Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 44: Liwei

The huge rumbling voice kept echoing.

This is a person's voice but loud and loud, like thousands of people shouting in the sound of tears, as if everyone in the entire country can hear it.

The wide range of this loud voice is far from being comparable to anyone present.

This sound is condensed and not scattered, although it is only one sound, but it is stacked like a wave of high tide.

However, the rest of the city heard this sound at most but was shocked and unbelievable and inexplicable.

But after these innate powers here have found this voice, no one can remain calm.

Especially the sluggishness of those innate powers who have fought against He Yiming seems to be at this moment... He has lost his ability to think.

As for the hands of Cheng Fu, the hands clasped have long been unconsciously loosened.

He looked at He Yiming's gaze first and then became a complex and then slowly became relaxed. The emotion of the long-awaited war has completely disappeared.

If He Yiming is still a hundred days of innate master, then he has the confidence to catch up with him and fight again. Even today, He Yiming has been able to compare with Wood and he has never been desperate.

Because he can get the guidance of Zhan Tianfeng, the first-line powerhouse, as long as he can suffer, then he will be able to progress quickly and finally get the strength that is consistent with it.

But today's He Yiming is no longer a hundred strong.

The line of life and death is like the difference between the first day and the next day.

Cheng Fu's slowly hole in the eyes of the depressed gas seems to leak out in an instant.

The master of the sky wants to fight against the strongmen of the first line

Even if you can't think of it, you won't choose this method of death.

Therefore, at this time, he has completely extinguished his determination to fight with He Yiming. However, I don’t know why his heart suddenly eased when he put the idea of ​​this strong bravery in his heart. Inexplicable, he seems to be obsessed with something. Although the strength of the infuriating has not increased, his mentality has produced subtle changes that make his state of mind go faster than the body in the practice of martial arts.

He Yiming stepped out when the rumbling voice of the air reappeared.

He did not go in the direction of the wood, but walked toward the step-by-step trembled behind the Soviets.

Wood's face changed slightly, but his body just moved a bit of chest and abdomen. It was a hard-to-wear body. It was soft and without a trace of strength.

He knew that this was because of the exhaustion of infuriating. Fang Cai’s body is like a bottomless big hole. He is inhaling all his coldness. If it is not that he is full of different treasures and can add strength from it, then at this moment, he is afraid that he has become a person.

But Xiao is so he wants to recover as long as he needs to sit quietly for more than three days.

At this time, even if you want to stop He Yiming, it is definitely more than enough. Long sighed, he didn't look over his face and didn't want to take his own insults.

When He Yiming strode over, the Soviet army and another congenital old man suddenly retreated without hesitation, and they turned a blind eye to the eyes of Stephan Cong for help.

And in the eyes of this prince, there is a deep hatred.

If it weren't for this guy, how could it be that He Yiming was attracted to this comet.

How could it be possible to let a congenital strongman fall and how could He Yiming have a chance to break through the sky.

Of course, if all this is compared with the loss of the wood, then nothing goes away.

In the past few decades, Wood has been the first to lose to the same level of masters. This will be an unparalleled blow to his self-confidence. If it is not good, he can't get out of the shadow of this failure. Then he will never be able to break through to the realm of heaven in this life.

And this is where they hate the most.

Of course, if their strength is not good and He Yiming is already a two-grade figure, then the object they hate should be He Yiming.

Just looking at the one that slowly walked in, He Yiming, they had no such thoughts.

Remember the strong people who hate the sky?

The two of them are still not tired.

He "face" came to the side of Bu Yi Cong with no expression, and looked at the numbness of the 悻 再 悻 悻 悻 悻 悻 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

Although the whip was not hit on him, He Yiming was completely awakened.

In fact, when he first saw the whip, He Yiming did not have much to kill except for the strong anger. What really shocked him and even panicked him was that he was afraid that one day he suddenly got news of Yuan Lixun or someone in his family who died.

It doesn't matter if you are injured, as long as you have a life, you can have a cure. But if you lose your life, it will be too late.

Today, Yuan Lixun can be beaten by a person. Then, will anyone ride on his head and kill his family and friends?

One thought and even this is that He Yiming also has the feeling of falling like a hail.

This is a kind of fear from the heart of the fear, so that he will make a decision to revenge and hate.

He wants to let everyone know that as long as it hurts the people around him, no matter what the origin, he will pay for any price.

If he is a accomplice in the district, he can abolish this person's Dantian. When the principal is here, if he is retreating or weak, then he will become the laughing stock of everyone.

For whatever reason, as long as He Yiming let go of him, the effect he achieved today will be greatly reduced. In the future, if someone wants to move the brains of Hejiazhuang, it will definitely be a little less worrying.

Especially those who have a strong background will not even put him in the eye.

This is an incomparable reality of the world's strong attitude determines everything. People are deceived by people and are being riding. Plus everything that I have experienced before makes He Yiming make some kind of decision at this moment.

Standing in front of Stephan Cong, who was almost panicked and panicked, He Yiming’s face gradually calmed down and looked at him as if he was looking at a dead man’s ruthlessness.

Stephan Cong yelled at him and shouted: "You can't kill me. I am the prince of the country. I am the king of the prince. You can't kill me."

He Yiming smiled coldly and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person.

Huoran his face slightly changed his gaze in a certain direction. In his feelings, he clearly sensed a strong breath and did not inferior to him and Wood.

As long as the time is over, the corpse will come here.

His heart towel will not hesitate to wave out. This palm is as light as there is no power. But when he waved out of the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but close his eyes.


It seemed to be a martial-like effort to scream and scream, and Stephan Cong suddenly stopped his mouth because he had no more strength to speak.

He stared at the fascinating disappearance of He Yiming's eyes. However, his eyes are still very big, just like how can he not believe that he would be killed because of the trivial incident.

He has done this for countless times and no one has ever come to blame him. It is as if he is born with such rights. He does not put the rest of his life in mind except himself. Compared to him, everyone is a servant who can sacrifice. The existence of those people is only to gain his happiness and pleasure.

But at the end of his life, he saw many of the innate powers who were famous before, looking at his eyes.

He finally understood that the identity of his prince, in the eyes of some people, was also unusually ridiculous.

In the eyes of those people, he is no different from the ordinary people.

When Stephan Cong swallowed his last breath, He Yiming also turned his eyes to look at Mao Lieguang and others from Kailuan.

Although these people are the last to come here, they have basically seen the battle between He Yiming and Mudeng. It’s a clearer feeling. The martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty. God will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the devil. The world’s most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty’s imperial family is the indescribable power of He Yiming.

At this moment, it seems that as long as He Yiming can shoot them all, they can kill them all.

It was after seeing He Yiming’s somewhat unsatisfactory gaze that Mao Lieguang and others were all ignorant, even if it was Cheng Fu.

After He Yiming successfully reached another realm, Cheng Fu has completely put down the tangled heart in front of the first-line masters. It is not an unacceptable thing, especially for those who deeply understand the terrible days. It is a matter of course for the innate powers to look down on the power of this series.

I saw their expression He Yiming showed a sense of satisfaction.

His eyes circulated in front of everyone, and all the people who looked at him were different, but without exception, they all expressed enough respect.

Even the watery old man is respectful and bent down.

No matter what the enemy and friends are at the moment, they are full of enthusiasm. Being able to witness the birth of the first-line powerhouse is undoubtedly a powerful stimulus for them and a valuable and valuable experience. Once I think about the situation in which the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth has surged, everyone is aware of it.

The deepest feeling is undoubtedly the best of wood. He has mixed feelings in his heart. Although the death of Stephan Cong has a fatal blow to his prestige, today's World War is also a rare adventure for him. In the future, if he can make a breakthrough, the first battle of the day is absolutely crucial.

Among these people, only Xie Mingjin can't figure out what happened.

Although he knows the power of the innate power, he does not understand the difference between the first line and the hundred days.

But at the moment... he saw a little bit of clues. After He Yiming screamed, all the innate powers treated him with a sudden change of attitude, just as they thanked their parents for treating He Yiming.

But how can their elders who are thankful to their homes be the day-to-day practitioners and how can they compare with these innate powers?

If he wants to break his scalp, it is difficult to understand what is tricky.

The cold eyes turned around and finally fell back on the already-defying Stephan Cong. He Yiming sang: "This person is the one I killed after the day. If you are not convinced, you can challenge me. But if you dare to hurt and innocent, then don't blame me for revenge on your country."

When I heard the oath of the swearing, the Soviet army and another innate powerhouse were all ignorant, and they had no courage to distinguish them.

At the moment, the tooth rushing is only the dry and the force of the wood. You are laughing at the head of You Ying. It’s entirely up to you to take a step by step. If the Master is willing to reveal this matter, we are all grateful and will challenge again. ”

His voice contains a bitter taste but it is absolutely true.

If He Yiming is still a hundred days, then the prince of Tuyuguo may be killed. Perhaps their first-line powerhouse will go to Tianluo to seek revenge. But today's He Yiming is already a first-line day and is still only a seven-day day this year.

Then, as long as the first-line Tianqiang of the map of the country does not have the brain to become an idiot, it is impossible to make a big feud with He Yiming for a small emperor.

The same step of Sui Cong's mother is actually a younger generation of wood, so he will look at the other side of the gaze and hope that he can inherit the position of the lord. However, after receiving some of his teachings, Stephan Cong recruited these horrible enemies.

Then no matter what position you stand under, you can only give up completely.

This is the difference between the idea of ​​a hundred-year-old man and He Yiming.

After getting the promise of the wood all day, He Yiming first took a glimpse and then grasped his thoughts faintly. He looked at the sky and felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the arrogant world, the most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the gods, the night The **** of the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the people who look at their own eyes, the inner fear that lies in his heart, his heart inexplicably rises a feeling of excitement. The feeling is even more comfortable than when he was promoted to the original.

After a half ring, He Yiming opened his eyes and said: "Where is this, please come over and see you."

His voice rumbling and rushing in one direction.

The sound of the wind broke in the place and suddenly a Qingpao person appeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

When seeing the face of this person, all the innate masters of the Kailuan country were all smiling and they said: "I have seen the old lady."

He Yiming is amazed by his eyes: "Zhan Tianfeng?"

Zhan Tianfeng laughed loudly: "It's a good old man."

Although the water is dazzling and the wood is full of people, although it belongs to different forces, the feeling of Zhan Tianfeng is not only the same, but when he appears, the attitude of these people is the respectfulness of the sample.

He Yiming deeply looked at the person in front of this person. The face of this person is not too old. It is much younger than Mao Liguang... However, it is no longer possible to distinguish the true age of a person from the appearance of his own.

As long as you walk into the innate realm, then the aging of the appearance will be greatly reduced, not to mention the one-line-level powerhouse.

Zhan Tianfeng is far away from the boxing fist: "He brothers and gods are greatly congratulated."

He Yiming also paid the same ritual: "Zhan brothers have been married to Li, but they are just a trace of luck."

His words immediately resonated with everyone.

In order to impact the realm of the front line, people are cautious and even exhaustive of the power of the whole country to train one person. When he starts to shock, he is even more arrogant.

But look at the people's He Yiming...

It turned out that when I was fighting with people, I was unscrupulously hitting the frontier of the world. What is even more incredible is that the ghosts made him worse.

Looking at the newly-launched first-line powerhouse, everyone has a feeling that the conscience of God is eaten by dogs. It is too unfair.

Zhan Tianfeng shook his head and looked very dignified: "He brother, can you know how I successfully advanced to the front line?"

He Yiming suddenly shook his head and said: "I don't know, please ask Zhan brother."

Zhan Tianfeng sighed: "Nothing but the old man's luck is better, so he succeeded."

This answer is obviously beyond the expectation of He Yiming. He is surprised: "You are always laughing?"

Zhan Tianfeng said awkwardly: "The impact of a hundred days is a strong talent and unremitting efforts, but the impact of a single day of personal luck is the real key." His eyes turned to the wood to see: "like him The strongest who have reached the peak of the sky and the peak of the sky have no twenty or seventeen. But in this hundred years, they can successfully break through this line of life and death, but only three people." His eyes flashed. Tao: "Their mentality is almost the same but the ultimate success is no one can guarantee.

And this is the biggest charm and regret of the first-line All the innate powers have bowed their heads and their hearts are extremely shocking.

It turned out that there are so many masters in the entire northwest that are similar to the wood.

I don't know if these masters are basically hidden in the mountains or in the hidden martial art. And the innate masters who are swaying outside are turned into bears at the bottom of the well.

Zhan Tianwei smiled lightly. Although he was very valued for the woods, as long as he did not reach the "line day, then one day could not be qualified for his equal treatment."

Taking him as an example, even if the wood is not happy in the heart, it is helpless.

He Yiming hasn't commented on it for a while, but if someone knows what he thinks at the moment, he will definitely have a strong suicidal tendency.

In his heart secretly groaning.

What luck is it not easy to promote a line of days?

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