Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 297: Bang Fei Broken Realm

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Chapter 297 Bang Fei Broken Realm

Boom ~~~

When the giant punch hits the claw of that color.

Suddenly, flying sand and rocks broke away, the violent Yuanli spread out, plowing the ground one by one meter deep.

In the violent shock wave, Cheng Feng stood like a reef in the sea.

In contrast, a hundred meters away from the sha, a dignified master in a broken realm, but his face was red, involuntarily hesitated, even three steps back.

"What? I haven't seen you in just two hours. This kid is so strong!"

Seeing Sha who was blown back by Cheng Feng's punch, that Baisha and Nan killed each other, all changed in shock.

You know, there is a gap between Tianwu Realm and Broken Realm.

Even ten half-step shattered warriors are not as good as one shattered warrior.

However, Cheng Feng, a middle-level martial artist in Tianwu Realm, even fists bare-handed, and did not even use martial arts, so he defeated Shengsheng as a master of Broken Realm!

This kind of thing has never been seen before, unheard of!

"Shit, what the **** is going on with you, a dignified master in a broken realm, can't even a kid in Tianwu Realm be able to deal with it?" Nan Shasheng's face was somber and yelled.

"My son, it was the old slave just now."

Nasha exhaled a sigh of relief, and the look on his face became serious: "Three tricks, son, without three tricks, the old slave must catch this son in front of you."

In a word, suddenly a stride shot towards Cheng Feng.

Before one breath, Sha was still a hundred meters away. After one breath, Sha had already stood by Cheng Feng's side. An iron-skinned claw had already caught Cheng Feng's throat.

Obviously, the reason why Feng Feng was knocked back by Cheng Feng just now was because he was not prepared for it, and underestimated Cheng Feng.

At this moment, as he got serious and started with his full strength, the power of the Broken Masters immediately appeared.

Huh! Suddenly, Cheng Feng immediately inspired the third layer of Sky Eagle.

Before repairing, there was no breakthrough, Cheng Feng showed Tian Ying aspect and the third layer of rising dragon, which was a beat slower than Sha.

But at this moment, just by applying the third layer of Sky Eagle Squadron, Cheng Feng can barely keep up with Sha.

Cheng Feng only stepped back and escaped Sha's grasp.

However, this claw is not as simple as it looks. The claws are still one or two meters away from Cheng Feng. A cold breath has rushed into Cheng Feng's body, making him stiff, and the speed immediately slowed down .

Immediately, the second claw was found out, and Cheng Feng could no longer avoid it, and only rushed out a punch.

In this punch, Cheng Feng only used six vitality rivers, and his power was much weaker than that punch just now.

When he got serious, his grasped claws were fiercely fierce. He actually penetrated directly into the punches of Cheng Feng, and then passed through them. The goal was still Cheng Feng.

As a last resort, Cheng Feng could only inspire Shenglong to explode the first layer, so that his speed doubled.

In this way, it was dangerous and dangerous to escape the second claw of Sha!

The two claws failed to catch Cheng Feng, and the coldness on his face became heavier.

I saw him suddenly burst out of a cold energy, strong and overbearing, like a tiger like a dragon.

This is awesome!

Only the power of the broken martial arts can possess.

Sha just gave Nan Shasheng a guarantee. To win Cheng Feng within three moves, he has just used two moves. Therefore, he finally wants to exert his full strength and intends to fulfill his promise in the third move.

However, Cheng Feng went out dozens of meters, but Cheng Feng's mind was ups and downs: "Masters in the Broken Realm, it really is not easy to deal with, even though I am repairing soaring, I still struggle with this master to fight fiercely.

"Cheng Feng, with your current strength and muddy thickness, is barely comparable to the broken environment."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng said: "But your strength, fighting skills, and fighting experience are far less than the other party."

"So you'd better stop fighting with that close, but block it away from a hundred meters away, and then bombard with a strong spirit, so that you can compete with it!"

"I understand."

Cheng Feng nodded, then pulled out the blue sky knife, and after pouring in his billowing energy, he broke a seventh pattern and fiercely split it.

Click ~

Cheng Feng's broken knife force was caught in his hand.

Then he slammed the knife forcefully and shattered it!

"What, why suddenly became so strong?" Cheng Feng was startled.

The performance at this time is almost the same as the two just judged.

"Cheng Feng, this is the real strength of Broken Realm."

Nalan Changsheng said, "Did you see the change in the hands?"

"Bad hands?" Cheng Feng looked up.

I saw those two hands that were covered with a layer of keratinous film, like the claws of an eagle, and at the same time had a touch of dragon claws.

"This is Longli?" Cheng Feng asked.


Nalan Changsheng said: "Broken warriors, the body was born and reborn, and the dragon was coagulated with strong and very powerful."

"And the martial arts warrior in the broken state has also developed the martial arts soul to the extreme, the martial arts soul can be integrated with the martial arts."

"So your best fighting method now is to take out the gold armor directly, use the third layer of Tenglong to blast, and carry out a wild bombing!"

"Don't give the other party a chance to do their best, destroy them, and blow them alive!"

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's words, Cheng Feng calmed down, and finally took out the gold armor, and at the same time inspired Teng Long to explode the third floor.

Om ~~~

For a moment, the strength of a mad dragon roared inside him, raging on.

Cheng Feng did not dare to neglect, and poured that torrent of power into the gold armor, and suddenly, the gold armor burst into a bright golden light.

"Wow, one-fifth of the might, give me a boom!"

This time, Cheng Fengxiu skyrocketed and actually inspired one-fifth of the power of gold armor.

When this punch came out, the world lost its color.

Above and below the sky, there is only Jin Chancan's light, and the golden light tail that runs out for more than ten miles.

As for the evil that was hit by Jin Quanquan, he didn't have time to do even a bit of struggle, and was pushed by Jin Quanjin through one hill after another, and disappeared.


"how can that be!?"

Not far away, watching Cheng Feng punched through dozens of miles with a punch, and defeated Sha Shengsheng, the master of the broken realm, and the south killer and Bai Sha couldn't close his mouth.

They were stunned for a while, and Bai Shafang just woke up like a dream and shouted, "My son, let's go, this guy is just not human, we are not opponents at all!"

With that said, Bai Sha would flee by grasping Nan Shasheng's life.

But Nan Nanshousheng broke away from Baisha's hand, his eyes turned red, and hysterically said: "I must never leave like this."

"Lost the Nether Pot, even if we flee, we will be dead."

"Bai Sha, even if that boy is strong, it's just Tianwujing."

Nan Xiesheng yelled, "Next, I will use the power of the Blood God's carriage to temporarily trap the kid."

"As long as you exert your best effort, you can make this **** fly into ashes with one blow!",

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