Make France Great Again

Chapter 111 The Great Military Parade (3)

Changarnier, who was ordered by Jerome Bonaparte, the nominally supreme military officer of France, issued an order to "disband the Einsatzgruppen" to the adjutant beside him.

After preparing for a long time, the adjutant immediately gave a military salute to Jérôme Bonaparte and Changarnier, and then drove to the suburb of Saint-Denis.

As for why the Rangers are in the suburbs and not in the city center.

Of course, in order to prevent the riots that occurred during the dissolution process from affecting the mood of the review, Changarnier specifically instructed the adjutant to arrange the espionage team in the suburb of Saint-Denis.

Once the Einsatzgruppen rebelled, the Suburban Legion could eliminate the members of the Einsatzgruppen on the spot without disturbing Paris.

After the adjutant left, Changarnier and Odilon Barrot had smiles on their faces, and they finally eliminated this uncontrolled armed force.

"Your Excellency, let's continue the review!" Odilon Barrot said as he drove to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Hmm!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded slightly and continued to inspect the troops.

Accompanied by Changarnier and Odilon Barrot, Jerome Bonaparte once again reviewed the soldiers of the two infantry regiments stationed at the "Palace of Bourbon".

Changarnier drove his horse to the front of the infantry phalanx. He waved his hands and shouted: "Long live Bonaparte! Long live the Emperor!"

With General Changarnier taking the lead in shouting, the officers of the two infantry regiments received the signal instantly, and they no longer forcibly suppressed the soldiers' admiration for the emperor, but instead joined them and shouted with the soldiers.

"Long live Bonaparte! Long live the Emperor!"

The slogan "Long live Bonaparte! Long live the Emperor!" spread like a plague in no time. The soldiers of the infantry phalanx centered on the Bourbon Palace dragged their MTL1842 muzzle guns behind their backs and shouted. The cavalry in the phalanx also raised the sabers at their waists to the top, and the sabers under the sunlight gave off a dazzling silver light, coupled with the shouts one after another, it was like the reappearance of the empire.

Jerome Bonaparte waved to the soldiers present with a smile on his face.

If someone pays close attention, he will find that Jerome Bonaparte's waving movements are so mechanical, and his smile is also so stiff.

Jerome Bonaparte, who was riding on a horse, understood that the slogan "Long live the Emperor" was a small reward for Changarnier and others to Jerome Bonaparte's order to disband the Einsatzgruppen, and at the same time, he also warned Jerome invisibly. Bonaparte, the entire army in Paris and its suburbs is in their hands, and he is their puppet.

Just wait and see! You won't be happy for long!

Jerome Bonaparte reaffirmed his determination that he would depose Changarnier.

Of course, besides Jerome Bonaparte, there are also members of the Republican Party and the Mountain Party who are also unhappy with the Party of Order.

At this time they were being protected by "loyal" French soldiers in the Bourbon Palace.

The shouts outside the Palace of Bourbon made the republicans and the Mountain Party in the Palace of Bourbon very disturbed. They didn't know whether the group of Qiuba would break into the Palace of Bourbon and declare that they would no longer enjoy the protection of the Constitution and become "national thieves."

Many moderate republican deputies who were terrified took the seats of the deputies of the party of order under the contemptuous eyes of the republicans.

[The political parties in France in the 19th century were different. The United States and England were as tight-knit, and the political parties could be interchanged back and forth. Members of the Party of Order can become republicans and mountain parties, and mountain parties can also switch to republicans. The price paid for switching camps is nothing more than moving to the seat of the corresponding political party. 】

Faced with the moderate republican MPs joining, members of the Party of Order headed by Thiers stood up and applauded.

The National Assembly of the Palais Bourbon burst into warm applause.

"Welcome to join, joining us is the most sensible choice!" Thiers shook hands with defectors and republican congressmen in turn.

The moderate republican deputies who defected sat down again under Thiers' arrangement,

The party of Order, which had 350 seats in parliament, suddenly became 370 seats.

If the 80 Montagnard deputies who were raided and arrested the night before were taken into account, the Party of Order in the parliament has become a veritable majority.

Of course, the blatant coercion and lure of the Party of Order clearly made Ludru Roland of the Montagne unable to stand it, and he raised his hand.

Chairman Malast, who was sitting on the rostrum, tapped the wooden hammer to signal silence, and then asked Ludru Roland: "Member Roland, what do you want to say!"

"I protest!" Ludru Roland stood up and reprimanded the Party of Order. He pointed at Thiers and said, "I protest that the Party of Order used threats to get members to join them. They are trampling on the Constitution of the Republic!"

"Cut!" The Party of Order camp let out a burst of "hush", and they dismissed Ludru Roland's accusation.

"Member Roland!" Thiers stood up and said unhurriedly: "We didn't use threats to force the members to join us, they joined us voluntarily! Your Mountain Party won't allow people to quit, right?"

"You..." Ludru Roland looked at Thiers with disgusted eyes, "What's the matter with you deploying the army outside the Bourbon Palace? Don't you know that the National Assembly is sacred and inviolable?"

"Of course we know!" Thiers said eloquently: "We know that the authority of the National Assembly is sacred and inviolable, so we transferred the army to the National Assembly to prevent accidents!"

"Then why did you arrest so many of our congressmen yesterday! You arrested 50 of them at once!" Ludru Roland questioned Thiers again.

"We have evidence that your congressman is in contact with a group of thugs!" Thiers, who was sure of winning, made a nonsense and planted a charge against Ludru Rolland's Mountain Party.

"You..." Ludelu Roland couldn't say a word. He looked around with a disappointed expression on his face. None of the people present was willing to fight against such a "thief of the country".

Ledru Roland, who had lost his fighting spirit, had no choice but to sit back again.

"Okay! Gentlemen, now is not the time to talk about this, we want to talk about the issue of the Constituent Assembly!" said Thiers, who had been planning with Odilon Barrot for many days, with the help of the army. : "I think the Constituent Assembly has done its job and it's time to dissolve it!"

"No! How could it be disbanded so soon if the "Organizational Law" has not yet been perfected!" The bold republican MP objected.

"We can formulate elections at the same time!" Thiers "intimately" chose a plan for the republicans, and then threatened: "Don't you want to procrastinate? The Republic has been perfected, and the Constitutional Committee must be dissolved!"

Both the Montagne and the Republicans couldn't stand Thiers' tough attitude, and they stood up and wanted to "crusade" Thiers.

Seeing this, Morley, who also belonged to the Party of Order, quickly stood up and "played a bad face" and said: "Since everyone is deadlocked, I propose a method of voting to determine whether we should change from a constitution to a constitution!"

In the case of losing 50 leftist MPs, the vote must be unfavorable to the "democratic parties", but they have no reason to refute.

[Democratic parties: here refers to the Republicans and the Mountain Party. 】

Just as the "democratic party" was hesitating, intensive gunfire spread to the Bourbon Palace.

The expression of the members of the "Democratic Party" changed drastically in an instant, and they all looked at Thiers in unison.

"No one said that guns cannot be fired to celebrate the parade!" Thiers said briskly.

Under the joint threat of the Party of Order and the army, the "democratic parties" could only humiliately agree with the Party of Order's proposal.

The proposal "on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly" passed by a narrow 355-345 vote.

The National Assembly will be re-elected in March.

The National Assembly, which had won its prestige through the June massacres, has since been demolished.

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