Make France Great Again

Chapter 994 Main Contradiction and Secondary Contradiction

Ramamore told the whole story through the iron bars about the ultimatum issued by the Austrian Empire to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

After listening to Ramamore's words, everyone in the prison showed shock in their eyes.

"Everyone, you should know by now! What kind of difficulties the Kingdom of Sardinia is facing!" Ramamore said with a hint of arrogance in his tone, "Of course, the reason why I say these words to you is not to solicit you. understanding!

Because I have hated every one of you from the beginning to the end, and your existence is a destruction of the royal authority of the King of Sardinia.

However, I think you should have the right to know who is really trying to drive you out of Sardinia! "

Faced with Lamamore's openly disgusted attitude, Giuseppe Garibaldi showed a serious expression and asked, "Prime Minister Ramamore, I would like to ask you what measures you will take after driving us out. Save the Kingdom of Sardinia!"

"After driving you all out of the Kingdom of Sardinia, we will choose to continue talking with the Austrian Empire and seek help from Britain and France!" Lamamore responded to Giuseppe Garibaldi, "As long as we can get With the help of Britain and France, we will not be afraid of the Austrian Empire!"

When Giuseppe Garibaldi heard that Ramamore's solution was to pin his hopes on Britain and France, he showed an anxious look on his face, "Prime Minister Ramamore, we cannot turn Sardinia away." The safety of the Kingdom of Sardinia rests entirely on the sympathy of Britain and France, and such an approach is irresponsible to the Kingdom of Sardinia!"

"General Garibaldi!" Lamamore yelled, "Tell me, if we don't place our hopes in Britain and France, and in the international community, then on whom should we place our hopes!"

Giuseppe Garibaldi responded to Ramamore firmly, "Prime Minister Ramamore, we should place our trust in all Italians and millions of people in the Kingdom of Sardinia. As long as the entire If everyone in the Apennine Peninsula opposes the Austrian Empire, then the Austrian Empire will not dare to invade us!"

Giuseppe Garibaldi's remarks made Lamamore couldn't help laughing. As a senior nobleman, Lamamore believed in the people Giuseppe Garibaldi said from the beginning.

Especially after experiencing the Great Revolution of 1848, Ramamore had a deeper understanding of this power. For the entire Kingdom of Sardinia, this power was like a double-edged sword. If used well, it can indeed benefit the country, but if used incorrectly, it can easily destroy the entire nobility and king.

Therefore, Lamamore is very self-aware. He knows that he is not a person who is good at using double-edged swords. For the benefit of the nobles, the army and the king, he will naturally not choose to take this path.

"What? Am I right?" Giuseppe Garibaldi frowned and looked at Ramamore.

"If we really want to use the power you mentioned to defeat the Austrian Empire, that violent power will definitely destroy the entire Kingdom of Sardinia!" Ramamore put away his smile and spoke seriously to Giuseppe Garibaldo Third, "A Kingdom of Sardinia without a king is no longer the Kingdom of Sardinia!"

I would rather surrender to the Austrian Empire than hand over the power of this country to you people! "

Lamamore used naked words to reveal the contradictions that Cavour had tried so hard to hide without reservation.

The current Kingdom of Sardinia not only has conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, but also conflicts between the feudal landed aristocracy and the bourgeoisie.

Those nobles who were unwilling to lose their power tried every means to restrict the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

While the bourgeoisie is using mild means to wrest power and rule from the aristocracy, it is also suppressing the proletariat without reservation.

However, any change is not smooth sailing, even the moderate changes of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie can force the monarch to open a parliament to gain power, and the nobles can also persuade the monarch to dissolve parliament, thereby making the bourgeoisie lose its power.

This time Lamarmore is Leigh

Use the monarch to attack the Austrian Empire and wipe out the parliament, cabinet and liberals.

"Prime Minister Ramamore, you are simply using your own selfish desires to destroy the entire Kingdom of Sardinia!" Giuseppe Garibaldi refuted Ramamore.

"General Garibaldi!" Ramamore also raised his voice, not to be outdone, "It is not you who follow the king to build this country, but us!

It is the ancestors of our people who have cut through thorns and thorns, so that the country of Sardinia can gradually become stronger!

You are just a bunch of guys sitting back and enjoying the benefits! "

"No!" Giuseppe Garibaldi shook his head and replied to Ramamore in an unusually firm tone, "It was not you who founded this country, but the tens of millions of people who live on this land. !

It’s those soldiers who fought bloody battles for this country. The fruits you enjoy are only obtained by those soldiers who have died long ago! "

Giuseppe Gario's rebuttal made Ramamore feel a little irritated, and he decided to end the topic, "General Garibaldi, I don't want to continue to struggle with this issue!

Now I just want to tell you that you have..."

Ramamore took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was already 2 o'clock in the evening. "I will give you more than 6 hours to consider your place of exile! After 6 hours, all of you will be escorted to the port. Take a boat and leave from there!"

With that, Ramamore turned around and prepared to leave the prison.

Giuseppe Garibaldi asked again, "Prime Minister Ramamore, can you give me a chance?"

Lamarmore, who was carrying Giuseppe Gallio's land, had a surprised expression on his face.

Could it be that this guy Giuseppe Garibaldi is going to surrender?

With such doubts, Lamamore turned to look at Lamamore in prison, smiled and asked, "What's wrong! Giuseppe Garibaldi, are you going to change sides?"

The congressmen around Giuseppe Garibaldi looked at Garibaldi with disbelief. One of the congressmen even grabbed Garibaldi's arm and said to Garibaldi, "Garibaldi, do you want to Think about it!"

Giuseppe Garibaldi just smiled at him, then looked at Ramamore again and repeated, "Prime Minister Ramamore, I hope you can give me a chance!"

"What opportunity?" Ramamore asked Giuseppe Garibaldi curiously.

"I want to return to the army of the Kingdom of Sardinia to fight against the Austrian Empire together!" Giuseppe Garibaldi said seriously to Ramamore, "I am also a senior officer after all, and I have no confidence in the Austrian Empire. I still understand the tactics!"

Regarding Giuseppe Garibaldi's request, Ramamore decisively refused, "General Garibaldi, I'm sorry! You can't join the army!"

"I am a brigadier general of the Kingdom of Sardinia, why can't I join the army!" Giuseppe Garibaldi said to Ramamore, "If you think I am not qualified to join the regular army, I can also join the volunteer army. military!"

"Your rank of brigadier general will be officially revoked tomorrow!" Ramamore responded to Giuseppe Garibaldi, "As for the volunteers!

Sorry, our military has no plans to recognize volunteers yet!

Giuseppe Garibaldi, I hope your efforts will not be in vain! "

Giuseppe Garibaldi had a frustrated look on his face and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Lamamore spoke to Giuseppe Garibaldi again, "Since there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

This time Ramamore left the prison without looking back.

Early the next morning, a group of soldiers appeared at the prison. Under the escort of the soldiers, the congressmen in the prison boarded the train to the port one by one.

On the other hand, other regions also began to take action. Liberal newspapers were banned and liberals and nationalists were imprisoned.


The Kingdom of Sardinia became extremely authoritarian in just one day.

The culprit of all this, Victor Emmanuel II, was not idle at the moment. He first found the Sardinian ambassador to Britain and explained to him the ultimatum issued by the Austrian Empire.

After hearing this, the British ambassador also had a look of surprise on his face.

When did the Austrian Empire become so decisive in its actions!

Immediately afterwards, the British ambassador comforted Victor Emmanuel II and said that he would definitely report this information to Prime Minister Derby, who would definitely not leave the Kingdom of Sardinia alone.

After Victor Emmanuel II heard that the Earl of Derby was in power, he asked in surprise, "I remember, shouldn't the Prime Minister of your country be Palmerston? When did he become the Earl of Derby?"

The British Ambassador smiled slightly and explained to Victor Emmanuel II, "Ambassador Palmerston has been voted (a vote of no confidence) by the Parliament because of a bill a few days ago!

Now the Earl of Derby is Prime Minister! "

"I know!" Victor Emmanuel II nodded and replied to the British Ambassador, "Then it's troublesome!

Please reply to me as soon as possible! "

"Don't worry! As soon as there is news, I will reply to you immediately!" the British ambassador assured Victor Emmanuel II.

Subsequently, Victor Emmanuel II called for the French ambassador.

Victor I. Emmanuel II first talked with the French ambassador about the long-term "friendship" ("love between humans and dogs") between France and the Kingdom of Sardinia, and then told the French ambassador that the current Kingdom of Sardinia An ultimatum has been issued by the Austrian Empire.

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