Make France Great Again

Chapter 977 Death of Orsini

March 20, 1858.

The execution of the regicide Orsini and his two collaborators in the assassination were announced in a suburb north of Paris.

On this day, the temperature in Paris rarely warmed up. In the sea-like sky, there was only a sun emitting hot orange light, and clouds floating around the sun.

In such a warm weather, many residents living in Paris, adhering to the character of trying to get everything done, spontaneously walked to the execution ground and waited for Orsini to be shot.

When this group of citizens arrived at the execution site, they saw a heavily armed force in the distance.

Although the fully armed troops stood still around the execution site, they managed to plunge the Parisian population into brief chaos.

In the end, it was with the help of this force that the crowd who came to watch did not continue to expand the chaos.

After order was restored, the crowd began to wait quietly outside the supposedly isolated viewing area. During this period, a few brave people started discussing with the soldiers stationed at the execution ground.

After some discussion, it was learned that they were the troops that were temporarily deployed to station here two days ago.

In addition to their mission of supervising executions, they also played a role in preventing riots at the venue.

When Paris residents asked them what time the execution would begin, the soldiers also shook their heads and said that they did not know the specific time of the execution.

The Parisian residents surrounding the execution site could only stand quietly and wait.

One hour, two hours... the time soon came to 11 o'clock in the long wait. Some citizens who arrived at the execution ground early looked a little impatient and turned to go home.

Most of the Paris citizens who stayed were people with small assets and a lot of time.

They continued to stand where they were, awaiting Orsini's execution.

When the time came to 11:30, a carriage slowly drove towards the execution ground from a distance.

When the distance between the carriage and the crowd was close enough, Paris citizens discovered that the carriage coming was not one, but three, and the people sitting on the three carriages were Orsini and his two collaborators. .

The carriage slowly stopped at the execution ground, and the energetic Orsini got out of the carriage. He looked at the crowd in the distance with a smile, and then walked towards the execution ground with his head held high.

If you judge just from his expression and demeanor, then Orsini does not look like a prisoner at this moment, but like a winner.

Immediately afterwards, the two collaborators stepped out of the carriage one after another. Their faces were haggard, and their eyes still contained the fear of death and the nostalgia for life. Their expressions and demeanor were like those who were truly facing death.

The sharp contrast between Orsini and the two collaborators made the onlookers in Paris full of respect for Orsini.

Orsini stepped into the execution ground step by step, and then stood in front of the guillotine. He looked at the brand-new guillotine in front of him with a slightly confused look in his eyes, and shouted involuntarily, "Long live the Republic!" "

After hearing Orsini's cry, the surrounding Republicans were stunned for a moment, and then followed Orsini in shouting: "Long live the Republic, death to the Empire!!"...

After the officer in charge of guarding the execution ground heard the slogan "Long Live the Republic," he felt as if he had swallowed a fly alive. Now he wanted to immediately find the person in the crowd who shouted "Long Live the Republic, Death to the Empire."

It's a pity that the current situation prevents him from taking any action at all.

Otherwise, with the more than a hundred people in his hands, he would not be able to stop this group of Paris residents.

Fortunately, after the Republicans in the crowd finished chanting this slogan, someone else began to shout, "Long live the Republic, long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Republic, long live the Empire!"

Led by this group of people, the surrounding Paris citizens once again chanted the slogans from seven years ago.

[PS: Jerome

When Bonaparte was president of the Second Republic, he often used "Long live the Republic, long live the Empire" and "Long live the Republic, long live Bonaparte" as slogans for the army and Paris citizens to shout.

After the establishment of the Empire, "Long Live the Republic" was deleted, leaving only "Long Live the Empire, Long Live Bonaparte\

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