Magic Apprentice

Chapter 146: Glorious Day Celebration (6)

The hall was still very noisy. His prince successfully fulfilled his mission, and he made the atmosphere live again.

Those Kaoqi fugitives also felt that what they need most now is not mourning and immersing themselves in the sad memories of the past.

Laughter and playfulness can sweep away the tired look on them, and can make everyone forget the feeling of being far away.

Only An Qili and Mr. Shen Hao were cheering, but they were not worried about the same problem in their hearts.

In addition, there is another person who is very uncomfortable.

That's Enleco as the banquet manager.

Duck dragged him to prevent him from returning to the kitchen. Enleco did not dare to insist too much. He worried that too many disputes would make others pay more attention to him.

The only thing that made Enleco happy was that the coachman Katz looked a little dazed, probably because the thing about the daddy stimulated his nerves.

Even so, Enleco did not dare to dangle in front of Katz because he was worried that Katz could recognize him.

The banquet seemed more and more lively, and the most fierce was the prince, the crown prince of Montyta.

I do n’t know which guy proposed to drink in the competition. In a moment, the church hall became the venue for the competition.

All the venues are inseparable from the players and applauded spectators, and alcohol has increased the degree of madness, making the celebration gradually slip away from the state of being out of control.

In fact, Enleco was always worried, welcoming the celebration that would turn into a pastoral herder, although that would make the atmosphere to the extreme.

However, as a Sophie, he has always been unable to accept the means used by the prairie people to express joy.

In his view, the Montita people obviously do not know how to control, and the Kaoqi people also seem to be not a model of compliance.

The tin wine glasses were thrown to the ground, as if the people drinking in the competition were also throwing empty glasses at the competition.

The table was filled with foam from the ale, and the red-faced big men stood beside the long table.

The power of alcohol made them blush like cooked lobsters, even the neck and the exposed chest were also flushed.

These drunkards have foam in the corners of their mouths, and the empty wine glasses everywhere make their eyes confused.

Suddenly, a person swayed a few times, and then fell down on the long table.

The overturned wine glass spilled the golden yellow ale, and the smoked smell immediately filled the entire auditorium.

These alcoholic tastes made Enleko drunk, but An Qili pulled his arm lightly and intentionally, making him flee.

Enleco did feel a little drunk, but it was not because of alcohol.

There was another loud noise.

In the noise and laughter, the loser was dragged out with all his hands ...

The losers appeared one after another, and Duck also appeared shaky. His last opponent had terrifying power.

Although the two of them were dangling there, although they even had a hard time putting their glasses close to their mouths, both of them persisted to the present, and the other contestants had already fallen to the ground.

The coaxing guys gathered around two people. Several people carried wine glasses full of ale. As soon as the hands of the two people were free, someone immediately put the wine glasses in his hands.

Whether it was Duck or his opponent, the eyes of the two were rounded, but the staring eyes looked distracted and weak.

Their expressions were equally embarrassed.

Sweat ran down his cheeks, his upper body was all stripped, and there was a sparkle on his chest. I didn't know whether it was sweat or flowing ale.

"Another drink, and you will win the drink."

"He has already surpassed you by a cup, hurry up and chase the gap back."

"He's catching up, can't let him catch up, and surpass him."

"Come on, you are overtaken again."

The coaxing sounds were one after another.

At this moment for everyone, the game has no meaning. They are obviously interested in the appearance of the loser falling down.

"Well, it's a man. This cup really gave us all a good fight." The coaxer cheered, and the inspired challenger showed an idiot-like smile.

"His prince, are you going to admit defeat?"

The coaxers immediately turned their spears towards Duck, while Duck's mouth was looking for traces of wine glasses everywhere, and the swaying wine glasses poured golden yellow liquor.

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the challenger who had just taken the lead still fell to the ground with that idiot-like smile.

This time, Dakke showed a smile, which also had a trace of idiocy.

Pour that glass of wine into his mouth, and most of the syrup flows down his neck to his chest. Now Duck has no trace of being a prince. He looks more breathless than a dead dog.

"I won."

Duck vaguely rolled out the victory preaching, and his idiotic expression made him feel no victor.

Shakyly wanted to turn around, the crowd beside him immediately held him firmly, the brave man on the wine table must not fall down, otherwise the previous competition would be meaningless.

"my little sister."

He suddenly hugged An Qili's shoulders, breathing alcohol in his mouth, "I am-fairly-powerful-right!"

A white ray of light rose from An Qili's palm, and she gently pressed her glowing palm to her brother's forehead.

An Qili didn't know whether this was useful, but what she was worried about was not whether the magic of hangover would succeed, because there was no question at all.

What she was worried about was the mysterious spell drawn by her mother on her palm, which should be a hypnotic magic with little effect.

However, An Qili didn't know what role this could play. She was only doing so according to the instructions of her mother.

Duck, who had been crumbling, suddenly had a series of hiccups, and the heavy alcoholic smell made everyone standing beside him dizzy.

However, the sacred magic of hangover obviously played a certain role. The brazen drinker's eyes became much clearer, although the red wine tide on his face has not subsided, but the original confused and scattered eyes There is a trace of radiance.

"Thank you—thank you, my dear good—good sister—I—now—already—well sober—.”

Duck's tongue was still not very flexible. After all, divine magic could only make the drunk guy a little more awake.

Having just said this, Duck suddenly rushed towards the front, this unexpected change was definitely not expected by Anji's legs.

Enleco, who had been standing next to him, was quick-witted, and he held up the brave drunk who was troublesome.

At this moment, Enleco was more convinced of one thing. The drink of alcohol was the source of all evil, and he even wondered in his heart that this thing might come from Most's evil brain.

While Enleko was thinking about it, he felt that the mask that had been covering his face had been ripped off by the drunken man in his arms.

"Did—what--all day--wear--this thing?" The drunkard threw his hand, and the mask floated away.

Enleco hurriedly covered his face, but at that moment, there was a harsh scream.

"My supreme father God-my God." Another old voice came from the crowd.

Now, Enleco knew that he could no longer cover his face.

With a long sigh, he lowered his hand covering his face and glanced around to find the person who recognized himself.

There was another scream, and the man who screamed this time raised his arm. It was a little girl, and there was no memory of her in Enleco's brain.

The raised arm made everyone aware of the presence of Enleco,

All of a sudden, there was no sound in the auditorium.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Enleco, and countless eyes stared at him carefully.

There are also An Qili's eyes, but unlike others, her eyes are full of deep apologies.

She blamed herself for her despicableness, and she regretted her almost framed behavior.

An Qili felt that guilt was like thorns and poisonous weeds in her heart.

She suddenly felt that she used to be just a hypocritical villain, and her so-called belief in the gods only made her wear a saint's coat.

At the beginning of the court, he once accused Le Kres seriously, but now he thinks he has no such qualifications.

Although An Qili's heart is full of guilt, her dedication to justice and truth, as well as the teachings of the gods that she followed since childhood, obviously cannot withstand the magic cast by the **** of love.

When he first heard the name Enleco, An Qili was deeply absorbed by the series of miracles

She was fascinated by everything in County Strell, and wished she could go there to see the place known as the blessing place of the gods, see first-hand that there is no hierarchy, no barriers, everyone can live in harmony, peaceful and peaceful The world living together.

All of this could only have appeared in paradise and people ’s dreams, but now that paradise has come to earth, the dream has become a reality. There is nothing more than this that can ensure the safety of serving the gods from childhood. Li, I feel longing and intoxicated.

At that time, the name Enleco appeared in An Qili's sight with a series of miracles, and the name was deeply imprinted on top of each miracle.

The great wise man, the wise prophet, and countless people praised the name with praise, and over time, An Qili's heart, which was never shaken by anyone, exposed such an inconspicuous gap.

But at the beginning, An Qili did not find this change herself. It was the hard-won holy scripture that completely opened her heart.

This is a holy book that has gone through countless twists and turns and took a lot of effort to get everything done, making An Qili intoxicated.

Every word written above seems to An Qili to be a living pulse of wisdom.

Compared with the little thing inherited from the knowledge of the God of Wisdom, these wisdoms are amiable, and in An Qili's view, there is a deep affection embodies in it.

That is a pity for the weak, a wisdom full of tenderness and compassion.

Every time she held the thick sacrament in her hand and read the text above, her heart deepened a bit of longing and longing for the prophet Enleco.

Unconsciously, the longing turned into warmth, and the desire became love, and the **** of love cast magic on her heart.

This unexpected discovery once caused An Qili to panic, and hesitation and hesitation made her heart shake.

There is only one reason she can use to calm her mood. There is a vast and boundless world, and there is very little chance that she meets the prophet Enleco.

This reason restored her mood to tranquility, and also allowed her to defend the oath she had once made.

But the **** of destiny is to play tricks on her in this way, cut off thousands of mountains and rivers, and cross the vast grasslands, and Enleco, whom she admires, will appear in front of her.

At this moment, An Qili's heart was uneasy, her body trembling unconsciously, it was the trembling of joy, but it was also full of irrepressible fear and worry.

At this moment, An Qili hoped that the gods would give her courage, but the gods did not respond to her request.

An Qili stood there stunned, this was the only thing she could do, only a little courage left in her heart.

Enleco stood there in a daze, but in fact it was also his only courage.

Although he had imagined countless possibilities of exposing his identity before this, there has never been any trace of drunkenness in these assumptions.

Suddenly, Enleco felt extremely hate drinking, wine is really not a good thing, and in Enleco's view, wine seems to have a very close relationship with doom, every time you have a relationship with wine, doom will immediately With it.

Glancing at the shocked faces around him, Enleco immediately felt a headache.

There is really no worse way to disassemble the identity, and it is too late to run away now.

And it's even more impossible to get through the customs. Those Kaoqi fugitives are definitely the most powerful witnesses.

Another reason for Enleco's despair is that he has seen Katz and Palo among the crowd.

There was a hint of enthusiasm in their eyes, for Enleco, it was a long-lost look.

No one knows better than Enleco, and wants to convince these two people that they are not how difficult Enleco will be.

Coach Kaz is more familiar with himself, and Enleco believes that Kaz can recognize it just by looking at his back

The Hammer Perot has a nearly blind enthusiasm for himself. If he wants to persuade him, it may be far more difficult to persuade the simple and simple chauffeur Katz.

While Enleco frowned, thinking of the countermeasure, suddenly, he saw the hammer Hammer Paero rushed in front of him.

"Praise for the Supreme Father, he will never cause his most steadfast believers to suffer, Master Enleco, our greatest prophet, presumably you are on the orders of the Father to save us the gods of the believers messenger."

With that said, Mr. Hammer held Enleco's arm tightly, and there were tears on his face, and numerous wrinkles suddenly added to his forehead.

Among those onlookers, nearly half of the people's faces showed confusion and doubt.

They didn't know why their companions showed the expression of astonishment to the teenager in front of them.

But at the moment when he heard the name Enleco, the uncontrollable shock seemed like a terrible and powerful storm on the grassland, sweeping through everyone's mind.

For those who were shocked and inexplicable at first, Master Hammer's words still shocked them. The original suspicion became a sure thing, but the huge contrast still made them stunned.

However, what surprised everyone even more was Lord Hammer ’s sobbing complaint, listening to his old tears grabbing Master Enleco ’s arm and telling the plight they encountered.

The cry of the hammer Hammer Paero did not panic these fugitives, because it was the most wise prophet who stood in front of them.

In fact, the only thing that worries these fugitives is whether the prophet is willing to help them.

There are two diametrically opposed rumors about this once-sent boss and the most prestigious wise prophet.

In fact, unlike several other legendary characters, the prophet is not entirely sacred.

At least in the mouths of many goddess of life and believers in military gods, this infinitely wise adult is an unbeliever who arrogantly desecrates the gods.

Although the truth was spread and proclaimed from his mouth, the goddess of life and the believer in the military **** were convinced that the adult himself did not believe in these truths.

Similarly, these people are also convinced that there is no such thing as compassion and mercy in the heart of this prophet.

Those who truly possess these virtues are Miss Feinaxia and Miss Bertina. Without these two real angels, miracles will never come to earth.

Of course, there is another view.

The heart of the Prophet is full of kindness and love. The majority of people who have such thoughts in County Struer are the vast majority, because the respected Mr. Bis, in the note that was included in the Holy Scripture Full of respect for the Prophet.

However, despite the different opinions, there is one thing that is absolutely certain, that is, everyone is convinced that there is absolutely no problem in the world that the Prophet cannot solve.

All the people stared closely at Enleco, and their hearts were full of anticipation and tension.

Enleco himself had a headache, and this unexpected change made him unable to escape.

Especially when he heard that Shen Hao Pai Luo talked about Xiao Yun's experience, this news made him particularly worried.

Xiaoyun is a very good girl, and from her body, she can even see Daddy Dato's figure.

Enleco wanted to be able to save her from suffering, and the memories of the scene where she first met her in Chengdaville appeared again in front of her.

At the moment when he was hesitant, suddenly, there was a loud noise from a distance.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a coincidence." An old voice interrupted the cry of Master Hammer.

The onlookers separated towards the sides, and a familiar old man appeared in front of Enleco.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" An Qili asked in surprise.

But she immediately had a clear answer in her mind, which must be the mother's arrangement, because Grandpa was undoubtedly the most suitable person to leave Enleco.

An Qili knows what kind of wisdom Grandpa has, in her view, her grandpa is like that very rare grassland fox.

Grandpa has the wisdom and cunning that most Montitas do not have, and a moment ago, An Qili suddenly discovered that her mother actually inherited this trait.

An Qili even doubted whether she had such a retribution, or she would not frame Enleco in this way, nor would she play tricks on her brother.

At this moment, An Qili's heart was uneasy, and the same was true for Enleco around her.

In fact, since the court decision, he has been extremely vigilant about the former king, lest he fall into the trap he once again set.

And now he suddenly appeared here, which could no longer cause Enlec's suspicion again.

The only thing that convinced him was that Duck would never frame himself.

In the very moment just before, Enleko used spiritual magic to explore Duck's memory.

This made him feel very uneasy, because this obviously violated his undecided determination, and even more disturbing was that he found no trace of falsehood in Duck's memory.

Duck's trust and respect for himself came from the heart, and this sincerity moved him even more.

Enleco looked at the old man in confusion.

"Please be quiet, if I didn't tell the attendants to seal this place and the square tightly, everyone's noise may have alarmed all the people in the cloud city.

I think all of you should be very clear, what does it mean that Mr. Enleco stands here at this moment?

I believe that your original emperor, His Majesty, can certainly think of this, and what this means for you, I think I will not say it, you can also imagine. "

The old man said slowly, saying that he turned his head to look at Enlecco with interest.

Enlecco looked at the old man up and down with hair all over, which was really terrible.

"I have to say that you brought me too much surprise. When I first saw your lord, I already felt that you are definitely not an ordinary person. I did not expect you to be so extraordinary. I really want to know that you still I'm hiding something. I won't be surprised if there are any more miracles in your body. "The old man said with a smile.

Suddenly, his eyes swept to An Qili, who was beside Enleco, and his granddaughter's blank and confused look clearly showed him how to understand.

This is something that my daughter never told me. It is simply an incredible thing that my granddaughter, who is more stubborn than her daughter, actually has a sweetheart.

The old man involuntarily glanced at Enleco again. Obviously for the old man, this was another unexpected miracle.

However, the old man is very willing to see the miracle happen.

Whether it is for the kingdom of Montyta, or for his stubborn and deviating granddaughter who deviates from the tradition of Montyta, it is a great thing.

Suddenly, the old man was very happy, as if he had been puzzled by his countless problems for a long time, and suddenly he was cheerful in this moment.

"I have a proposal, everyone to see if it can be accepted." The old man said with a smile.

Only Enleco, who had been victimized by it, noticed that some of the old fox's deceit was hidden in this smile.

Enleco has long been convinced that the old man is the same person as Joe, they have the same perseverance and cunning, in fact, in many ways these two guys are exactly the same.

The two of them also spare no effort to discover talents, and the close relationship between the two and the people is almost the same.

However, Enleco also knows one thing. In order to retain the talents they fancy, these two cunning guys also do their best.

The original defense that made him self-inflicted was undoubtedly able to explain the problem.

After a lot of conspiracies and tricks, Enleco is no longer a dazed boy who does not know the world. He has already guessed that the reason why the old man framed himself is probably to create a master of his advanced martial arts. Stay in the city of the clouds, stay in the kingdom of Montitar.

Although he knew this well, Enleco could not be angry about it.

This is because the first thing is wrong with him. After all, stealing is a crime. After all, he is not as moral and indifferent to the law as Zhen Lisi.

On the other hand, it is because he can fully feel the good intentions of the old man.

In addition, the peace and tranquility found by An Jiteng left him quickly dissatisfied.

But he, who had suffered a lot, was full of vigilance for this amiable old man.

"Everyone, I hope you can keep this secret. I will try to find a relatively isolated residence for you, where it will become your most peaceful and peaceful temporary kingdom of freedom, where you will not have to be afraid from His Majesty Kaoqi Persecution, you can choose your own guard to protect your peace. "The old man said rhetorically.

Hearing this remark, most people nodded again and again, only the Mr. Shen Hao, An Qili and Enleco guessed the real intention of the old man.

At this moment, Enleco had to admire the old man's brilliance, he was definitely an out-and-out old fox.

What he said undoubtedly made these Kaoqi fugitives voluntarily close themselves, which at least cut off the rumors and made it difficult for Hocols III to plot.

Similarly, this also isolates the many suspicions and panic that may arise between the Kaoqi and Monti people.

One of the most sensible things is that the old man did this unconsciously, and he made the Kaoqi fugitives naturally accept the proposal, and even regarded the proposal as their own will.

Being able to explain the self-captivity of losing liberty as defending one ’s own interests, decorating the de facto large cage with the kingdom of freedom, all of which shows that the old man possesses a genius-like cunning wisdom, and Enleco even doubts that the old man I have also received the true biography of the evil monster Most.

Although he knew this, Enleco did not intend to break it.

Because all that the old man said is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice, all he can do is to make the prison look better.

"What you said is true. I think what we fugitives really need is a relatively closed world. As you said, we can create our own free kingdom in this world." Luo said quickly.

He was also very clear that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the fugitives he led to accept this proposal logically.

"We all have to remember one more thing. Lord Enleco's news in the Kingdom of Montyta can never be revealed from anyone's mouth."

Speaking of which, Shen Hao Pa Luo glanced at everyone solemnly, "Everyone must remember how we lost our respectful Dad Dato, the base shameless conspiracy and the unpredictable vicious assassination, always Kaao Two things loved by the odd king. "

Lord Hammer's words made everyone nod again and again, obviously he was no longer the strange "masons" that no one could see and laughed at.

The change of the Sword Hammer Paero made Enleco feel unexpected, but everything Paero said really tightened his heart.

The thrilling scene that was attacked in County Strell once again appeared before him.

In fact, if he had n’t been lucky enough to meet Milinda, who was also traveling around, I am afraid he had already followed Daddy Dato's world and left the world.

Although Enleko now has absolute confidence in his skill, even if Hagero is standing in front of him, he will no longer feel afraid and scared as before.

However, Enleko still lacked confidence and was able to withstand the unpredictable assassination.

Unless, as he used to, for every stranger who is close to himself, he uses spiritual magic to find out if he is hostile.

However, since the accidental change in the Kingdom of Reading, Enleco has increasingly hated the use of spiritual magic to spy on others' memories.

What's more, he now knows clearly that the soul **** Mostka Somires is a counterfeit deity, whose true face is an evil magic disease.

The purpose of this guy posing as a **** is to seduce mankind into depravity, and the spiritual magic it left behind is undoubtedly the source of depravity and the root of sin.

As soon as he thought of this, Enleco felt hesitant. He didn't want to talk about being the devil's accomplice and the evil spirit's running dog again.

Just as everyone stood there silently, thinking about their future and what might happen in the future, suddenly a series of noisy bells interrupted their thinking.

The ringing bells were mixed with incomparable panic and unstoppable fear.

Even Duck, who was originally groggy, jumped in shock when he heard the noisy bell. His face was full of surprise and terror.

The same shocks and fears were also revealed on the face of the old man and An Qili. In fact, every Montatian in the auditorium had the same expression.

Enlek could even clearly feel that An Qili was holding him tightly, as if there was an unimaginable fear in her heart.

This fear made her tremble, which was obviously a trembling from the heart.

"Wolf pack." An Qili said softly.

Her face was pale and there was no trace of blood, as if she had just woken up from a terrible nightmare.

"Did the smells lead the wolves here?" Sword Hammer asked Luo with a bloodless face. At this moment, he had already become a startled bird.

"Even if it wasn't for those smells, the wolf pack appeared near Grant, it must have been the result of someone arranging in secret.

For hundreds of years, we have followed the instructions given to us by Saint Holly. Within a hundred miles of Grant, there were absolutely no hares that could feed the wolves. This made Grant City never suffer from wolves for hundreds of years. Group attack. Said the old man, he spoke quickly, and his eyes were fixed on Enleco.

In fact, the same is true for An Qili. At this moment, Enleco, who has the title of Prohibition Mage, is obviously the only savior in the eyes of everyone.

Enleco knew he was in trouble again.

But before that he was in trouble, and it would be nothing to add more trouble.

What's more, if he pretends to be a ghost, and appears in front of the Montita as a saint, perhaps the reputation of the holy saint can save him from other people's calculations.

In fact, Enleco is most worried about the old man in front of him-An Qili's grandfather.

This cunning old man is definitely a stranger among the simple and kind Monti people.

In addition to the old man's reasons, An Qili's gaze standing next to him also made Enleco uncertain.

There was no pleading look in An Qili's eyes, only some firm and persistent trust, and a little admiration.

Enleco is no stranger to such a look. When he was in County Strell, the people who waited long in front of the hotel and waited for the treatment of Bertina were such a look.

That is absolute trust and admiration!

It was this look that led Bertina to finally give up her magician status and regain her faith, becoming the most steadfast believer of the gods.

And myself, although far more than Bertina in terms of fame and status, but no one has ever looked at himself with such eyes.

Even for those magicians who have been taught by themselves, for them, they are just a powerful and omniscient instructor, maybe there is still a little bit of danger, just like themselves, Kate, Bertina and Jerry treated Teacher Chris like that.

Looking at An Qili's eyes, Enleco now finally understands why Bertina was so addicted. This feeling of full of sincere trust is really great.

Not only that, Enleco even felt a touch of warmth, and the deep affection hidden under the warmth.

He knew very well that An Qili's affection for himself.

When they met for the first time, An Qili, who did not yet know her true identity, inadvertently expressed her longing and desire for herself.

Now Enleco is no longer the ignorant "child".

He was able to distinguish the hidden things in the longing and the longing.

Nodding towards everyone, Enleco walked to the door.

Standing above the empty square, he looked up at the sky.

I saw dozens of magicians floating in the boundless sky. There were also magicians rising from the city in the cloud, and they gathered in the center of the sky.

Suddenly, another team of magicians rose, and six magicians were arranged in a triangular array.

Although far away from here, Enleco clearly felt the dense magical energy emitted from these magicians.

Especially for the first one, the magic that she possesses seems to Enleco, second only to the big stupid bear in the Kingdom of Kaoqi.

I saw that the magician was wearing a long skirt, which was definitely not the costume of the woman in the kingdom of Montitar.

She rose straight against the sun, and the sun shone on her, reflecting a little golden light.

Without any doubt, Enleko immediately confirmed that the man was Ahn'Qili's mother, the queen of the Monti Kingdom, and the great magician, Cecilia.

Seeing this and this situation, Enleco had to admit that it was not unreasonable that the great magister Sisilia was called the goddess of protection by the people of the Monti Steppe.

This look is indeed full of solemn and sacred style, and only the natural exuding momentum makes him a bystander involuntarily produce a small and insignificant feeling.

Enleko secretly cried in the bottom of his heart.

He feels that he obviously overestimates himself, and forgets that the great mages are not ordinary people. In addition to the powerful strength they have, they often have an extinction that matches their reputation. wisdom.

As a woman, she can be among the ranks of first-level magicians. Enleco believes that they must surpass other great magicians in terms of wisdom.

In fact, among the women he has seen, all who have reached this level are all obedient characters.

The first is Chris, who was, is and is still his eternal nightmare in the foreseeable future.

And the general seat of the Kingdom of Redding, this mysterious woman standing on the double peak of power and power, makes Enleco dare not even think about it, even as long as there is a little connection with that woman, Can make him feel creepy, including her daughter.

In front of him, whether the Queen Montita was also a terrible figure, Enleco had no grasp in his heart.

However, from the blood lineage inherited by this queen, from the cunning and wiseness of her former king's father, it is very likely that this queen is also a character who is not very good to provoke.

But when it comes to pedigree, Enleco can't help but think of Duck and An Qili.

Duck apparently had nothing to do with cunning and conspiracy, and An Qili was simply an angel. Even if he doubted her, he caused a great sense of guilt in Enleco's heart.

Think of it this way, maybe Sisilia is really a goddess-like figure.

However, no matter whether the great magician is a goddess or a witch who looks like a goddess, he must have the courage to face it.

Suddenly, Enleco felt very strange, why did he choose to face Sisilia?

With his previous personality, at this moment he should first think of how to escape.

Could it be that the two little guys changed themselves.

Suddenly, An Qili's face appeared in his mind, perhaps this is the real reason.

But this reason is obviously very absurd.

Enlek didn't even dare to think about it, once Kris knew what it would be like.

But there is no doubt that it will be a terrible disaster.

Enleco seemed to see himself suffering in the deepest part of hell, and his teacher and wife were chatting happily with the devil.

Perhaps it was more correct to escape, Enleco glanced behind him.

An Qili's persistent and warm eyes made him completely dismiss the idea.

Die if you die!

There must be some struggle in life, and Enleco suddenly thought of this idea that had never happened before.

He flew towards the sky.

In the air, all the magicians are on their own, and they look at the distance with a solemn look.

From the east, southeast and south, a beacon was born, and the beacon was standing between the sky and the earth.

The loud bells beneath the feet rang together, and that was the warning of the impending wolves.

The herdsmen who had been immersed in tremendous joy were already shrouded in fear and grief at this moment.

These grassland people who never refused to leave the grassland and the cattle and sheep now left everything behind and crowded toward the city in the cloud with panic.

There are crowds of people on the street. Although all the gates of the city in the cloud are all open, it is not possible to get all the people to enter.

"How long will the wolf pack arrive?" A middle-aged magician asked.

"An hour or two."

Another magician said: "Andrew has gone to check, but his report is probably not optimistic. This time the wolf attack must have been intentional by the Kaoqi people.

According to Andrew, at least six or seven wolves tribes were gathered near Grant. If it was not because the search team accidentally discovered one of the tribes, they might attack at night. At that time, the situation was for us. Will be even more unfavorable. "

"So what should we do now? I am afraid that it is not easy to deal with six or seven wolves with our power. Now this season, the grass cannot be burned. The spreading grassland fire is the best way to eliminate these wolves "A young magician asked, he was clearly not a Monti.

Because of this, his words just fell, and immediately caused the neighbors who grew up on the prairie to Monta magician glare.

Let the fire devour the grasslands that nurtured them. In the eyes of the Montatians, this is obviously an unforgivable crime. Even if such a thought arises, they can hate them.

But these Montyta magicians did not dare to speak out the anger in their hearts directly. This is because the person who said this stupid thing was their senior and they were also half teachers.

Also because of their supreme queen and great Sant, they are beside them.

To everyone's surprise, the queen never said a word, and her attention was not in the direction of the wolves' attack.

Looking down on the queen's eyes, a boy floated in the distance.

Based on his age, he should be just a magic apprentice, even if he is not, he is at most a next magician.

"Who is that? Which disciple is he? Why have I never seen him?" A magician asked.

"I haven't seen it. I believe no one here has seen him. This teenager is obviously a stranger. Is it that he attracted wolves?" A magician next to him murmured to himself.

"This kind of guessing is totally unreasonable. A spy shouldn't have to expose himself like this." Another magician shook his head.

"It's not a time for random guessing. It's best to put all your thoughts on how to deal with the wolves." One of the five magicians beside Sisilia following the big magic guide screamed in anger.

He clearly has a place in the Montitar Kingdom.

Hearing this rebuke, all the magicians were silent, and no one dared to speak indiscriminately.

On the contrary, Sisilia, who was always silent, spoke.

"Everyone doesn't have to panic like this, there is that person here, and there is no difficulty in destroying the wolves." Sisilia said indifferently.

The queen's words obviously surprised everyone, but the next sentence made them all understand.

Seeing Cicilia frown, as if muttering to herself.

"I hope this guy won't cast any banned spells. I don't want this grassland to be too seriously injured in this spring's most fertile season."

If anyone else was at a loss about the queen ’s self-confidence just now, then these words would clearly blow away the last trace of confusion.

The forbidden curse was originally considered by the world to be the power that the gods forbid humans to make the curse magic reappear in this world. This was originally regarded as one of the greatest achievements of the ancient magic empire.

However, even the ancient magic empire did not create several banned magic masters. The number of banned magic masters has been so rare for thousands of years.

However, in the world today, there are two forbidden magic masters, one of whom happens to be a teenager.

All the magicians looked at the distance in a daze. There were countless surprises and doubts in their hearts. They did not know why this legendary teenager appeared here.

Another reason that shocked them was that the teenager looked so young. Although his age was already known to them, suddenly seeing him personally still shocked them.

What kind of genius can have such a reputation at this age?

What is the reason for such an incredible miracle?

There was still a trace of suspicion in the minds of those Montyta magicians, but Master Sophie Salt did not have much suspicion, because many of them had seen another genius, and they also had amazing achievements at a young age. .

And that genius is the teacher of the genius boy in front of him, so it seems reasonable to think of his arrogance and his miraculous achievements.

Just when everyone was surprised, they saw the young man floating in the air in front of him, and had already moved.

No one knows what will happen.

However, all the magicians involuntarily added a guardian of wind to their bodies. This is the only magic that they can cast in the air and have the protective ability.

A brilliant golden light shot straight from the sky towards the earth.

The piece of golden light flowed like a liquid, flowing in all directions.

Just as everyone looked at all this with surprise, in the golden light, the figures of countless soldiers appeared in front of them.

Those warriors have the strongest and most burly physique. They are dressed in golden armor, and the long swords in their hands shine in the sun with a golden cold awn.

The golden light that flows like liquid flows around the city of Grant ~ ~ like a wide moat, guarding the entire Grant City firmly.

Those golden warriors that emerged from the golden light formed a huge and infinite army.

At a glance, the bottom of the feet seemed to be a golden ocean, and the little golden cold flashes on the long sword seemed to be the waves of the ocean.

"Hori the Great Saint."

I don't know who it was, and the first one said the name.

But obviously there is not only one person who has such a thought.

Suddenly the sound of praise to Holy Man Holi resounded throughout the city in the cloud.

The herdsmen, who had been horrified and dragged their daughters with grief towards the entrance to the city in the cloud, suddenly burst into relief on their faces.

The smile also contained infinite admiration, and that look was more than the stare of Stryre County staring at Bertina.

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