Magic Apprentice

Chapter 144: Glorious Day Celebration (4)

The arrival of the Kaoqi people did not cast a discordant shadow on the Glorious Day celebration as Enleco expected.

In addition to the simplicity and tolerance of the Monti people, it is also related to the believers of the goddess of life.

In Enleco's view, these believers in the goddess of life are still as stubborn and unreasonable as he had originally seen them before, but they obviously have a great appetite for the Montitans.

But what really made them popular among the Montitas was probably the magical power they possessed to heal injuries and their extremely brilliant medical skills.

Looking at the skillful medical skills of the believers of the Goddess of Life and the skills of the proper divine magic, Enleco believes that since he and Bertina left Stryre County, the believers of these Goddess of Life must have made great progress.

Their fanatical beliefs and dedication give them incomparable rewards, something that no pope can do.

Looking at their fanaticism, Enleco believes that they call themselves the people of the most devout gods, and there is absolutely no exaggeration.

And Enlek is convinced that all this must be inextricably linked to the "spiritual storm".

In fact, almost every believer in the goddess of life proudly declared to their new friend Montyta that they had witnessed the miracle of the gods.

Whenever this is mentioned, Enleco is most embarrassed, because the Montita people will also talk about the coming of the Holy Man Hori with the same pious and sincere expression.

Driving a golden carriage in the blue sky, bringing prosperity to the grassland and making the Monti people out of suffering, Hori, and the aura of angels, standing behind the powerful and powerful forbidden mage attendant, raised high With both hands, the goddess came to the world and became the most prominent person in the topic.

Starting at noon, the Montitas arrived in batches, one after another. Enleco seemed acquainted with some of them, but he was not sure, because when he was in County Strell, he and the believers in the goddess of life both hated each other of.

He secretly believes that the believers of the goddess of life are blind religious fanatics, while the devout believers regard him as an unbelief and a blasphemous guy.

Although they have not reached the level of mutual hatred and old death, both of them try to avoid each other as much as possible.

Because of this, Enleko's impression of the believers in these goddess of life is extremely vague.

But everyone except him is obviously extremely excited about this, especially An Qili.

What surprised Enleko was that An Qili looked very excited, as if she had seen something miraculous in person.

Could it be the side effects caused by the advent of the Holy Man?

Or did An Qili learn from these believers of the goddess of life about her deeds in County Strell?

Enlecco cannot make a conclusion about this.

While the Montitas were celebrating the arrival of their Kaoqi friends, and while everyone was celebrating this unprecedented glorious day celebration, Enleko was hiding in his room.

He was listening to the little golden thing explaining the knowledge of the God of Wisdom sealed in her brain-the methods on how to obtain eternal life.

For Enlecco, the law of immortality is obviously not as magical as other magicians think. He easily understands everything the little things say, and sometimes he has n’t even waited for the little things to say what follows. With his previous understanding of magic, Enleco has made the correct reasoning.

As the two men spoke up, An Qili's call interrupted their topic.

Back in the shrine, all the clergymen had already gathered there. In the center stood An Qili. Unlike in the past, today An Qili took off the robe of the priest and put on a gorgeous dress. Wearing a crown on his head is proof of the royal family.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, An Qili said excitedly: "You guys, after a while there will be many guests. They have experienced countless hardships and hardships along the way to come here. I hope everyone in this package will be able to Receiving them warmly with the most sincere emotions.

I hope to hold a grand banquet to celebrate their arrival, which is to catch up with them and thank them for their generous and selfless gifts, and thank them for their miracles. "

"Okay, okay, I like parties."

The little golden thing fluttered, flapping its wings and said happily.

But she and An Qili were obviously not the same. Obviously, what she really was interested in was the excitement, not the distinguished guests from afar.

"Le Kreis, please wait a minute to help you entertain. Only you know the preferences and customs of the Kaoqi people best. I will ask my father to appoint some servants. You will take charge of the banquet." Lecco said softly.

Enleko originally intended to make an excuse to refuse, but An Qili's soft-spoken request made him feel exhausted. Enlaiko could not have the courage to let the rejected words come out.

"Well, I will do my best to entertain those VIPs." Enleco said disgustingly.

"Thank you, Le Kres."

An Qili held Enleco's hands excitedly, and the latter's heart was regretting.

"I want to arrange the banquet in the auditorium. All the corridors and squares outside can be furnished with tables and chairs. This time the number of Kaoqi who fled Montita is really amazing."

An Qili said: "On behalf of my father, I will treat these distinguished guests from afar with the most solemn courtesy."

"Did you say, your father, Your Majesty the King did not entertain these Kaoqi people?" Enleko said puzzledly.

"For these VIPs from far away, what they need most is adequate sleep and cultivation and treatment. The long journey will exhaust their physical strength, and the arduous migration life in the grassland makes them physically and mentally sick and sick, not to mention The last group of people just arrived late last night. "An Qili sighed heavily.

Suddenly, her expression became excited again, only to see that she once again grabbed Enleco's hand and said, "But this time it was really fortunate. The believers of the goddess of life came to our monte prairie, they were The most devout believers, they are favored by the goddess of life, the strength of each of them is so extraordinary.

‘What ’s more gratifying is that they brought great miracles, and the most amazing thing is that they brought them here, turned out to be the great Holy Horror!

If it were not for the miracle of Holy Horror, it would be far easier than it is now to make the Montaites accept our Kaoqi neighbors.

And even if our VIPs were just wronged, it would make me feel deeply disappointed. The holy saint Hori obviously foresees all this. He came to the earth again to eliminate the Monti people ’s aimlessness towards Kaoqi. Hatred and extremes. ’

An Qili didn't find out that every word she said made Enleco self-confident. Whether it was a great miracle or Holy Holy, he felt uncomfortable.

Enlecke couldn't help but want to escape again, but this time he wanted to escape is Angelique's praise to himself.

‘I ’m going to arrange it immediately. When are you going to entertain those VIPs of Kaoqi? Enleco quickly turned the subject around, which would make him feel better.

‘How about noon? Let the banquet last until the evening, which is the most solemn tribute to the Monty Steppe. An Qili said with a smile.

‘Do you want to arrange a seat for His Majesty the King? Is your mother Queen Cisilia attending? Enleco asked again.

'The leader of the fugitive of the Kingdom of Kaoqi talked to my father very late last night. He did not want the Kingdom of Montita to intervene too much in this matter. He hoped that my father would treat them as a group of asylum seekers. Rather than as an elite that allows Montita to prosper.

The leader did not even want the Kaoqi people to live in the city of clouds, which would bring them a lot of doubts and suspicions, and the most deadly doubts came from the Kaoqi Kingdom.

He was worried that once the court ministers thought they were helping Montita to become stronger, neither for them as fugitives nor for the kingdom of Montita would be a matter of luck. An Qili frowned.

So your father hopes that you can represent him and pay tribute to all the fugitives who came to Montita? Enleko asked.

"Yes, in addition to my brother, he is more qualified to represent my father." An Qili said.

"There are my other brothers and sisters who will sit in the middle of the distinguished guests of Kaoqi. My father hopes to let these guests feel respect and the warmth of the family and the enthusiasm of friends."

Suddenly An Qili looked at Enleco and said with a sincere expression: "There is one more thing I hope you can help me."

"No matter what it is, I will do my best."

Enlecco didn't even want to say it immediately, and after he had spoken, he realized how bad it was.

However, the happy smile on An Qili's face made Enleco feel that everything had been paid off, and the trace of hesitation disappeared without a trace.

"I really hope you can give my mother full help. You are an expert in forging objects. Although there are several skilled craftsmen in the city of clouds, everyone agrees that you have the deepest forging and metal understanding."

For Enqili's plea, Enleco could not refuse at all, he could only nod his head daringly,

But he didn't know, what is the great magician Sisilia to forge, is it a powerful magic weapon? Or is it an amazing weapon?

At the same time, from the depths of his heart, he really wanted to see the great wizard of Sisilia. For Enleco, she seemed to be a legend.

Enlecke really wanted to know what kind of a woman looks like when she was hated by her teacher and wife Kris.

I really want to know which talent is the real Sisilia, the real Montyta woman who has set off a **** storm in An Qili's mouth, or the beautiful and strong person from a foreign country he has heard since childhood Her Royal Highness.

Enlecco nodded once again. He could only nod because he did not dare to make any promises. He was worried that he would fall deep into his promise to An Qili and could not extricate himself.

"Thank you Le Kress, but I can't repay your generosity." An Qili said slowly.

As an organizer, Enleco is definitely not qualified, he obviously did not get the commanding style of command from Most.

When I was in County Strell, it was Dad Dato who was in charge of the overall situation. Dad seemed to be a natural commander. Whether it was commanding ability or prestige, everyone admired and admired them. Of course, these people also included grace. Lecco himself.

After the death of the father, the Mr. Bis inherited his father's ambition. Although he did not have the talent of commander, and his prestige was far less noble than that of the father, he made up for all the deficiencies with great enthusiasm.

Enleco himself enjoys leisure from beginning to end. Although all kinds of genius ideas come from his mind, he has never personally directed others to achieve any of them.

This guy who had no commanding ability at all was in a hurry now. An Qili equipped him with fifty men, but Enleco felt too busy.

The servants also complained secretly, because they were busy with their feet on the ground for a while, and they were free for a while to do nothing.

The incompetent manager and the servants who secretly complained in their hearts had been busy all morning before the banquet was barely arranged decently.

Eight long dining tables were placed in the auditorium. The table was covered with snow-white tablecloths. A candlestick was placed every one meter on the dining table, but these candlesticks were not useful at noon.

The cutlery has been placed neatly and neatly, and the knives, forks and spoons are prepared according to the habits of the Kaoqi people. All of these are the ideas of Enleco. The children of the grassland have the most flexible cutlery on their right hand.

There are * back seats on both sides of the long table, because the same styles are not together at one time, so the seats placed here are absolutely colorful.

In front of the auditorium is a long row of tables, which are the seats for the most prominent figures.

Enleko regretted that he did not ask An Qili just now, who is the leader of the fugitives?

There are also two long tables in the hallway at the entrance of the auditorium, but the seats here are a little crowded. In addition, there are no tablecloths or candlesticks on the dining table, and frugal benches replace the * back seats.

The torches diagonally inserted on both sides of the corridor obviously replaced the role of candlesticks, and the bonfires on the square gave it a different atmosphere.

The square was covered with carpets, just like the celebrations of the herdsmen on the grassland. Six bonfires were raised in the center of the square, and various barbecue materials were placed beside the bonfire.

The waiter with a knife and fork stood on both sides, and the food that took time was already resting on the grill above the campfire.

As a foodie who likes to travel, Enleco ordered a menu that in his opinion would satisfy everyone.

The only one who was dissatisfied was probably the chefs of Montyta. A lot of food was unheard of for them, and Enleco had to give temporary guidance.

Enleco's ability to teach cooking is obviously far more than his achievements when he taught those magicians in Chengdaville.

Because of this, when those Kaoqi fugitives wake up from adequate rest, and when they are brought to the table by the enthusiastic Montitas, the food that exudes a rich fragrance can finally reach their plates .

Enleco has been busy in the kitchen, and he actually felt it was a very interesting job.

This guy is even thinking about whether he can find a comfortable job in a restaurant.

In the distance, the noisy and loud noise gradually sounded, telling him that the banquet had already begun.

Montita's banquets have always been directly into the theme, and few people will make an annoying long speech before the banquet begins.

Enleco guessed that this would make those Kaoqi people who had arrived in this place very happy,

But Enlecco still didn't expect the banquet to enter at the beginning.

The attendant heard An Qili's order, and bucket after bucket of fragrant ale was moved out.

Enleco is very interested in the smell of this drink, but he definitely does not want to taste its taste, he has many bad memories of alcoholic beverages.

With a cry, the chef poured a lot of onions into the boiling oil pan, and then grabbed a lot of fennel and threw it in. The kitchen was full of that scent, and the assistant of the chef next to it He was holding a large basket, which was filled with large pieces of lamb chops.

Enleco watched the whole process of cooking. He was so attentive, even more serious than he used to do magic experiments.

"The Kaoqi people eat this kind of food, which really spoils the good lamb. These lamb chops should be placed on the grill. Only after grilling can they show all its deliciousness. Such good things don't need much at all. Spices, a little salt and pepper can make the full use of the delicious. "The chef complained while working.

"Everyone's taste is different. Others you like may not like it, whether it is a big thing or a small thing. Just like the Monty deity you believe in, for those Kaoqi people, it may not be acceptable. "Enlek said.

"That's also true. The coming of Holy Holy is an unparalleled miracle for us, but those Kaoqi people, even those who are kindly rescued by Holy Holy, are not as respected as we are for the great Holy. And respect. And the girl who always hangs their lips, in my opinion, is far worse than our Lord Sant. "Said the chef.

"Here please, everyone. Let me go ahead and see."

Enleco quickly found a chance to slip out, he was afraid that he would not be able to stand here again, because whether it was praise or ridicule, it made him feel uncomfortable.

Hurrying out of the kitchen in a hurry, Enleco began to hesitate, holding the mask in his hand, not knowing whether it should be put on.

Although he rescued those besieged herders on the grassland and fled Kaoqi, he used illusion to turn the mask into gold, but he did not dare to guarantee that anyone would doubt himself because of the mask.

Not wearing a mask makes Enleco even more worried. If a person who knows himself is encountered, it may be difficult to do so without revealing his identity.

After hesitating for a long time, Enleco finally put on the mask. He covered his face with the cap of the cloak.

Enleco walked toward the auditorium, he tried not to attract the attention of others.

Fortunately, at this time, most people are focused on the food in front of their eyes. For them who have traveled long distances through the desert and the endless grasslands, there is nothing like the delicious food in the dinner plate and the ale in the glass to cause them. Pay attention to something.

The noise of the noisy cups colliding one after another, as if feeling the ruggedness of the Monty Steppe, these Kaoqi people also became noisy.

Of course, all of this is Enleco ’s own feelings, but he is not very sure, maybe the Kaoqi people were originally so rugged, but what they had seen before was only their respectful and calm side.

There are also some Kaoqi people sitting on the ground, Enleco guessed that they might be the easiest to integrate into the buckle of the people of the Monty Steppe.

The bonfire piled up with blue smoke, and the hearty barbecue aroma permeated the square and could not be dissipated for a long time.

The servants standing by the campfire were holding sharp blades and busy cutting thin pieces of meat from the cattle and sheep on the barbecue. The coveted Kaoqi people had already waited by the side with the tray.

However, whenever the attendants appeared in front of the crowd with a heavy cauldron, the Kaoqi people who had originally surrounded the campfire would quickly rush back to their seats.

Obviously, the menu ordered by Enleco is more popular with these Kaoqi people than the delicious barbecue.

Seeing this and this scene, Enleco was proud in his heart.

As he walked, Enleco glanced around. The Kaoqi people in the corridor seemed familiar to him, and seemed very strange.

Several faces appeared to have appeared in his memories, but even those memories appeared rather vague.

Although the interval is only half a year, it seems that Enleco has experienced it for centuries.

Looking back, even Enleco himself had to admire, in this short year, everything he experienced was too bizarre, such a bizarre experience seems to be a legend.

As soon as he thought of this, Enleco could not help shaking his head secretly.

There were four crossings in the main auditorium of the church, and Enlecco probed his head from the most obscure exit.

He glanced at the auditorium quickly, and the two familiar figures suddenly scared him.

In the most conspicuous front row, two people were sitting side by side on top of the main seat. The man on the left was wearing a red robe. On his head was a crown of highly conspicuous senior priest. The round and chubby face, and the goatee as if it were a sign, a pair of small squinted eyes, with the most prominent thick lips.

The man on the right is extremely plain and ordinary. His face is covered with wrinkles. It is a proof of the weather. His palms are rough and powerful. The dark and oily skin proves that he has withstood the weather. Going up is like an old man.

However, Enleco was very clear that his actual age was far less old than he seemed, because he had personally told Enleco his age. At that time, they were traveling together, and they were accompanied by Dad Dato and Bertina.

The weather-beaten character was the coachman Katz, and when he saw him, Enleco immediately remembered his father.

Enlek never thought he would meet Katz again, let alone meet him in this terrible occasion.

He is also very familiar with the other person. He can't remember the name of that person, but he still remembers that person always likes to wear a hammer around his waist.

"Shammer" is the title given to him by everyone, and this funny guy is obviously extremely satisfied with it.

Enlecco will never forget this character who looks like a businessman more than a cleric. It is he who proves to himself what is true wisdom.

This guy who knew nothing about the doctrines of the gods made indelible contributions in the work of establishing patriarchy and revising the canon.

Looking at these two characters who were very familiar with him, Enleco was filled with emotion. He stood quietly at the door, looking up at the sky with his back on his back, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

The experience when he was in Chengdaville appeared again before Enleco.

It was there that he wrote the first legend, and it was also there that he questioned his life for the first time in his life.

So far, he has not found the answer to that question, and he still does not know what is the purpose of his life.

Enlecco glanced at him again, the driver Katz in the main seat and the Mr. Hammer.

Katz is still that simple, the change of status did not change his good temper, he is still the same, but now he has an indescribable thing in his expression.

I don't know why Enleco felt very familiar with it, but he couldn't grasp the ethereal feeling.

He walked quietly toward the other door. He stood in the corner of the door and listened to the conversation.

"The two gentlemen, thank you very much for bringing us that great miracle. With Qi's" Holy Water of Life "making devices, countless people on the grassland will be saved by this, Mr. Katz and Mr. Paero, you Both of them brought the sacred gospel to the Montita grassland. "Ahn's excited voice came from the auditorium.

"Oh-this is nothing at all, but Her Royal Highness, I only have a small request. I hope you can call me" Shammer "Paero, or simply call me" Shammer ". There is absolutely no problem at all. "

The Mr. "Shammer" as always asked others to pay attention to what he called him. Obviously he really liked the nickname.

"His Royal Highness, this is entirely due to the" shammer "Paero. His wisdom is second only to the Prophet and the Boss, and is highly respected by everyone." The coachman Kaz nearby said quickly.

These words obviously embarrassed the Mr. Hammer. He smiled uncomfortably and said: "Where, where, the reason why I came up with such an idea is only because I have also suffered the same losses. "

"Sir Hammer, can you tell us how you came up with this idea? In my opinion, this is definitely a proof of incomparable wisdom." An Qili immediately asked, apparently she was interested in this matter .

"How can I say this?"

"Shammer" twisted the fat body nervously and said, "Speaking of this matter will remind me of another thing that makes me very angry."

As Mr. Shen Hao said, his anger even made the loud noise in the auditorium disappear.

"I originally had a real hammer, which was a gift from the great prophet, and I cherished this hammer very much, but it attracted a greedy thief, and now I think it hurts .

You know, the hammer is one of the collections of the era of the magic empire excavated by the prophet on the grassland. All other collections are strictly confined in the royal palace, and only the one in my hands is lost.

But it was this thing that inspired me. The princess palace should not be very clear. Since the court sent people to take control of County Strell, all life holy water production devices have been tightly controlled in the hands of the army. Only the prophet himself made it. The first device for making holy water for life was used as a display and placed in the memorial hall. Although the memorial hall has also been closed, the guards are not very strict.

Just like the thieves stole the hammer from my hands, Brother Katz and I also managed to steal the holy water production device of life, and we are so familiar with this great work made by the Prophet personally, so we created an identical There is no problem with the fakes. Since the memorial hall was closed, there have never been any performances made from the holy water of life, so I am not afraid of being dismantled by others. "

Speaking of which, this Mr. "Shammer" seemed more and more excited and more proud. Other people obviously heard the whole thing for the first time, and praises were heard from all directions.

"I am worthy of the wisdom of the" shammer "."

"It is worthy of being the third wise man after the prophet and the boss."

The voice of praise made this "Shammer" very intoxicated. In fact, besides the "Shammer", what he cared about most was the title of the third wise man. Others such as status and wealth did not. Put in his eyes

"Adult Prophet must have referred to Mr. Enlecco, but who is the elder referee? Is it the old prime minister, Mr. Ross?" Duck couldn't help asking.

"No, no, although Lord Rose is also respected by us, but for us, the elders are more respected and admired. In fact, the reputation of the elders in Struer and several nearby counties is second only to the goddess of protection. Miss Feinacia, the Virgin Lady Bertina and the Prophet Enleco.

'In us, whether it is a believer in the goddess of life or a believer in the military god, the old man is called the Dakoto Venerable, and the civilian people prefer to call him dad. I do n’t know. He is the greatest hero in County Strell. His graveyard always has flowers for him. ’

Speaking of which, 'Shammer' pointed to the Kaz around him: 'In fact, no one knows Daddy better than Mr. Kaz. They used to travel together, and Mr. Kaz has always been the oldest daddy. Faithful and trusted assistant. ’

Enlecco, who was standing outside his mouth, peered out and saw that Katz had already burst into tears. He gently raised his right hand and wore a common brass finger on his right index finger.

Enleco recognized it at a glance, and that was exactly what Daddy Dakot left behind. On this brass finger guard, he preserved his most sincere feelings and the memories of his life.

Enlecco felt his eyes were a little wet, and he once again shook his head back, pressing his back against the wall to try to calm down.

= Funny is what Dad left behind, except for only some luggage. Before his death, Dad spent all his savings in the feat of changing County Strell, every inch of land in Chengdaville His blood and sweat flowed. "At this point, Katz became sobbing, and the sorrow seemed to spread to every Kaoqi who heard it.

Softly sobbing and crying, instead of the noise and laughter just now.

Enleco, who stood outside his mouth, seemed to be infected as well. He also felt very sad in his heart.

He finally remembered the elusive feeling when he saw Katz just now.

In fact, it was the figure of the father.

Enleco was gratified that Katz had obviously inherited his father's ambition. Perhaps it was the brass finger guard that was put on Katz's finger, so that the father was able to use his spirit And the inheritance of will continues.

"What about Miss Yun? As far as I know, she is also an amazing person. I wanted to see her. I had many things to ask her for advice." An Jili asked suddenly, she His words apparently slightly prevented the spread of sadness.

"Your Royal Highness, you are right. Xiaoyun girl is indeed respected by everyone. In fact, this escape operation was proposed by Xiaoyun girl. Originally she should flee with us, but because of some accidents, little Girl Yun was summoned to Beijing and she sacrificed herself in order not to defeat the entire flight. "

"Shen Hao" sighed for a long time and said: "Little Yun girl doesn't leave, her parents also refuse to leave, and I feel a little bit sad about these thoughts."

There was silence again in the auditorium, and the "Mr. Hammer" apparently also found that what he had just said would definitely not help to improve this bad atmosphere.

Mr. "Shammer" looked around. He wanted to find a topic that would make the atmosphere lively.

"His Royal Highness, I must say that your hospitality made me feel very warm, and the food you prepared for us also made me feel very intimate. In the Kingdom of Montita, I can actually taste the same delicious food as home. I have to say that you have an excellent chef. The Kaoqi dishes he cooks are very authentic. The deliciousness of these dishes even reminds me of Vedsk. Only the most high-end restaurants can make such exquisite restaurants. Food. "Mr." Shammer "said with a smile.

"It's a great honour for me to like you, but you haven't completely guessed it right. It's not that our chefs are skilled, they are good at the dishes of Montita, but I have an amazing banquet. In general, he has extensive knowledge and has traveled many places.

In fact, we did not know that he was good at cooking. This is a versatile character. He has countless amazing talents. Before that, we only knew that he had unparalleled experience in sword creation, the **** he created. The weapon can even be compared with the Great Magister Carritt. An Qili said with a smile.

"Oh--then am I lucky enough to get to know this amazing person? By the way, I would also like to thank him most sincerely." The Mr. "Shammer" said with excitement, his smile echoed everywhere in the auditorium sound.

"Go and invite Mr. Le Kress here. I would like to invite him to meet the VIPs from afar." Anjili whispered, and the attendant next to him promised to go outside.

Enlecco also heard the sound of summoning. He turned his head and wanted to leave. He didn't expect to have a servant standing behind him.

"Princess An Qili is calling you, don't you hear?"

The servant asked, puzzled, with a large pot in his hand, which was filled with fragrant and rich sirloin.

Enleco hesitated a little, the summoned waiter had already walked out of the auditorium, and a call made Enleco unable to escape anymore.

Enleco glanced at the attendant holding the cauldron. He grabbed the copper pan and put it in his hand.

Holding the copper pot, Enleco walked into the auditorium, and his appearance made everyone feel incredible.

For An Qili and Duck, it is difficult for the two of them to understand why their friends wear that mask?

Angelique and Duck had heard Le Kres talk about the reason for wearing the mask. When he stole the Holy Grail, he had been attacked by small things with screams.

This unexpected attack gave him the magical ability to use the Holy Grail to ignite the sacred light in the temple, and even An Qili dreamed of praying for the miracles granted by the gods.

The high princess even regretted this deeply, and it was regret that it was Le Kress, not herself, who obtained this power.

But this also gave Le Kress intractable damage ~ ~ Since then his body can no longer accept the power of divine magic, and the weakest light will make him feel pain, even small things It is impossible to explain this matter, which is obviously beyond the knowledge instilled in her mind by the God of Wisdom.

Because of this, when Enleco was in the temple, he had to wear a thick mask and wear a cloak that was extremely tightly covered.

For the huge cloak that looked more like a robe, Angelique and Duck didn't feel anything incredible. In fact, Duck liked the costume very much, and because of this, he also sewed a piece like this. The cloak, and always wear it, even now.

But that mask is a bit strange. This is not a temple, and there is no trace of divine power.

For Mr. "Shammer" and other Kaoqi people, Enleco's costume is full of weirdness and mystery.

In addition to this, the "Mother Hammer" also vaguely felt a familiar breath.

The extremely elegant posture of walking, the thin body and the low size made him feel very familiar, but he couldn't remember, who was so similar to the person in front of him?

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