Made in Hollywood

Chapter 799: The Avengers' Network Moments

In fact, a movie like "The Avengers" also has an advantage, that is, the audience is familiar with the characters in it, because they have seen the previous movies, so there is no need for Duke to explain or explain these characters in this movie. It is interpretation, the film can directly cut into the plot and tell the story.

Whether it is the character of the characters or the position of the superheroes, it has long been a well-known fact. In this case, Duke has nothing to avoid, and there is not much nonsense to say. Tell the story directly, without any foreshadowing, let the audience see the climax from the beginning, and keep this high emotion, that's good.

The meeting didn't last long, except for Scarlett Johansson who stayed and waited for Duke, everyone left soon.

Duke is still in talks with Kevin Feige about the announcement.

"Kevin, we need to think more about publicity."

After thinking for a while, Duke said to Kevin Fitch, "I have a suggestion. Nowadays, online social platforms have shortened the distance between people and accelerated the speed of information flow. I think Marvel can share it in real time. And on Twitter, set up a special account for its superheroes, and form a unique circle of friends."

Hearing Duke's words, Kevin Fitch's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea, I will ask the propaganda department to come up with a practical plan as soon as possible."

After leaving Marvel Studios, Duke first sent Scarlett to a fitness club, just like Jeremy Renner specially found an Olympic archery champion to train him in archery. To play Black Widow well, Scarlett must Do some training again.

Here, Duke is preparing for the film, and on the other hand, his promotional suggestions were quickly put into actual operation by Marvel Pictures.

Ruen Weber is a very common instant sharing user who logs in to his account almost every day. Or send out some of your own remarks, or check other people's views.

Today, he opened the instant sharing software on his phone, and suddenly saw the account of a person with an interesting name, which was hung on a prominent position in the software. This name is well known in the United States—Tony Stark.

Tony Stark? iron Man? When did Iron Man enable instant sharing?

This was Ruen Weber's first thought. Then, without hesitation, he clicked on this person's account.

Every instant sharing user can upload a picture as an avatar, and this account named Tony Stark, the picture is the image in the movie.

What is this doing? Ruen Weber was a little confused, so he had no choice but to continue reading. There was still a message from Tony Stark on this account.

"Today, I was driving Xiaojiao's car and accidentally crashed it. Tomorrow, I will ask Happy to order a Lincoln Navigator for her. Or a cruise ship? Please give me some advice."

Ruen Weber scratched his head, and saw that several people had already liked this comment, and their names were——Bruce Banner, Happy, Natasha Normanoff, and Pepper Botts.

They also left a reply.

Bruce Banner: "My motorcycle crashed too."

Natasha Normanoff: "Tony, you know women very well."

Happy: "Got it! Boss!"

Pepper Potts: "Tony, you are enough for me."

at the same time. Crystal Turner is watching Bruce Banner's instant sharing.

"I can't calm down these days. I understand that I can't be impetuous. I bought a lot of healing books on the Internet. I hope they can help. In addition, every time I talk to Natasha, I feel so relieved. I feel very at ease."

Natasha Normanoff and Steve Rogers liked this post.

Steve Rogers: "Professor. You can control yourself. Believe in yourself."

Natasha Normanoff: "You're welcome, Bruce, I'm glad I could help you."

Clint Barton: "Did something happen between you?"

Natasha Normanoff: "It's not what you think!"

the other side. After Ruen Webb followed Tony Stark, he opened Loki's instant sharing.

"A new plan is brewing, hehehehe..."

No one likes it, but there are quite a few people who leave a message.

Tony Stark: "When we catch you, can you still hehehe?"

Thunder God Thor: "Brother, wake up, hurry up and go back to God's Domain with brother!"

Natasha Normanoff: "Thor, you should wake up!"

Steve Rogers: "I understand Thor, like me and Bucky."

Bucky Barnes: "Captain, it's not appropriate to say..."

These aroused Ruen Weber's great interest, and he opened the instant sharing of Hawkeye Clint Barton, who has always been very concerned.

"I've been under a lot of pressure recently. I understand that I'm the most ordinary of the Avengers, but I'm well-trained and I don't want to bow my head anyway, especially in front of Xiaona...Although Natasha is a bit weird recently, I don't know if it is It's not that I'm thinking too much."

Similarly, the following is a series of people's messages.

Natasha Normanoff: "Clint, you're thinking too much!"

Tony Stark: "He didn't think much, it's good to be self-aware."

Steve Rogers: "You're not an ordinary person, trust me."

Natasha Normanoff: " shut up!"

Clint Barton: "..."

Not only these well-known figures, Christo Turner also easily saw the instant sharing account of Iron Man's bodyguard Happy.

"When I walked into the boss's lab, I heard the boss and Jarvis say something I wasn't supposed to hear, something like 'I need can't leave me'" That's not I...Tony...I'm splitting''Jarvis...stop making excuses...I love you so much''Then I'd better split up'...

The message seemed to make Iron Man furious, and he responded with a message: "Happy, do you think your salary is too high?"

Pepper Potts: "Tony, is what Happy said true?"

Tony Stark: "Pepper, don't get me wrong... I only love you..."

Natasha Normanov: "Tony, the whole world knows about your flirtatiousness. I never expected that you and Jarvis..."

Steve Rogers: "I'll just take a look, I don't have an opinion."

Not only the real-time sharing above, but also the exclusive accounts of these people on Twitter. In just a few weeks, the social accounts of Marvel characters have become the focus of attention on the Internet. Countless fans follow their accounts and like their posts. Leave a message, forward their remarks, it seems that such a group of people really exist in the world.

This incident also attracted a lot of attention from traditional media, and CNN also made a special report.

"A few days ago, on a number of popular social networking sites and social software, the circle of friends of the Avengers Alliance appeared - imagine what will happen to the circle of friends of the Avengers members when they all use social software... how much Funny comparison? Mutual pinching? Mutual assistance? Moments of friends are closely related to "The Avengers" and the second phase of Marvel Studios' plan, becoming the focus of fans and netizens..."

Taking advantage of the upsurge caused by the publicity, after communicating with Duke, Marvel Pictures, together with the distributor Warner Bros., officially announced the North American release time of "The Avengers" - the first weekend of the 2012 summer vacation in May. 5th.

Once this news was released, many films and film companies that intend to set a schedule for this time period adjusted their schedules one after another.

Without thinking, Sony Columbia Pictures moved Spider-Man's reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, to June.

Twentieth Century Fox, which has been waiting for Warner Bros. to announce the release date, breathed a sigh of relief and arranged for its "Prometheus" to be released in July.

Universal Pictures' "Teddy Bear" was originally scheduled for early May. After receiving the news, the management of Universal Pictures simply postponed the film's release to the second half of the year.

Major companies and producers are avoiding "The Avengers", but not everyone in this world is afraid of colliding with Duke and his films. There is no lack of brave warriors in any world .

"My point is clear!"

Standing at the conference table of Sky Movie Studios, David Ellison said loudly to everyone, "The schedule of "Fast and Furious 5" will start next year's summer schedule! We choose the first episode of "The Avengers" Two weekends of drag racing and crazy action to cut Duke Rosenberg's second-weekend box office!"


A representative of Universal Pictures, the copyright owner of the film, disagreed with such an approach, "Why does "Fast and Furious 5" confront Duke Rosenberg and "The Avengers" head-on?"

Almost all the investment in this film comes from David Ellison, otherwise Universal Pictures would have stood up and vetoed his words.

Vin Diesel with a bald head stood up. He looked around at all the actors present and said, "Do you think all of us together can't compare to Duke Rosenberg?"

Ever since he was publicly ridiculed by the media as a 'sissy', Vin Diesel has been waiting for an opportunity to suppress Duke Rosenberg head-on. He chose to cooperate with David Ellison. The other party has sufficient funds. On the other hand, this person has the courage to confront Duke Rosenberg head-on.

After all, Universal Pictures only invested a small amount of money in the film, and the representative was lacking in confidence. After arguing for a few words, he simply closed his mouth. Anyway, the film is successful, and Universal Pictures can make enough profits by relying on the copyright. If the film fails, Universal has little to lose.

The meeting quickly reached an agreement under the strong impetus of David Ellison and Vin Diesel, and "Fast and Furious 5" will be released on the second weekend of "The Avengers".

Others left the meeting room one after another, and the representative from Universal stayed behind.

"The promotion of "The Avengers" is very hot at present!" He said to David Ellison, ""Fast and Furious 5" must also find a way in terms of publicity."

David Ellison naturally understood this truth, and his eyes couldn't help looking through the glass on the meeting room door, and fell on Vin Diesel's bald head. (to be continued ~^~)

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