Made in Hollywood

Chapter 874 Who Hired to Kill Vin Diesel

Fighting against Hollywood is a worldwide issue. How to deal with the strong invasion of Hollywood movies is a problem that most countries and regions in the world must seriously consider when developing local movies. Local films must be screened for no less than the prescribed number of days.

The quota system restricts Hollywood films in the field of market circulation and opens up living space for local films. In the field of production, many countries also have specific support and subsidy policies for local film production.

Specific to different countries, the policy details of quotas or subsidies are different, but most of them have established a mechanism through legislation that can operate effectively and is basically accepted by domestic filmmakers, domestic audiences and Hollywood. Such protection measures will not seriously violate the principle of free competition in the market economy, nor will they brutally infringe on the audience's right to choose to watch movies.

The film quota system, known as "" in English, means that a country's government must pass legislation to force domestic theaters to show local films for no less than a specified number of days each year. This is currently a common method used by many countries to fight against Hollywood.

The UK first implemented the film quota system in 1927, and the most famous film quota system is South Korea. South Korea’s film quota system is also called the compulsory release system of domestic films. Since 1996, the South Korean government has legislated to stipulate that each cinema in the country Each hall must show Korean movies for more than 146 days a year.

In France, in addition to the strict quota system, the government has also formulated many policies to support local film production. Local films can enjoy corresponding subsidies from the beginning of script creation to shooting and distribution. The funding mainly comes from the commission of theater revenue . There is also a part from the special award fund set up by the state.

In addition, France will impose a special tax on the box office of Hollywood movies, which will be used to cultivate local French film talents and support local film creation.

To a certain extent, just like insisting that movies are not classified, the domestic protection month can be described as simple and rude. It can be called a time-saving and labor-saving method of big scissors.

And the most critical point, whether it is the quota system for the projection side or the support subsidy for the production side, these specific policies to protect local films are clearly stipulated through legislation in most countries.

As for the big scissors, it directly publicly declared that it has never set up a domestic protection month...

Some of the treatment "The Dark Knight Rises" received in the Chinese market. Duke can't do anything, and compared to the Chinese market, the chaotic North America has already involved too much energy for him, and he has no time to pay too much attention to the overseas situation.

After the time shifted to Monday, "The Dark Knight Rises" ushered in its first working day. The box office on that day plummeted by more than 50% compared to Sunday, closing at US$22.14 million.

After this period of fermentation, the impact of the shooting incident on "The Dark Knight Rises" has become more and more obvious.

"If the current situation continues."

Sitting in the reception room of the eye-shaped villa, Pani Kelisi, a public relations expert, frowned. "The North American box office trend of "The Dark Knight Rises" is not optimistic."

"So, we have to find a way to divert the attention of the media and the public." Duke rubbed his forehead with a headache. "If a sensational incident can break out at this time, the pressure on us and "The Dark Knight Rises" will be reduced a lot."

Penny Kelly looked through the window and looked towards the gate of the manor, "Didn't Tina go to see Li Peisi?"

Duke nodded slightly. "Hope Tina brings some good news."

Like all the super-rich, Duke has a good relationship with the Los Angeles authorities, especially the Los Angeles County Police Department. Tina Fey went to downtown Los Angeles early this morning to meet with County Police Chief Lee Pace. It is said that James Hall There are some unexpected developments in James' case. Before the next case briefing, Li Peisi will take the lead in revealing some relevant news to Duke.

That way, Duke and Warner Bros. will have more time to prepare.

At about noon, Tina Fey rushed back to Malibu, and before she entered the reception room, she said, "During the interrogation by the police, James Holmes claimed that Vin Diesel's car accident last year was not It was an accident, but a well-planned murder, and he was the direct perpetrator!"

"What?" Penny Kelly seemed incredulous at the news, "Vin Diesel was murdered?"

Compared to Pani Kelis, Duke seemed calmer. Now that Li Pace revealed this news to Tina Fey, he must have a lot of confidence.

He nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, then stood up and walked to the window, looking outside, his brain spinning rapidly.

Why did James Holmes attack Vin Diesel?

There is obviously something wrong with this person's thinking, which can be seen from his behavior of imitating the clown, and it is not surprising to speculate based on this.

The question is, what James Holmes is after is the sensational effect of the clown, so why has he killed Vin Diesel so quietly until now? This is obviously inconsistent with his behavior in the Santa Monica Commercial Plaza.

Duke told Tina Fey and Penny Kellys about the idea.

Pani Kelis is seventy years old and has experienced more things. He just thought about it and said, "Then there is another possibility that James Holmes is just an implementer, not a planner. "

Tina Fey added, "It may also be employment. If it is employment, it will also explain why James Holmes, an unemployed person, has a large amount of money to buy weapons and ammunition."

Sitting back on his sofa, Duke couldn't help tapping the armrest of the sofa lightly.

"If hired, who hired them?"

Tina Fei's words caused all three people in the reception room to fall into thinking.

After five minutes, Duke said slowly, "Whoever benefits the most will have the greatest chance."

Tina Fey and Penny Kellys glanced at each other and couldn't help thinking of a name, but was it really possible?

This is just speculation, Duke will not make any noise about this, he thought for a while and said, "Inform Warner's people about the progress of the case, let Warner's media get ready, and wait for the police to officially announce the news, it is best to let Vin Diesel Died by murder to dilute the current public opinion pressure on "The Dark Knight Rises."

Tina Fey nodded slightly.

Duke also urged, "You keep in touch with Lee Pace, and you can use all the resources we can use to put pressure on the Los Angeles police to let their investigation of James Holmes continue."

The laws of this country are indeed perfect, and there is also the so-called judicial independence, but the distance from fairness, openness and justice is as far away as the earth to the Zenith star, and the Los Angeles County Police Department will be affected too much.

Even Vin Diesel's murder is not out of the question.

Today, the focus of the national media is still the Santa Monica Plaza shooting incident. However, compared with the previous few days, there are still voices of reflection in the media. The positions of these voices are relatively fair. What they said is in Duke’s view. Not without reason.

The gunshots off the screen echoed in American theaters again. There was no superman to turn the tide, and no superhero fell from the sky.

Yes, just scattered popcorn, panicked crowds and blaring sirens.

The inexplicable and tragic violence once again brings the topic of "whether movies should review themselves for spawning violence" to the table. This is not the first time people have committed crimes because of movies or imitating movies: Group imitates "Italian Mission" Committing crimes, American youth John Hinckley assassinated Reagan for Jodie Foster, "Natural Born Killers" brought adoring imitators...

Up to now, the tragedies are no longer pure murders, attacks and explosions, but challenge the social order by creating public chaos. This kind of ideological anti-civilization and anarchic tendency is ready to emerge.

Under the spectacle violence of Hollywood, imitating the violence on the screen has become a kind of escalating normality. Then, are the many elements involved in the narrative—media, communication, audience, and epistemology—all to blame?

In today's mass media, violence is often entertained, flooded, and aestheticized. Although there is still not enough evidence to confirm that there is a connection between violent scenes in movies or TV and violent tendencies, what is certain is that a person Prepared to commit crimes, watching these movies may be influenced by the movies to push criminal emotions to a breaking point, leading to committing atrocities.

In this regard, many people in Hollywood also stood up and expressed their views.

Harvey Weinstein advocated seriously in front of the camera that Hollywood filmmakers should sit down and review the impact of violence in Hollywood movies on people and the role filmmakers play in it.

The media headed by the "New York Post" supported this view-our current movies are surrounded by blood and violence, and Hollywood should pay for it.

On the other hand, "Time" magazine stood up and supported Batman, thinking that this innocent movie just suffered a baptism of coincidence and tragedy-don't blame Batman, criminals always grab a thing at random for their twisted behavior Justify.

And related psychiatrists also said, "It is not true that a young man kills someone after watching a violent movie and he thinks it is cool. The motive for the crime is insufficient. Something must have happened in his life that prompted him to commit a crime, but now We don't know yet."

Are Movies Responsible for Violent Crimes? Are movies really to blame for this? Even Harvey Weinstein, who called for the reduction of visual violence, expressed his doubts. He knows that the aesthetics of violence is often inseparable from creation, style and splendor. "I have produced many violent movies, and sometimes I suddenly feel that 'I Can't do it again, please cut these scenes'. But you know, you have to respect the director's creation, and it's a difficult question."

This difficult problem, this unbalanced situation, like all the paradoxes in the world, cannot be concluded.

As a result, a debate about the guilt of movie violence broke out across the United States. (to be continued ~^~)

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