Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 890 Continuous Reversal

"It's over, it's over..."

Manager Xiao had to force himself to clench his teeth so as not to make the sound of teeth clashing up and down.

A slightly ferocious smile appeared on the face of the Lord of Judgment. He quite enjoyed the state of fear that the heretic was about to die before execution.

"Sha... Shabi!" Manager Xiao said tremblingly.

The executioner under the torture rack opened the Scarlet Codex, and a wisp of flames shot out, hitting Director Xiao's eyebrows.

At this moment, Tinong, Ji Qianshan and others next to them were stunned.

The God's Punishment Flame was swaying, and Manager Xiao screamed, feeling pain all over his body, but in fact the flame had not yet fallen on him.

At this moment, a trace of energy appeared in the void, swallowing up the flames approaching Director Xiao like a spiritual snake, and then swam out of thin air, directly attacking the Lord of Judgment.

However, this breath was intercepted and dispersed by a ray of light shining over it.

Michael's clone angel appeared in front of the Lord of Judgment, with light flowing in his hands and staring at the void not far away: "I knew you would come from the time you pushed the power and fought with me in the air!"

Cao Yan walked out of the void under the gaze of Michael's clone.

Director Xiao and others were arrested by the church because of him, there was no way he could just sit idly by.

On the torture rack, Director Xiao was so happy that he didn't expect Cao Yan to come.

Seeing Cao Yan, the old man instantly came back to his senses and ignited hope. Tinong and others were also full of joy.

Cao Yan glanced slightly, taking in the surrounding situation.

When he saw the army of angels in full military glory not far away, coming out of the gate of time and space, he couldn't help but frowned, "Another legion of the angel army has arrived."

Thoughts flashed in Cao Yan's mind, and his eyes turned to Michael's clone.

"Compared to me, you are at least three levels behind in strength, but you actually dare to come." There was a sarcastic and overlooking look on the face of Michael's clone.

Cao Yan wondered how this guy could tell that I was three levels behind him?

Michael's clone said again: "You are thinking about how to delay time and create opportunities for yourself. You have other means secretly to save those heretics."

Cao Yan did have this plan, but he was discovered before it even started.

The next moment, Michael's clone's hand suddenly glowed with light and power exploded. Cao Yan also took action at the same moment.

But the two were not in a direct confrontation. Cao Yan wanted to save Tinon, Director Xiao and others, but Michael's clone saw his intention, and the burst of light penetrated Cao Yan like a sharp sword, preventing him from saving him. people.


The two forces collided.

Cao Yan took action and affected the breath of space and time in the universe, casting an elemental spear, trying to break the chains of Director Xiao and others, but unfortunately he was blocked by Michael's clone.

The two were fighting fiercely at close quarters. Cao Yan shook the tip of his spear. Every thrust of the spear contained an invincible spirit. The spear tip spread out like stars in the sky, its trajectory was erratic, and like a horse flying in the sky, it was approaching Michael's clone.


The angel wings on Michael's back folded together and joined in front of him. Miraculously, he clamped the spear pointed by Cao Yan.

"Bad skills." Michael said contemptuously.

"It's ridiculous. You were fooled but you didn't know it. Instead, you thought you had the upper hand." Boss Cao retorted.

Michael turned his head suddenly and saw that the chains on Director Xiao, Tinon and other prisoners had been destroyed for some reason, and several people actually got off the torture rack.

The moment Michael turned back, a beast-trapping ball rolled down from the void, and Tinon was put inside first. However, when the beast-trapping ball was about to continue to take Director Xiao and others into it to rescue them, the void Suddenly a ray of light burst out from the center and pierced the beast-trapping ball.

In desperation, Cao Yan had a slight thought, and the animal ball flew through the air, returned to his hand, and was put away.

Cao Yan just realized that his idea of ​​delaying time was seen through by Michael, and he immediately came up with another plan to attack in the east and west. While Michael was approaching to stop him and fight him, there were ants secretly taking advantage of the two of them. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he secretly gnawed and broke the chains that bound Director Xiao and others, allowing them to escape. Unfortunately, they only had time to put Tinon into the animal trap ball.

Michael: "You think you are smart, you might as well look around again."

At this time, changes occurred in the surrounding void and the ground at the same time.

The ray of light that had previously prevented the hunting ball from rescuing Tinon and others stretched out, and scriptures appeared and intertwined, blocking and covering the space above, below, left, and right of Cao Yan.

"Although you saved a heretic, you are trapped in the constraints of the scriptures of the Kingdom of Space. What's the use of saving him?" Michael mocked.

Cao Yan was attacking in the east and in the west, so he also made plans secretly, completely blocking the void, forming a cat-and-mouse situation, blocking Cao Yan's evacuation route.

At this time, countless scripture symbols around him were tumbling, and time and space were reversed.

The area where Michael and Cao Yan were located disappeared out of thin air. Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the church, both of them disappeared.

In Cao Yan's induction, he was enveloped by the power of the Kingdom of Space and moved to the outside of the sky in an instant.

The surroundings were dark and lightless, with only the flickering scripture symbols surrounding him like a cage, as if he was in deep space.

Michael's clone stood opposite him coldly.

The next moment, light flickered in the void, and the constraints of the Kingdom of Space disappeared. However, the space opposite opened and closed, and Michael and Mercury actually walked out.

The two main gods are here!

Cao Yan immediately realized that this was a killing situation specially set up for him.

Michael's clone entering the green jungle world is just an introduction. The real trump card is Michael himself behind it.

Because he had concerns about the existence deep in the Land of Chaos, he moved time and space and took Cao Yan outside the green jungle world before showing up in person.

The appearance of Michael's true form and Mercury, the two main gods, almost cut off all Cao Yan's hopes of breaking the situation.

"You two actually think highly of me and set up a trap to kill me yourself."

Cao Yan speaks the language of angels fluently. He is deeply involved in the murderous situation, but he is calm and has a cool temperament.

Michael himself said: "You are an ant, and you are not qualified for me to take action, but you were chosen by the Remnants of Darkness and the Temple of the Epoch, and you got the luck to compete with my light system. I took action personally because you were behind me. of Dark Remnant and the Temple of the Ages, not you."

His voice seemed to be speaking on behalf of heaven and earth, full of majesty and oppression, deafening.

"God of Darkness, now that I'm here, why don't you come out?"

Michael's words resounded in the depths of Cao Yan's soul, and along a trace of spiritual connection with Cao Yan, they actually reached the Kingdom of Darkness.

The moment he finished speaking, a ray of darkness overflowed from Cao Yan's eyebrows, and the soul fluctuations of the darkest god came from it:

"Michael, even though the whole era has passed, you are still so stupid. You thought you were plotting against Cao Yan and me, but you didn't know that you were plotting against us too."

At the same time, Cao Yan opened his palms, symbols circulated in his palms, and a teleportation door appeared beside him.

First, there were several miniature stars orbiting inside the door, spinning out from the door.

Immediately afterwards, under the starlight, the Lord of the Starry Sky, Azazel's clone fallen angel, the Bull Terrier, the old man, and a group of gods came out one after another, all with powerful auras.

You must know that these gods were imprisoned in the Purgatory of Light for a long time, and their strength regressed, and they were all in the lowest state. However, after they escaped from the trap, they recuperated and their strength increased by leaps and bounds.

When the Lord of the Starry Sky first escaped from prison in prison, he was able to fight Hestia. Now her power is stronger than it was then. Coupled with the fallen angels divided by Azazel, they alone The two of them were enough to make Michael and Mercury feel troublesome.

Counting other gods, Cao Yan himself, and the Temple of Era and the Kingdom of Darkness under his control, the balance of power between the two parties has been restored.

Michael was no longer sure of victory.

Since Cao Yan appeared, the two sides have been fighting wits and courage, each has his own plans, and the situation has reversed several times in a short period of time.

Cao Yan arrived at the Church of the Kingdom of God a little late before, just to make arrangements, cheat and teleport, and contact the Lord of the Starry Sky.

"Do it." Cao Yanhu said.

The next moment, all the gods took action simultaneously.


The waves of collision between the two sides exploded, the void collapsed into pieces, and even the elemental powers themselves were canceling each other out.

A battle at the master god level can destroy all tangible and intangible substances.

The Lord of the Starry Sky created a star map and spread it out. It was millions of miles in size, with thousands of stars emerging and shining brightly.

She stood in the center of the stars, borrowing the power of countless stars for her own use. With a finger, a beam of light pressed towards Mercury.

Michael was struck by a being from Chaos a few days ago. The injury has not healed, and his current fighting ability is not as good as Mercury, one of the twelve main gods.

The Lord of the Starry Sky saw it accurately and resolutely chose the strongest Mercury.

Azazel's clones, the fallen angel and the bull terrier, both pounced on Michael.

Michael's clone wanted to attack Cao Yan, but the immortal old man took the initiative to meet him and started a fierce battle.

Boss Cao was surrounded by a group of Liangshan heroes on the edge of the battlefield, but for a while he had no opponent.

He observed for a moment and said: "I just saw the time and space lighthouse of the Kingdom of God Church turned on. A new angel army is coming and entering the green jungle world. Let's attack them while their position is not stable."

A god asked: "What about the war situation here?"

"The battle here is at the level of the Lord God. Even if we stay, we won't play a decisive role. Attacking the enemy's shortcomings is the first choice."

Boss Cao said decisively: "A surprise attack on the church is a rare opportunity. Let's go!" Before his voice fell, he had already disappeared into the void.

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