Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 892 A happy life

In the deep and boundless void, internet celebrities shuttled rapidly, causing ripples in the space.

The fierce battle is still continuing, with the Angel Legion chasing endlessly. The energy fluctuations caused by the attack and defense between the two sides cause the space to continue to collapse.

At this time, the power of many angels intertwined, and a giant unicorn with a length of one hundred meters was derived, with golden light flowing around its body. It had a clear body and was almost the same as a real creature.

The single horn on its head lifted up and hit the outer wall of the Internet Celebrity. The entire hull shook and was almost overturned.

The defensive wall outside the ship suddenly cracked.

The team fighting skills of the Army of Light can bring together the power of many angels, so powerful... Cao Yan stood on the deck of the bow of the ship, observing the fighting methods of the Angel Army.

At this time, a layer of darkness filled the Internet Red, covering the entire ship.

Then the darkness suddenly shrank, turning into a point in the void, and disappeared together with the internet celebrity account.

The angels were about to give chase when they suddenly heard a deep shout: "Stop chasing, it will only increase casualties."

Ehai and Aether stood side by side, standing behind the angels.

This confrontation made them both extremely frightened.

The combat effectiveness of the Sky City is actually comparable to the main army of the Light God System!

"What are our battle losses?" Ehai asked a legion commander beside him.

During the previous fight with Cao Yan, Ehai was hit by a large magic weapon and broke an arm. However, he has been treated now. It is not difficult for the gods to regenerate the broken arm.

"The detailed figures haven't been released yet, but there are probably more than a thousand casualties," the commander said.

In such a short period of time, there were over a thousand casualties, and Ehai's face darkened.

"Approximately how many casualties are there in Sky City?" Aether asked.

"They have the advantage of the main attack. Their casualties are slightly less than ours, but they will not be less than seven or eight hundred people." The commander said.

Ether: "Except for the divine wars a long time ago, in my memory, there has never been a heretical force with a combat power comparable to that of the main army."

Ehai said: "Although the tribesmen in the Sky City are elite, I am not too worried. After all, they are not many in number and only have one city. What is worrying is Cao Yan. During the battle just now, his attitude towards the battle situation The judgment and the timing of retreat are all based on a momentary choice.

According to Shugel,

Cao Yan can also drive a kind of tiny creatures (ant colonies) to spread viruses against angels, and the lethality is amazing. But he did not use this tiny creature this time. It can be seen that his attack this time is mainly to observe and understand us, otherwise our casualties may be more serious. "

Somewhere in the Eternal Jungle.

In the sky, the Internet celebrity number broke out of the sky and slid slowly in the clouds.

"Boss, why do we have to withdraw? We have clearly gained the upper hand just now. We should continue to fight and expand the results." The person who asked the question was the Chaos Giant.

He had shrunk in stature, but still had a towering height of nearly two feet.

Just after the battle, there was still a ferocious and violent aura about him.

Cao Yan said calmly: "You are wrong. Keep fighting. The Angel Army will stabilize its position and unite its forces. With their numbers, our advantage will gradually be evened out, and we will even become the side with heavier casualties. Then we What’s the point of this raid?”

The Chaos Giant thought for a while and agreed: "The boss is right, so what should we do next?"

"We'll talk about other things later. You guys go back to the city first. I have to go out for a while."

Cao Yan opened the space channel and walked in.

Only Auch followed him and entered the space portal together.

As they moved forward, the demonic energy inside Ohe's body surged, and the demon ancestor was separated and became independent, and he also followed Cao Yan.

Auch's figure grew, and he manifested a demon fighting body that was more than ten feet tall. Dozens of arms evolved from the demonic energy behind his back, and evil snakes swam among the many arms, which was extremely ferocious.

In the blink of an eye, Auch and the Demon Ancestor accompanied Cao Yan through the void and arrived at the destination on the other side of the space.

Cao Yan stopped and stood behind the portal and looked outside. Auch also followed suit and opened the space wall to watch what was going on outside the portal.

Outside, it was the void that Cao Yan had been coerced into by the Kingdom of Space.

When Cao Yan left, Michael, Mercury, and Michael's flesh and blood clones were fighting fiercely with the Lord of the Starry Sky, Azazel's fallen angel clone, and others.

By the time Cao Yan came back, the situation had changed.

There were four or five more main gods of the light system, including Hestia, who also came over. Cao Yan also has two more helpers, one is the death knight and the other is Azazel.

The two sides were fighting inextricably.

Azazel received a message from his clone and knew about the changes in the situation here (as explained in the previous article). He located his position through the clone's location and traveled through the void to join the battle.

Before Cao Yan came back, Mercury was hit hard by Azazel's sudden appearance.

But then Hestia and the other main gods chased after them, and the situation evolved into the current melee.

When Cao Yan rushed back, the two sides had beaten the heads of people into dog heads, but they were restrained by each other, and the winner was still undecided.

The opponent fighting the Lord of the Starry Sky was replaced by Saint Dio of the Light God System.

Cao Yan observed the battlefield, glanced at Dio, and thought to himself: "This female angel is not bad."

At this time, Dio was wearing a white priest's robe, with delicate and charming facial features. As he moved in battle, his seductive body curves appeared from time to time under the robe, making him the most eye-catching and beautiful scenery on the battlefield.

At this time, Auch and the Demon Ancestor beside Cao Yan were affected by the aura on the battlefield and were eager to fight. They were ready to go out and join the battle.

"You go ahead, but don't participate in the confrontation between Azazel and those main gods." Cao Yan said.

Auch responded and rushed out with the Demon Ancestor.

But at the same moment, Azazel suddenly withdrew from the battlefield and disappeared mysteriously. The death knights also withdrew.

Hestia, Dio, Michael and other major gods followed closely behind.

In the blink of an eye, the turbulent battlefield returned to calm.

After Oher rushed out, he missed everything.

He also wanted to pursue him and join the battle, but was stopped by Cao Yan: "Azazel wants to leave, and no one can stop him. If you pursue him now, there will be no battle to fight."

What others didn't know was that the moment Azazel left, his voice sounded in Cao Yan's ears:

“Cao Yan, it’s great that you were able to integrate the gods who escaped from the Purgatory of Light in such a short period of time to form a unified front alliance.

I will continue to divert the attention of the gods of light, and you will act as you wish. We can also cooperate in the future. "

The boss obviously learned about Cao Yan's methods of collaborating during this period through the fallen angel's clone, so he extended an olive branch.

Cao Yan responded calmly, as expected.

He originally helped Azazel escape from purgatory, mainly to target the light god system and buy himself time to develop, so Azazel did not need to be grateful to him. The essence of the relationship between the two parties was still mutual use.

Azazel just saw his value, so he made the cooperation proposal just now.

Cao Yan walked out of the portal and was greeted by the Lord of the Starry Sky, the Immortal Old Man, the Bull Terrier and Azazel's clone angel.

A group of people communicated while teleporting back to the Sky City.

"Cao Yan, you just said that there are great destruction creatures in the green jungle world. Is it safe here?" Entering the Sky City, the Lord of the Starry Sky was quite nervous.

"It is sleeping deep in the world and will not wake up easily. The city is very safe." Cao Yan said with a smile.

The Lord of the Starry Sky still carefully restrained his aura.

Cao Yan took her to visit various parts of the Sky City, and then gathered together to discuss future joint operations, preparing to set up a stable transmission channel between the Sky City and the Starry Kingdom of the Lord of the Starry Sky to increase the speed of mutual cooperation between the two parties.

Night falls and the stars twinkle.

After the Lord of the Starry Sky left, Cao Yan held a meeting that night where all races in the city gathered.

Including the member forces of various alliances, they have fixed contact points in the city and also participated in the meeting.

The theme of the meeting is about the situation that the Green Jungle World will face next.

"Through today's battle, I can responsibly tell you that the new angel army that has entered our green jungle world surpasses our Sky City in both quantity and comprehensive combat effectiveness.

The situation in the coming period will be very unfavorable to us. "

Boss Cao talked about his plan.

The purpose is to unite all parties, work together, and respond together.

The meeting lasted until late at night and was not over.

Cao Yan: "For long-term considerations, I plan to establish two academies in the Sky City, named Sky Academy and School of Gods. Preparations will begin immediately. Among them, School of Gods mainly faces the projection of the gods in the city into various planes. The system of believers thus formed can recruit the best among them for training and brainwash them... er, ideological education."

Everyone came to understand one after another that the purpose of Cao Yan's creation of the school was to use it as a link to gather and unite the forces of other planes to jointly fight against the God of Light.

"The teachers in the academy are all taken by turns by the gods, who personally teach all aspects of experience."

Cao Yan concluded: "It's getting late. Let's adjourn the meeting. Everyone, go back and think about our agenda today. If you have any questions, please come to me at any time."

The meeting ended.

When Cao Yan returned to the backyard, his daughters-in-law were still asleep. They gathered together like a stone watching over their husband, waiting for him to come home.

As soon as Boss Cao entered the house, the trouble in the house immediately started. Wang Li ran to the kitchen to prepare supper. One of the two princess concubines was responsible for chatting with her, while the other went to put the bath water in person.

By the time Boss Cao came out of the shower, the supper was ready. He had clothes to put on, food to eat, and his mouth was full. His life was complete.

Boss Cao was a little arrogant and asked in a low voice: "Are you trying to trick me? Otherwise, why are you so attentive?"

Bah~ What a gangster, the wives immediately ignored him.

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