Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 487: Earning a Money with Blood

"Two hundred million..."

"Two hundred and ten million!"

When Cao Yan came to Archbishop Binsuo's private room, the bidding outside for the branches of the World Tree had already climbed to 200 million. Every time bidders bid, the increase was tens of millions. The asking price was quite...rare.

In Binsuo's private room, he was the only one sitting in one position, and a guard stood in each of the four corners of the room, silently.

The members of the Dark Bishop's sect were all wearing black priestly robes. They looked like mages who were proficient in dark magic, standing there, as if they were about to merge with the darkness, like ghosts, lifeless.

Cao Yan came in, and Bin Suo got up from his seat, with a smile on his sullen face: "Young master Yan's auction, this time I'm afraid it will become famous, and the first item in the auction is actually a branch of the World Tree. It’s eye-opening. It’s always amazing to have Yan Shao involved.”

This fellow speaks very nicely.

Cao Yan smiled and came to Bin Suo's side, and the two sat next to each other.

"Two hundred and sixty million... I will pay two hundred and seventy million..."

The bidding outside was quickly approaching the 300 million mark, and the bidders were still from a few ancient families in the central region, and the others had become the supporting crowd.

On the auction stage, Jiao Muqi's excited body trembled, infinitely approaching the climax.

Because of the appearance of the branches of the world tree, this auction is destined to leave a striking mark in the history of auctions, and his name, Jiao Muqi, will be recorded along with it.

In the private room on the third floor, Binsuo waved his hands, "I have something to say to Yan Shao, you all go down, don't let anyone interrupt our conversation."

Several guards in the corner of the room, like ghosts, disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

Binsuo was narrow and cold, looking at Cao Yan with eyes covered with darkness, and said in a surprising way: "Young Master Yan, someone is going to kill you. I have received definite news that the Church of the Kingdom of God has adjusted your level of heresy. In the Southern Region, You are listed as one of the greatest heresies, a decree issued by the Pope himself."

This Cao Yan had heard from Dai Huanyu earlier that his value had risen, so he was not surprised at all.

Bin Suo was quite surprised to see Cao Yan's indifferent face. Cao Yan's flat reaction did not meet his expectations at all, so he couldn't help explaining: "We and the Church of the Kingdom of God have a strong mutual penetration, so the source of the news is very reliable."

Cao Yan thought to himself: My source of news is more reliable than yours.

Bin Suo said again: "Perhaps Yan Shao is not clear about the serious consequences of being condemned as a heresy by the Pope... Since the Pope ordered it, many ascetic monks in the church will behead Yan Shao as a ritual. Killing Yan Shao is an act of tempering oneself and blessing faith. From now on, Yan Shao is afraid that there will be no peace."

When Bin Suo finished speaking, he saw that Cao Yan was still calm and calm, and finally realized that Cao Yan didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, but he didn't care at all.

Bin Suo blinked his eyes, was silent for a moment, and said bluntly: "I was surprised by Yan Shao's reaction, but I was too eager."

He thought for a while, and said again: "According to the information we have, there are a group of ascetic priests who have rushed to the magic capital. Maybe among the guests of this auction, they are hiding and ready to assassinate Yan Shao at any time. I came here to remind you to be more careful, if necessary, I am willing to serve Yan Shao at any time. The guards I brought are all the most elite members of the Source of Darkness that I teach."

Bin Suo's words were not as simple as what was conveyed on the surface.

It would be naive for Cao Yan to think that based on the friendship of fighting side by side in the ancient continent, the other party would lead his people to help after knowing that someone was going to attack him.

Cao Yan pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Your sect of the bishop of darkness wants to expand and develop in the southern region, and is planning to cooperate with me, isn't it?"

Cao Yan said this very abruptly, and it sounded completely irrelevant to Binsuo's topic. However, Bin Suo's pupils suddenly constricted after hearing this, and he was secretly taken aback.

He didn't have much contact with Cao Yan before. In his impression, Cao Yan became famous at a young age, and his talent was amazing, but he didn't expect Cao Yan to be so shrewd, and he revealed the real purpose of his visit this time.

It should be known that their Dark Bishop faction in the central region has been overwhelmed by the church, and their sphere of influence is constantly shrinking. It has long since reached the stage where they have to find other ways out.

This trip to the ancient continent made Binso see a good opportunity.

The Southern Territory is jointly controlled by the major associations. It is an area where the influence of the church is relatively weak. Moreover, the Southern Territory is backed by the sea, and its geographical location is superior and rich. Direction of development.

On the way back from the ancient continent, Binsuo communicated with the core of the Dark Bishop Sect through a special method and reached an agreement. He was going to try to find opportunities in the southern region, shift the focus of educational affairs to the southern region, and open up a new one. Dioceses, to fight against the pressure brought on them by the church, to seek living space.

But they are newcomers in the Southern Region, and if they want to gain a foothold quickly, they need a suitable person to facilitate their development.

Cao Yan is not the person with the highest status among the people he knows, who can provide them with the greatest help, but he is the most suitable candidate.

You know, Cao Yan not only became famous all over the world with this trip to the ancient continent, but also has a good relationship with the major associations.

On the ancient continent, various associations have approached him for technical assistance, and to some extent they owe Cao Yan a favor.

Furthermore, Cao Yan and Bin Suo had already had contact, and the meeting was relatively easy, so they became their first choice for cooperation.

So Binsuo came here to remind Cao Yan that he was in danger, facing the attack of the church, in order to show that the two sides share the same hatred, to draw closer the relationship, and pave the way for the next step to discuss cooperation with Cao Yan, but he did not expect that he had just started , Cao Yan saw through what he wanted to pull.

Bin Suo's face is quite thick, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed calmly, and said: "I just saw the other side of Yan Shao today, he is really a genius, no wonder Yan Shao rose so fast, he has become famous in more than a month Shining the world, the brilliance is unmatched by anyone in the contemporary era."

This flattery is so delicious.

Cao Yandao: "Bishop, please don't praise me like that. I am a person who doesn't boast, but when I praise, I can't tell the difference. What's the benefit of me helping you?"


Bin Suo almost couldn't keep up with Cao Yan's thinking speed. The last sentence was still polite, but he suddenly changed the subject at a 90-degree right angle and asked what would be good for him.

"If Yan Shao can help us open up the situation in the southern region and gain room for development, we and Yan Shao will be able to rely on each other. No matter what changes we encounter in the future, my teacher will firmly support Yan Shao and become your leader regardless of the reasons for good or evil. The most trustworthy ally. With the Lord of Darkness as the witness, we will never breach the contract."

What he said was beautiful, but Cao Yan heard it with his left ear and heard it with his right ear. He didn't take it seriously at all.

He asked flatly: "And then?"

Bin Suo observed the words and expressions, and complained wildly in his heart: "This kid is so calm...

Tucao is back to Tucao, but he paid more and more attention to Cao Yan, cheered up, and said: "In addition, we are responsible for defending against all attacks from the church that come to harass Yan Shao. Including Yan Shao's... women, we can also Send someone to protect her. Hehe, that is Yan Shao's woman, right? I think Yan Shao is always worried about the people around him even if he is not afraid of attacks from the church.

In this world, no one has more experience in fighting the church than we do. The church is more powerful than us, but it has never been able to completely clear up my teaching because our high-end combat power is no worse than them. Cooperating with us can ensure the safety of Yan Shao and the people around you. and……"

Cao Yan's head was like a computer processor, and he quickly analyzed the pros and cons of cooperating with the Dark Lord Sect, as well as the benefits he could gain.

When Ji Qianshan offered an olive branch to the Dark Bishop Sect and invited them to enter the ancient continent together, it was Cao Yan's proposal. The purpose was to win over the Dark Bishop Sect and lay the groundwork for dealing with the church.

Now that the Lord of Darkness wanted to expand in the southern region, he took the initiative to seek cooperation from Cao Yan. This came earlier than Cao Yan's original plan, but there was no conflict in the general direction.

And the attitudes of various associations towards the Dark Bishop Sect are not exclusive. This can be seen from the cooperation of all parties on the ancient continent.

To understand it in another way, there is no fundamental obstacle to cooperating with the Lord of Darkness, it is feasible and in line with Cao Yan's personal interests.

Of course, in actual operation, there will definitely be obstacles and difficulties, so it depends on the specific situation.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Commander Cao's mind.

Bin Suo said again: "Young Master Yan, if you have any requests, you can bring them up for discussion."

Cao Yan and Bin Suo started muttering in the private room. While muttering, the auction outside had reached a fever pitch, and the price was rising all the way, finally breaking through 500 million. An ancient family in the bag.

This price is actually not high for a World Tree branch.

But on the other hand, a four-foot-one-inch-long branch of the world tree with a thick arm can be sold at this price, which is not low. After all, this is not the branch of the world mother tree in the legend of the green jungle world.

After taking this branch to the central domain, the price may be higher after the hype, but compared with the number of World Tree branches hoarded in Cao Yan's hands, the slight price difference is completely insignificant.

The first lot of the auction was shocking enough, and the subsequent auction sessions naturally attracted much attention.

Leg King Kang Qingyue retrieved most of the precious beasts of high value from the Dragon Beast Museum, including some things that Cao Yan provided to Jiao Muqi, such as many items from the jungle ruins that he followed the association to explore a long time ago, and these Accumulated over a period of time, as well as part of the goods received from Kang Qingyue's ex-boss Guan Qi's house raids, everything that Cao Yan didn't need himself appeared on the auction stage one after another.

over time.

After Cao Yan and Bin Suo finished discussing the matter and returned to the private room where Director Xiao and the others were staying, the auction was drawing to a close.

Cao Yan did a simple mental calculation of the results of this auction, and after confirming that he had earned a fortune, he sat down beside Wang Li in a happy mood.

At this time, Jiao Muqi on the stage took out another thing.

The focus of the audience was attracted again.

Especially in the private room on the third floor, Archbishop Binsuo, who had just finished discussing with Cao Yan, stared intently at the lot that Jiao Muqi took out.

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