Made in Hollywood

Chapter 801 The best era of superhero movies

"The Loki who came to the earth is much stronger than the one in God's Domain. Because the ambitious Loki is making troubles on the earth, Thor, the older brother, obviously can't stand idly by. Although other people in the alliance don't think so, the Thor, who values ​​family affection, firmly believes in him. My brother will change his mind eventually."

At the latest media briefing, Duke revealed some new news to the outside world, and also officially informed the public that the first enemy the Avengers will face will be the most attractive villain in the first stage of Marvel, Luo. base.

Tom Hiddleston immediately became the target of the media, and he was also interviewed according to the publicity strategy drawn up by the crew.

"Locky is like a chess master, already more than ten moves ahead, playing with everyone to the applause."

Facing media reporters, Tom Hiddleston said, "I only found out this month that I will be joining The Avengers. Duke just showed me the script. When I first read the script, I was completely addicted and read it all in one go. All, it’s amazing that Duke managed to juggle so many characters and write something fresh, and the Avengers script is the best superhero script I’ve ever read.”

In addition to these publicity actions, the preparatory work of the crew is in full swing.

Several superheroes in the film will redesign their shapes. Compared with Captain America, Steve Rogers’ costumes have changed. The newly designed new suits of the costume group will be more convenient for action, especially the hood and the book. The painting is more similar, rather than a silly helmet, Iron Man also has a new set of armor, and the image of the Hulk Hulk has also undergone a new design, which is different from any previous version.

Thor's costume is more angular than before, and even takes off the cape for the first time to reveal his muscular arms.

The iconic base of S.H.I.E.L.D. - the model and set construction of the Helicarrier has also basically completed the design work. The scene will be built on a sound stage in Warner Studios, which looks like an aircraft carrier. But different from ordinary warships, Duke hopes to show this important element in the history of the Avengers and give fans a truly thrilling experience when the mothership soars into the sky.

In addition, another classic in the comics, the Quinjet Jet, also produced the first version of the model. The Quinjet Jet is the vehicle used by the Avengers to travel to and from the Helicarrier and in combat. Its design is in the same line as the Helicarrier. The latter technology is also used in Quinjet jets.

But at the same time, the shape of the cockpit, the engine on the back, and the weaponry of the Quinjet will also make people feel that it can also appear in contemporary times.

The film scene design team also needs to "make up" a studio into a location in Stuttgart, Germany. In order to create a realistic and authentic effect, the set team made a lot of German signs and added "beer" to the studio. garden".

also. Some actors also put forward a lot of constructive suggestions to Duke and Marvel Studios.

Clark Gregg, who plays Coulson's agent, is not just an actor. During the shooting of the film, he took the initiative to ask Duke to write a script for the follow-up story of "Avengers". In 2008, "Suffocation" was a small test, which showed his talent in screenwriting.

Duke and Marvel were also interested in his proposal. Prepare to appropriately TV-television some of Marvel’s works, such as Peggy Carter’s life after leaving Steve Rogers, such as some of the daily work of S.H.I.E.L.D., and let them serve as supplements to the entire world view.

In Marvel's decades of comic history. The lineup of the Avengers has changed again and again, and newcomers are constantly joining. At the same time, with the departure of the old man, a civil war broke out between Iron Man and Captain America.

However, no matter how the team changes in form, its inner spirit remains the same. When the world is shrouded in the cloud of crisis, they will join hands and embark on a new journey. Of course, the familiar slogan remains unchanged-"Avengers, assemble!"

Duke is well aware that the best era of superhero movies has come.

In Hollywood, musicals, westerns, epics, and action films have each led for more than ten years. Superhero movies adapted from comics, the "Superman" and "Batman" series were briefly popular in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1989 "Batman" also won the North American annual championship with 251 million US dollars. After entering the 21st century with mature computer special effects technology, this type of film is slowly ushering in a better era.

Today, humans have already landed on the moon, probes have also landed on Mars, the Internet and mobile digital devices are everywhere, communication and transportation are unprecedentedly convenient, information is almost infinitely free, and the power and influence of science and technology extend to every corner of civilization.

In such an era, superheroes will inevitably become the protagonists on the big screens of global movies, but why do people like such contemporary myths?

In today's Hollywood, there is an unavoidable fact that original science fiction movies have declined sharply, accompanied by the rise of superhero movies.

Since 1977, sci-fi movies have been the box office darling of Hollywood, and this genre has given birth to countless classic commercial blockbusters. Now, this position is gradually giving way to superhero movies. This kind of movie is adapted from the comics that were once popular in the United States, and it mixes action, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi genres, and gradually becomes a global commercial movie.

In fact, in the past, Hollywood did not rely on aliens and masked superheroes to make money at all. Musicals, Westerns, epics, and long-lasting action movies were all favorites in the eyes of filmmakers. .

Times have changed, and superheroes have become the new idols of the post-industrial era. Superheroes from comics are, in some respects, the creations of American cowboy spirits entering the city and possessing modern culture.

When Americans established themselves from the deserted wilderness and walked into the modern city, converted to law and order, modern industry oppressed people from the vast land to the industrial assembly line. Urban civilization requires everyone to be like the movie "Modern Times" or " Workers in Metropolis become vassals of machines, and people can no longer ride horses into the world, can no longer flout unreasonable legal rules like old cowboys, and can no longer experience the mysterious power of primitive myths and legends.

People in the city need a new kind of hero, which is more gorgeous, exaggerated, magical, and richer and more secretive than the previous ones. This kind of hero must surpass the constraints of the mechanical and electronic age, become a new myth, and carry a new era. The dream of Superman, Batman and later superheroes fulfilled it all.

More importantly, this kind of superhero can be produced in large quantities and continuously on the assembly line. There are various types of styles to choose from, but they can be bought for only pennies. Is there a "simple version of the Bible" that is more accessible, more interesting, and more comforting to the soul than this?

Especially in the United States where the economy continues to be depressed after 9/11, the public needs new and more flesh-and-blood screen heroes to bring them a sense of security, the return of the American spirit, and the shining modern technology and fashion idols. Interestingly, 2002, when the "Spider-Man" movie was popular, happened to be stuck in the second year after "9/11".

It has to be said that the social situation created this film to a certain extent.

"The Avengers" is completely different from traditional Hollywood sci-fi movies. In Duke's design, this movie doesn't even need the stories that sci-fi movies rely on very much. The whole movie has almost no story at all, just a bunch of super freaks A process from being independent to establishing teamwork, and then frantically spawning monsters.

In other words, the world view of this film is far more important than telling the story.

In the past, science fiction movies and superhero movies were basically attracted by stories and characters. For example, "Star Wars" in 1977 told the story of a young man who was summoned to leave a remote planet to participate in a cosmic justice. In the battle against evil, he finally became a hero.

Classic genre movies are all like this. Personalized characters and fascinating stories, coupled with genre features such as exciting car chases, tense gun battles, gorgeous special effects, etc., constitute the main attractions and selling points of the movies.

"Avatar" in 2009 can be regarded as a turning point. James Cameron made a revolutionary movie with a seemingly very old story routine.

This kind of revolution is not only in the 3D trend, but more importantly in the world view it constructs: social structure, setting, modeling, character relationship, etc., the audience is substituted into the new world in the film, fully immersed in its grand and realistic visual display , movie audiences no longer even consume stories and actors, but begin to consume a technology, a worldview.

Before this, the "Harry Potter" series, the "Lord of the Rings" series, the "Star Wars" series, and many science fiction, fantasy, and superhero movies have actually developed in this way, and "Avatar" is a milestone.

Undoubtedly, Duke’s grand plan of Marvel, promoted and formulated based on previous experience, has gone further than "Avatar". He and Marvel have developed a series of films that developed linearly into a network structure, each Superheroes are like a small star in the starry sky. They reflect each other and form a grand world system.

Every new Marvel movie can be seen as a sequel to the previous movie, a side story, and a trailer for the next movie.

Where is the script and setting of "The Avengers"? Is the story good? Are the characters rich and connotative? The answer must be no. Its most successful part is that for the first time, many superheroes with different personalities, different superpowers, and superheroes from different worlds are harmoniously put into one universe.

Speaking of these, I have to mention the great role of the Easter eggs in Marvel movies. The Easter eggs in the entire Marvel Universe series of movies are not dispensable things, but the latitude and longitude lines connecting various independent superhero movies. (to be continued ~^~)

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