gold and iron strikes between them, as the firecrackers blew two strong nails and hit them together.

A lot of gold power rushed out but could not cause any damage to the man's arm.

He Yiming’s feeling is like a strong singer who is good at the gold system and has a hard touch on his fortune. He’s faintly stunned by some of his arms. He Yiming’s hit is Although he did not hurt his opponent, he also blocked his opponent's arm and made his wish to grab the silver necklace fall through.

The two people's opponents are lightning fast. The second attack and defense is even more instantaneous.

He Yiming flew back and re-blocked the hole that was receding.

After the teachings of Sima Yin, He Yiming has seen the safety of Yuan Lixun more than anything else. In front of him, this master who is not like a person and is unpredictable makes He Yiming feel a sense of fear. Naturally, he will no longer leave the weak share of Yuan Lixun to this person.

However, what surprised He Yiming was that he did not continue to attack after the quick exploratory confrontation, but stopped and gaze at the eyes of the dead, who did not have the slightest feelings.

Of course, if he is really dead, then the eyes will never be so bright.


A word and a word was said from the mouth of this person.

The hair of He Yiming’s workmanship has been all upright in an instant. He reluctantly pulled his lower lip and even he couldn’t tell the expression on his face. Is it crying or laughing? There is still no in his ear. Hear any sound from this person.

Breathing heartbeat blood flow............

In addition to the sounds he caused when he was walking, acting, or talking, he never heard the sound of his body again.

It seems that in his body is not a variety of organs composed of flesh and blood but a huge whole.

Of course, in He Yiming's current knowledge, he absolutely can't think of any life in this world that can achieve this incredible step.

Deeply sighing, He Yiming put away the mixed feelings that could not be expressed. "Thank you for complimenting your strength is also very strong."

The man seems to be thinking about it for a while. "You are better than the man. He is not as good as you."

He Ming Wei immediately immediately understood that what he said should be Lu Xin.

When I thought of this innate powerhouse, He Yiming was secretly cursing when he was crying and laughing.

He finally understood why Lussin had to leave the cave without opening it and saying something about the agency.

In fact, the so-called institution here should be the one who looks like a human being.

The ambiguity that Lu Xin’s pattern said until the temporary time was simply deliberately artificial.

He immediately thought that he had just wanted to put this volt into the space world, and suddenly it was a cold sweat that slid down the vest's spine. Appreciate this guy before he moved himself. If he enters the space world without a word, he still doesn't know what will happen to him.

The man’s mouth slowly said, “You are very strong. Now I’m not too big to beat you.”

He Yiming's brows are slightly wrinkled, but he has put down more than half of his mind.

Does the other person say that he does not want to be an enemy of himself?

The two fists clung to He Yiming and Yan Yue’s words. "The brother is also mistakenly entering Dongfu. There is nothing that you want to read and disturb you. If you let it go, then the next two will leave and will never come again. Interference."

His sincere expression is sincere because his sentence is entirely from the heart of the world. This place is more fun. Even if this cave is mysterious, it has nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, the man thought about it for a moment and finally said, "I want to make a deal with you."

He Yiming looked at him blankly and then changed his face slightly. "Hello, I know that you want my space world, but I am sorry that this item will not change hands if you pay any price."

"Space World?" The man slammed the expressionless voice below. "You are wrong, you don't want to want your space world. Even if you give it to me, I won't want it because of it. There is no meaning or effect for me.

He Yiming’s heart sneer and everyone will say that since you don’t want this baby, why did you attack the chest part twice?

The man’s eyes suddenly and strangely flashed a few times and gradually calmed From this moment, it seems that this person is really a bit like a normal person.

He pointed to He Yiming’s front chest. “I just want to get an energy stone in your private space.”

“Energy Stone?” He Yiming asked with a double eye and “Do you have this thing here?”

"There is that white stone."

He Ming’s face was finally completely changed. At this moment, he finally believed.

This person is not seeking his space world but for the white stones.

That huge white stone has a magical function to the extreme.

Ren He Yiming’s reading of the group books did not find the name and role of this object from any ancient work.

At this moment, when this person said this sentence, He Yiming even had a feeling of excitement. Maybe he will be able to unlock the secret of White Stone...

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