Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 245: Prince Berger

After repelling the first wave of vampires' offensive, Lin realized that something was very serious. He actually broke into their territory.

The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, sometimes it is not because of politeness, so it does so. It's about making troubles in other people's territory. It's easy to capsize accidentally.

Originally, I didn't know where the confidence came from, so I just followed the former Lord Demon King and broke into the vampire's lair. Although the first wave of offensive was repelled, it was a shocking education for someone. Shatter that enigmatic confidence and recognize the reality of how dangerous your situation really is.

Judging from the density of the enemies just now, it was not surprising when Fen missed one or two and killed himself. In order to make himself more confident, Lin temporarily prepared some countermeasures for himself according to the various situations of the first wave of offensive.

But before preparing all of this, there is one thing to ask: "How did the various attack modes of the magic gun perform in that wave of counterattack just now? As a result, which color light restrained the vampires? Or which spectral segment? ?”

Not forgetting that his main purpose was to do magic experiments, not really want to kill, after repelling the enemies, Fern opened the window in the field of vision of the glasses on the spot to check the record of the battle just now.

Although there are only more than a dozen modes set in the magic gun, the mixing ratio of various colored lights, the wavelength of colored lights, etc., are all controlled by programs to make them change continuously within a certain range. In other words, in just a few minutes before, not only did 763 vampires get rid of, the four guns fired a total of 5,989 rounds, and each magic bullet was different. set up.

Not all the set magic bullet attack modes can have an effect on vampires. And all the attack effects, Fen also remembered all of them clearly by virtue of her extraordinary memory. What she needs to do now is to combine the attack effects with the battle records to confirm which attack modes or visible light with special proportions and wavelengths can produce targeted attacks.

Since various parameters have been coded, Finn's input and calculation are quite fast, and the result is obtained in one go. The result can be said to be no surprise, Fen said: "Most of the ones that are lethal to vampires contain the ultraviolet light you mentioned. I originally thought that the wavelength of purple light in visible light is quite short, and I thought that the shorter the wavelength, the better it is." The more lethal it is. However, it seems that no matter how shortened the wavelength is, the power does not increase correspondingly, and even decreases. In other words, the wavelength that is fatal to vampires is between 380 and 450 nanometers."

Although it was the expected result, after being edified by science during this period, Fern's words were somewhat intriguing. She didn't refer to ultraviolet light specifically, but instead emphasized wavelengths. Lin inevitably showed a curious expression of thinking.

The evil lich wouldn't be talking too much nonsense in the current situation of this archenemy. She directly revealed the answer and said: "I have tried to use the original magic bullet attack mode and adjust the wavelength of the energy. As long as it falls within the range, it can still have an effect, instead of being limited to light magic. However, some attribute attacks cannot The method of adjusting the wavelength must be applicable, so which ones can be used and which ones cannot be used, you have to find time to review. Now, if you lock the attack modes in the third, seventh, and fourteenth categories, you can be effective against vampires. Attacked."

"Since we have come to a conclusion, shall we withdraw?" Lin asked tentatively, and of course he got a disgusted look.

Helping the two girls adjust their weapons, Fenbian said: "You have withdrawn generously and mercifully now, the vampires will remember this kind of favor, and be good people from now on, and stop doing evil; or just chase you to the end of the sky, Immortal."

The answer to the question seems obvious, but it is such an obvious answer that makes someone very helpless. According to my hometown, the head has been shaved, so it can't be done without washing. A lot of things start, and there is no end in sight.

I don't want to say something that is too damaging to morale at this moment. Fern raised both guns to her chest, and said, "Stay here and guard our rear if you're afraid. I'm going on. Girl, let's go."

"Okay, sister." The two girls said in unison.

As for someone who was left in place, I think of the horror and thriller movies I have seen, people who do not fit in and act alone will die, and they will die like the pig teammates who are too impulsive. Anyway, all my own actions are dead, and the results seem to be about the same...

keep up. You may die if you follow a certain lich all the way, but intuitively, you will definitely die if you are alone in someone else's territory. I don't look like the life of a Long Aotian protagonist, so there are not many choices that Lin can make.

In order to avoid killing all the experimental subjects as soon as they meet, Fen strictly restricts someone from using the new version of the light technique. But with the vision of the spirit, although you can see the enemy, you can't see the surrounding environment. So they changed a spell, which was an apprentice-level magic—dark vision.

This magic can allow people to see things in a dark place, but it is not like spiritual vision, which can observe enemies hiding in blind spots, or distinguish the living from the dead. However, the latter can be compensated by experience, and the former cannot avoid any traps, or any objects and terrain that will hinder the progress, without seeing any environment.

Fen, who was the first to walk into the main corridor on the second floor, walked at a leisurely pace, as if walking in a courtyard. The two girls were one in front and one behind, one left and one right, with slightly staggered positions, guarding behind the lich. Lin was at the back of the hall, looking around nervously, like a fledgling young man.

The main corridor is straight and wide, without forks or passing through any rooms. This is more like a part of the castle's defense facilities, and it would not be surprising if there are a few traps hidden.

But it seemed that the vampires living here were quite confident, they didn't set up traps, and they didn't use any means of sneak attack. They just gathered a bunch of people in full armor... don't know what's inside, standing at the end of the corridor. The armored warriors lined up three side by side, which just filled the entire corridor.

A sound of clear and slow applause attracted the attention of everyone present. At the same time, Lin also noticed that in the corridor behind him, there was a group of warriors in the same armor, blocking the escape route.

"As expected of Lord Tikal Demon King." The voice came from the bottom of the corridor. At this time, a woman in a fine attire floated into the air, lightly tapped the shoulders of the armored warriors, and came to the front of the queue.

"Oh, you know who I am, and you dare to trouble me. Either you are too stupid, or I haven't killed people for too long, so you can misunderstand that I am easy to bully."

In the sparks sparked by the two women, the armored warriors behind them arrived at their positions and stood firmly behind their group, not intending to let anyone go.

Among the vampires, the person who came forward to speak said: "When I heard the news brought by my companion from the southwest peninsula, I was surprised at first, and I didn't think you were that adult. But we mainly The target is not you, but because the man behind you killed many of our compatriots, I will definitely seek justice for them."

"Oh, it seems that you will come to make trouble, not on a temporary basis, but have been prepared for a long time."

"It's not wrong. Although I don't know why you are with that man, my lord, but since your identity is confirmed, I don't think there is a need for us to fight. Whether he coerced you to sign any blood contract, or other This form of restraint, as long as he is handed over to us, I promise to return your freedom, my lord. Of course, the two girls you love can also leave. We only want that man."

"Oh, so simple, so negotiable."

"Of course." The vampire who spoke saw that things were about to happen, although he tried his best to hide his expression, he still couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"About this matter." A certain lich replied without thinking too much. She said: "I don't have any friendship with you, so I don't think it is necessary for me to do things according to your wishes. Besides, as far as I know, if this man really holds the contract that binds me, you have many ways to transfer the contract." The contract, let me become bound by you. Every war between the clans does not use this method to annex the power of other vampire clans."

"No, I swear in the name of my father, please believe in our sincerity, after all, my father was one of your legion I grew up listening to your brilliant deeds. In all Among brothers and sisters, I definitely respect you the most."

"Oh, who's your father?" Fern asked curiously.

"Huber Berger, the commander of the Eleventh Army, your most loyal servant. I am Vanna Berger, my father's sixteenth child. I am the prince of the secret party in the Dark Council."

This is a confession! When Lin heard this, he was startled. Fern would stay, not least because she had nowhere to go. If the power of the former Demon King Army really remained in the world, what choice would she make? On this point, someone is not sure.

The glamorous lich turned around and said in a reproachful tone: "Didn't you say that all the people I knew died, and there was not even half of them left. Look, there is one in front of you."

For such a smile, someone only feels guilty. If this one turned against him before the battle, then he would be trapped in a miserable situation. It might not be a bad idea to lose a life, but if you are captured alive and tortured, you will be in a predicament where you cannot survive and you cannot die. As for the complaints of the person in front of him, Lin wanted to reply, but he faltered and couldn't say a word.

Yet the complaining lich didn't expect a response from someone. She just looked at Prince Vana Berger with a sweet smile, and said, "You should tell me earlier about this relationship, because I have been talking about ridiculous reasons that I don't even believe myself. .It’s good now, there are no more righteous excuses between us, only personal grievances.”


Both the enemy and the enemy couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts! However, Fin raised his hand and shot, hitting Vana Berger's eyebrow precisely.

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