Make France Great Again

Chapter 305 Far East Foreign Legion

"But what?"

There was an expression of joy on Dicko's face. Before getting a positive response from Jérôme Bonaparte, he had never thought that he could obtain two battalions of "Zuav" troops at once. The most ideal situation was no more. It was to obtain the right to cooperate with a "Zouaf" battalion. He hurriedly asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

The root cause of Dicko's violent mood swings was simply the "discrimination" against the navy by a country with a traditional army.

For France, a traditional land power, the navy is just the icing on the cake when they win.

Head-to-head confrontations on the European battlefield have always relied on the army, and the value of the navy is minimal.

Not to mention that during the Napoleonic Wars, a series of operations by the French navy caused France to completely lose the opportunity to log in to Britain, and then gave Britain the opportunity to defeat France. France was "armed to the teeth" with Britain's crazy money support. coalition attack.

If it had not been for the invasion of Algeria in 1830, and if the Kingdom of Orleans did not trust the army after 1830, the navy's situation would only be more embarrassing than it is now.

In any country, there is a subtle opposition between the two arms of the navy and the army. Although the opposition between the sea and the land is not like the navy building tanks and the army building fleets like Showa Japan, it is still very difficult for the army to transfer its elite troops to the navy. Disaster.

Even in France in the otl world line, it was only after the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 that the navy and army "cooperated", and under the leadership of the government, the public temporarily downplayed the cession of Alsace-Lorraine by diverting attention. facts and single-mindedly carried out colonial expansion.

Of course, this diversion lasted only a few years.

After the collapse of the colonial cabinet government, the people once again recalled the humiliation suffered by France...

"I will order the Ministry of War to deploy two battalions of "Zuav" troops for you. However, the Navy must guarantee me! A qualified force will be established in the Far East! This force will be affiliated with the Foreign Legion! "Jérôme Bonaparte made the request to Dicko unhurriedly.

"This..." Dicko glanced at Jérôme Bonaparte, hesitation showing on his face.

To be fair, the conditions put forward by Jérôme Bonaparte are indeed exciting, but asking the navy to train troops for the army is really... how should I put it? It makes people unhappy!

"How about it? Minister Dicko!" Jérôme Bonaparte deliberately urged Dicko to make a decision as soon as possible.

"I promise you!" Dicko finally agreed to Jérôme Bonaparte's request.

"That's right! When setting up the foreign corps in the Far East, it's best to recruit some guys who can teach them how to read and write! Although they can endure hardships and stand hard work, their discipline..." Thinking of the later use of "straw sandals" and "cloth shoes" by a Sichuan Army in the Republic of China. The slogan taught the soldiers to stand in line, which gave Jerome Bonaparte a headache.

He simply left this troublesome matter to the Navy Department. He believed that Dicko would be able to train excellent soldiers for him.

At this time, Dicko didn't know what a desperate job he had taken over.

When the fleet arrived at the French Concession in Pudong in the Far East, the fleet followed the orders of the Minister of the Navy and began planning for the Far East Foreign Legion.

With the help of Pudong missionaries, the Far East Foreign Legion of nearly 3,000 people was established.

Just when everyone thought that they would soon be able to train a qualified team, this team formed by Seris people fully demonstrated to them what it means to be in disarray.

The fleet commander had no choice but to use the Zuaf Camp soldiers who were preparing to attack Hawaii to serve as instructors for training, and then used "white translators" to conduct cramming training for the foreign corps.

Amid the complaints from the officers of the "Zuav" battalion and the soldiers of the Foreign Legion, it took three months for the Far East Foreign Legion to form an army.

After that, this force became the first foreign regiment established by France in the Far East, fighting for France's expansion in the Far East.

That's all in the future...

"By the way, who are you planning to appoint as the commander of this fleet that is about to go to the Far East?" Jérôme Bonaparte sat on the long chair that belonged to Dico and asked Dico with his legs crossed.

"I plan to put the Marquis of Allais in this position!" Dicko said to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Huh?" Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at Dico in surprise and asked doubtfully: "As far as I know, the Marquis of Allais's military rank before leaving office was colonel, right?"

"That's right!" Dicko nodded and said.

"The current rank of fleet commander in the Far East is commodore! Are you going to let a colonel command a commodore? What's more, this colonel has just returned to the army!" Jerome Bonaparte licked the corners of his dry mouth and revealed said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, I think the Marquis of Allais is capable enough to hold the position of brigadier general!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded with a firm tone.

"Where was the previous Commodore?" Jérôme Bonaparte once again asked the current "Emperor" Turtrand of the Far East Fleet.

"I have decided that after the arrival of the Marquis of Allais, Brigadier General Tomeilang will immediately resign and return home!" When talking about Tomeilang, Dicko said with a hint of complaint in his tone.

If Tuomeilang's operation in the Kingdom of Hawaii was successful, Dicko only complained in his heart that Tuomeilang did not play according to "common sense". However, Tuomeilang's sneak attack on the Kingdom of Hawaii was not successful, and instead gained "humiliation." s failure.

Although Tuomelang proudly claimed in the letter that he had caused Hawaii to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars and snatched away the King of Hawaii's personal car, failure was failure, and no excuse could make up for this failure.

Gu/span As the "Emperor" of the Far East, he can only taste the taste of failure alone. Brigadier General Tomei Lang will probably sit on the bench in the future.

Unless Dicko suddenly died in the office one day.

Jérôme Bonaparte was not interested in holding Tomelan responsible because Duco was in charge of the job.

After briefly understanding Dicko's strategy and candidates for the expedition fleet in Hawaii, Jérôme Bonaparte stopped asking any more.

"Okay! It's time for me to go!" Jerome Bonaparte took out a pocket watch from his arms, opened it and looked down at the time.

It was already 11 o'clock in the evening. He quickly stood up and Dicko sent Jerome Bonaparte out of the Admiralty Building.

Before boarding the train, Jérôme Bonaparte continued to ask Dicko to have a good rest.

Dicko wholeheartedly agreed to Jérôme Bonaparte's request. After watching Jérôme Bonaparte's carriage disappear into the night, Dicko resolutely returned to the minister's office to handle the documents, despite the dissuasion of the Secretary of State.

sleep? Only lazy people sleep, while diligent people have already started working.

In the following months, the republican and mountainous rebellions gradually subsided, and the rumor that the Prince of Joinville would land in Calais was self-evident.

After some "heart-to-heart talks" between Jérôme Bonaparte and the Minister of War, the Minister of War also agreed that the two battalions of "Zouav" troops would be placed under the name of the Admiralty.

After that, the "Zuav" battalion, which originally had only 7 battalions left, doubled again to 14 battalions.

At the same time, the Far Eastern Foreign Legion, which had always had an establishment of 3,000 people, was also quietly affiliated to the Colonial Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of War.

At the end of March, Navy Minister Dicko appointed the Marquis of Allais as commander of the expeditionary fleet and promoted him to the rank of commodore.

In early April, a fleet of five third-level battleships and steam frigates set out from the Pas de Calais. The neurasthenic British Kingdom on the other side of the ocean also took rapid action.

That night, Cowley, the British ambassador, went to the Tuileries Palace to ask Jerome Bonaparte about the whereabouts of the French fleet.

When Jerome Bonaparte's fleet went on duty in the Far East, Ambassador Cowley's nervousness eased, and then he asked in a relaxed tone whether the French fleet needed help from the British coastal base.

Adhering to the principle that it would be a fool not to take advantage of an advantage, Jérôme Bonaparte decisively stated that of course it was necessary.

This will also help bring Britain and France closer cooperation.

Of course, Jérôme Bonaparte did not tell the British fleet that the purpose of the mission was to punish the Kingdom of Hawaii, but expressed in a vague way that it was to protect the expatriates in the Far East.

Ambassador Cowley would also not believe Jérôme Bonaparte's vague remarks.

The next day, Ambassador Cowley issued a warning to Britain, warning Britain to always pay attention to what the fleet was doing in the Far East.

The British people who received Ambassador Cowley's letter were also nervous about this fleet heading to the Far East.

If it had not been for the obstruction of Foreign Secretary Palmerston, the cabinet would have almost monitored the French fleet as an "enemy" because of Ambassador Cowley's letter.

Under Palmerston's influence, Britain finally did not fall into a situation where everything was at war.

The shadow of Napoleon's war had brought serious trauma to Britain's heart.

Even so, the relationship between Britain and France remained vaguely estranged throughout April. Nicholas I, who seized the opportunity, quickly extended an olive branch to Britain.

Since the anti-Russian faction in Britain serves as the Foreign Minister, I am looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Britain did not accept the olive branch offered by the Russian Empire.

Nicholas I was unhappy with Britain's blatant disregard for the Russian Empire, and relations between Russia and Britain began to drift apart.

On April 15, 1851, Paris, which had been under martial law due to tension, also lifted the state of martial law, and the 1st Paris Division returned to the suburbs of Paris.

The National Guard of the Twelve Legions in Paris also began to gradually be abandoned under the order of Jérôme Bonaparte, leaving only six legions loyal to the Bonapartists and the Empire.

On April 20, the World's Fair hosted by Prince Albert will open on May 1.

Leaders of dozens of countries, including France, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and the United States, received private invitations from Queen Victoria, inviting them to bring the "crystals" of their countries to Britain. .

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