Tang Xia lay on the bed that night, her mind was full of Han Yu's words—

"Then I'll join the team."

Jump in line?

Her heart was pounding and it felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.

What exactly does Han Yu mean...

Tang Xia closed her eyes and forced herself not to think too much. But no matter how hard she tried to calm down, her heart was still beating violently, and even her cheeks were burning uncontrollably.

She had no choice but to think too much, the young man's expression was too serious at that moment, Tang Xia even thought that he would say something that she might not dare to face.

But in the end, he still didn't say anything.

Tang Xia was a little disappointed, but there was happiness in the disappointment.

She has always been contradictory, but the more contradictory she is, the more she can see her heart little by little in the cycle of time.

I don't know when it started, her eyes will unconsciously search for his figure, and seeing him smile, no matter how gloomy she is, her mood will change for the better. I don't know on which day, she found that a tall and tall tree had been deeply rooted in her heart, with luxuriant branches and leaves, occupying the whole soul, and could no longer tolerate others.

The name of that tree is Han Yu.

Tang Xia now has a wish, that is, hope that one day in the future, she can embrace this big tree.

The moonlight dyed the window sill, and the moonlight stirred up the girl's deep thoughts.

Tang Xia lay quietly on her side, with her head resting on her arm, her eyes picturesque.

She thought, she really fell in love with Han Yu.

I like it so much that I want to be with him forever, listening to the rain in the early spring, counting the stars in the summer night, stepping on the leaves in the late autumn, and admiring the snow in the deep winter. All the beautiful things in this world, all the scenes she yearns for, she expects someone to share with her, and this person is Han Yu.

Han Yu, Han Yu.

These two characters are no longer just simple names, nor do they just represent a person, a youth who is more beautiful than Shaohua.

It became the memory of her youth, flowing between her lips and teeth.

There is a him in every girl's heart. Just thinking about it makes me so happy that I can't describe my youthful love.

Seventeen-year-old Tang Xia carefully took care of the boy in her heart and that pure love.

In comparison, Yu Man, who was also seventeen years old, had a much rougher youth.

He is bolder than Tang Xia, more active than Tang Xia, but the boy he likes is more coquettish, dead-headed and even alienated than Han Yu.

"Go back, don't stay in the hospital."

Qin Yuan looked helplessly at Yu Man who was standing at the end of his bed.

"I don't," she insisted, "I'll leave when your family comes."

After people from the organizing committee sent Qin Yuan to the hospital, he didn't stay for long before leaving. If the coach and a few boys from the school team hadn't rushed over, he wouldn't be able to move at all.

Yu Man moved quickly, almost following the coach and the others. Because he patted his chest and promised to take good care of Qin Yuan, and the coach also knew that Yu Man was interested in that boy Qin Yuan, so he followed the principle of not being a light bulb, and left in twos and threes after finishing the hospitalization procedures.

They had informed Qin Yuan's parents on the way they came, and they estimated that they would arrive within half an hour, so Qin Yuan kept trying to persuade Yu Man to go home.

"I think it's quite funny," Yu Man walked over and sat down beside Qin Yuan's bed, deliberately picking up light topics to chat about, "It seems that this semester, you've been lying on the hospital bed all the time."

"Don't talk about that, hurry up and go." Qin Yuan frowned and said in a rough voice.

"Qin Yuan, why do you keep driving me away?" Yu Man's heart sank, but she managed to force a smile.

He didn't speak, his eyes fell on his hanging legs.

Yu Man laughed at herself: "In this world, there are not many girls who are shamelessly chasing after me like me. You don't cherish it, on the contrary you despise it." She sighed, seeming to be joking, but also seeming to be genuinely pouring out her grievances. "Actually, I also want face, but compared with face, you are more worth it."

Qin Yuan still didn't speak.

Yu Man wasn't annoyed either, he was talking about it all by himself.

"Why is it so tiring to like you? Not only was he rejected, but he was also worried about you, worrying about bumping into each other. No, your injury is serious again."

"Yu Man," Qin Yuan finally couldn't help it, and asked in a low voice, "I remember you said last time that you gave up on me."

"I think so too, but I can't let it go." Yu Man looked at him and answered seriously, so serious that she felt a little sad.

Yes, she couldn't let it go.

He said to give up stubbornly, but in the end he thought that he was the one who was strong, but in the end it was himself who regretted it.

So this is why, those who love first are humble, and those who love deeply are even more humble.

Qin Yuan froze, opened his mouth but didn't know how to answer the words, so he could only turn his eyes away again, but his pupils were not focused.

"You said, do I really have no chance at all?"

Yu Man asked softly, with pitiful begging in her eyes, "Is there not at all? Compared with the girl you like, it is really a little bit, and there is no chance at all?"

Qin Yuan's heart trembled.

Ask yourself, have you?

He doesn't know, but one thing is certain, that is - he doesn't hate her.

Qin Yuan appreciates Yu Man's frankness and ease, which is very similar to him, because Qin Yuan himself is a person who doesn't procrastinate.

But... will you really like it?

He hasn't thought about this issue yet, but there is a young girl hidden deep in his heart, her every frown and smile are touching, he seems to be unable to forget it for the time being, so he has no way to accept Yu Man for the time being.

That would make the upright Qin Yuan feel guilty of "stepping on two boats".

So he can only feel sorry for Man.

Perhaps, it really is first come, first served.

If he had met her earlier, and before meeting her, he didn't have the little sister next door that he had been thinking about all the time, then maybe Qin Yuan would really like Yu Man.

What a pity, what a pity.

Sorry, sorry.

Qin Yuan looked at her.

Yu Man looked down on herself again.

At Qin Yuan's place, he has already stumbled so many times, and he rushed forward without thinking about his own safety, shamelessly and desperately.

"I think," the girl sniffed and smiled miserably, "I might need to find someone to replace you."

Qin Yuan was stunned, "What do you mean?" He didn't quite understand, so he asked after a while.

"It's okay." Yu Man shrugged, stood up and said goodbye, "I'm leaving first, you take care of your illness, this injury..." She paused, a look of pain flashed across her eyes, "Be careful, take care of yourself, don't make any mistakes again, I'm really sorry I'm afraid your legs will be crippled."

"What do you mean by that sentence just now?" Qin Yuan was persistent, and asked again, looking at Yu Man with a sharper gaze.

Yu Man still avoided his question, turned around when he reached the door of the ward, tried his best, and waved to Qin Yuan with a smile.

she says-

"Qin Yuan, I can give up on you, but I will never let you go."

Then, Yu Man's figure disappeared from his sight.

It was not until a week later that Qin Yuan really understood the meaning of her sentence "Find someone to replace you".

Yu Man is in love.

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