Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 236: Be universal

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Papapa ~~~

According to Nalan Changsheng's instructions, Cheng Feng took a dozen consecutive shots on Tiemu Fenghuang, and the ninety-nine sky knife array arranged in her body was completely eradicated. See the fastest chapter on the country novel xiangxiao.

"Well, I've lifted the formation in your body, leaving no hidden dangers." Cheng Feng stopped.

"Where's my godprint knee pads?"

After the ninety-nine days of the sword fight was lifted, Tiemu Fenghuang stared at Cheng Feng and said, "You once promised that if I refined for you the dragon blood discontinuity, you would return the god-patterned kneepads . "

"Godprint knee pads, you mean the armor made of the bark of the ironwood **** tree."

Cheng Feng returned to God: "I did say this before, but the situation at that time could not be compared with now."

"You **** liar," Ironwood Phoenix cursed.

"If you really want to get back those protective gear, it's not impossible, 50 million."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and said, "You gave me 50 million yuan, and I will give you back those protective gear."

"Cheng Feng, I will definitely make you pay"

Tiemu Fenghuang said this fiercely and turned away.

But later, Temu Masao made his face, and asked Boss Li to bring Cheng Feng 5,000 yuan to Shiyuan.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was very refreshing, and immediately returned the protective gear made of the ironwood **** tree bark of Ironwood Phoenix.

Anyway, that thing is useless to stay in your hand, in exchange for 50 million Xia Yuanshi, worth it. ..

"1.99 billion yuan of graded stones, plus other piecemeal stones in my body, barely make up two billion."

After the 50 million inferior stones of Ironwood Phoenix were in hand, Cheng Feng made a rough estimate. On his own Xuan Zi card alone, there were two billion inferior stones.

And there are many other valuable things on him.

For example, the Taiyin Star Stone and Taiyin Star Flower obtained from Qianlong Ridge; for example, the true water of the ghost sent by the Water and Fire Palace; There are also one or two hundred million.

It can be said that Cheng Feng is now definitely a billionaire.

Much richer than some third-class families.

No wonder boss Li of Tianxuan Business League, a dignified master, is always with him to draw closer.

"Brother Cheng Feng, the last part of the filming, Tian Xuan's gambling session is about to begin. Are you interested?"

After resolving the issue of Ironwood Phoenix, boss Li asked: "If you are not interested, I will take you to Tianxuan Treasury."

"Tian Xuan bets on how to play," Cheng Feng asked.

"The so-called Tianxuan gambling is actually my Tianxuan Business League, a competition platform that allows those guests who have settled hatred during the auction to resolve their hatred and vent their anger by gambling."

Boss Li introduced: "Of course, Tian Xuan is willing to step on the table. If one party is not interested, he can choose to leave at any time. Country novel Xiangxiao."

"So what, what's the situation?" Suddenly, Cheng Feng felt his feet move.

"Brother don't panic, this is opening Tian Xuan to the gaming table." Boss Li explained.

Click ~ Click ~

The entire Tianxuan Hall was in a state of tremor. The seats in the four districts in the southeast, northwest, and west began to retreat backward. After retreating hundreds of meters, the center of the hall raised two circular cymbals with a diameter of about ten meters.

One of these two dais is written with the word gambling.

The other one is written with the words life and death.

"Brother Feng, this so-called pair of gambling tables, after the stage, only bets on winning or losing, not on life and death."

Wang Wanben knew that Cheng Feng was participating in the Tianxuan auction for the first time, and he proactively introduced: "As for the life and death stage, it is more cruel. Once on the stage, double convenience is endless, and only one person can leave the scene alive."

Cheng Feng nodded and was about to inquire about the details, but saw a stunned look, and there was already a person on the table just after rising.

This man is holding a white jade knife in his hand, which is exactly Yu Moyu.

"Cheng Feng, roll Ben Shao to the stage and die."

As soon as Yu Moyu came to power, he named his surname and learned from Cheng Feng.

However, Yu Moyu's provocative voice just came down, oh ~~~

Seven people appeared on Tianxuan's gambling table.

These seven people, headed by Li Shiji, came to surprisingly agree, and all challenged Cheng Feng.

"I'm going, this guy Cheng Feng really doesn't want to be seen. He suddenly called so many people to challenge."

"Yeah, I'm afraid it's the first time such a situation has occurred."

"However, this is more exciting. I hope Cheng Feng can't be bothered and dare not fight."

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Cheng Feng again.

Let him become the focus of the audience again

"Oh, yes, there are so many people challenging me."

In the spotlight, Cheng Feng grinned and said, "But you seem to have made a mistake. This is Tian Xuan's gambling table. I have no obligation to accept the challenge."

"If you really want to gamble with me and come up with a hundred million, but below the peak of the heavenly martial realm, as long as you can defeat me, that sword and magic map worth 800 million yuan, I will put it in my hands.

"If you have no money, just go as far away as you can, and go as far as you can."

Cheng Feng's words were very sharp and bold.

He actually has to take half-step martial arts as his practice and accept the challenge of all martial arts below the peak of martial arts.

And the bet is actually the sword-magic map worth 800 million yuan.

This scene fully shows Cheng Feng's confidence in his strength

In his opinion, even below the peak of Tianwu Realm, even super talents such as Yu Moyu and Li Shiji are not their opponents.

"Arrogant, I will let you lose your blood when you lose it." On the gaming table, Yu Moyu's eyes flashed coldly.

"Perhaps, the improved version of Qianlixiang does not need to be wasted on Cheng Feng." Li Shiji felt that the winning ticket was in his grasp.

Thinking about it this way, a few of Yu Moyu threw their own Tianxuan Purple Card to the arbitration boss Li.

Cheng Feng's requirements are very meticulous. To bet on gambling, he must put up 100 million yuan.

All of a sudden, Tian Xuan left only a few people on the table.

The three were Yu Moyu, Li Shiji, and a young man with unusually large fists.

"Who else wants to hurry up on the bet, I don't have time to wait for you to play one by one."

Cheng Feng glanced at the gaming table, but there were still few suspects.

"Brother Feng, don't play too big." Compared to Cheng Feng's face did not change color, Wang Wanben's voice began to tremble.

It should be noted that the four people on the ring are not any cats and dogs. Every one of them is a genius in the younger generation.

Although he believed in Cheng Feng, he was very upset and very bottomless.

"Yes, Brother Cheng, don't take it easy, just take your time." Fang Kuang was equally frightened and full of worry.

But Dadao Wangwu and Mr. Li did not persuade him.

As masters in the Broken Realm, their eyes were old and hot, and they all saw that Cheng Feng was different from ordinary people. Perhaps Cheng Feng can really do wonders

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