Make France Great Again

Chapter 143 The Actions of the Orleans faction

Tocqueville, who got the newspaper, lowered his head and walked slowly while reading the plain text version of the newspaper.

The headline of the newspaper read "French Senators Go to Emra to Pay Homage to Henry V".

The content of the article tells the details and process of the enthusiastic orthodox nobles who went to Emra to meet Henry V. The witty writing method makes people feel immersive.

However, compared to these Tocquevilles, who is more curious about who stabbed the news of the orthodox to Emra to the newspaper industry, the republicans?

In addition, judging from the description of the newspaper, Tocqueville can be sure that the other party must also be a member of the pilgrimage, so the result is even more interesting. According to Tocqueville's knowledge, every orthodox who went to Emra Members of Parliament are extremely loyal to the Earl of Chambord, and some of them have even become fanatics. There are still betrayers among these orthodox "fanatics", who claim to be "morality, order, The orthodoxy of "patriarchal clan" is laughable.

[PS: During the Kingdom of Orleans, the legitimists who were targeted by the Orleans faction often went to Austria to meet Henry V. Every time they meet, some Louis Philippe will be furious, and a large number of legitimists will be replaced. So these guys are also called "fanatics" by Tocqueville]


While Tocqueville was gloating, the same thing was happening across the Channel in London.

However, this time the protagonists are no longer the orthodox faction, but the Orleans faction. They are also driven by different interests to go to London to find their titular leader, the former king of Orleans, Louis Philippe.

At this time, Louis Philippe was living in a not-so-large mansion in a rich area of ​​London.

Due to the hasty departure of the February Revolution, King Louis Philippe and his queen did not bring enough money when they fled Paris, and all the money became real estate and stayed in Paris.

Coupled with the increasing number of family members [The Earl of Paris, the Duchess of Orleans, the Prince Jouin, and the Duke of Nemours fled Paris to London], making Louis Philippe's life even more difficult.

If it weren't for the support of some still loyal Orleanists and Lionel Rothschild, Louis Philippe's family would have starved to death on the streets.

Louis-Philippe, who was sitting on the sofa at this time, was showing his old age. Louis-Philippe, who had lost the nourishment of power and suffered a blow, could no longer live up to the gesture of swearing at Fang Qiu when he was king, and the sound of violent coughing resounded throughout the living room.

As a guest, Odilon Barro sat quietly opposite Louis Philippe and nodded, "Your Majesty!"

Louis Philips, who was coughing violently, forcibly suppressed his cough and said, "Cough...cough...Mr. Barrow,

No, I should call you Prime Minister Barrow! This is an honor that you have never received in the Orleans Dynasty. Presumably you should be very grateful to Jerome Bonaparte! "

"Your Majesty..." Barrow wanted to explain to Louis Philippe.

Louis Philippe forcibly interrupted Odilon Barrow's "casting" and laughed at himself: "Mr. Barrow! The era belonging to the Kingdom of Orleans has come to an end, and now it is your time! Tell me, what can you do with me?" ?”

"Your Majesty, I want you to help me integrate the Orleans faction!" Odilon Barrot proposed an almost impossible task to Louis Philippe.

"Integrate the Orleans faction? God! When I was king, I couldn't completely integrate the Orleans faction! Whether it was you or Thiers, they were the ones who opposed me at the beginning! Now my kingdom has collapsed, Instead, you asked me to help you integrate the Orleans faction?" Louis Philippe questioned Odilon Barrow.

"Your Majesty, it is because your kingdom has collapsed! You will be able to integrate it!" Odilon Barro immediately responded to Louis Philippe.

"What's the reason? The throne I gave up makes it easier to integrate the Orleans faction?" Louis Philippe asked again.

"Because when you became king, the Orléans faction became the party with the majority in the parliament and the cabinet, so it was inevitable to split. The interests of the factions are also not completely the same! When your kingdom collapses, we will once again Formed the Orleans faction, we can only reduce the division as much as possible!" Odilon Barrot explained to Louis Philippe.

To put it in a more popular way: "You can suffer, but you can't share blessings."

When the Kingdom of Orleans was still there, the Orleans faction could be separated into the left and right wings of the dynasty, the moderate faction and the radical faction. What's more, on this basis, a huge political party was divided into small and small parts. Interest groups, until the Orleans Dynasty collapsed, and they who lived in the Orleans Dynasty realized that the collapse of the Orleans Kingdom was of no benefit to them, so they joined forces and chose to save themselves.

Under the general trend of history, even an organization as large as the Orleanists had to choose to follow the trend of history.

"Prime Minister Barrow! I can help you!" Louis Philippe said to Odilon Barrow calmly.

"Thank you!" Odilon Barro responded.

"However, I need to wait until you can bring me something!" The mediocre Louis Philippe asked bluntly: "Don't promise to restore the dynasty to me anymore, I'm already 75 years old! I don't know how many years Lifespan, the throne is nothing but a mirror image to me."

Odilon Barrot, who wanted to promise Louis Philippe that he would help him ascend the throne, was silent for a moment, and said carefully, "Your Majesty! If I am lucky enough to be recognized by all the Orleans faction colleagues, I will definitely do my best Help the Duchess win a certain amount of war compensation for the widow, and make up for the undistributed retirement funds for Prince Juan and the Duke of Nemours."

What Odilon Barro meant was that Louis-Philippe supported him, and then he sent money to Louis-Philippe who was struggling through the cabinet and parliament.

"However, this amount may be quite different from the amount you received during your tenure as king!" Odilon Barro reminded Louis Philippe again.

"I know!" Of course Louis Philippe also knew that it was basically impossible to get an annual salary of 16 million francs again. He raised three fingers and said, "How about 300,000 francs a year?"

Louis Philippe's answer made Odilon Barro heave a sigh of relief, he nodded and replied: "Of course!"

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