Martial Arts Have Mastery

Chapter 61 Crazy Saving People

"Master Shen, cough cough..."

When he came to the clinic, Shen Ling looked at the doctor in front of him, frowning slightly.

Although the situation he saw along the way already felt a little bad, but now even the doctor in the medical hall had a problem, which really made Shen Ling don't know what to say.

Too many people are affected.

"I'll get the medicine."

Shen Ling looked at Langzhong and spoke softly.

Langzhong stood up slowly, smiled: "Mr. Shen... Cough, just say it."

Looking at the names on the medicinal material box, Shen Ling instantly uttered a series of nouns.

"Poison Classic" is a very miraculous book, because this book not only taught Shen Ling how to prepare poison, but also learned a lot about medicinal materials.

For example, some Chinese herbal medicines that are obviously tonics can also be used as poisons.

Whether it is tonic or poison depends on whether it is in the right amount.

Although the doctor was sick and physically weak, he gave Shen Ling the medicine without hesitation.

Soon, a pile of medicinal materials was piled up in front of Shen Ling.

After the doctor finished catching, he looked at Shen Ling: "Give Mr. Shen a...cough, affordable price, a total of five taels of silver, cough cough."


Shen Ling casually took out five taels of silver and handed it to the doctor.

He took these medicinal materials, looked at the back of the medical hall, and said, "Can I use your things? You can also rent them."

The doctor said softly: "Ahem, Mr. Shen, please go ahead, no money."

Shen Ling walked to the back of the medical hall.

He looked at the patients lying on both sides, and at the Chinese medicine that was being brewed.

After observing for a while, Shen Ling walked up to an empty pot, sorted and arranged the medicinal materials in his hands, and then added them into the pot one by one according to a fixed ratio.

Just tasted the well water with the seven-day broken soul powder, and relying on the knowledge of the "Poison Classic", Shen Ling instantly understood the ingredients of the seven-day broken soul powder.

Configuring the antidote is just a matter of convenience.

After lighting the fire, Shen Ling sat by the pot.

Start brewing the antidote.

The taste of traditional Chinese medicine has always been very strange, but the pot of stuff that Shen Ling made made people smell very fragrant.

An hour passed.

Shen Ling opened the pot, picked up a bowl from the side, and poured out the medicinal soup.

"It smells delicious."

The doctor who came over to check his traditional Chinese medicine spoke softly, and asked with a smile, "What kind of medicine did Mr. Shen make? Cough cough."

"An antidote."

Shen Ling spoke calmly, then handed the bowl to the doctor.

The Langzhong looked at Shen Ling, and raised his head in doubt: "Mr. Shen, what do you mean?"

"Drink and watch."

Shen Ling opened his mouth with a smile, and the doctor quickly shook his head, "Mr. Shen, you can't drink the medicine indiscriminately. Drinking this stuff indiscriminately will kill you."

Shen Ling looked at the people lying behind him, and asked the doctor, "I ask you, are these people still alive?"

The doctor shook his head: "It's hopeless."

Shen Ling took the bowl and walked to a patient.

He helped the patient up, and then said softly: "If you want to live, drink this bowl of medicine."

The patient nodded with difficulty, his eyes full of longing for the medicine bowl.

The doctor next to him just wanted to stop, but he thought that he could not save these patients, so he put down his raised hand.

"Very comfortable."

After drinking the medicinal soup, the patient looked at Shen Ling and said weakly, "Master Shen, can I really stand up?"

Shen Ling smiled: "Don't worry, I didn't lie to you, you will be fine."

He patted the patient's back, then picked up another clean bowl, and continued to fill the soup from the pot of antidote.

One by one, Shen Ling lifted up a dozen or so patients who had been declared incurable in the clinic, and then fed them the medicinal soup one by one.

After doing this,

Shen Ling looked at Langzhong: "Help me take care of this pot, I will use it when I come back."

The doctor nodded.

Shen Ling got up and walked out of the hospital.

Holding the rest of the medicinal materials, he returned to the front of his house.

Looking at the people who blocked the door of the Shen family tightly, Shen Ling said in a deep voice: "Everyone, put down the people, and all those who have nothing to do with it will stay away."

For a time, the people followed suit one after another.

Shen Ling had said by the well before that they could bring patients who were dying to the door of Shen's house.

At this time, they put down their loved ones, and then gave up the space.

"There are so many..."

Shen Ling frowned slightly.

He walked to the side of these patients and looked at the situation.

If all the internal energy of longevity is used for treatment, it is estimated that the internal energy in his body will be exhausted before the rescue is completed.

After thinking for a few seconds, Shen Ling decided to save those who were really dying first.

Most of these people are elderly, and there is only one middle-aged person.

"Get up, get up!"

With Shen Ling wantonly using the inner power of longevity, a miraculous scene appeared in full view.

The old man who had been so angry before, seeing that he might die at any time, was able to stand up by himself after being held by Shen Ling for a while.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it was true.


"Thank you, Mr. Shen!"

Seeing his relatives being rescued, a young man next to him knelt on the ground.

"Bang bang bang!"

After three consecutive beeps, Shen Ling quickly said, "Get up."

At this time, he was still treating the other two old men with his long-lived internal energy, and he couldn't step forward to help the young man up.

One by one.

Among the more than one hundred patients brought over, about thirty were directly cured by Shen Ling.

After that, Shen Ling's body suddenly shook.

For a moment, the people who were staring at Shen Ling all around exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, they absolutely did not want Shen Ling to fall.

Shen Ling shook his head and looked around: "Don't worry, everyone, I will rescue the rest of the people as well."

With that said, Shen Ling walked into Shen's house.

The door of the Shen family was closed.

As soon as the door was closed, Shen Ling's body slid down the door.

He sat down directly on the ground.


Wiping the sweat off his head, Shen Ling's internal longevity power was gone.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Just in time, Xiaohuan passed by the gate at this time, and when she saw Shen Ling, she hurried over and helped Shen Ling up.

"I'm fine, help me to the kitchen!"

Shen Ling said in a deep voice.

Xiaohuan nodded, supported Shen Ling and started walking towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, under Shen Ling's guidance, Xiaohuan threw portions of incomprehensible herbs into the pot.

Five cauldrons caught fire at the same time.

Looking at the busy Xiaohuan and the servants, Shen Ling paused and said:

"These medicines can be boiled for half an hour. Then take them out and give them to the sick. The Shen family members who got sick recently will also drink a bowl."

"Drink it, and the disease will be cured!"

With that said, Shen Ling closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the kitchen.

Originally, he hadn't slept for three days, and he had spent all his sleep and food in studying the poison scriptures. Just now, he had overdrawn all the longevity internal energy in his body, and his body was extremely weak.

He needs rest.

Here, under Shen Ling's order, Xiaohuan also directs the servants to work.

After half an hour, the fragrance began to waft.

The antidote is ready!

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