Make France Great Again

Chapter 524 Armagh General Offensive Plan (2)

"what should I do?"

Marshal Saint-Arnaud's conditions were undoubtedly a huge temptation for Pelissier, who aspired to become Marshal of the Empire, so much so that Pelissier couldn't help but ask Marshal Saint-Arnaud.

"Cough...cough..." Saint-Arnault coughed violently several times. Brigadier General Trochu, who was standing next to Saint-Arnault, immediately handed the wet wipes hanging on the bedside to Saint-Arnault. In the hands of the marshal.

Marshal Saint-Arnaud, who put the towel to his mouth, coughed even more violently. When Marshal Saint-Arnaud handed the towel back to Brigadier General Trochu, a blood stain appeared on the towel.

"Marshal, are you okay?" Brigadier General Trochu asked Marshal Saint-Arnaud worriedly.

"What can I do!" Marshal Saint-Arnault said with a smile on his pale face: "Brigadier General Trochu, please go out first!"

"But..." Brigadier General Trochu looked at Marshal Saint-Arnaud worriedly.

"General Pellissier and I have something to say! Get out quickly!" Marshal Saint-Arnaud conveyed the order to Brigadier General Trochu with a straight face and no doubts.

"Yes!" Brigadier General Trochu had to leave the room.

There were only two people left in the room, Marshal Saint-Arnaud and Brigadier General Trochu. Marshal Saint-Arnaud said to Pellissier with a serious face: "I can't live much longer!"

Hearing what Marshal Saint-Arnaud said, Pellissier showed a look of astonishment on his face. He hurriedly said to Marshal Saint-Arnaud: "Your Excellency, Commander, please don't say such depressing words! The expeditionary force is still waiting for you in person. lead!"

"I'm not saying this in frustration!" Marshal Saint-Arnaud said in a calm tone with a hint of dejection. He slowly said: "I am very aware of my physical condition! Now my body is like a stick that is about to burn out. candle, I can clearly feel the life force draining from my body! I'm afraid it won't be long before I welcome the embrace of God on this island. However, before I die, I hope to see Sevastopo with my own eyes Your fortress has been captured! General Pelissier, I wonder if you can grant my wish! Let me not leave any regrets before returning to the embrace of the Lord. I can assure you that during this period, I I will never interfere with any of your actions!

When you capture the Sevastopol Fortress, I will personally ask Paris for your credit! "

The conditions put forward by Marshal Saint-Arnaud were simple. If Pelissier captured the Sevastopol Fortress before his death, he would commend his contribution to the emperor and let the emperor make him Marshal of the Empire.

After listening to Marshal Saint-Arnaud's conditions, General Pellissier was silent for a moment, then stood up and saluted Marshal Saint-Arnaud and responded: "Marshal, I promise you that we will capture Sevastopol as soon as possible. fortress!"

After saying that, Pellissier left Marshal Saint-Arnaud's room.


At 5 o'clock in the morning the next day, the Alma River shrouded in morning fog exuded a quiet and elegant atmosphere. A soldier holding a bugle walked out of the tent hidden in the fog and stood on the dewy lawn. superior.


Loud and long bugles awoke the French soldiers in the camp from their sleep.

The French soldiers who walked out of the camp yawned and cursed the soldiers who played the bugles.

After staring in confusion for nearly an hour, more than 60,000 French soldiers finally came to their senses. They once again formed two corresponding horizontal lines in company units.

At 7 a.m., the early morning fog completely disappeared without a trace, leaving only a fiery red disk hanging in the eastern sky.

Looking at the rows of French Imperial troops that were ready to go, Commander Pellissier on horseback showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Then General Pelissier looked at the Kingdom of Sardinia not far away from him. At this time, the Kingdom of Sardinia, like the French Empire, was all assembled and ready to go.

At present, France and Sardinia are all ready, and it stands to reason that the Ottoman Empire and the British Kingdom should also be ready.

In order to understand the situation of the British and Turkish armies, General Pellissier called Captain Jérôme Patterson and asked him to go to the British and Turkish camps to see if they had assembled like France.

After receiving the order, Captain Jerome Patterson rode his horse and rushed to the Ottoman Empire camp first. In front of the Ottoman Empire camp, Jerome Patterson did not see an orderly army. A group of soldiers arrived, scurrying around like headless flies.

Jerome Patterson had no choice but to enter the Ottoman army camp, find Omar Pasha who was commanding the logistics troops in the rear, and asked him when he would be able to organize the army. Omar Pasha told Jerome Patterson, It took the Ottomans about two hours to marshal their army.

After hearing the reply, Jerome Patterson left the Ottoman Empire's military camp and headed to the British Kingdom's military camp.

In the British military camp, Jerome Patterson saw roughly the same scene as he saw in the Ottoman military camp.

The chaotic army and poor logistics made it impossible for the British Kingdom to organize its army within the specified time. Jerome Patterson could only step into the British military camp and find Commander Raglan with the help of the soldiers in the military camp.

"Give me two hours!" Before Jerome Patterson could speak, Commander Raglan spoke first.

"Okay!" Jerome Patterson nodded, then turned his horse back.

On the way back, Jerome Patterson was undoubtedly extremely proud. By comparing the logistics between France and Britain, he could know how big the gap between the two armies was. He would bet that the French army of the same size would fight the British army. If so, the final winner must be the French Imperial Army.

Jérôme Patterson, who returned to the French camp, told General Pelissier everything he saw in the Ottomans and the British. After listening to what Jérôme Patterson said, General Pelissier I couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I didn't expect that the army of the British Kingdom would become what it is now!"

General Pellissier suddenly remembered that the reason why the French Empire could be so mobilized was due to the emperor's foresight.

If it weren't for the emperor's "inspiring" improvement of the army's logistics and transportation system, the French Imperial Army would probably have fallen to the same situation as Britain now.

General Pellissier couldn't help but admire Jerome Bonaparte who was far away in Paris. At this moment, he was even more convinced that the emperor in Paris was the one who led them to revival.

"Then we have to wait for them for a while!" Pelissier said helplessly, and then Pelissier modified the combat schedule and changed the original attack plan to a coffee-making plan.

At 10:30 a.m., all coalition forces were finally assembled.

The people on the left side of the team are the British troops, and the people on the right side of the team are the French troops. The Turkish and Sardinian armies were behind the British army and in the middle of the French army respectively.

The commanders of Britain, France, and Turkey gathered together again, and 150,000 coalition troops marched toward the other side of the Alma River.

Today, Prince Menshikov did not choose to stay on the top of the mountain, but chose to be with the Kazan Infantry Brigade of the multi-faceted bastion. Through the telescope, he saw the British army walking towards them, and couldn't help but sarcastically said loudly: "I saw it." Really? The group of British guys we repelled yesterday are coming to die again today!"

"Then let them see how powerful we are!" The surrounding soldiers also responded with a laugh.

Menshikov did not know that the British army in the frontal attack this time was very different from yesterday.

When Britain's most elite Highland Brigade infantry lined up and entered the firing range of the Russian Empire, Sir Colin Campbell, the commander of the Highland Brigade on horseback, encouraged his soldiers: "Gentlemen, you are about to go Entering a glorious and cruel war, so I hope each of you will understand that your mission is only to move forward. Your mission is to crush everyone in front of you, and I will never allow you to do anything other than this. Other than that, as long as you do anything that is not critical to progress, I promise to teach you a lesson after the war is over. Your names will be erased from the parish, and all the money the government will give you will I won’t send it to you again... In short, your mission is to cross this river, and then climb halfway up the mountain to teach those arrogant Russians a lesson! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The Highland Brigade, who had held their breath, shouted loudly to their brigade commander before continuing to move forward.


Following Prince Menshikov's order, more than a hundred artillery pieces on Kurgan Mountain began to fire. A soldier from the Highland Brigade was hit by a cannonball and fell to the ground.

This time the British army showed great resilience that was different from before. After the death of a Highland Brigade soldier, the Highland Brigade soldiers behind him rushed to the front to fill the vacancy.

After the Highland Brigade crossed the Alma River, Prince Menshikov's artillery team, the Highland Brigade, became more powerful. One artillery shell could always kill 2 or 3 soldiers.

Even so, the soldiers of the high and low brigades still moved forward at a steady pace, looking for the book www.zhaowhyuan.como until they reached the firing range of the Minie gun. The soldiers of the highland brigade in the first row squatted down, and the soldiers in the second and third rows The platoon soldiers raised their Migne rifles and fired at the Russian Empire behind the mound.

Most of the Russian Imperial soldiers hurriedly squatted behind the mound and fired many times. The Migne gun made a "pop" sound when it hit the mound.

Then the Russian Imperial soldiers began to fight back, but because their army rifles were still muskets, they were unable to cause any damage to the Highland Brigade.

The two armies fought back and forth between the foot and the mountainside of Kurgan Mountain for nearly half an hour. Hundreds of soldiers died in this battle.

Just when Prince Menshikov focused all his attention on the British direction, the French Empire on the right end of the battlefield made new progress without anyone noticing.

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