Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 245: Enchant

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"Ozong, what's going on?"

At this time, Temu Masao became more eager, pressing his voice into a thin line, urging Ou Zong again: "Hurry me to show the hole card, kill Cheng Feng and I want him to die"

Hearing the sound of Temu Masao, the violence in Ou Zong's eyes grew stronger. See the fastest chapter ..

I saw him scream, his hands on his arms, and immediately, his two arms changed dramatically.

Originally, Ou Zong's arms looked scary, but they were still acceptable.

But at this time, his arms crumbled, his muscles stretched, stretched, thickened, and the colored scales protruded outside, becoming sharp protrusions.

What's more, Ou Zong's hands have ten fingers, which become thinner and harder. On the fingertips, colored nails grow out, which is half a foot long.

And it's extremely sharp. The friction between nails and nails sparked.

"Not good, then Ou Zong was demonized."

"It is rumored that people who have soaked the blood of Warcraft since their childhood will have their bodies completely transformed. Once they have stimulated the **** hidden in the blood, they will be demonized and become quite scary.

The knowledgeable warrior immediately saw the cause of the change in Ou Zong and was worried about Cheng Feng.

On the stage of life and death, Cheng Feng did not know that Ou Zong had been demonized at this moment.

But he clearly felt that a strong and dangerous atmosphere suddenly burst out from Ou Zong, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Cheng Feng, that Ou Zong has activated the blood of Warcraft in the body, and the whole person has become crazy and cruel like a monster"

In Cheng Feng's mind, Nalan Changsheng's voice suddenly sounded: "So you must be very careful next, it is best not to let that Ou Zong come close. Xiangxiao."

"Understood." Cheng Feng nodded, took out a top-quality yuan stone and held it in his hand, replenishing the vitality.

Ou Zong's change was very rapid. In less than ten seconds, his appearance had changed greatly.

His eyes were scarlet and bloody, full of cruel bloodthirsty.

Howl ~~~

Suddenly, Ou Zong issued a non-human roar, and the whole person shot out, killing Cheng Feng.

Breaking the Fifth Split Sea

Cheng Feng followed Nalan Changsheng's instructions and did not give Ou Zong a chance to get close.

Ding Ding Ding ~~~

The giant knife-shaped gas condensed in the fifth style was split on Ou Zong's hands and nails, making a crunching sound, but failed to cut off half of Ou Zong's nails.

Just knock it back.

"After this guy was demonized, he was an iron man. I slashed in a split-sea style.

"That being the case, let's have a fierce memory."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng threw the blue sky knife, drained the vitality of the body, and then slashed the knife with the flowing water. xiangxiao.

Broken sixth

This is Cheng Feng's second move.

Not long ago, Cheng Feng was forced into desperation by Li Shiji, and then he practiced this style through the five-pointed command of the Dadao King. Under the stab, the overwhelming Li Shiji was blown to the ground.

It can be said that this formula is the peak combat strength under Cheng Feng's normal strength.

Om ~~~

With the cut of Cheng Feng, a horrific sword slammed from the sky.

A few meters away, even if the madman was mad, Ou Zong suddenly realized the threat of death and immediately retracted his claws against Cheng Feng, raised his arms, and protected his front door.


Cheng Feng's sword cut finally fell.

Suddenly, the dreadful anger of the sword opened, and the Tianxuan life and death platform made of granite was cracked a half-foot wide crack.

And that Ozong, his legs were stuck in the cracks, his arms clasped his head, and he was embarrassed.

"This sword is so fierce"

"This type of knife method was used by Cheng Feng just now. It was with this knife that Cheng Feng defeated the super genius Li Shiji."

"This sword technique seems to be the broken seven styles, but it is the famous stunt of the king of the battle **** Dadao Wangwu."

In Tianxuan Hall, everyone was attracted by the style of broken sixth-type ground breaking.

Then one after another looked at Dadaowangwu.

But only Tiemu Zhengxiong, a cruel light shot from his eyes, and sent a message to Ou Zong: "O Zong, hurry me to kill Cheng Feng."

"At this moment, the little animal's vitality has dried up, and it is a good time to kill him."

"Elder Nine, I have been seriously injured at this time, and I can't even do it." Ou Zong said with bitterness.

At this time, Ou Zong, on each of the two scaly arms, had a narrow knife edge, and a drop of colored blood was dripping out of the knife edge.

This was cut by Cheng Feng

Ou Zong's magic hand, although known to be inaccessible, is still flesh and blood, but defense is overbearing.

"Since you can't be injured, let's detonate the demon blood"

Temu Masao said cruelly: "Although you will explode after detonating the blood of the demon, it can produce a lethal power comparable to the full-strength attack of a half-step Broken Warrior."

"That Cheng Feng small animal is so close to you, it will definitely die."

Upon hearing this from Temu Masao, Ou Zong was silent.


Temu Masao said meaningfully: "If you can kill Cheng Feng this time, I promise to let your sister return to her hometown and live a normal life."

Hearing that, Ou Zong's expression changed and became warm.

Immediately afterwards, Ou Zong suddenly had a decision in her heart, and a surge of madness burst into her eyes, which suddenly detonated the blood in her body.

On the stage of Om Tianxuan's life and death, Ou Zong's body, like a cowhide bag, swelled rapidly.

And with this weird change, a terror force that numb the scalp was irritated from Ou Zong, making people involuntarily panic, such as being thrust at the throat with a sharp knife.

"Not good, then Ozong is going to explode."

In the Tianxuan Hall, Dadao Wangwu has been staring at the two Cheng Feng, so it was found that Ou Zong detonated the demon blood for the first time.

拍 He patted Wang Wanben with his right hand and pushed it out of Tianxuan Hall.

The next step was to rescue Cheng Feng from Tian Xuan's life and death.

However, Cheng Feng discovered Ou Zong's anomaly earlier than Wang Wu. When he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately performed the third layer of Sky Eagle Squadron. He flew into the sky and hid behind boss Li.

Because that boss Li is a master of broken territory.

Although Cheng Feng doesn't know what the boss's realm is, but at least it is stronger than Temu Masao.

The situation was critical and hiding behind Boss Li was undoubtedly the safest option.

In addition, in order to prevent accidents, Cheng Feng took the god-shaped tree heart from the hand of Iron Wood Phoenix in his hand.

This divine pattern tree heart fall is the existence of the ironwood family's peak of broken realm. The divine pattern defense made of the iron heart of the tree is able to block the full blow of the master of the broken third realm.

Even if Zou Zong ’s method is strong, he cannot be better than the broken third-level master.

f; qd,

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