Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Weifeng 8 faces

5 drunk Fang Buddha is a giant hammer smashing in the heart of the seven 蟾 蟾 毖 毖 毖 毖 毖 毖 毖 毖 毖 毖 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡 陡

He Yiming’s long shouting seems to contain some kind of powerful force. This force can directly attack their spirit and make their heads feel a stinging sneak.

If this is not the case, the joint attack of the four innate powers will not be able to be easily removed by He Yiming.

At this moment, He Yiming’s spirit is highly concentrated in his mind, but he recalls the passage of a sound wave attack by Romia. The inconspicuous and clear scene of his head seems to be re-expressed in his mind.

Moreover, he also vaguely saw the magical and hidden changes caused by the air when Romia spoke. It was because of this change that He Yiming was strongly attacked.

In fact, after the battle with Romy Bean, He Yiming's way of attacking this sonic wave is very yearning and has always been awkward. When he helped the 6 Zhengyi to hit the congenital realm at the last moment, he once felt blessed to the soul and realized some of the ways of using it and helped the 6 Zhengyi to attack the congenital success.

But that feeling is nothing but a flash in the pan and disappeared without a trace.

Nowadays, under the impact of the huge anger that can completely burn him, he has the chance to raise the spirit to an unprecedented level. It was at this extreme that he was so energetic that he truly realized the way in which this power was applied.

So he shouted without hesitation, and this power was stirred up.

Under the impact of this strange power, the innate powers were too late to be smashed by him. If it were not for the seven people to join hands, then this is a fear that someone has been killed on the spot.

The Soviets took a deep breath at the time of the retreat. His face suddenly rose and the red opened his mouth and tried his best.

Although his voice has no special attacking power, it is a congenital strongman who has tried his best to use the infuriating spurs of Dantian to squeeze out all the sounds in a short time.

The other six innate powers brightened their eyes. They also sang a big drink. The voices from the seven innate powers slammed the rest of the voices and drowned the whole world. It seems that only the few people left the voice torn. Shouting.

The people who ran from around and watched the war, whether they were the soldiers of the Kailuan State or the attendants of Tu Yiguo and Xie Mingjin, retired. Although the sound is not fatal, it also makes their eardrums stunned.

He Yiming's momentum suddenly became a stagnation of his sound wave attack method, which was not mature enough. These people joined forces and suddenly had a tendency to dissipate.

But he does not panic. For him, the sonic attack is only an aid.

His figure is moving || It is already lightning-fast in front of the Soviet army.

In the face of the crowd attack, it is the best way to find out that one person is chasing and slamming until the person is completely killed.

Among the seven, the Soviets are undoubtedly the most powerful ones, both prestige and force. If he can kill him on the spot, then he can easily disintegrate the fighting spirit of the other six.

A palm is lifted high from the palm of your hand, and it seems that it is a powerful force that is unbreakable and unbreakable.

However, in the sensation of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou dynasty. Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne, seek the devil, respect the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night-killing gods, the gods, the throne, the demon, the world, the nine-day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, after this power, the Soviet army and others. In the moment of anger, it is also the most powerful thing in the heart of the Soviet army. The most powerful thing is that the fire system is infuriating and He Yiming is using the gold power to attack. Is it confusing?

Almost the subconscious Soviet army never retreated from a piece of pink color that suddenly became red in his body from head to toe and even on his head.

Then he made a boxing out of the boxing with He Yiming.

However, it was this moment that his face suddenly showed a horror to the extreme color.

Since He Yiming appeared, even if he was using a sonic attack, even if he broke the seven players by one person, the Soviets did not show such a panic.

But in this confusion he is really scared and is from the inner fear.

When his palm full of fire power touched He Yiming, he was not the sharp and unparalleled power of the gold system, but it was still the instinct of the water system.

It’s like wearing a layer of gold power on the outside of the water system, like He Yiming’s palm, so that everyone can look away.

However, at the moment, He Yiming’s heart is also somewhat emotional. He deeply appreciates the martial arts brought to him by Yokoyama.

Before going to Yokoyama, he can use all the exercises in the basic five elements, but it is impossible to want to do so as much as you like and to play more powerful power in the same period.

It is precisely because in the Hengshan Mountain, I have read many cheats of congenital exercises and the way of using the exercises, especially when I am supporting the meridians of the 6th instrument. He feels that the martial arts and the sacred kings make the sacred kings to kill the gods and seal the throne. The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods. The throne will seek the devil. The ninth day will be the strongest to abandon the big Zhou dynasty. The martial arts will kill the gods and the gods to seek the magic. The world is the strongest. The Zhou Dynasty's creation of the gods will kill the gods and gods, and the throne will be the most invaluable for the experience of the nine kings.

It was with that experience that he was able to truly achieve the innate instinct of restraining opponents whenever and wherever possible.

The powerful gold power suddenly became the water of the sea, and the fire of the Soviet army was completely extinguished.

However, this attack has not ended. His hand has not stopped but continues to attack. However, the strength of the hand in the instant is suddenly cut into a knife from the water of the sky.

The palm of the hand shining with metal shines with a powerful power, and the hands of the Soviets are broken and will be printed on his chest.

As an old-fashioned innate strong, the Soviet army naturally has his life-saving trick. Seeing that he avoided the inescapable escape, it was the sudden collapse of the body. It was like a tortoise.

He Yiming’s hand came to the forefront but smashed the past from the left side of his shoulder.

Just as the Soviet army thought that he had escaped from the robbery, He Yiming’s palm suddenly turned into a quintessential congenital knife and slammed into his vest.

Although the Daguan knife is not in the hand, but when He Yiming applied the gold power to the extreme, it can also produce a similar knife.

Although this kind of knife is not enough to make a congenital strongman a knife and a knife, but definitely not anyone can easily support it.

The Soviet army screamed a lot of blood from his eyes, ears and nose.

The capillaries on the surface of the body have cracked and countless large amounts of blood have been smashed out by this fierce attack. He seems to have just climbed out of the **** river and turned into a **** person.

His feet slammed his feet and it was far from the ground. He fell to the ground and rubbed a few times before he barely turned his face.

His eyes are full of fear and this daring is completely broken by this dreamlike blow.

Then she was physically weak, although at this time he still had the power to fight, but his heart could no longer afford to think.

The difference between them is nothing more than a break, but it is the beginning of this interest that gives birth to an unexpected and unpredictable change for everyone.

Under one stroke, the Soviet army’s defeat and defeat in his heart left a scar that could never be erased.

This is much more powerful than the scars left on the flesh. If you can't smooth this scar, then the martial arts repairs of the Soviets will stop here.

Not to mention that it is impossible to continue to improve even if you want to maintain the peak state at this time without retreating.

Six powerful infuriating inconsistencies rushed toward Heming, who had already entered the center of the crowd. After seeing the end of the Soviet army, the hearts of the other six people also felt a fatal fear. If they just had to join forces because of the situation, then they have no choice at the moment but they have sincerely joined hands to unrelenting the fighting power between the six of them.

In the face of a strong person who can defeat the Soviets in one stroke, if they are still Tibetan mastiffs, they will find their way to death.

However, He Yiming, who is surrounded by people, is a pair of feet. The whole person is distorted in a strange gesture. He disappeared again in the eyes of everyone. Then numerous voices of stepping into the ears of everyone. At this moment, He Yiming seems to be an incarnation, leaving his footprints everywhere in this space.

How incredible this is, even the six innate powers are also in vain.

Although their strength is strong, but if they can't beat the Lord, everything is a no-brainer.

The difference between the martial arts is a million miles. He Yiming interprets this sentence with his special physique.

Under the siege of the crowd, he once again got out of the encirclement with a strange body, and soon came to the periphery and surrounded the crowd. In the end, he appeared like a ghost in front of an old man.

This old man was just exporting a question. He Yiming’s heart suddenly sank after seeing the indifference and disdainful smile in front of him. His hard-earned body was sharply withered. This is a common problem of all wood system congenital exercises. But when the body becomes like the old tree vine root, the powerful defense is enough to make up for everything.

It’s just that He Yiming’s face is sneer and his hands are once again strong metal sinking.

The thirty-sixth style of the opening mountain.

It seems as if the axe opened the firewood as if the long sword pierced the wooden stake as if it were a big knife and cut the wooden stick.

He Yiming's thirty-sixth style of the mountain condensed the strength of the gold system to the point that all the potential was spurred by him.

In the mouth of the old man, there was a cold pain in the bone marrow. His body fell to the ground like a Soviet army after being smashed for more than ten meters.

However, compared with the Soviet army, his situation is even more horrible. The blood of his mouth is rushing from his mouth and his eyes are beginning to scatter.

It’s just that the human body has already had this stiff hand and foot, and it’s faintly cold and caught in a coma.

He Yiming’s palm has no hand to keep the strength of the body’s 360-degree acupoints as exciting as possible. Although it’s not as powerful as the five elements, but even the Soviets have Inferior congenital strong can afford.

The faces of the remaining five people finally became horrified. He was the first to attack the Soviets under the siege of the people. It can be said that there is no formation between the people. The innate power of the country still has a selfish heart, so it will be the reason why he has been exploited.

But this time, the six of them are absolutely all-out, but the final result is still the same.

This psychological blow to them is really unbearable.

I don't know who is screaming and then a sneak peek at the female curtain. After the other four people were in the slightest, three of them turned around and fled only to leave the last old man with a bleak look left in place.

Even He Yiming himself was fainted by this sudden change.

If there are five people in the other party, if they are really united, then there is no power without a battle. But he did not think that these people would collapse so quickly.

His eyes fell on the last person. He Yiming’s heart suddenly burst into a funny feeling. He smiled coldly: "Why don't you think you can stop me?"

The old man smiled sadly: "They are not the people of my country who can evade, but the old man is a master of the country and how can he abandon his friends."

He Yiming's eyebrows suddenly recognized the hang of the edge.

Mao Lieguang also said that among the eight innate powers from Tuyu, there are also several masters of nursing from the neighboring countries of Tutu.

The relationship between these people is like that of Tianluo and Kailuan. Although they belong to Siyi District, everyone’s minds are different. If the innate masters of Tuyu State admire them, they are afraid that these people will not sneer at them.

He nodded slightly and he sighed: "Where is Bulu Cong?"

The old man’s gaze stretched out a finger in the direction of Su Di and another old man. “He lives in Fanghua Pavilion in the backyard, but at the moment, the old man is not guaranteed.”

The step is to be the fourth emperor of the Shu Kingdom. If the ordinary man does not reveal his whereabouts in normal times. But this is different from He Yiming, a powerful comet. These innate powers know that if they conceal or block it, then he will never be merciless.

Although the prince is honorable, it is even more important for a country to be an innate power. If it is possible to exchange three innate powers with the life of a prince, then those in power other than the prince will not hesitate to agree.

Therefore, although the old man said the truth, the Soviets did not block but chose to recognize it.

He Yiming nodded: "It's very good to let us go"

Xie Mingjin excitedly ran up and followed He Yiming in the direction of the old man.

These talents were relieved after He Yiming left far away.

The old man did not dare to sneak into the other person's body immediately. However, when he helped his companion, the old face was more and more ugly.

The Soviets also got together and they were surrounded by two old people, and they fell to the extreme.

At the same time, there was a burst of anger in their hearts, but it was not for He Yiming but for the four emperors.

This big and small person has always been in the eyes of his own identity. Now I don’t know why I have provoked a terrorist power like Si He Yiming.

A friend of a congenital master for many years seems to be falling in front of them. As soon as they read this, their hearts are more and more resentful.

The Soviets picked up the old man and said, "Go."

The two of them walked together but the direction they were walking was not the Fanghua Pavilion but the house where the wood was in the sky.

After all the innate powers left, those who were in the distance watched a dense grin. They all discussed the situation. Most people have extreme excitement in their eyes.

They not only saw a big battle between innate powers but also such a brilliant. In particular, the strength of He Yiming has gone beyond what they can understand.

The challenge of one of the seven masters of the same ranks with the help of one person and the last three of them lost the remaining three. One of the most serious injuries was not only the three liters of vomiting blood but also the coma. If he died, it would be a sensational event.

Although they did not know why this battle started, but at this moment their hearts are full of excitement and want to enrich what they see to all those who know.

Of course, in the hearts of the soldiers in the Kailuan country, the innate old man of the country is still dying. The bear bears the effect of Yiming and Xie Mingjin. They quickly came to the place where the old man pointed. .

At this time, it is already a mess, especially a chic, beautiful, Taobao, women’s, cat, Taobao, Taobao, women’s winter coat, m, in the high pavilion, there are many people who are overwhelmed by the run, maybe even they do not know exactly What to run.

Xie Mingjin’s gaze is here, and his eyes are pointing brightly at one person:

"Big brother is this person. He is a murderer who has injured all my guards. If not, it will not hurt the situation."

He Yiming’s eyes immediately recognized the person.

He had seen this person when he came to the place last time. And this person is the only one-day ten-level peak master who follows the step of Cong Congcong!

The anger of He Yiming’s eyes flashed and the momentum of the cockroaches once again flew up without fear.

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