Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 247: Celestial Treasury

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Chapter 247 Tianxuan Treasury

Temu Masao's bad attitude suddenly ignited the anger of everyone.

Especially with the first hot-tempered guest scolding, other guests followed suit.

Suddenly, the nine elders of the first family of Qianlong County turned out to be a street-crossing rat everyone yelled at.

"You ... dare to scold me!"

Tiemu Zhengxiong did not expect that everyone dared to scold him, and they were a little aggressive. After a while, Tieqing turned a face and threatened: "You wait for me, dare to disrespect my Tiemu family. Good fruit. "


"How old is the old thing, how far is it?"

Hearing Tiemu Zhengxiong's threat, everyone immediately responded with a curse, drowning Tiemu Zhengxiong in a sea of ​​cursing.

"Phoenix, let's go."

As the nine elders of the Temu clan, Temu Masao has never been in such a spirit.

And here, he couldn't fight back, and he couldn't hold back immediately, taking the ironwood phoenix, which was also a bit stunned, and took away.

But Temu Masao looked at Cheng Feng before leaving.

In this eye, there are many complex expressions, but the strongest of them is the intention to kill Cheng Feng.

It should be noted that the reason why Tiemu Zhengxiong became a street crossing rat called by everyone was to let Ou Zong blew himself up and kill Cheng Feng.

But never thought that Ou Zong blew himself up, Cheng Feng was unscathed.

Not only that, but also the anger and expulsion of the audience.

It can be said that the reason why Masao Temu was born today is thanks to Cheng Feng.

So he hated Cheng Feng.

If in the past, Tiemu Zhengxiong wanted to kill Cheng Feng because of family interests, now he has a strong personal feeling.

Even if the Tiemu family no longer deals with Cheng Feng in the future, he will continue to engage in ghosts, endlessly!

After Temu Masao left, the entire Tianxuan auction was actually over.

So it didn't take long for the guests to leave one by one.

"Cheng Feng, I am looking forward to your performance in Qianlong. Hey, we will see you when Qianlong is fighting for hegemony." Wang Bowen nodded to Cheng Feng and left.

"Brother Cheng, I hope to have a chance to drink together." Subsequently, Fang Kuang of Nine Princes stepped onto the carriage and left.

As for the founder of the Seven Princes, he had a somber face and passed by Cheng Feng.

"Feng Brother, the seven princes of the Wuwang Mansion seem to have a lot of opinions with you." Cheng Feng said, Wang Wanben said.

"Oh, there are more people who have opinions on me, and he can't be ranked."

The seven princes were square and narrow-minded.

Actually because Cheng Feng participated in the competition of the Iron and Steel War Armor, he hated Cheng Fengji.

Such people, it is best not to provoke Cheng Feng in the future, if it comes to provoke, Cheng Feng does not mind giving him a hard lesson.

"Brother Feng, when are we going back?" Wang Wanben asked after saying goodbye to Fang Kuang and others.

"Not in a hurry." Cheng Feng said, "Boss Li said earlier that he would take me to the Tianxuan Treasury after the shoot was over."

"Tian Xuan Treasury?"

Wang Wanben's eyes lightened: "I heard that the Tianxuan Treasury is a great place to store various treasures of the Tianxuan Merchants League. The treasures are gathered in it. I don't know if you can bring me when you go? . "

"I need to ask Boss Li."

"Since I'm Cheng Feng's friend, I can go there naturally."

At this time, Boss Li was done with things and came over. He saw Wang Wanben and Dadao Wang Wu standing beside Cheng Feng, so he said: "If Brother Wu is free, you can also go and see if you are interested. s things."

"OK." Wang Wu nodded.

So the three Cheng Feng, under the leadership of boss Li, went to the Tianxuan Treasury.

As for the giant eagle Xiaohei, there is a special person from Tianxuan Shangmeng to take care of it without worrying about Cheng Feng.

Walking on the ground floor of Tianxuan Restaurant for a while, Cheng Feng and four people came to an iron door that was one person tall and three people wide.

The boss Li shot the iron gate in a special way and thundered ~~~

The iron gate rose.

Cheng Feng and Mr. Li entered the iron gate and immediately took a look.

It turned out that there was a lot of space inside the iron gate, but it was artificially divided into an orderly dozen areas.

And in each area, there are a lot of valuable treasures.

For example, in the weapon area, the worst are top-level black soldiers, and god-level weapons are everywhere.

Followed by the elixir area, martial arts area ... elixir area, heaven and earth spirit extraction area and so on.

"So many good things, how much inferior Yuanshi is this, it is truly a treasure house of heaven." Wang Wanben saw these, his eyes lighted up, and sighed.

However, Cheng Feng found that Wang Wu and Boss looked immobile and unmoved.

"Cheng Feng, Wang Wu and Li Zhaozhong are masters in the broken world and have seen many big scenes."

In Cheng Feng's mind, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "And the things here look pearly and precious, but in fact, it is not too precious. It should be the first-level collection in the Tianxuan treasure house."

"Now you have enough treasures on your body. There is no need to waste time here and waste yuan stones."

After analysis of Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

Then he walked around the treasure house and found out that the facts were exactly as Nalan Changsheng said.

It's like the weapon zone. The most advanced weapons are only god-level intermediate.

And the elixir of the highest grade is only the third product, which is Bishui Dan once taken by Cheng Feng.

"Brother Li, you took me to Tianxuan Treasury, wouldn't you just show me these things?" After a walk, Cheng Feng laughed.

"Haha, of course not."

Boss Li smiled and said, "The things here are only the first-level items of Tianxuan Treasury. If Brother Cheng Feng didn't see it, I will take you to the next level of Tianxuan Treasure."

"Since watching it for a long time, it's not good not to buy anything. I will also ask Brother Li to prepare two hundred biscuits for me."

Having said that, Cheng Feng asked Wang Wanben: "Wanben, if you have something you like, write it down together, and you will pay the bill together."

Next, Boss Li took the three of Cheng Feng to the next floor of Tianxuan Treasury.

And on this floor, the space is much smaller than the previous floor.

But almost everything here is treasured and valuable.

After arriving at this level, Buche Peak did not stroll around, but went directly to the 'Trench Zone'.

The so-called trenches are the combat trenches from the master of the organ.

This battle cricket is made of steel, wood, etc., so it has no pain and is not afraid of death. It is a weapon of war.

However, because of the special characteristics of the trenches, it is doomed that its rank cannot be too high.

According to rumors, the most powerful fighting trench of the Feathered God Dynasty barely reached the broken third realm.

And it is also collected by Yuhua Shenchao Tiangong Si, which is impossible for outsiders to see.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng heard that there was a trench in the Tianxuan Treasury that was comparable to the broken territory, he immediately became very excited.

However, Cheng Feng looked around in the trenches, but couldn't help disappointing.

Because of the seven or eight trenches placed in the trenches, Nalan's longevity suggests that the one with the strongest combat power is only half-step broken.


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